Mac V.S. PC Software Installation

My situation is not as dire as the others posted here, but an answer would help me a lot. I was wondering if it is possible for a certain game to meet both Mac and PC requirements and be playable on a Mac. I had bought Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic quite a while ago, it can be installed on an apple computer and a PC, even though the requirements on the back state a PC is needed. I am planning to buy a PC version of Star Wars: Jedi Academy
as the price is much lower, do you think it will work?

I douubt it. I find it hard to believe KTOR worked, unless the box said it would

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  • Hello Everyone. I have an older version of aperture, aperture 2, that I wanted to install on my MAC. I attempted the installation, and during the install there was a check to see if my computer was capable of installing  the software, which it was.

    Hello Everyone. I have an older version of aperture, aperture 2, that I wanted to install on my MAC. I attempted the installation, and during the install there was a check to see if my computer was capable of installing  the software, which it was. After the install completed I tried running the software, and I got a message telling me I can't run this version with my operating system. Does anyone know why I can't run the aperture software, and why I was allowed to install it without some notification.

    Hello Everyone. I have an older version of aperture, aperture 2, that I wanted to install on my MAC. I attempted the installation, and during the install there was a check to see if my computer was capable of installing  the software, which it was. After the install completed I tried running the software, and I got a message telling me I can't run this version with my operating system. Does anyone know why I can't run the aperture software, and why I was allowed to install it without some notification.

  • I Installed the Apple Software Installer 1.0 Update Tonight

    I am not sure if this latest Software Update messed things up, but there are a lot of problems with my MBP now that I just noticed tonight after I installed this Apple Software Installer Update 1.0.
    First off I am unable to watch any of the online videos like CBS nightly News, some of the BBC News Videos, as far as I can tell anything that shows its content on a video screen from the companies website.  I updated Flash Player about 2 weeks ago to the current version because I started keepng Flash updated to the current version, someting I wish I would have never started.  when I went to, clicked on CBS Evening News, nothing  (not even a video screen) shoes up but in small letters it says Please Upgrade Your Adobe Flash Player. According to adobe Flash (current versions for MacOS-Safari) I have the correct Flash version and I have watched these news broadcasts seveeral nights on ABC, CBS, and many other videos on mostly news websites.  On ABC I noticed it tonight since I installed this Apple Software Installer 1.0 Update, it shows a blank video screen but in the middle it says, "This content requires Adobe Flash Player - Ver 10.1. (on top) and on the bottom is a link that says " Click here to get the latest version of Flash." 
    The latest version of Flash for a Mac using Safari is what I installed about 2 weeks ago and is  I am not sure what ABC means by 10.1.  The versions confuse me, especially if I look in Safari under "Help"--> "Installed Plug-Ins", it usually just gives the first couple of numbers, but now I cannot even bring up "Installed Plug Ins" under Safari---Help---Installed Plug-Ins.  it just gives me a blank screen.
    Is it possible to uninstall an installed update?  it is a major deal.  any suggestions on what I should try?  I know people who hate Adobe Flash (seems like there are a lot) will say get rid of Adone Flash.  But whay would it stop showing me what is on the Installed Plug-Ins Page?  Before, I just did this the other night, I open a new tab, go to Help on Safari's Menu bar to Help, then Installed Plug-Ins and it usually fills up the blank New Tab page with all the Installed Plug-ins.  Down toward the end it will show me that Shockwave Player, I think Mac calls it is installed, and it just gives the first few numbers of the current version that is installed.  Now I get no Installed Plug-Ins.
    thanks for any assistance.  I looked up in the suppot articles how to uninstall an installed Update.  I was going to repair permissions, but I have only ever done that using the Operating Disk.  that is how I was taught by a genius bar person several years ago, and I just kept up with it.  when I repair permissions using Disk Utility from the dock, let's say I do a test run and 20 permissions come up, I repair them and nothing changes, but if I use the OS disk and repair the permissions, if there are a lot it will get rid of them all but it usually takes 2 runs at it.  I know this is different from what most others say,

    I use Firefox 95% of the time, and there's no problem with flash content (and I'm still at .55 - downloaded .64 last week but I haven't got round to making the change yet). At the rate they've been changing it recently it may well be out of date already .
    I've been trying it in Safari, too with no problems apart from You Tube, but that's because I'm blocking Google cookies.
    One thought does occur - if your Flash preferences are set to block all Local Storage, it may be that the problem site is trying to use Flash cookies (LSOs). I had this problem recently with the BBC iPlayer streaming content. Little Snitch notified an attempt to connect to a new URL -
    If I disallowed it, no streaming; when I allowed the connection, it still wouldn't stream, so I did a bit of digging and came to the conclusion that it was trying to set a Flash cookie. When I unblocked, lo and behold - streaming resumed as normal.
    I now have LSOs blocked in a more subtle way that lets the site think it's being set (but it ain't) and the streaming still works.
    As for permissions repair - always repair from local; the permissions on the original disc will have been superceded by updates and new installations of Apple software.
    DU needs to be reading the packages on the HD, not the (now out of date) install disc.
    The recurring repair messages are normal and don't mean anything's wrong. As long as the final message is 'repair complete' there's no need to dwell on it. (for Leopard and Snow Leopard - Lion no doubt has it's own set).

  • Software installer update caused macbook pro/snow leopard to not start

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    Thanks in advance for any and all assistance.

