MacBook can't log in to AT&T Uverse wireless WPA network

I'm unable to log in to my friend's wireless at her house. She has AT&T Uverse... security is "WPA Personal" and I've changed that setting manually... have tried the trick of putting "$" in front of the password (tried it with and without that). Nothing seems to work. I've double checked and we're hitting the correct "2WIRExxx" network. Any ideas?

I find it very puzzling too Linc, especially as it's not consistent.
The switcher swapping, sadly made no differnence.
Given that the routing works fine in reverse (SL accessing Lion) and not when the lion is accessing common shared areas like a drop box, internet, or the network shared drive. I'm not convinced it is switcher delay. Worth a try though
It seems to be delayed only when trying to connect as a registered administrator on the SL macs.
There is only one account per mac. The admin with it's password. Have tried creating another admin user on one SL Mac but this did not help.
To connect macs we have been using the "connect as" and signing in as a "registerred user" (Then entering the admin login details of the mac you are accessing) 
We are presented by a list of drives on that device. Selecting one in finder mounts it for access from the external mac with full read write access.
We are not specifically setting up shared folders, permissions or drives on either machine. But logging in as the remote macs admin.
This has provided great access between machines until now.

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    Forgot Your Account Password
    For Lion/Mountain Lion
        Boot to the Recovery HD:
    Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
         When the menubar appears select Terminal from the Utilities menu.
         Enter resetpassword at the prompt and press RETURN. Follow
         instructions in the dialog window that will appear.
         Or see Reset a Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Password and
         OS X Lion- Apple ID can be used to reset your user account password.

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    Ok, if still not logging in with shift key held, then we can reinstall or restore from time machine. But there is another solution which will be quicker. Because it's getting to the login screen, and this issue occurs when we try to go into your user, it stands to reason this is a user issue, so putting down a new system is unlikely to resolve it.
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    Regards, Dave Patrick ....
    Microsoft Certified Professional
    Microsoft MVP [Windows]
    Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.

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    You need to set the option to create a mobile account using the Directory Utility app. 

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    The Apple IDs from and (Older MobileMe and more recent iCloud Names) are also Valid AIM Screen names.
    Any other sort of Apple ID is not a Valid AIM Name.
    A Google ID that is associated with Google Mail Account (And has "Talk" enable on your Google Settings) can be used in iChat as  Jabber Name/ID.  (Google Run  Jabber server).
    Jabber and AIM are different IM Services and it is not easy or straight forward to add Buddies from one Service to the Buddy List of another.  (As A Starting point consider it "impossible")
    iChat 4 and 5 have links to the registration page of here with a "Get an iChat Account" button in the add (Account) screen  (You select or MobileMe and then press the Button - Choosing AIM and then pressing the button used to lead to the AIM registration page but AIM moved their page).
    Apple IDs can be any valid email (or an or iCloud registration)
    Therefore you could make a Google ID into an Apple ID.
    However this will not be a valid AIM Screen Name the way or MobileMe/iCloud ones are.
    Valid AIM Screen Names in Table (pic)
    7:46 PM      Monday; December 5, 2011
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Lion 10.7.2)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

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    Users don't need Apple ID's. That's not the issue. Have you tried repairing permissions their accounts?
    Repairing User Permissions in OS X Lion
    You’ll need to reboot to perform this, and then use the same resetpassword utility that is used to change passwords in Lion, but instead choosing a hidden option.
    When you use the Disk Utility app and Repair Permissions — it doesn’t actually repair the permission settings on folders and files in your Home folder where your documents and personal applications reside.
    In Lion, there is an additional Repair Permissions application utility hidden away. This tool is located inside boot Repair Utilities. Here’s how to access it.
    Restart Lion and hold down the Command and R keys.    You will boot into the Repair Utilities screen. On top, in the Menu Bar click the Utilities item then select Terminal.
    In the Terminal window, type resetpassword and hit Return.
    The Password reset utility launches, but you’re not going to reset the password. Instead, click on the icon for your Mac’s hard drive at the top. From the drop-down below it, select the user account where you are having issues.
    At the bottom of the window, you’ll see an area labeled ‘Reset Home Directory Permissions and ACLs’. Click the Reset button there.
    The reset process takes a couple of minutes. When it’s done, quit the programs you’ve opened and restart your Mac. Notice that ‘Spotlight’ starts re-indexing immediately.

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    Check your support profile if you may have registered it there.
    Check your email - Apple typically offers to email your receipts to you.
    Message was edited by: ssschmidt

  • Updated my software on my macbook and now i can't log in

    I have updated my software on my 4 year old Macbook to OS X Mountain Lion v10.8 and after installing all my data at start up, I can't log in with my previous password. I have tried all possible passwords and still can't manage to log in.. Is there anyway to restart this password without logging in and without going back to the Apple store?

    Forgot Your Account Password
    For Lion, Mountain Lion, or Mavericks
        Boot to the Recovery HD:
    Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
         When the menubar appears select Terminal from the Utilities menu.
         Enter resetpassword at the prompt and press RETURN. Follow
         instructions in the dialog window that will appear.
         Or see:
           Reset a Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Password
           OS X Mountain Lion- Reset a login password,
           OS X Mavericks- Solve password problems,
           OS X Lion- Apple ID can be used to reset your user account password.
    If you are going to upgrade your OS X system, then you really should install Mavericks rather than Mountain Lion.

  • Can't log on/startup MacBook

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    It shows the grey apple screen for a few seconds,then goes to a blue screen,which normally leaves after a few more seconds,but now it holds this screen with the round loading circle,kinda of flashes then does the blue screen thing again.
    I tried restarting a number of times and eventually it loaded to the log in window. By the way,eer since I have had the MacBook it has logged in automatically to the admin account. Now that it is making me log in, the computer won't accept my password,which I have also been using since I got the computer without any problems.
    I have read it is possible to reset the admin password with the install disc,but I have recently moved to the snow and my install disc is a 5 hour drive away.
    Anyone have any suggestions for me?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Tom,
    The next time it boots up, backup your hard disk if you haven't already.
    You will need your install disks to do anything further, so set aside some time for the drive or you can call Apple and replace them for a nominal charge

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