MacAfee Virtual Tech Found 2 Problems

Hi there I am new to the  forums.
(not at all a Tech Wizard)
My McAfee antivirus runs really slow-just lately, & takes forever to do a complete scan.
So I opted to Run the MacAfee Virtual Tech & it has found 2 problems. (pasted below report)
I have contacted  via e mail direct MacAfee web site but they stated to contact BT.
Should I reinstall My MaAfee program completely start from scratch.
Any help much appreciated
Ty Vee
1 file(s) incorrect
Expected File not Present
File: c:\program files\mcafee\virusscan\%mvt_lcid%\mvsdeflt.dll
DAT and Engine
1 DAT / Engine update
DAT not Up-to-date
DAT: Expected : 6480
Existing : 6479
Top Issues

RE the dat : just update Bt Netprotect plus it will be OK (or let MVT update it for you)
RE the missing file; it is a known Mcafee problem see this thread
So it is a McAfee Virtual Tech problem not a problem with your Netprotect plus, hope this helps.

Similar Messages

  • No Virtual Host Found

    Ok soooo
    Like everyone else.. ok like some others here... iCal seems to be a major sticking point with 10.5 Server. I'm not an expert, but have been the server admin for several years now so am kind of learning as I go. Here's what I've done:
    1. Clean install of 10.5 "advanced"
    2. Updated to 10.5.1
    3. Created a few users
    4. Created a few groups
    5. Have AFP, mail, web, SMB, chat , and half of VPN up and running correctly.
    6. When trying to start iCal, I get the error message "No Virtual Host Found"
    Most of these posts deal with Open Directory, so I enabled that service, went thru the setup for it, and now OD seems to be working.
    But I STILL can't get iCal to start running.
    This is a very small office... there is only 1 server, since we are not using it as a NAT, there is no DNS running.
    So what am I missing?

    Well out of sheer frustration, I once again started from scratch. While both the "Standard" and the "Workgroup" setups seem similar, I opted for the "Standard" setup to start.
    I believe the one key element to success is to choose Open Directory as one of the first services to set up... there is a list you check during setup, and Open Directory is one of them.. I checked it, and iCal, and File and Print Sharing, and most likely e-mail as the only services for the server to set up and auto configure for me.
    Once that was done, I added a user or two, and things became much clearer.
    On 10.5 Clients, go to the Utilities folder, and look for an application called Directory Utility, and launch it.
    It's possible that your server may have been found by the client, but if it is, I'd elect to delete it and start afresh just to be sure everything is correct.
    For clients INSIDE the office, when asked for the server name or IP address, I entered the IP address of the server, and it went into auto pilot after that, asking me if I wanted it to configure the client computer.... in my case, I checked Yes.
    It will then configure the client to use the services you've set up on the server(so, in reality, you may want to wait 'til you have more services up and running).
    It asks for your username and password on the server, as well as the password for the client machine. As I understand it, if the client password is different, it will change the password on the server to match(but my password is the same, so can't promise what happens when they are different).
    It DID configure both e-mail and iCal to work correctly with the server. In iCal there is a new listing on the left called yourdomain server, and one default calendar there. You can add more if you like.
    Once you have several users up and running, in the client iCal prefs, under the Accounts tab, there is a tab for "Delegation". This is were you allow other users to see and /or write to your calendar. Click the "Edit" button, and the rest should be cake. The users must be valid users on the server. Likewise, there is a window showing accounts you can access and the privileges you have there.
    In my case, I'm not so much working with others, but am looking for a replacement for the iCal sync function of Dot Mac. I was able to log into my account on the server from a computer at work, one at home, and a laptop. All three reflect changes made on any of the client computers I operate.
    (As a note... for the laptop, which is sometimes IN the office and sometimes OUT of the office, as well as the computer at home, in Directory Utility, I used the FQDN of the server. This connects to the server from outside the LAN and works just the same as if I were inside.)
    Now if only there was an option of what to publish in the server.... with Dot Mac, I elect to publish only that there is an event.. no name or anything else... this allows clients to see when I'm busy, but not who I'm busy with. Unless I can figure out how the calendar can be seen by anyone on the web, AND I can hide the event info, I'm stuck on Dot Mac.
    I WISH I had an answer for the "no virtual host" issue. I did run into a problem with a web site, and found the only way to fix it was to delete the web site entry in the Server Admin, then re-instate it again, and all was well. I'm thinking it MAY be possible to delete the iCal service in Server Admin, save changes, re-start the server, then add the iCal service again.... its possible that will get you around the No Virtual Host message, but since I started over, I can't test to tell you if it will or wont work. I can tell you that there is nothing in the iCal Server Admin that is vitally different that what was there before, so I'm at a loss about the no virtual host message.
    Soooo that's my iCal service story. Long, hard, bitter, and difficult. I've said this before, but Apple really need to create some type of "Re-Initialize" server button to put you back with a fresh install, instead of having to re-install it. I've lost track of how many times I've done that with 10.5, and know I had to do it with 10.2, 10.3 and 10.4 as well. For now, I'm on the Standard Setup, but intend to migrate to the Advanced after this seems stable AND I've got a good working copy on a separate drive to go back to should things go haywire. I can say that while I've have had to use Server Admin some(for the firewall for sure), there seems to be no interference between the settings I make in Server Prefs and Server Admin.
    Good luck to you all!

