Mac Pro Switching off repeatedly

I have a 4,1 Mac Pro, with 5 Gb Ram. Under heavy load it began turning off about 15 days ago; it seemed to be a temperature issue, because it occurred during the warmest hours of the day, (I have to say that I checked the temperatures with iStat and everything seems to be normal, the CPU temp never passed 77 ºC, and the computer went off at about 60º) I waited a little and then it began working normally. It happened two or three times in these two weeks, and then, last friday, I was working on some C4D renderings, it turned off and wouldn't turn on again.
On Monday, it worked perfectly fine during the whole day, but on Wednesday I ran the hardware test and got three different results.
The first time, I ran a short test, and showed no problems at all.
For a second try, I ran the extended test, and the computer turned off; I opened the side cover, waited a few minutes, turned it on again and about 15 minutes later i got a hardware error message:
I thought it had something to do with the memory modules, so I took off the 2 Gb DIMM that did not come with the machine originally.
I ran the test again and it showed no problems at all. I did a test with C4D and with After Effects and the machine worked fine.
This morning, just a couple of minutes after I turned it on, I was watching a video somebody sent me by e mail, and the computer went off; I ran the hardware test and it turned off again; I opened the side cover, set again the 2 Gb memory module in the place it was before, left the cover open, and it passed the extended test with no problems, and i have been using it for almost an hour and a half with no issues.
Has somebody suffered from this before?

Just tha thought, but when was the last time you blew the dust out of your machine?

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    The MacBook Pro boots fine in 10.5.8, and loads the Logic project without any faults. The only issue is that a CPU shortage occurs when you attempt to play the sequence.
    Like you suggested, I performed separate UB installations of all the needed software on the MBP solely so I could move Logic projects from one computer to the next without a hitch. (Actually, DropBox does this for me). Migration assistant was not employed in this process due to the PPC / Intel issues you noted.
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    You will have to take the computer to the Apple store to have it checked out.

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    Hello again,
    it seems I have solved the problem myself. In system preferences, Security and Privacy, General, I deselected Ask for a password after … minutes …. Now the computer goes to standby normally, and of course does not ask for a password any more after waking. I still do not understand why choosing this option should make putting into standby impossible.
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    Mac Pro 8 core
    Xeon 5400 2nd Generation Early 2008
    10 GB RAM
    1 TB HD

    The SMC especially on the very first 2-3 months of Early 2008.
    Use to suffer from a "restart on wake from sleep" issue.
    Some one told me that is not what "inrush current issue" is but that is what I (and couple others) called it.
    Best to always have a workstation on 1500VA UPS.
    Not share the outlet or cirucit even with anything major.
    Yes it could I guess, poor phrase, but put more stress on PSU over time as a result also.
    Methods to reset SMC have varied and changed over time. Thanks to web not all the revisions and older versions are kept online though to compare to.
    Stories of people going on vacation etc for two weeks to come back to a "dead" Mac Pro started showing up in 2007.
    If it had an actual SMC button, use that to reset.
    If not, leaving it totally disconnected, and all external cables and such over-night, not for the mere 5-10 minutes.
    Unplug but then press and hold power button for 8-10 seconds. And only once. And not to be done repeatedly. That was SMC Reset #3.
    I know the 2007 8-core 3GHz had a different PSU than the smaller models.
    2008 high end was 8-core 3.2GHz 5400 (stock was 2.8GHz 4 or 8-core)
    FBDIMMs draw between 10W up to 15W each, so possible to have 8 DIMMs drawing 120W when maxed out. And heat. I always recommend Mac Pro use fan control to boost the fans a small 400 rpm to expel heat better and keep FBDIMM temps down. Heat, and temperature fluxuations stress and weaken components.
    Other than AHT and the tools that a Apple Certified center should have, not much other than to swap out parts, monitor - iStatPro or Hardware Monitor -
    And because of all this, I would setup a test system so you have a freshly formatted and installed OS and take it from there, with a better chance.
    ATI 2600XT still? or upgraded?

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    Take it to an Apple store or AASP.

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    Howdy generatech,
    To help resolve or troubleshoot the issue with these monitors intermitently turning off on their own, I would use this part of the following article:
    Apple computers: Troubleshooting issues with video on internal or external displays - Apple Support
    Try unplugging the video adapter or cable and then plug it back in.
    If more than one video adapter is in use (or "daisy-chained"), troubleshoot by using only one adapter.
    Example: A mini DisplayPort to DVI adapter connected to a DVI to HDMI adapter is an unsupported configuration because there is a series of adapters in use.
    Reset the system
    You can reset the Mac's parameter RAM and SMC.
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    All the very best,