    Had the same problem with my Early 2006 Core Duo iMac and Starting up in Safe Mode ended up being the fix.
    see > Mac OS X: Starting up in Safe Mode
    1. Be sure your Mac is shut down.
    2. Press the power button.
    3. Immediately after you hear the startup tone, hold the Shift key. The Shift key should be held as soon as possible after the startup tone, but not before the tone.
    4. Release the Shift key when you see the gray Apple icon and the progress indicator (looks like a spinning gear).
    In this case starting up into Safe Mode will take a lot longer than normal, so be patient and let it finish uninterrupted.
    Likewise after Safe Mode, starting up into normal mode is also going to take a lot longer than normal, so once again be patient and let it finish uninterrupted.

  • I just purchased Mac OSX Snow Leopard Software Version 10.6.3 before I install I would like to know if it will still keep my documents, etc? and not lose them?

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    How to Install OS X Updates Successfully
    A. Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions:
    Boot from your current OS X Installer disc. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue button. Then select Disk Utility from the Utilities menu. After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list.  In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive.  If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported click on the Repair Permissions button. Wait until the operation completes, then quit DU and return to the installer. Now restart normally. 
    If DU reports errors it cannot fix, then you will need Disk Warrior (4.0 for Tiger) and/or TechTool Pro (4.5.2 for Tiger) to repair the drive. If you don't have either of them or if neither of them can fix the drive, then you will need to reformat the drive and reinstall OS X.
    B. Make a Bootable Backup Using Restore Option of Disk Utility:
    Open Disk Utility from the Utilities folder.
    Select the destination volume from the left side list.
    Click on the Restore tab in the DU main window.
    Check the box labeled Erase destination.
    Select the destination volume from the left side list and drag it to the Destination entry field.
    Select the source volume from the left side list and drag it to the Source entry field.
    Double-check you got it right, then click on the Restore button.
    Destination means the external backup drive. Source means the internal startup drive.
    C. Important: Please read before installing:
    If you have a FireWire hard drive connected, disconnect it before installing the update unless you will boot from this drive and install the update on it. Reconnect it and turn it back on after installation is complete and you've restarted.
    You may experience unexpected results if you have installed third-party system software modifications, or if you have modified the operating system through other means. (This does not apply to normal application software installation.)
    The installation process should not be interrupted. If a power outage or other interruption occurs during installation, use the standalone installer (see below) from Apple Downloads to update.  While the installation is in progress do not use the computer.
    D. To upgrade:
    Purchase the Snow Leopard Retail DVD.
    Boot From The OS X Installer Disc:
    Insert OS X Installer Disc into the optical drive.
    Restart the computer.
    Immediately after the chime press and hold down the "C" key.
    Release the key when the spinning gear below the dark gray Apple logo appears.
    Wait for installer to finish loading.
    E. If updating:
    Download and install update(s) 
    Use Software Update, or
    Download standalone updater(s).

  • What is the 3rd party software installation procedure

    I am new to mac, so this may be a basic question. Third party software installation files usually have the dmg extension. What is the procedure to install apps that come in this form? I know that once I double click the dmg file, a virtual disk appears on the desktop. Can I copy the disk to the applications folder and delete the dmg file? Actually I have tried to do this and mac wont allow me to delete the dmg file beyond trash. What is the procedure that should be followed?
    I also realize that my understanding of this disk image and disk utility concepts is weak. If you can, please explain these terms too.
    MacBook   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    What you've done is copied the .dmg to your applications folder, not the application itself.
    a .dmg file is a 'disk image' which will mount a 'virtual disk' when double-clicked. A virtual disk behaves as though it was a real physical disk - even though it's all software.
    In your case the virtual disk contains the Firefox application. The window you posted on Flickr is the contents of this virtual disk - with a useful (or confusing) diagram telling you to drag the application to your Applications folder.
    Since you've put Firefox into your dock without first copying it to your Applications folder, OSX is running it from the virtual disk, not from your real disk.
    When running 3rd party applications normally, you shouldn't need to have any virtual disks on your desktop.
    What you need to do is this:
    -Take Firefox out of your dock
    -find the .dmg file you downloaded and double click it to mount the virtual disk
    -drag the Firefox application (.app file) into your Applications folder
    -drag the virtual disk to the trash to unmount it
    -drag the .dmg file to the trash to delete it
    -put Firefox back in your dock, from your Applications folder
    Hey Presto
    PowerBook G4 1Ghz 15   Mac OS X (10.4.1)  

  • Mac won't install Software Updates

    I have a PPC G5 1.8 running 10.5.8 leopard. I try to run the updater and it tries but in the end it says software not updated volume "/". Please help.