  • "No Virtual Host Found for iCal Service" help?

    I have Leopard Server installed.
    When I try to "Start iCal" in Server Admin, "No Virtual Host Found for iCal Service" pops up.
    Also, I can't configure the server in the Directory Utility. Utility claims the ip address is incorrect, even though I know it is.

    I just solved this problem by creating a Kerberos record for the iCal server in my Open Directory server's Kerberos realm. The iCal server can join your Open Directory's Kerberos realm through its Open Directory pane's 'Join Kerberos' button. (I think this could be presented better.)
    If you're not using Kerberos, then you'd probably solve the problem by selecting 'Digest' as the 'Authentication' method.

  • ICal Error: "No virtual host found for iCal Service" - Help!

    Trying to set up iCal on OS X Server 10.5.6
    Server is up and running and successfully providing web services on its FQDN. Server is not currently used to support network users / services, but as and when it does it will be the Master Opendirectory server.
    I have created a couple of test accounts on the server (simply in the Users group) and enabled both for Calendar Access.
    I have provided the details of the FQDN on the iCal page, and checked that the default port (8008) has been opened in the firewall.
    In web services there is one virtual domain (using name based virtual server) and the default domain in operation. Both appear to be functioning as would be expected.
    When I click on 'start service' for iCal, I get this error.
    "No virtual host found for iCal service"
    I cannot find any information about this in iCal manual, or online documentation. Can anyone here provide pointer to where this information is, or what it means?
    Would be most grateful.

    Hey there,
    See if any of the solutions provided in either of these older threads can steer you in the right direction.

  • ORA-01403: no data found Problem when using AUTOMATIC ROW FETCH to populate

    ORA-01403: no data found Problem when using AUTOMATIC ROW FETCH to populate a form.
    1) Created a FORM on EMP using the wizards. This creates an AUTOMATIC ROW FETCH
    Item Containing PRIMARY KEY - P2099_EMPNO
    Primary key column - EMPNO
    By default the automatic fetch has a ‘Process Error Message’ of ‘Unable to fetch row.’
    2) Created a HTML region. Within this region add
    text item P2099_FIND_EMPNO
    Button GET_EMP to submit
    Branch Modified the conditional branch created during button creation to set P2099_EMPNO with &P2099_FIND_EMPNO.
    If I then run the page, enter an existing employee number into P2099_EMPNO and press the GET_EMP button the form is populated correctly. But if I enter an employee that does not exist then I get the oracle error ORA-01403: no data found and no form displayed but a message at the top of the page ‘Action Processed’.I was expecting a blank form to be displayed with the message ‘Unable to fetch row.’
    I can work around this by making the automated fetch conditional so that it checks the row exists first. Modify the Fetch row from EMP automated fetch so that it is conditional
    EXIST (SQL query returns at least one row)
    select 'x'
    from EMP
    where EMPNO = :P2099_EMPNO
    But this means that when the employee exists I must be fetching from the DB twice, once for the condition and then again for the actual row fetch.
    Rather than the above work around is there something I can change so I don’t get the Oracle error? I’m now wondering if the automatic row fetch is only supposed to be used when linking a report to a form and that I should be writing the fetch process manually. The reason I haven’t at the moment is I’m trying to stick with the automatic wizard generation as much as I can.
    Any ideas?
    Thanks Pete

