Macbook Conquered??

Hi folks, I am running Command and Conquer Generals on my macbook and it seems to be going painfully slow compared to the video reviews that are shown on the internet. i wasnt expecting it to run as fast some super duper gaming desktop PC, but does anyone know how i could speed it up?? or is this just the way it is on the MB??

These are the system requirements for C&C Generals deluxe edition :
Command & Conquer Generals™ Deluxe Edition
Platforms: Mac
Genre: Strategy/Simulation
ESRB: Teen
Mac Release Date: March 2006
System Requirements:
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.2.8 or later
CPU Processor: PowerPC G4 or later
CPU Speed: 1GHz or faster
Memory: 256 MB or higher
Hard Disk Space: 2.8GB free disk space
Video Card (ATI): Radeon 7500 or better
Video Card (NVidia): GeForce2 MX or better
Video Memory (VRam): 32 MB or higher
Media Required: DVD Drive
The radeon 7500 (which I have in my Quicksilver) or the Geforce 2 MX are hardly fast cards. My 32 Mb Radeon 7500 runs Warcraft 3, Wolfenstein, Medal of Honor, Jedi Knight perfectly at 800x600. Go anything higher than that and it's jerkatron all the way. Now C&C is a game that came out for mac, say, 2 years ago ? If a game with these system requirements doesn't run on a 2006 notebook with a dual core processor, then I guess it's safe to say that, other than Tetris, you won't be able to play any game on a macbook. Still, I've heard from people who play world of warcraft just fine on a macbook. And those sys reqs are a lot higher than those of C&C. Actually, what you're saying, is that a new macbook won't run a two year old game no better than my four year old powermac G4. I've always thought of my graphics card as slow and sub par (I didn't buy the system for games in the first place). So if the intel GMA950 is no better or even worse than my radeon, I won't bother with the macbook.
Oh, and don't buy an xbox360. They suck. Get a Wii or a PS3.

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    Thanks for your reply.
    >>Running bootcamped Win7, yes power consumption is more, a lot more,....indications are no.
    Sorry, can you clarify on this one - do you mean the power consumption is more DURING the use of Windows, or ALL of the time (even when using the Mac as normal with OSX).... also what did you mean by indications?
    >>From the parameters of what you say your use would be, Id recommend the I5 with 8gig of ram. the 12 hour >>batt. life is only rated for the 13" on the I5, ....not the I7.   
    Sounds like my first guess was about right - and good point about the battery life - as that is something that's quite important to me!
    >>The "switch" is extremely easy. Ive seen grandmothers switch to a MAC and have its 'everyday use' >>conquered in under a week. So, you should have no worries, its extremely user friendly, no worries of virus, >>etc.
    Glad to hear I've done more research and already seen a few features I can see myself preferring a lot more to the Windows system!
    >>As a former computer repairman, Ive owned nearly 200 diff. laptops (many were free, or Franken-computers >>built from parts) and I can honestly say the Macbook AIR is the finest piece of beloved hardware Ive ever >>owned by a mile.
    >>Many people incorrectly see the THIN nature of the Air and incorrectly conjecture its "less than" a full laptop, >>but the contrary is the case.
    Nah, I don't associate size with performance - especially these days, everything is getting smaller. My concerns are really just about whether to upgrade for extra performance, and using the OS - once I have those nailed I am pretty cofident the hardware will perform well.
    >>Additionally the AIR is the only Mac that has 802AC wifi, new Haswell cool-running processor, and extremely >>long 12 Hr. batt life on the I5 13" configuration.
    Yeah that battery life is one of the big sellers
    Cheers for the tips,

  • Retina MacBook Pro Trackpad in Windows 8

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    The issue manifests itself as such:
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    Uninstall and re-scan for devices
    Reinstall by running repair with boot camp utility
    Older versions of the driver in boot camp
    Running the individual boot camp driver directly (results in "you need to run 64 bit version of DPInst.exe"
    Extracting boot camp driver archive, replacing DPInst.exe with a 64 bit version, running DPInst.exe as well as re-archiving and running the driver
    Checking online for additional drivers, including Microsoft's auto-check functionality
    Each of these methods have resulted in the same thing, 2 touchpads appearing with "incorrectly installed drivers." I'm at a total loss, if anyone has had any success conquering this issue, or if you've simply been able to use your Trackpad on your RMBP, please share your steps!