    Some general advice on updating:
    It is worth noting that it is an extreme rarity for updates to cause upsets to your system, as they have all been extensively beta-tested, but they may well reveal pre-existing ones, particularly those of which you may have been unaware. If you are actually aware of any glitches, make sure they are fixed before proceeding further.
    So before you do anything else:
    If you can, make a full backup first to an external hard disk. Ideally you should always have a bootable clone of your system that enables you to revert to the previous pre-update state.
    Turn off sleep mode for both screen and hard disk.
    Disconnect all peripherals except your keyboard and mouse.
    1. Repair Permissions (in Disk Utility)
    2. Verify the state of your hard disk using Disk Utility. If any faults are reported, restart from your install disk (holding down the C key), go to Disk Utility, and repair your startup disk. Restart again to get back to your startup disk.
    At least you can now be reasonably certain that your system does not contain any obvious faults that might cause an update/upgrade to fail.
    3. Download the correct version of the COMBO update from the Apple download site.
    The Combo updater of Leopard 10.5.8 can be found here:
    If you prefer to download updates via Software Update in the Apple menu (which would ensure that the correct version for your Mac was being downloaded), it is not recommended to allow SU to install major (or even minor) updates automatically. Set Software Update to just download the updater without immediately installing it. There is always the possibility that the combined download and install (which can be a lengthy process) might be interrupted by a power outage or your cat walking across the keyboard, and an interrupted install will almost certainly cause havoc. Once it is downloaded, you can install at a time that suits you. You should make a backup copy of the updater on a CD in case you ever need a reinstall.
    Full details about the 10.5.8 update here:
    More information on using Software Updater here:
    Using the Combo updater ensures that all system files changed since the original 10.5.0 are included, and any that may have been missed out or subsequently damaged will be repaired. The Delta updater, although a temptingly smaller download, only takes you from the previous version to the new one, i.e. for example from 10.5.7 to 10.5.8. Software Update will generally download the Delta updater only. The preferable Combo updater needs to be downloaded from Apple's download site.
    Now proceed as follows:
    4. Close all applications and turn off energy saving and screensaver.
    5. Unplug all peripherals except your keyboard and mouse.
    6. Install the update/upgrade. Do not under any circumstances interrupt this procedure. Do not do anything else on your computer while it is installing. Be patient.
    7. When it ask for a restart to complete the installation, click restart. This can take longer than normal, there are probably thousands of files to overwrite and place in the correct location. Do nothing while this is going on.
    8. Once your Mac is awake, repair permissions again, and you should be good to go!
    If your Mac seems slightly sluggish or ‘different’, perform a second restart. It can’t hurt and is sometimes efficacious!
    9. Open a few of your most used applications and check that all is OK. In this connection please remember that not all manufacturers of third party applications and plug-ins, add-ons, haxies etc, will have had time to do any necessary rewrites to their software to make them compliant with the latest version of your operating system. Give them a weeks or two while you regularly check their websites for updates. This applies particularly to plug-ins for Safari 4.
    N.B. Do not attempt to install two different updates at the same time as each may have different routines and requirements. Follow the above recommendations for each update in turn.
    Lastly, Apple's own article on the subject of Software Update may also be useful reading:
    If you are updating Safari (or just have):
    Input Managers from third parties can do as much harm as good. They use a security loophole to reach right into your applications' code and change that code as the application starts up. If you have installed an OS update and Safari is crashing, the very first thing to do is clear out your InputManagers folders (both in your own Library and in the top-level /Library), log out and log back in, and try again.
    So, disable all third party add-ons before updating Safari, as they may not have been updated yet for the new version. Add them back one by one. If something goes awry, remove it again and check on the software manufacturer's website for news of an update to match your version of Safari.
    Most errors reported here after an update are due to an unrepaired or undetected inherent fault in the system, and/or a third party add-on.
    Additional tips on software installation here:
    To reiterate, Input Managers reach right into an application and alter its code. This puts the behavior of the affected application outside the control and responsibility of its developers: a recipe for problems. That's not to say that issues absolutely will ensue as a result of Input Managers, but you, as a user, must decide. If the functionality of a specific Input Manager or set thereof is really important to you, you may well choose to assume the associated risk.
    Again, the advice is to remove all Input Managers from the following directories:
    • /Library/InputManagers
    • ~/Library/InputManagers
    especially prior to system updates (they can always be added back one-by-one later).

  • What causes post software installation stall and how can I avoid it?

    I never had this problem before with Jaguar, but since I installed Tiger this past December, when I've installed some software updates, my computer has not been restarting normally when I followed the instruction to "restart".
    It shuts down, there's the pause, then the chime sounds. The screen lights up and the spinning beach ball appears. So far, so good. That, however, is as far as the process gets. The beach ball just spins and spins and spins. I was patient, but waited to no end. Finally, I disconnected the power cord and let the battery run down.
    Finally the screen went dark. I let the computer stay like that overnight. The next day, I reconnected the power cord, the chime sounded and the
    computer started up successfully and worked normally. And the software was installed. This has happened three times, every time with a software update.
    I have repaired the permissions and done other disk first aid from my install disk CD. And I've run the Tech Tool utility.
    I don't know if any of that will address the problem. So I hope some one can give
    me some idea what the problem is and what will permanently eliminate it, before I venture into any future software updates.