    Hi Mike,
    I've tried doing that but it doesn't seem to make any difference. If I turn debug on it shows below.
    0.05: Computation point: AFTER_HEADER
    0.05: Processing point: AFTER_HEADER
    0.05: ...Process "Fetch Row from EMP": DML_FETCH_ROW (AFTER_HEADER) F|#OWNER#:EMP:P2099_EMPNO:EMPNO
    0.05: Show ERROR page...
    0.05: Performing rollback...
    0.05: Processing point: AFTER_ERROR_HEADER
    I don't really wan't the error page, either nothing with the form not being populated or a message at the top of the page.
    Thanks Pete

  • Work around for server not found problems on FF36

    I have found a work around for all the people having server not found problems with FF36.
    If you manually set your network adapter DNS to an external DNS server (as opposed to your local ISP) then the problem goes away. I set mine to use the two google DNS servers:
    Not a clue why this works but it is 100% successful on my desktop PC, whereas before I could hardly connect to a webpage with FF36 without multiple page refreshes and much frustration, even though FF35 was fine and rolling back to FF35 was also fine.
    Something has changed in FF36 and either the way it handles DNS or the way it works with some network adapters.
    It is nothing to do with add-ons, profiles or firewall software as I have tried all of these things and only the DNS change made a difference. I even copied over a full working profile and the program files directory for Mozilla from my portable which was having no problems and the problem still existed on the desktop, which is why I started looking at the network adapater since everything else between the working PC and the non working one was identical.
    Hopefully this will help the developers to pin down the real cause of the problem and fix it in the next release.

    Well done. Thanks for finding that.
    That is not only assigned but has an approved patch included in the scheduled Fx36.0.1 release so it should be fixed in few days, watch out for the upgrade.
    * Bug 1093983 - DNS resolver should not use 'ANY' to get cached records for TTL <sup>[ c#35]</sup>
    With the bug now fixed it would not really be appropriate to add further comment. I do now see another related bug assigned but not being fast tracked, so if all goes well that will probably land in Firefox 39.
    * Bug 1138242 - DNS: Request A and AAAA record types rather than ANY when obtaining TTL on Windows

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    Using techtool pro found problem with "volume structure" and this was not fixed by TECHTOOL PRO.  What do you suggest I do?

    I would boot from my gray install disk (put the disk in the drive and restart holding down the C key). Then choose Utilities and run Disk Utility and click Repair Disk. As always, be sure you have a back up of your data first.

  • [ADF JDEV11.1.1.4] Timezone region not found problem in JDEV

    I just moved my project to JDEV11.1.1.4 from
    All is fine except for database Navigator.
    In, I was able to connect to my Oracle Database from Database Navigator Tab. I just needed to set the Java options -Duser.timezone="+01:00" to my project to resolve the timesone region not found problem when running my app onto the embedded WLS.
    In, I can run mu project fine with same Java options but I cannot anymore connect to my DB using Database Navigator.
    I got the famous ORA-01882: timezone region not found error.
    I tried adding this line into ide.conf:
    AddVMOption -Duser.timezone="+01:00"
    but still not working.
    Any idea what I should do pls?

    OK, I made a mistake into the line:
    Adding :
    AddVMOption -Duser.timezone="+01:00"
    in ide.conf works fine.
    I just forgot to close and reopen JDEV.