    To make the trackpad work. You need to install trackpad++
    (, it will enable the trackpad driver on boot camp. After you install the trackpad++, trackpad++ will complain something. ingnore it.  You should be able to enable trackpad. And you can now even uninstall the  trackpad++, the trackpad will sill work. 
    brightness, what graphics card are you using? It might be due to the auto adjusting brightness running there. You can go to your power options, edit the one you are using  (Change plan settings >> Change advanced power settings) and look for Batteries >> Enable adaptive brightness and disable the one you are using. After that, the scrollbar for adjusting brightness in power options should work again.
    bluetooth connection is incredibly unreliable/intermittent when in Windows (I run Windows 7 64-bit and Boot Camp 4.0, and got both devices connected without any trouble via Bluetooth).
    After much testing, I have found the cause of lagging/jumpiness on the Bluetooth Magic Mouse and Magic TrackPad in Boot Camp. Hopefully this will help others:
    The drivers for the Broadcom 802.11n Wireless Adapter have a setting called "Bluetooth Collaboration" that is Disabled by default. Enabling this option removes the problem instantly. My Magic Trackpad now works flawlessly, even if I stand 6 metres from the machine. It now works just as well as under Mac OS. The setting can be found under:
    Control Panel > Device Manager > Network Adapters > Broadcom 802.11n Network Adapter (right click and choose "Properties".
    Under the "Advanced" tab, highlight the setting named "Bluetooth Collaboration", then change it to Enable. Then click OK.
    I narrowed the problem down to the wireless card by disabling ALL startup services and processes for Windows, then re-enabling one by one.
    As soon as I enabled the Windows Wireless Service, the problem came back.
    Similarly, disabling the Wireless Card inside the Network and Sharing Center (or Device Manager) removes the problem.
    This led me to believe it must be a driver issue with the wireless card, since the problem didn't occur with the Magic TrackPad under Mac OS, or on my mother's Windows 7 64-bit computer.
    So when I went into the Driver Properties to check for an update, I found this setting about Bluetooth Collaboration.
    All Apple notebooks use the Broadcom card (and have done for years), so this driver is installed for almost anybody using Boot Camp on an Apple notebook. I'd assume this problem would affect anybody using Boot Camp + wifi + a Bluetooth device.
    Wireless Connection problem using windows in a Mac.

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    Well I'll guess you're using iPhoto 11:
    Option 1
    Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Choose to Repair Database. If that doesn't help, then try again, this time using Rebuild Database.
    If that fails:
    Option 2
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. (In early versions of Library Manager it's the File -> Rebuild command. In later versions it's under the Library menu.)
    This will create an entirely new library. It will then copy (or try to) your photos and all the associated metadata and versions to this new Library, and arrange it as close as it can to what you had in the damaged Library. It does this based on information it finds in the iPhoto sharing mechanism - but that means that things not shared won't be there, so no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your events, albums and keywords, faces and places back.
    Because this process creates an entirely new library and leaves your old one untouched, it is non-destructive, and if you're not happy with the results you can simply return to your old one.  

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    Thanks so much for the help!

    Hi cbeth,
    welcome to macbook forum.
    For your friend macbook, try to press F7 back and forth to switch between mirror and expanded mode.
    Try to update your macbook hardware firmware and software using software updater and repair permission after that...application/utilities/disk utility/repair permission.
    Also reset your PRAM and PMU.
    Open your friend system preference / display and try to compare and set yours similar to hers, including resolution, color depth, refresh rate.
    Good Luck.