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    3/26/14 10:15:17.103 AM ([634]) Exited with code: 1
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    System Software Overview:
      System Version:          Mac OS X 10.7.5 (11G63)
      Kernel Version:          Darwin 11.4.2
      Boot Volume:          Wells
      Boot Mode:          Normal
      Computer Name:          MacPro
      User Name:(windshadow)
      Secure Virtual Memory:          Enabled
      64-bit Kernel and Extensions:          No
      Time since boot:          36 minutes
    Hardware Overview:
      Model Name:          Mac Pro
      Model Identifier:          MacPro1,1
      Processor Name:          Dual-Core Intel Xeon
      Processor Speed:          3 GHz
      Number of Processors:          2
      Total Number of Cores:          4
      L2 Cache (per Processor):          4 MB
      Memory:          6 GB
      Bus Speed:          1.33 GHz
      Boot ROM Version:          MP11.005C.B08
      SMC Version (system):          1.7f10
    ATI Radeon HD 4870:
      Chipset Model:          ATI Radeon HD 4870
      Type:          GPU
      Bus:          PCIe
      Slot:          Slot-1
      PCIe Lane Width:          x16
      VRAM (Total):          512 MB
      Vendor:          ATI (0x1002)
      Device ID:          0x9440
      Revision ID:          0x0000
      ROM Revision:          113-B7710C-176
      EFI Driver Version:          01.00.318
    LED Cinema Display:
      Display Type:          LCD
      Resolution:          1920 x 1200
      Pixel Depth:          32-Bit Color (ARGB8888)
      Display Serial Number:          2A92311M0K0
      Main Display:          Yes
      Mirror:          Off
      Online:          Yes
      Rotation:          Supported
      Connection Type:          DisplayPort
    Cinema HD:
      Display Type:          LCD
      Resolution:          1920 x 1200
      Pixel Depth:          32-Bit Color (ARGB8888)
      Display Serial Number:          2A62420GUG0
      Mirror:          Off
      Online:          Yes
      Rotation:          Supported

    Select the icon of your startup volume ("Macintosh HD," unless you renamed it) in the sidebar of a Finder window, and open the Info window. How much space is Available? Specify gigabytes (GB) or megabytes (MB).

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    It's more than likely broken, a part has failed. You need to take it to a Apple store Genius Bar to be checked out and fixed. Or just buy a new Mac as to fix the one you have might be cost prohibitive. Especially if your warranty has expired.

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    After a lot of trial and error I've found that the best solution is to unplug the power cord and wait for maybe 15+ seconds. Then I plug it back in, press the power button and she starts up like nothing happened--as if we don't both know what happened.
    I'm on a good streak now, and it hasn't happened for a while, but given my experiences with it, I can't really relax.
    Any ideas? Thanks for your time.
    Mac Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    I bet it's draw!
    Yep, power draw. How about this for a knee slapper:
    I had my MacPro plugged in to the same socket as a moderatly
    stuffed PeeCee and every time I woke up the MacPro the PeeCee
    would click off. The PeeCee PSU wasn't getting enough juice
    and just turned off.
    Now I have a poor electrical system in the current house that
    I'm in. I think the Main breaker is 15 amps and the two that
    split off are 10 each. So I can't toast toast and nuke some
    cold coffee at the same time that the 3 PCs and the 22" CRT
    are on in a lit room without the main breaker tripping. But
    without the toaster and nukrowave running the MacPro when
    waking up harshly dims all the lights in the house for about
    0.5 seconds.
    If your Mac is asking for more than it's getting there might
    be some smart circutry in the PSU (like there is in most nice
    PeeCee PSUs) that turn it off before it causes any trouble.
    Make sure it's that only thing plugged into the socket that
    you're using for it and see if that doesn't solve it.

  • Mac pro turned off by itself

    i do most of my work on a mac pro (1,1)
    and this evening at precisely 8:04pm my mac pro clicked and then turned off
    the computer did not shut down, it just turned off
    i should note that the click i heard was the same as the one that i hear when i first press the power button to turn it on
    attached is console starting from 15secs before 8:04pm
    my mac is on an APC ups and the power was stable at 8:04pm
    programs running
    remote desktop
    ichat (aim and bonjour)
    internet sharing (to ethernet 2)
    any thoughts on what could cause a power off?

    Same here. MacPro 3.1.
    ALSO on an APC (Back UPS RS-1500). Woke up yesterday to the sound of it (UPS) beeping, red light on, computer off. Happened today, same way. Checked energy saver settings.
    Wasn't using it, so did not hear click.
    MacPro starts ok, shuts down ok, sleeps ok.
    I had it plugged into a wall socket for two weeks while I configured it. No problems. Only after plugging into to the UPS. This UPS has served well backing up a Dual G5 tower previously.
    Battery shows 100%. No heavy periphs (like printers) online.
    Had a multimeter in the UPS the first time around and got 122 volts in the line.
    Could it be the UPS?

  • Mac Pro powering off and on

    Hi All,
    I have updated to OS X 10.7.5 on my Old Mac Pro (late 2008 or thereabouts) which was the latest OS X that was allowed.  Since then it worked for a short while perfectly, then started to power on and off continually and I only occaisonally get it to stay on for 3 mins before it goes in to the power off/on cycle.
    During these cycles it usally reaches the power up sound and then powers down ect
    Please help!

    Ddi you happen to do a copy run start with module powered off? If so, I would think its expected behavior.

  • Mac Pro power off suddenly when remove power cord

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    just now when i accidently uplug my powercord, it shut downs instantly, i'm so worried about this, i'm having a final exam in 2 weeks, and if it keeps happened like this i'm gonna be so unhappy.
    is this a serious problem, anyone getting this ?
    can i change it to new one at the store ?
    I'm in Melbourne, Australia

    That certainly isn't what should happen — the machine should instantaneously and seamlessly switch over to battery power when the MagSafe plug is disconnected, unless the battery is drained or dead. What was the state of your battery when this happened?
    Please test again, with your battery fully or partially charged, the machine running, and no documents open. Disconnect the MagSafe connector properly by holding the plug and tipping it downward until the electrical contact is broken. Does the machine shut down or keep running? Post back with results.

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    Also insure that if you have a UPS, that it is above 1000VA, also related to problems.
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