    It is normal for a restart after an update or software installation to take much longer than normal, and generally it should be left to do its thing - but not overnight!
    There are no guarantees, but following this procedure when installing updates and upgrades on your Mac will go a long way towards avoiding unpleasant after effects and ‘post-update stress disorder’.
    It is also worth noting that it is an extreme rarity for updates to cause upsets to your system, but they may well reveal pre-existing ones, particularly those of which you may have been unaware. If you are actually aware of any glitches, make sure they are fixed before proceeding further.
    So before you do anything else:
    If you can, make a full backup first.
    Turn off sleep mode for both screen and hard disk.
    Disconnect all peripherals except your keyboard and mouse.
    1. Repair Permissions (in Disk Utility)
    2. Verify the state of your hard disk using Disk Utility. If any faults are reported, restart from your install disk (holding down the C key), go to Disk Utility, and repair your startup disk. Restart again to get back to your startup disk.
    At least you can now be reasonably certain that your system does not contain any obvious faults that might cause an update/upgrade to fail.
    3. Download the correct version of the COMBO update from the Apple download site. If your car runs on gasoline you would not want to fill the tank with diesel, so don’t try to install the PPC updater on an Intel Mac!
    If you prefer to download updates via Software Update in the Apple menu (which would ensure that the correct version for your Mac was being downloaded), it is not recommended to allow SU to install major (or even minor) updates automatically. Set Software Update to just download the updater without immediately installing it. There is always the possibility that the combined download and install (which can be a lengthy process) might be interrupted by a power outage or your cat walking across the keyboard, and an interrupted install will almost certainly cause havoc. Once it is downloaded, you can install at a time that suits you. You should make a backup copy of the updater on a CD in case you ever need a reinstall.
    Using the Combo updater ensures that all system files changed since the original 10.4.0 are included, and any that may have been missed out or subsequently damaged will be repaired. The Delta updater, although a temptingly smaller download, only takes you from the previous version to the new one, i.e. for example from 10.4.9 to 10.4.10. Software Update will generally download the Delta updater only. The preferable Combo updater needs to be downloaded from Apple's download site.
    Now proceed as follows:
    4. Close all applications.
    5. Unplug all peripherals except your keyboard and mouse.
    6. Install the update/upgrade. Do not under any circumstances interrupt this procedure. Do not do anything else on your computer while it is installing. Be patient.
    7. When it ask for a restart to complete the installation, click restart. This can take longer than normal, there are probably thousands of files to overwrite and place in the correct location. Do nothing while this is going on.
    8. Once your Mac is awake, repair permissions again, and you should be good to go!
    If your Mac seems slightly sluggish or ‘different’, perform a second restart. It can’t hurt and is sometimes efficacious!
    9. Open a few of your most used applications and check that all is OK. In this connection please remember that not all manufacturers of third party applications and plug-ins, add-ons, haxies etc, will have had time to do any necessary rewrites to their software to make them 10.4.10. compliant. Give them a weeks or two while you regularly check their websites for updates. This applies particularly to plug-ins for Safari 3.
    N.B. Do not attempt to install two different updates at the same time as each may have different routines and requirements. Follow the above recommendations for each update in turn.
    Lastly, Apple's own article on the subject of Software Update may also be useful reading:
    If you are updating Safari (or just have):
    Input Managers from third parties can do as much harm as good. They use a security loophole to reach right into your applications' code and change that code as the application starts up. If you have installed 10.4.11 and Safari is crashing, the very first thing to do is clear out your InputManagers folders (both in your own Library and in the top-level /Library), log out and log back in, and try again.
    So, disable all third party add-ons before updating Safari, as they may not have been updated yet for the new version. Add them back one by one. If something goes awry, remove it again and check on the software manufacturer's website for news of an update to match your version of Safari. Remember: Tiger up to 10.4.10 used Safari 2.0.4 or, if you downloaded it, Safari 3.0.3 beta. Safari 10.4.11 uses Safari 3.0.4 which is not a beta. If Safari 3.0.4 on 10.4.11 is not the fastest browser you have ever used, then something is wrong!
    Moreover, trying to revert to Safari 2 when running 10.4.11 can have repercussions, as Safari 3.0.4 uses a completely different webkit on which other applications like iChat, Mail and Dashboard Widgets etc also rely.
    Most errors reported here after an update are due to an unrepaired or undetected inherent fault in the system, and/or a third party ad-on. Two such add-on that have been frequently mentioned here for causing such problems are Piclens and Pithhelmet. If you have them, trash them.
    Additional tips on software installation here:

  • Software installation external audio interface fails Terratec dmx6 fire usb

    Software installation external audio interface fails Terratec dmx6 fire usb.
    Dear Apple Power User in this forum,
    here is a question for some of us experts.
    I have a external usb audio interface Terratec, Model: DMX 6 fire USB.
    0. There should be after install enclosing software an control app in the app folder, but it isnt there. Why?
    1. the attached installer protocol seems to be normal. isnt it?
    2. the usb audio hardware appears in system profiler.
    3. there isnt the audio hardware in audio-midi-setup! Why?
    4. one of the installed content is visibil in activity monitor as an extension "35 DMX6FireService root 0,0 1 964,00 KB 18,55 MB 22 Intel 00.01 176,00 KB 184,00 KB 73 72"
    5. an other part is in the system-library-extension folder "TTDMX6fire.kext"
    6. other files i am not capacity to find....
    7. and there is the app missing in apps folder! Whitout that it can not work.
    8. Software is for 10.5 and 10.6 32-bit tested from the vendor!?
    9. My MacBookPro early 2008 2.4ghz is capabel of 64bit but is default in 32 mode says apple spec, also my osx 10.5.8 newest updates should be 32 bit. Isnt it?
    10. installation tested whit disconnected/connected ext. volumes or display or these audio interface, whith repaired permissions, on two different macs (second is iMac), whit reboot,
    11. tested on different usb ports, usb port test passed whith other equipment,
    12. on windows xp all works.
    13. tested on a new admin user, same problem.
    14. searched whith terminal command line in applications, nothing.
    15. get software from cd and homepage, no effect.
    16. asked vendor: "until now never had problems like that"
    any ideas? please help!
    for testing or showing the installer look here: X%206Fire%20USB
    Installation Protocol:
    Dec 25 00:08:39 cadas-macbook-pro /System/Library/CoreServices/[400]: vm_allocate: 0, 0x5800000 - 0x25800000
    Dec 25 00:08:39 cadas-macbook-pro /System/Library/CoreServices/[400]: vm_protect: 0
    Dec 25 00:08:39 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: @(#)PROGRAM:Install PROJECT:Install-388
    Dec 25 00:08:39 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: @(#)PROGRAM:Installer PROJECT:Installer-281
    Dec 25 00:08:39 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Hardware: MacBookPro4,1 @ 2.40 GHz (x 2), 4096 MB RAM
    Dec 25 00:08:39 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Running OS Build: Mac OS X 10.5.8 (9L30)
    Dec 25 00:08:39 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Env: PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
    Dec 25 00:08:39 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Env: TMPDIR=/var/folders/gC/gCDdYZuFE98Z28wIB40BeE+TI/-Tmp-/
    Dec 25 00:08:39 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Env: SHELL=/bin/bash
    Dec 25 00:08:39 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Env: HOME=/Users/cada
    Dec 25 00:08:39 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Env: USER=cada
    Dec 25 00:08:39 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Env: LOGNAME=cada
    Dec 25 00:08:39 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Env: DISPLAY=/tmp/launch-MQSZjG/:0
    Dec 25 00:08:39 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Env: SSHAUTHSOCK=/tmp/launch-x3IAC1/Listeners
    Dec 25 00:08:39 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Env: ApplePubSub_SocketRender=/tmp/launch-YalWkk/Render
    Dec 25 00:08:39 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Env: _CF_USER_TEXTENCODING=0x1F5:0:3
    Dec 25 00:08:39 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Env: SECURITYSESSIONID=a1b410
    Dec 25 00:08:39 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Env: COMMAND_MODE=unix2003
    Dec 25 00:08:39 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: DMX6fireUSB Installation Log
    Dec 25 00:08:39 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Opened from: /Volumes/DMX6FireUSB.1.22/dmx6fireusb.pkg
    Dec 25 00:08:39 cadas-macbook-pro installdb[402]: started (uid 96)
    Dec 25 00:08:39 cadas-macbook-pro installdb[402]: Opened receipt database on '/' with schema 17.
    Dec 25 00:08:45 cadas-macbook-pro installdb[402]: done. (0.004u + 0.003s)
    Dec 25 00:09:10 cadas-macbook-pro runner[403]: Administrator authorization granted.
    Dec 25 00:09:15 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: =============================================================================== =
    Dec 25 00:09:15 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: User picked Standard Install
    Dec 25 00:09:15 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Choices selected for installation:
    Dec 25 00:09:15 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Aktualisieren: "DMX6fireUSB"
    Dec 25 00:09:15 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Aktualisieren: "DMX6FireUSBCpl"
    Dec 25 00:09:15 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: dmx6fireusb.pkg#dmx6fireusbcpl.pkg : com.terratec.dmx6fireusb.pkg : 1
    Dec 25 00:09:15 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: dmx6fireusb.pkg#ttdmx6fire.pkg : com.terratec.dmx6fireusb1.pkg : 1
    Dec 25 00:09:15 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Aktualisieren: "TTDMX_6fire_CUSTOMEXT"
    Dec 25 00:09:15 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: dmx6fireusb.pkg#ttdmx6firecustomext.pkg : com.terratec.dmx6fireusb2.pkg : 1
    Dec 25 00:09:15 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Aktualisieren: "TTDMX6fire"
    Dec 25 00:09:15 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: dmx6fireusb.pkg#ttdmx6fire-1.pkg : com.terratec.dmx6fireusb3.pkg : 1
    Dec 25 00:09:15 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Aktualisieren: "DMX6FireService"
    Dec 25 00:09:15 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: dmx6fireusb.pkg#dmx6fireservice.pkg : com.terratec.dmx6fireservice3.pkg : 1
    Dec 25 00:09:15 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Aktualisieren: "LaunchDaemon"
    Dec 25 00:09:15 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: dmx6fireusb.pkg#comterratecdmx6fire.pkg : com.terratec.dmx6fireusb4.pkg : 1
    Dec 25 00:09:15 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: =============================================================================== =
    Dec 25 00:09:15 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: It took 0.00 seconds to summarize the package selections.
    Dec 25 00:09:15 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: -[IFDInstallController(Private) _buildInstallPlan]: location = file://localhost
    Dec 25 00:09:15 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: -[IFDInstallController(Private) _buildInstallPlan]: file://localhost/Volumes/DMX6FireUSB.1.22/dmx6fireusb.pkg#dmx6fireusbcpl.pkg
    Dec 25 00:09:15 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: -[IFDInstallController(Private) _buildInstallPlan]: file://localhost/Volumes/DMX6FireUSB.1.22/dmx6fireusb.pkg#ttdmx6fire.pkg
    Dec 25 00:09:15 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: -[IFDInstallController(Private) _buildInstallPlan]: file://localhost/Volumes/DMX6FireUSB.1.22/ g
    Dec 25 00:09:15 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: -[IFDInstallController(Private) _buildInstallPlan]: file://localhost/Volumes/DMX6FireUSB.1.22/dmx6fireusb.pkg#ttdmx6fire-1.pkg
    Dec 25 00:09:15 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: -[IFDInstallController(Private) _buildInstallPlan]: file://localhost/Volumes/DMX6FireUSB.1.22/dmx6fireusb.pkg#dmx6fireservice.pkg
    Dec 25 00:09:15 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: -[IFDInstallController(Private) _buildInstallPlan]: file://localhost/Volumes/DMX6FireUSB.1.22/ g
    Dec 25 00:09:15 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: _installNextPackage of 1
    Dec 25 00:09:15 cadas-macbook-pro installdb[405]: started (uid 96)
    Dec 25 00:09:15 cadas-macbook-pro installdb[405]: Opened receipt database on '/' with schema 17.
    Dec 25 00:09:15 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Starting installation:
    Dec 25 00:09:15 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Preparing volume "250GB_MBPro2" for installation
    Dec 25 00:09:15 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Configuring volume "250GB_MBPro2"
    Dec 25 00:09:16 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Preparing disk for local booted install.
    Dec 25 00:09:16 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Free space on "250GB_MBPro2": 11,6 GB (12495523840 bytes).
    Dec 25 00:09:16 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Create temporary directory "/private/tmp/dmx6fireusb.pkg.400aysS6s"
    Dec 25 00:09:16 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Running install actions
    Dec 25 00:09:16 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Processing dmx6fireusbcpl:
    Dec 25 00:09:16 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Determining files to install
    Dec 25 00:09:16 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: It took 0.06 seconds to create the install plan for dmx6fireusbcpl.
    Dec 25 00:09:16 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Configuring deferred files
    Dec 25 00:09:16 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Determining obsolete files
    Dec 25 00:09:16 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Assembling temporary receipt
    Dec 25 00:09:16 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Performing pre-extraction actions
    Dec 25 00:09:16 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: run preupgrade script for dmx6fireusbcpl
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro /private/tmp/scripts.pCJk/./preflight[408]: : deleting previous Kernel Extensions
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro /private/tmp/scripts.pCJk/./preflight[408]: PID: 43
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Removing obsoleted files
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Creating destination path
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Validating package payload
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Starting file extraction
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro payloadExtractor[419]: Initializing new flat-package receipt.
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro payloadExtractor[419]: Extracting...
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro payloadExtractor[419]: 20 of 20 files written in 0.05 seconds.
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro payloadExtractor[419]: 408 kilobytes installed at 7.5 MB/s.
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Performing post-extraction actions
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Finishing receipt