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    Thanks for any help....
    MacBook   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    i use the mini dvi-vga adapter in my classroom almost everyday. It sounds like your new monitor is running as a side by side monitor to your display instead of a "replacement" display.
    To get your projector/monitor to basically show whatever is on your macbook screen once you've hooked up press F7....this should make your projector/monitory become your display with your dock & all of your desktop stuff. Your new monitor will completely mirror your display.
    THis should do what you're looking for.

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions, schumawm.
    Most likely the wrong timing/resolution is being sent to the TV. If mirroring is turned on in Display preferences under the Arrangement tab, uncheck the mirror box to turn mirroring off. Then set the TV's resolution to 640 x 480 as a starting point. 640 x 480 may be all that an older TV is capable of.

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    Any ideas? Thanks!

    Turn mirroring off. That way the two displays can run independently from one another. The mirroring check box is in Displays Preferences under the Arrangement tab.

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    If the software is in the HD>Applications folder it's available to everyone. If for some reason you put software into User>Applications folder it will be available only to that user.

  • External Drive is no longer recognized by Macbook

    I have this external drive.... Q/ref=sr11?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1280159206&sr=1-1
    It is about 60% full of music/pictures/documents that are NOT on my Macbook, therefore I use it regularly.
    Every once in a while, I accidentally remove it without properly ejecting first. But I guess I did it one too many times because now the computer will not recognize it at all.
    To insure that the drive wasn't corrupt, I plugged it into a PC. It worked fine. The files are all there and were completely accessible. But as soon as I plugged it back into the Mac, it won't show up.
    When I try a Disk Utilities repair, I get the following message:::::
    Disk Utility stopped repairing “My Passport” because the following error was encountered:
    The underlying task reported failure on exit
    Verify and Repair disk “My Passport”
    ** /dev/disk1s1
    ** Phase 1 - Read FAT
    ** Phase 2 - Check Cluster Chains
    ** Phase 3 - Checking Directories
    Unable to read directory (Input/output error)
    Error: The underlying task reported failure on exit
    1 non HFS volume checked
    1 volume could not be repaired because of an error
    I have NO $$$, so telling me to purchase a $30-100 program will not help me AT ALL. I'm looking for solutions that will not effect my wallet, even if they take all day to complete.
    What can I do????????

    Ok. Just to set one part straight- I doubt the problem came from unplugging your drive without ejecting. This usually isn't a problem unless files are writing or in use when you do it, but ejecting is a safe way to avoid issues.
    Try force-mounting the drive in terminal by using the following commands
    *mkdir /Volumes/yourdrivename*
    this command should give you the location of the drive on your computer. (It should be something like disk2 or disk1s3) Then type the location into:
    *mount /dev/yourdrivelocation*
    Whether or not this works, follow up this step by ejecting the drive and unplugging and plugging it back in. This worked for me when I was having this issue.
    Also- are you able to backup and reformat the drive? This would be a good thing to try if other attempts have failed.

  • I was given the wrong macbook when I gave mine in for repair.  I want to complain.  Also, they wiped ALL my data off the hard drive.  I want to complain to someone in authority.  How?

    I am extremely disappointed and angry with Apple service.  I am a writer and booked three weeks in Spain so that I could finish my book.  On the second day my laptop cut out on me asI was working on it, so I took it to Goldenmack in Cadiz.  Not only was I given someone else's macbook when I went back to collect it, but then when I returned to the UK, the Apple shop in Brighton managed to delete ALL my data from the hard drive because I was unlucky enough to get a trainee on her first day.  I have since learned she should not have deleted my data without even running a diagnostic.  She told me she was going to 'restore' the drive.  I took this to mean she was going to restore my work.  But no!  She erased the lot.
    I complained and eventually was put in touch with a supervisor, who I was told  had authority to resolve the issue. She said she would get the shop to phone me.  That was ten days ago and I'm still waiting. 
    Ok so there's nothing I can do now to get back the three chapters of my book that I have lost and didn't back up, but the  hard drive on this laptop is still faulty.  I try to back up my work every time I use the machine but as soon as I attach an external drive, the whole thing shuts down. I can't use it any more as I can't risk losing any more work.    This laptop is only just over a year old and this is just not acceptable, especially since I have really looked after it. 
    This is an appalling service I have encountered from Apple, and I am not going to ignore it.  I have contacted the young chap whose laptop I was erroneously given, and the repair of which I paid for! (although I did eventually get a refund),  to ask him if he had been given mine as well.  He said he had been completely unaware that his laptop had been given to me and he is furious as he had loads of "sensitive material" on it."  I have no idea in whose hands my laptop has been either, or indeed what damage it sustained while it was supposed to be in for repair.