  • Object library invalid or contains references to object definitions that could not be found problem

    Yesterday I got the following error on the server: "object library invalid or contains references to object definitions that could not be found problem".
    I found this documentation, followed the steps and all was OK on the server:
    Our server is used to do batch processing for refreshing our excel's. This morning, after the excel's got refreshed on the server, I've got this error on the
    client computers (everything works fine on the server computer). I did the steps above on the client computers, but the problem still persists.
    It looks like there is a difference in version between server and client.
    If I do the refreshing on the same computer there is no problem. But when the server does the refreshing and I try to open it on a different computer, I get this error.
    The security update has been removed from the computer, but I can't use my excel's anymore.
    Does any one have some advice for me?
    Best regards,

    Hi Wouter,
    Thanks for the further explaintation.
    According to the description, the issue seems that the Workboook on the client side(with lower Excel version) couldn't run the VBA after it opened by server(higher version Excel application).
    If I understood correctly, that sounds that the issue is relative to the specific version of Excel product or the updates.
    I suggest you contacting Microsoft support to raise an incident so that our engineer could work closely with him to identify the root cause and resolve this issue as soon as possible.
    If the support engineer determines that the issue is the result of a bug the service request will be a no-charge case and you won't be charged.
    Please visit the below link to see the various paid support options that are available to better meet your needs.;en-us;offerprophone
    Regards & Fei
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • 6230i no modem found problem

    When I try to connect to the internet through my mobile and DKU-5 cable it comes up 'no modem found'. When I go to Device manager it says the modem has a problem. Updating the driver just delivers an error message 'there was a problem installing this hardware...'
    The annoying thing is it worked fine until I got an autmoatic update for the software. Since then I have had to sort the 'no available connection type' problem (solved with pc suite cleaner).
    Anyone with any ideas how to solve the no modem found problem would be much appreciated.

    u just register in this reply to anyone .
    do u have same problem  as i have.
    reply me

  • Hai team,  I found problem on iPhone 4S IOS 6.1.2 , whether this is bug?? Or normal?? I see "time since last full charge" can't showing time. Sory if my english very bad.

    Hai team,
    I found problem on iPhone 4S IOS 6.1.2 , whether this is bug?? Or normal?? I see my iPhone in setting->general->usage "time since last full charge"!!! Can't showing time.
    Sory if my english very bad
    Sent from iPhone

    A good read. Have you done anything at all to resolve your problem. Reset? Restore?
    By the way - "your products"... nobody here produced the iPhone, we are all just users. Apple is not here.

  • No virtual host found for iCal service

    Hi all,
    I recently created a link aggregation for our xserve, in doing this i needed to demote my open directory to standalone and then promote it back to master (archive and install users).
    In doing this it appears that iCal has spat the dummy, in that our users could not connect. I turned iCal off and on in the hope that this correct it, however when trying to turn back on I get the error "No virtual host found for iCal service..."
    Check host name reveals that names match.
    Any ideas guys, I'm happy to fully restart iCal (events are backed up), however I can't even get it started yet!

    +". . . ours is a standalone server with Open Directory off . . ."+
    Page 13 - Minimum Requirements. As ever how well it all works will come down to how you've configured DNS Services. Get that bit right and everything else will follow.

  • [SOLVED] Guest Arch in Virtual Box Internet Problems

    I have installed Arch a few times already in virtual machines on Virtual Box and each time it is unable to configure the internet connection properly.  Having gone through the beginner wiki-pages on starting with Arch, I have tried "ping -c 3" and get "ping: unknown host".  However, IP addresses usually work with 0% packet loss.
    I then followed the "hwdetect" instruction and that yielded "-bash: hwdetect: command not found".  The command "modprobe pcnet32" does not yield an error and returns nothing.
    I have also tried other methods … i-problem/
    Last edited by zeug (2009-05-08 23:03:56)

    Wikimig wrote:
    Pretty much the same here
    That is strange but adding "nameserver" to /etc/resolv.conf enables me to access the internet. is of course the IP of the host computer's vitual card but what is strange is: I need to use dhcpcd from guest to be given an IP that isn't even in the same range as (for instance!!
    So to basically, host PC has that virtual ethernet card with static IP and internet connection shared (don't know if this is compulsory though) and guest uses dhcp, is given (don't ask me where it gets it from because I disabled it on VirtualBox). Then I just have to add "nameserver" to resolv.conf and I'm good... till dhcpcd rewrites the resolv.conf. How could we set dhcp to use a particular DNS?
    As you can see, I am not a DNS expert. Using static IPs for both would be great but it doesn't work
    Does it help?
    The 10.x.x.x.x address range is assigned because you are most probably using NAT networking on the Virtual Box configuration.
    Try with 'Bridged'.
    If all goes well you shouldn't need to fiddle with /etc/resolv.conf.
    Still, if you still need to change /etc/resolv.conf, put your changes in a file called /etc/resolv.conf.head which will survive
    the changes that sometimes DHCP does on /etc/resolv.conf.