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro runner[403]: Extracting BOM from "/Volumes/DMX6FireUSB.1.22/dmx6fireusb.pkg" to "/Library/Receipts/boms/"
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Processing ttdmx6fire:
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Determining files to install
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: It took 0.03 seconds to create the install plan for ttdmx6fire.
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Configuring deferred files
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Determining obsolete files
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Assembling temporary receipt
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Performing pre-extraction actions
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Removing obsoleted files
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Creating destination path
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Validating package payload
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Starting file extraction
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro payloadExtractor[420]: Initializing new flat-package receipt.
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro payloadExtractor[420]: Extracting...
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro payloadExtractor[420]: 9 of 9 files written in 0.01 seconds.
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro payloadExtractor[420]: 92 kilobytes installed at 11.5 MB/s.
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Performing post-extraction actions
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Finishing receipt
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro runner[403]: Extracting BOM from "/Volumes/DMX6FireUSB.1.22/dmx6fireusb.pkg" to "/Library/Receipts/boms/"
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Processing ttdmx6firecustomext:
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Determining files to install
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: It took 0.00 seconds to create the install plan for ttdmx6firecustomext.
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Configuring deferred files
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Determining obsolete files
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Assembling temporary receipt
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Performing pre-extraction actions
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Removing obsoleted files
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Creating destination path
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Validating package payload
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Starting file extraction
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro payloadExtractor[421]: Initializing new flat-package receipt.
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro payloadExtractor[421]: Extracting...
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro payloadExtractor[421]: 9 of 9 files written in 0.01 seconds.
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro payloadExtractor[421]: 80 kilobytes installed at 9.7 MB/s.
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Performing post-extraction actions
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Finishing receipt
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro runner[403]: Extracting BOM from "/Volumes/DMX6FireUSB.1.22/dmx6fireusb.pkg" to "/Library/Receipts/boms/"
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Processing ttdmx6fire-1:
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Determining files to install
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: It took 0.00 seconds to create the install plan for ttdmx6fire-1.
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Configuring deferred files
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Determining obsolete files
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Assembling temporary receipt
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Performing pre-extraction actions
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: run preupgrade script for ttdmx6fire-1
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro /private/tmp/scripts.MEBZ/./preflight[424]: : deleting previous Kernel Extensions
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro /private/tmp/scripts.MEBZ/./preflight[424]: PID:
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Removing obsoleted files
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Creating destination path
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Validating package payload
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Starting file extraction
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro payloadExtractor[435]: Initializing new flat-package receipt.
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro payloadExtractor[435]: Extracting...
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro payloadExtractor[435]: 9 of 9 files written in 0.03 seconds.
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro payloadExtractor[435]: 832 kilobytes installed at 26.2 MB/s.
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Performing post-extraction actions
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Finishing receipt
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro runner[403]: Extracting BOM from "/Volumes/DMX6FireUSB.1.22/dmx6fireusb.pkg" to "/Library/Receipts/boms/"
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Processing dmx6fireservice:
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Determining files to install
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: It took 0.00 seconds to create the install plan for dmx6fireservice.
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Configuring deferred files
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Determining obsolete files
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Assembling temporary receipt
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Performing pre-extraction actions
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Removing obsoleted files
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Creating destination path
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Validating package payload
    Dec 25 00:09:17 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Starting file extraction
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro payloadExtractor[437]: Initializing new flat-package receipt.
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro payloadExtractor[437]: Extracting...
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro payloadExtractor[437]: 2 of 2 files written in 0.01 seconds.
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro payloadExtractor[437]: 136 kilobytes installed at 13.4 MB/s.
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Performing post-extraction actions
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Finishing receipt
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro runner[403]: Extracting BOM from "/Volumes/DMX6FireUSB.1.22/dmx6fireusb.pkg" to "/Library/Receipts/boms/"
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Processing comterratecdmx6fire:
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Determining files to install
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: It took 0.00 seconds to create the install plan for comterratecdmx6fire.
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Configuring deferred files
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Determining obsolete files
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Assembling temporary receipt
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Performing pre-extraction actions
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Removing obsoleted files
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Creating destination path
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Validating package payload
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Starting file extraction
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro payloadExtractor[438]: Initializing new flat-package receipt.
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro payloadExtractor[438]: Extracting...
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro payloadExtractor[438]: 2 of 2 files written in 0.01 seconds.
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro payloadExtractor[438]: 8 kilobytes installed at 1.0 MB/s.
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Performing post-extraction actions
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Finishing receipt
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro runner[403]: Extracting BOM from "/Volumes/DMX6FireUSB.1.22/dmx6fireusb.pkg" to "/Library/Receipts/boms/"
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Removing temporary directory "/private/tmp/dmx6fireusb.pkg.400aysS6s"
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Finalize disk "250GB_MBPro2"
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Notifying system of updated components
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro runner[403]: Touched '/System/Library/Extensions'
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: _installNextPackage of 0
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]:
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: ** Summary Information **
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Operation Elapsed time
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: -----------------------------
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: script 0.29 seconds
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: zero 0.02 seconds
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: install 1.42 seconds
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: validate 0.01 seconds
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: os 0.00 seconds
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: extract 0.87 seconds
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: receipt 0.05 seconds
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: disk 1.01 seconds
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: config 0.19 seconds
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]:
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Starting installation:
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Finalizing installation.
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Registering applications
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro runner[403]: Touched '/Applications/./'
    Dec 25 00:09:18 cadas-macbook-pro runner[403]: Touched '/Applications/.'
    Dec 25 00:09:19 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: IFDInstallController 868C80 state = 5
    Dec 25 00:09:19 cadas-macbook-pro Installer[400]: Displaying 'Install Succeeded' UI.
    Dec 25 00:09:24 cadas-macbook-pro installdb[405]: done. (0.026u + 0.040s)