    Contact Apple Support:
    Apple - How to Contact Us:
    Be sure to refer to the repair ticket number.
    Sounds like a terrible mixup.
    Good luck & happy computing!

  • Adobe Photoshop CS2 in Macbook Pro

    During installation of Adobe Photoshop CS2, the installer runs and freezes in the midst. There is no way of installing Adobe Photoshop CS2 with intel processor. Full reinstallation of Mac OSX doesn't help. Running disk utility doesn't help either. Problems occurred with or without installing of Apple Security Update 2006-003(intel). Any comments?

    Edwin, thanks for the input, and I do apologize. You are right. I should be easier with which to live. There are two major problems out there right now. That is also part of the problem. We are not used to two problems in our domain.
    I own 20 Mac's in my office, and I only did these updates on my MacBook Pro 17 inch and my G5 Dual 2.3 Ghz machine that has two 30-inch Cinema Displays. I had both problems on my MacBook Pro, and the G5 had the reboot glitch. I won't update the other machines untill these problems are resolved by the OEMs.
    Of the two major hiccups out there, this link indicates Quicktime's update is the source of the inability to restart machines, fixed by deleting startup items, I believe. I had this reboot problem also.
    Accrobat's freezing the system, the question at hand, is a result of the Security Update, fixed by rolling back to a pre-Security Update state using Archive & Install re-installation of the OS. Archive & Install does not erase your files or network settings.
    Apple has released two products that fouled these systems. Bad Quality Assurance I think. I am not sure if the Security Update problem is an Apple or an Adobe software problem, i.e., Adobe may have not followed some software guidance. I am certain both companies are aware of the problem, but I am uncertain of the fix for Acrobat. We probably do need to update for security, but I can't live without Acrobat. So I will wait it out without the Security Update.

