MacBook got smashed.  Took hard drive to Apple Store, guy tried to extract photos, said drive was bent.  Any suggestions as to where to take a damaged drive to get out photos?  Upset bcuz it's a year of our baby's photos, not backed up anywhere!!!!

My Macbook got smashed.  We took the hard drive out and to an Apple store where a guy tried to extract the info we wanted.  He said he couldn't because it was a bit damaged and the only other option we had was to send it back to the company to see if they could get the info out.  I am very upset because it has a year's worth of baby photos that I hadn't backed up yet.  Any suggestions as to what to do?

If the drive physically works, you can do this yourself:
USB SATA/IDE adapter (connects internal drive to a computer)
DataRescue (run from a Mac) Reads the 1's and 0's of files themselves, even if the disk is reformatted.
A Mac's boot drive is formatted HFS+ Journaled. To be read by a Windows PC needs MacDrive installed on the PC.
The above methods are available locally by your neighborhood computer specialist.
Or if the drive doesn't work at all, you need to send it out.
Platter dissection
If you willing to spend some big bucks, like thousands of dollars.
Note: Only grabbed sites as a example, not as a endorsement, no compensation for mention, I haven't validated any site mentioned

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    Can it be so that You try to boot a G5 (Power) Mac from one external hard disk - then try to boot an INTEL Mac from same external Mac.
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    Yours Bengt W

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    Welcome to Apple Support Communities. We're users here and do not speak for "Apple Inc."
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    You said "so for sure I can run back up on my ipod and it will all appear on my photo stream on my mac?".
    I do not think so since the PhotoStream on send photos take for the last 30 days.
    iCloud: Photo Stream FAQ
    Bacing up to iClould hs nothing to do with PhotoStream.
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    In my last paragraph, I said
    "Note that Windows PCs cannot write natively to an HFS drive, so if you need to exchange files between Mac and PC, we need to talk about different options."
    Windows cannot read Mac Extended (HFS) formatted drives; the Mac cannot write to Windows (NTFS) formatted drives.
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    If you have a drive with files on it and you cannot erase them at the moment:
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    - if the drive is formatted for Windows (NTFS), you can purchase Paragon NTFS for the Mac.

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    First off, look at Terms of Use of this board. You can't post polls.
    Secondly, hard drives can fail at anytime and for any reason. That does not have anything to do with whether or not the hard drive is a good batch or not, but merely because of the technology. Even though Maxtor's lineup of hard drives supposedly improved since their bad batch early this decade, my 500 GB hard drive from Maxtor died after 9 months, and that was a desktop hard drive!
    This is why I strongly recommend anyone using computers to backup their data as my FAQ explains:
    As for your AppleCare won't talk with you, I don't believe it.
    Edit: If you paid $250 to extend it, you should contact them and tell them that you did. Get your receipt for where you paid for it, and ask them to get you registered. As long as you bought it before the year was out, you should be able to have authorized.
    If you didn't get it until after the year is out, you are out luck there, but AppleCare telephone calls usually only cost a $50 per incident fee that lasts about a week. That's why they ask for your credit card number. To ensure your call is covered under the same incident when you call back, be sure at the beginning of your call to get a case number established once you give them your credit card number.
    Hard drives on notebooks are particularly succeptable to failure because of the heat inside the machines, the movement put through when the machine is in use, and their smaller parts. I strongly recommend that anyone using a notebook to at least shut down their machine before moving it off a desk for any period of time. The movement in a car or bus has such jarring motion from speed bumps and pot holes it can kill a hard drive quicker if the machine is up and running. And running into doorjams can do the same.
    As for the slowdown in your machine, you may have too full a hard drive, a machine which needs the nightly scripts run, or one of these other issues my FAQ discusses:
    Ask before you do any maintenance.

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    As long as the drive is a SATA drive, and as long as the install was done on a PPC machine, or at least, with a Mac OS Extended format, the drive should be plug and play:

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    I did force boot the Mac os x install DVD and used the disk utility to first verify permissions and it came up with god knows how many errors, but won't let me repair permissions (it is grey out). So I proceed to do a disk volume check, it stops and says it is strongly recommended to backup as many files as possible and reformat the hard drive. I do have the equipment to recover data, however my concern is getting the hard drive replaced under warranty. Being a it support personnel I need my computer asap, it isn't my problem that the hard drive died so I am not going to just buy a new one, how does apple go about replacing NOT repairing the hard drive.
    This is what I want, go to the apple store with my Macbook pro and my craftsman set of #000 screw drivers and take the hard drive out myself, hand the hard drive to the "genius" (which by the way are un qualified in my opinion to service my $1200 Macbook pro, as they scratched my first MacBook pro, and stripped the screws. Sorry Apple but you lost my trust). Have the genius hand me a replacement hard drive, I place that back into my MacBook pro and be on my merry way home to reinstall all of my programs and restore my data.
    Is this a reasonable request and do you think apple will give me a hard time?
    Thanks to all the help,

    No, that isn't a reasonable request, and it's not going to happen that way. If you want Apple to warrant your new drive, Apple will insist on installing it. If you want to choose your new hard drive, you'll have to buy and install it at your own expense. Given your impatience, your prejudices, and your low opinion of Apple service, that's certainly what you should do. In addition to getting your preferred drive and installing it on your own schedule, you'll get a much longer warranty than Apple would give you on it, and you'll get to keep the old drive to recover data from it if necessary (Apple would keep it if they replaced it.) Installing a new drive yourself will have no effect on the Apple warranty covering the rest of the machine, and being an IT professional, you can probably buy a new hard drive for even less than we ordinary mortals pay for them nowadays.
    So yes, Apple owes you a new drive, but if you can't accept the terms on which Apple will provide it, by all means just buy and install one yourself and get on with your life.

  • Got a new hard drive, system now has very short freezes when being used

    Hello there!
    I recently got a new hard drive, 1 TB from 320, and i have been having an issue where the computer seems to freeze for about half a second and then go back to normal. This happens on multiple apps and accounts. i have had it happen in safari, firefox, Minecraft and warcraft 3. It seems to happen more when the system is under heavy use like if i am playing DvZ. Basically its like the display freezes and everything else keeps going. after about half a second or so the screen will jump to where it should be. This happens both in Minecraft and Warcraft 3. in safari it happens sometimes when i go back a page, it just kind of sits with the back button highlighted for a second then it goes to the previous page. Also sometimes when i scroll it takes a second or two to start scrolling.
    The system itself is not freezing totally because stuff still happens when the screen is frozen, in Warcraft 3 units will jump to where they would be is the screen hadn't frozen.
    I have tested it on multiple accounts so its not isolated to one account.
    Thanks for any help you can give,

    Try booting into the Safe Mode using your normal account.  Disconnect all peripherals except those needed for the test. Shut down the computer and then power it back up after waiting 10 seconds. Immediately after hearing the startup chime, hold down the shift key and continue to hold it until the gray Apple icon and a progress bar appear. The boot up is significantly slower than normal. This will reset some caches, forces a directory check, and disables all startup and login items, among other things. When you reboot normally, the initial reboot may be slower than normal. If the system operates normally, there may be 3rd party applications which are causing a problem. Try deleting/disabling the third party applications after a restart by using the application un-installer. For each disable/delete, you will need to restart if you don't do them all at once.
    Safe Mode
    Safe Mode - About
    General information.
    Isolating issues in Mac OS X
    Step by Step to Fix Your Mac

  • I just replaced the hard drive on my macbook pro, reformatted new hard drive and copied over a backup from time machine now I have a kernel panic message (you must restart) - what do I do now?

    i just replaced the hard drive on my macbook pro, reformatted new hard drive, installed a back up from time machine and now have kernel panic ( you must restart your computer) what do I need to do?

    If you're able to boot, launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ If you’re running Mac OS X 10.7 or later, open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the page that opens.
    Select the most recent panic log under System Diagnostic Reports. Post the contents – the text, please, not a screenshot. For privacy’s sake, I suggest you edit out the “Anonymous UUID,” a long string of letters, numbers, and dashes in the header and body of the report, if it’s present (it may not be.) Please don't post "shutdownStall" or "hang" reports.
    If you can't boot in the usual way, try a safe boot. The instructions provided by Apple are as follows:
    Be sure your Mac is shut down.
    Press the power button.
    Immediately after you hear the startup tone, hold the Shift key. The Shift key should be held as soon as possible after the startup tone, but not before the tone.
    Release the Shift key when you see the gray Apple icon and the progress indicator (looks like a spinning gear).
    During startup, you’ll see a progress bar, and then the login screen, which appears even if you normally log in automatically. You must know your login password in order to log in. If you’ve forgotten the password, you will need to reset it before you begin.
    Safe mode is slower than normal, and some things won’t work at all.

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