  • ASR 1002 PPPoE/A Virtual-Access subinterface problem

    Hi Guys,
    i try to configure a BRAS solution for PPPoE/A termination.
    When try to connect a client i receive the following error:
    *May  3 00:51:25.043: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Virtual-Access4, changed state to up
    *May  3 00:51:25.046: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Virtual-Access4, changed state to up
    *May   3 00:51:25.093: %FMANRP_ESS-4-FULLVAI: Session creation failed due to  Full Virtual-Access Interfaces not being supported. Check that all  applied Virtual-Template and RADIUS features support Virtual-Access  sub-interfaces. swidb= 0x40A8D2CC, ifnum= 29
    *May  3 00:51:25.098: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Virtual-Access4, changed state to down
    The problem is related to Virtual-Access subinterface, usually,  on standard IOS,  i work on full mode
    In the Cisco DOC i found this:
    "If the subinterface is not configured, the following error message is  displayed when creating a session with one of the RADIUS attributes:
    *Mar 13 22:04:03.358: %FMANRP_ESS-4-FULLVAI: Session creation failed due to Full
    Virtual-Access Interfaces not being supported. Check that all applied Virtual-Template and
    RADIUS features support Virtual-Access sub-interfaces. swidb= 0x7FA35A42F218, ifnum= 30
    To enhance the scalability of per-user configurations, in many cases,  different Cisco AV-pairs are available to place the subscriber interface  in a Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) instance or to apply a policy  map to the session. For example, use the ip:vrf-id and ip:ip-unnumbered  VSAs to reconfigure a user's VRF. For information about enhancing  scalability see, "Enhancing the Scalability of Per-User Configurations" section."
    Ok i try to pass in radreply the following attribute :
    test    Cisco-AVPair     +=     ip:vrf-id=RACC_ULL
    test    Cisco-AVPair     +=     ip:ip-unnumbered=Loopback 199
    Nothing don't work same error ....
    If remove a "ip-unnumbered" attribute the Virtual-Access coming up but no ip address is assigned
    Any ideas ?
    Many thx
    show ver
    Cisco IOS Software, IOS-XE Software (PPC_LINUX_IOSD-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 15.1(3)S2, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
    Technical Support:
    Copyright (c) 1986-2011 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
    Compiled Mon 12-Dec-11 15:15 by mcpre
    Cisco IOS-XE software, Copyright (c) 2005-2011 by cisco Systems, Inc.
    All rights reserved.  Certain components of Cisco IOS-XE software are
    licensed under the GNU General Public License ("GPL") Version 2.0.  The
    software code licensed under GPL Version 2.0 is free software that comes
    with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.  You can redistribute and/or modify such
    GPL code under the terms of GPL Version 2.0.  For more details, see the
    documentation or "License Notice" file accompanying the IOS-XE software,
    or the applicable URL provided on the flyer accompanying the IOS-XE
    ASR-01-BS uptime is 6 days, 18 hours, 6 minutes
    Uptime for this control processor is 6 days, 18 hours, 8 minutes
    System returned to ROM by reload at 22:08:16 UTC Sat Mar 31 2012
    System image file is "bootflash:asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9.03.04.02.S.151-3.S2.bin"
    Last reload reason: PowerOn
    This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United
    States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and
    use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply
    third-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption.
    Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible for
    compliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product you
    agree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unable
    to comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately.
    A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at:
    If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email to
    [email protected].
    cisco ASR1002 (2RU) processor with 1700062K/6147K bytes of memory.
    4 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
    1 ATM interface
    32768K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
    4194304K bytes of physical memory.
    7757823K bytes of eUSB flash at bootflash:.
    Configuration register is 0x2102
    show run
    aaa new-model
    aaa group server radius AAA_RACC_ULL
    server-private xx.xx.xx.xx auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813 key xxxxxxx
    server-private xx.xx.xx.xx auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813 key xxxxxxx
    ip vrf forwarding RACC_ULL
    aaa authentication login local_auth local
    aaa authentication ppp default group AAA_RACC_ULL
    aaa authorization network default group AAA_RACC_ULL
    aaa accounting send stop-record authentication failure
    aaa accounting update newinfo periodic 60
    aaa accounting network default start-stop group AAA_RACC_ULL
    aaa accounting connection default start-stop group AAA_RACC_ULL
    aaa accounting resource default start-stop group AAA_RACC_ULL
    aaa session-id common
    aaa policy interface-config allow-subinterface
    ip vrf RACC_ULL
    description *** VRF Raccolta TEST ***
    rd 1:1
    vpdn enable
    no virtual-template snmp
    bba-group pppoe xDSL_PPPoE_ADSL
    virtual-template 199
    vendor-tag circuit-id service
    sessions auto cleanup
    interface Loopback199
    description *** GW RACCOLTA IP ADSL ***
    ip vrf forwarding RACC_ULL
    ip address
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0
    description *** ***
    no ip address
    no ip proxy-arp
    load-interval 30
    negotiation auto
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0/3.20
    description *** DOWNLINK TO DSLAM VLAN ADSL ***
    encapsulation dot1Q 20
    ip vrf forwarding RACC_ULL
    no ip proxy-arp
    pppoe enable group xDSL_PPPoE_ADSL
    interface Virtual-Template199
    description *** PPPoE AUTH ADSL ***
    mtu 1488
    ip unnumbered Loopback199
    peer default ip address pool DYNAMIC_ADSL
    ppp authentication chap pap callin
    ip local pool DYNAMIC_ADSL
    ip forward-protocol nd
    no ip http server
    no ip http secure-server
    ip route vrf RACC_ULL
    ip radius source-interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0.999 vrf RACC_ULL
    radius-server vsa send accounting
    radius-server vsa send authentication