    solved whith the old driver vom archive of vendor: "DMX6Fire_USBMac.1.00c.dmg" thats for 10.5.x for me works.
    The newest from the vendor delivered driver 1.22 (marked for 10.5 and 10.6) seems to not work under 10.5.

  • Keep getting ".kext" errors during software installation or updates

    This has been going on for a while now, though presently I am finally getting a pattern in terms of incedent times. Previosly, I was getting ".kext" error messages all the time. Then I tried re-installing Snow Leopard and that redueced the number of incedents. Now with Lion, they only happen with Software installation or updates. The messages usually start appearing when the instalation process gets to "moving components into place" or something like that. So, that leads me to think they are related to some some components. Usually the message reads something like "
    /System/Library/Extensions/LogitechQuickCam.kext"  has not been installed properly. Please reinstall it or contact the vendor for assisstance." That is usually the first alert to appear and when I click Okay, another appears in its place but with a different .kext file named. Here are the .kext files named listed in usual order of appearence:
    /System/Library/Extensions/NovatelWireless3G.kext/Contents/Plugins/NovatelWirele ss3GData.kext
    /System/Library/Extensions/SMSIWirelessModem.kextt/Contents/Plugins/SMSIWireless CDC.kext
    /System/Library/Extensions/SMSIWirelessModem.kextt/Contents/Plugins/SMSIWireless Serial.kext
    I recognize the first one becuase I did have a Logitech QuickCam once, though it didn't last. The ones that have RIMBB probably refer to the Blackberry I used to have. At one point I did use it as a modem for my Mac. I don't recognize the other ones.
    Is there anything I can do to stop getting these alert messages? Any ideas? Thank you!

    A kext is a kernel extension (usually drivers) that affects the OS kernel at the lowest possible level. This is one of the things Apple wanted to limit as much as possible with the new MacOS architecture since extensions were one of the sources of fragility in OS 9 and lower. It may be as simple as finding the programs that installed these files and using the uninstaller that should exist. (Or not) You might try drilling down into the Extensions folder and removing those files by hand but the problem is there might be other things that were installed when these files were which will continue to cause trouble.