  • How do I install windows from USB on Macbook pro 3,1

    How do I install windows from USB on Macbook pro 3,1 ?
    My Superdrive is far from super anymore, So I managed to make an extern drive with both Snow Leopard Partition, Lion Partition (Since I thought Boot Camp 4,1 would bypass my problem), and Time Machine partition, Since I got 1. USB drive that works.
    - My general issue is that Boot camp Refuse to see the USB drive - (Many "how to"´s though show how they install windows perfectly through the USB port, but they use airbooks!, and somehow the Macbook will not ?)
    I fix that issue with >> rEFIt <<, that suddenly makes it possible for the Mac to see the USB drive, and partitions.
    Which was very strange since I could use an extern HD with the whole installation to start up wipe the whole disk, and then use my extern drive with partitions to install Snow Leopard and get everything as before with timemachine. Very smart with timemachine, but very lucky that I have a extern drive that runs the whole system and that I made the partitionsdrive before. DVD-drives are the past!
    Point: So the original system could see the Snow Leopard installation USB disk, but boot camp cannot find the USB drive ?????????
    After rEFIt I booted and then I got this error:
    Starting bootmgr.efi
    Error: Unsupported while loading bootmgr.efi
    I read it could be a problem with the Windows software, so I purchased an extern DVD drive, Used Disk Utility to make an image (.DMG), then used another program to convert the .dmg to .ISO.
    Then downloaded a trialversion of vmWare fusion, and installed windows from the iso. Everything worked brilliant, except and that is why I want to use boot camp, Running windows in another program while running the mac system is a little hacky and slow.
    Point: Nothing is wrong with the windows software, and windows runs fine.
    I then downloaded the Windows DVD / USB Tool, reformatted a USB drive as Master Boot Partition, MS-Dos Fat partition, then after lots of struggling got Vmware, windows to recognise the USB drive. And installed the windows software on the USB drive, as all the walkthroughs recommend.
    Then I tried for "fun"! to just install windows form the extern USB drive, and with rEFIt it will see the drive and start to do something, but then when it starts to boot, the screen just turns into black and nothing happens, and you can see the drive does NOTHING. (I think it is because I only have 1 USB drive and the Extern DVD drive does not get enough power, but again the mac refuse to see the USB drive unless it is a Snow Leopard installation USB-drive!
    Well trying to install Windows Ultimate 64 Bit, which worked great in vmware, because that program installed from the .ISO file that I had on the desktop, but trying with Boot Camp did not get anywhere, what kind of **** program is this boot camp anyway!?, but then I try the new USB disk with windows made from windows, thorugh rEFIt, it sees the disk and then starts and then I get this ERROR:
    rEFIt - Booting Legacy OS
    Starting legacy loader
    Using load option ´USB´
    Error: Not found returned from legacy loader
    Error: Not found from LocateDevicePath
    (x 9 times)
    Error: Load Error while (re)opening our installation volume
    The firmware refused to boot from the selected volume. Note that external hard drives are not well-supported by Apple´s firmware for legacy OS booting
    (Hey Apple please send out a updated firmware that fix this issue?!)
    So how do I do it ? - or is the only option to fix the partition running the system from the extern disk. Format the whole drive in 2 from the "bottom" and install windows and then afterwards install Mac on the other partition ?  Or just run windows on the mac and forget about mac software ? What a stupid solution...

    There are strings in the pliist file to add other Macs so that you can use some USB-DVD drives.
    This is 5 page thread, so a little more 'meat' to it:
    And on PC booting Windows from a USB DVD to do the install is usually a piece of cake, sometimes you just need to specify that USB in the BIOS boot order and sometimes select via F12 (or another Fkey) and that is it.
    What you have here seems to be everything and everyone is excluded unless there is a  mac-model device ID string that specifies yes.  An unnecessary hurdle.

  • Amigos(as)  Tenho um Macbook Unibody 6.1 (Guerreiro) hahahaha...nunca deu problema, funciona de boa. porém numa noite, eu estava limpando ele, procedimento padrão de vários anos. Ai eu percebi que as TECLAS: 5, t, g, b não funcionam...mas outro dia eu Ati

    Friends (as)
    I have a Macbook Unibody 6.1 (Warrior) hahahaha ... never given problem, it works good. But one night, I was cleaning it, standard procedure for several years.
    Then I realized that KEYS: 5, t, g, b do not work ... but the other day I CAPSLOCK I activated, they work quietly.
    PS: I've given all resets known, took the would hit, bios, formatted (clean install for Lion Mountain)
    Does anyone have any idea?

  • Case Cracks White MacBook (2006)

    I have observed cracks on my white macbook (Late 2006 model) case (both insde & out side). Everytime I take an appointment with the Genius, they say that they are so busy to replace the case and they might need at least 3-5 business days. Since I did not have an alternate computer, I have delayed a bit. Now that I recently got a iMac, I would like to turn in my macbook for repair. Not sure if apple has spares to repair the cracked outer shells. Any idea how long and how much it costs to get it fixed ? Or can I return my laptop to get some store credit and buy a new Macbook ??

    sparu wrote:
    Not sure if apple has spares to repair the cracked outer shells. Any idea how long and how much it costs to get it fixed ? Or can I return my laptop to get some store credit and buy a new Macbook ??
    Only Apple would know that.  Also, ask Apple.  Not going to happen.  You can't return a 6 year old mac and expect to get a store credit.  Since the repair volume of the store seems to be high, get an estimate and leave it there for repair if you find the price of repair to be acceptable.

Maybe you are looking for