    Hi Manuel,
    thanks for your answer.
    Below the other attribute send from radius to ASR
    Framed-MTU     :=     1488
    MS-Primary-DNS-Server     :=
    MS-Secondary-DNS-Server     :=
    Framed-Protocol     :=     PPP
    Service-Type     :=     Framed-User
    Framed-Compression     :=     Van-Jacobsen-TCP-IP
    If possible i prefer to work using only virtual-template mode without per-user VRF.
    I try con configure VT using ip vrf forwarding RACC_ULL and ip unnumbered ( in the same VRF domain ) without success.

  • SWT Virtual Tables display problem.

    Hi all,
    I have a display problem with virtual tables.
    In an Eclipse RCP application, I have a view that shows two tables, T1 (showing users) and T2 (showing the roles).
    I also use a content provider and a label provider for each table.
    When I debug, I can see that both tables are filled correctly.
    But when the application comes up, T1 is empty and T2 is filled. I am missing the users in the table T1.
    The interesting thing is, that the table do not very differ much from each other, T1 has one column more and of course IUser object as data per tableitem, whereas T2 has IRole objects as tableitems.
    Even when I debug on event listening in T2, I can get the T1 data of each tableitem, but it doesn't show?!
    My question is, where can I look at to solve this problem?
    Just theoretically, without posting source code.
    Thanks and regards,

    I found out that the table T1 seems to miss the user object in each of the tableitems data fields.
    Now I am confused.
    According to the model, when does it get filled with it?
    Because the Labelprovider
         public String getColumnText(Object element, int columnIndex) {
              String result = null;
              if(element instanceof IUser) {
                   IUser user = (IUser) element;
                   if(columnIndex == 0) {
                        result = user.getName();
                   } else if(columnIndex == 1) {
                        result = user.getUserId();
                   } else if(columnIndex == 2) {
                        //This is a checkbox Member
                   } else if(columnIndex == 3) {
                        //This is a checkbox Manager
              return result;
         }gets all the correct data.
    Is it removed afterwards?
    Thanks and regards,

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    When I edit photos and then go back to them they don't open. I can see the thumbnail, but if I click on it the image is just black. I know how to get the original photos back but I'd like to be able to edit photos still. Does anyone know how to fix t

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    Hi, We are getting the message "asset under construction not completely credited" when trying to process an actual settlement for an internal order.  We have checked all our settlement rules and read SAP Note 726031 but we are still getting stuck on