  • De-authorising software installs?

    does anybody know a way to de-authorize software installs? (not sure if that is the right wording of the question)
    basically, i've got logic express installed on my macbook, which i'm planning on selling. i talked to a apple rep via the online chat feature and they told me you get two installs. so, just incase i decide to sell the new one in a year, or buy an imac aswell, is there a way to 'get that install back' or de-authorize that computer?
    thanks alot
    ps not sure if this is the right place to post this, so please re direct to another area. thanks

    yes, i am planning on doing that. this guide is quite helpful:

  • Group policy software installs to remote users without VPN

    Matt:Funny you should ask this, I justpublished a post in the Active Directory groupon how to extend AD domain services to remote users without the cost and complexity ofa traditional VPN. While DirectAccess provides a viable option, it requires Windows 7 Enterprise clients and there are a lot of moving parts to making it work (see this article).Pertino gives you the functionality and end user transparency of DirectAccess, but it works with any Windows 7 client version as well as Macs and is super simple to deploy and administer.Here's a video that shows you how.If it looks like it might work for you, you can try Pertino free for 30-days by goinghere.

    If you were able to configure DirectAccess; your remote users would be connected to the corporate network without a VPN at all times - though I'm thinking this is not applicable to your situation.
    But strictly speaking, you cannot use Group Policy Software Installation to manage software on computers that are not connected to the corporate network. 1) They are unable to retrieve the policy, and 2) unable to retrieve the software package.
    You would need a 3rd party solution for this.

  • Software Installer and wireless internet problems after upgrade from Leopard to Lion.

    Last weekend I upgraded the OS on my MacBook Pro from Leopard to Snow Leopard, and then from Snow Leopard to Lion. I'm having a couple of problems. 
    First, I cannot get the wireless internet to work. My internet connection is fine, I can plug the ethernet cord in and all is well. But I cannot get wireless signals to work. Have tried both my Airport Express and an old linksys router, and neither seem to work. They both worked just fine before the update. I had very fast wireless internet, and now nothing.  With the Airport Express, when I plug it in iti'll just continuously blink orange, and the Airport Utility refuses to recognize it. The linksys router seems to work, because it puts off a signal and my iPhone connects to it. My computer recognizes the signal, but it won't open any internet pages, says I'm not connected.
    Today I tried to install Apple's Migration Assistant software to help with my first problem.  But a funny thing happened.  The software installer says I don't have enough space. But I have plenty- I have almost 200 GB, and I only need 5 MB for the program.  I've never seen this happen before, it's so odd.  Any suggestions?
    I really appreciate any assistance/suggestions!

    EDLIU wrote:
    How do I purchase "Snow Leopard" from Mac App Store?
    Please give me the link to "purchase  and download the Snow Leopard" in Apple Online Store.]
    You can't purchase Snow Leopard from the Mac App Store.  Or "download" it.  That will be possible for Lion. 
    For the Apple Online store, why can't you just look for yourself?

  • Solaris 7 Software Installation on x86 System Problem

    Experienced error message "disk not found" just prior to Solaris execution of final installation process. This was during Interactive installation. Also recieved "cannot determine boot device name". Could not use set env command in order to set the boot device. It is telling us that there is no boot device set up. Need some information/commands that will enable me to get over this problem and complete the software installation.
    This could very well be a simple fix, I just don't have the knowledge bas eto effect it. Please contact at [email protected] or 540 657-6585.

    I hope this can help you. I recently posted the similar question on the development group and got help from 'agood214' which I think is the best answer.
    (All credit should be to agood214)
    Okay, here's the followup and results for my install method.
    1. It worked
    2. Partition magic and Boot magic are not needed to make this happen.
    3. Partition and boot magic do not recognize the solaris partitions on the second master IDE. In fact they give an error ( #110) and offer to "fix" the dirve which will corrupt the install of Solaris.
    4. I had scanned the newsgroups and found a utiliuty called XOSL - Extended Operating System Loader at it works like and absolute charm!
    === Other installation notes - mostly my machine is not on the Hardware Comaptibility List but I figured I'd give it a try. System is a K6-III 450 Mhz ( not on HCL) Iwill XA-100A Plus motherboard ( not on HCL ) Sblive PCI valueboard ( not on HCL ) Siig high speed serial board - PCI (not on HCL) Diamond 56k PCI modem ( not on HCL ) I had to remove the modem and serial card as well as dispable PnP in the BIOS.
    Then everything loaded pretty normal.
    agood214 was using two physical drivers, but I tried on one 13 GB Hard Drive with 4 partitions (Solaris7, Win98, Win2000, data-partition) and working beautifully. In my case, I didn't have to disable anything in the BIOS to get them work. Just read though the manual in XOSL if you want to use this boot-loader and it is very easy to install. NOTE: you can not use 'instant boot' in XOSL to boot with the combination of WIN-OS and Solaris. Besides it, everything is prefect.

  • There is a problem on my mac mini. I install windows7 in my mac then i cancelled the installation did not finish..after that i saw the black screen on my monitor..

    There is a problem on my mac mini. I install windows7 in my mac then i cancelled the installation did not finish..after that i saw the black screen on my monitor untill now the monitor is black..

    It maybe trying to boot from the incomplete install.
    Try starting your Mac while holding down the Option key, it should then list all the available boot drives including the Mac OS X one. Boot from the Mac one and then you can wipe the damaged PC one or set the Mac to stay booting in to OS X.

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