MacBook Printing Has died

I have a sudden printing problem. When I print from my MacBook I get a message in the status field of the printer queue -" Error: /Library/Printers/EPSON/InkjetPrinter2/Filter/ /Rastertoescpll failed ".
It seems that the error has killed the printer because now I cannot print from an older PowerBook G4 either.  Further, a second printer has also been killed and will not work from either Mac.
Can anyone help me please.  The only clue I have is that error message.

Hello A.E.S.
Yes I have tried resetting the printers and reinstalling the software from Software Update (several times) and I am now desperate.  I have also downloaded the driver directly from the Epson web site but when I try to use this I get a message that there is incomplete software and I should go to Software Update.
I have two Epson printers - Epson Stylus Photo RX640 and Epson Stylus Photo 1290 both of these stopped working at the same time! 
I am using a MacBook running OS-X 10.6.8 (Intel) and only the more up-to-date RX640 provides any message - the message mentioned in my first post.  It also shows an exclamation mark and Communications Error message in the print queue even when there is no printing going on.
The 1290 simply reports that there is an error and gives no details.
The weird thing is that I also use an old PowerBook G4 running OS-X 10.3.9 which was happy to use both the printers and failed to print from either Epson at exactly the same time.  This means that it is not possible to identify the possible fault from any of the four devices.
I have, of course checked the USB cables swapping them out and connecting directly Mac-Printer.  So the only common factor seems to be updated Epson printer drivers from Apple's Software Update.
I have tried connecting a borrowed HP Photosmart printer to my MacBook and it works perfectly.
The RX640 Printer Utility Software shows Ink Status correctly and also prints Test Pages and Cleans Print head correctly so there is not much wrong with the communication between printer and Mac.
So the real error seems to be with this wretched error and I have no clue what that is "Error: /Library/Printers/EPSON/InkjetPrinter2/Filter/ /Rastertoescpll failed ".
If there is anyone out there who can help - please please get in touch.

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    Latest (manual) downloads from Apple (but check vendor sites also for scanners, printers etc) and  rule out a bad cable as well.
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    Level 2 posters and Above can report various posts.
    When they do so they have various options that they can attribute as the issue.
    I have reported your post.
    I found the one block of text very difficult to read.
    9:36 PM      Monday; January 28, 2013
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
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     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
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