Macbook Pro Hard Lockup

I have been having this issue with increased frequency lately.
I don't often shut down my macbook pro, as I take it to and from work.
It seems almost every day the computer will hard lock up, either immediately or shortly after a "resume".
The symptoms are whatever was currently in-memory at the time the computer was working will still function for a short time, ie. IM programs, text editors etc.
But as soon as I try to hit a web page or open/close a new hard drive I will get infinite bouncing of the program icon and the computer will hard lock, however the mouse will still move around.  Expose etc will not respond.
I believe it is hard drive related, as when I have to hold the power button to shut down, i dont feel the hard drive spin down and on one occasion right before I noticed the lock-up behavior, I felt the hard drive spin down under my palm where I rest my hand while I type.
I'm not quite sure why the hard drive just decides to spin down and not back up but it is starting to happen so frequenty that my files are becoming corrupt.  Having Outlook corrupt every day is getting really annoying.
Any help or direction on troubleshooting would be appreciated.

One thing to do is to boot from your install disc and repair your boot disk. It's especially important to do this after a forced shut down. Boot from the install disc and navigate to Disk Utility. Check and see if the SMART status is verified--if it is not, the drive needs to be replaced. Repair the drive until there is nothing left to repair. If you have errors that Disk Utility cannot repair, it's possible that a stronger utility like Disk Warrior could.
For a more comprehensive check of your hard drive, you can download and run SMART Utility:
You can download the demo and run it several times for free. It seems to be somewhat more critical than Disk Utility, and may detect impending hard drive failure sooner.
Keep in mind that repairing the drive only repairs the software on the drive--it does not repair the drive physically. A drive that is failing physically can introduce software corruption that can be repaired temporarily, but the repair won't hold indefinitely because further corruption will continue to be introduced.
From your description, it sounds like your drive may well be headed south.
Good luck!

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    Get the free "Final Cut Remover" app from Digital Rebellion (dot com), use this to remove FCP X.
    Reboot the Mac.
    Download from scratch.
    If you're not seeing FCP X in your app folder, run Disk Utility to Repair all drives.
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    "Any disk can fail at any time."
    Over a large sample, the drives used are extremely reliable. You did not have a large sample, you had ONE drive.
    Now you are much smarter than you were before this disaster. Apple will not pay for your data recovery. You (and everyone) need a backup solution.
    Apple provides an excelent backup solution called Time Machine, that can do hourly backups to an external drive without disturbing your current work. Buy yourself an external drive at least twice as large as the built-in. Turn on Time machine, make sure it is working, plug it in at least daily, and then don't worry about it any more.

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    usamafrombeverly hills wrote:
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    Well then when you erased your hard drive, your erased the Recovery partition, also.
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    After you have installed the OSX on the new HDD in your MBP, install the old HDD in an enclosure and connect it to your MBP via USB.  Then try to drag and drop  your data to the new HDD. 
    If this proves unsuccessful, you may look for data recovery software on the Internet.  There will be free trails to see if it will work or not.  If the trial suggests that it will work, then you will have to purchase the software.
    The last resort is a professional data recovery service that will offer NO guarantees and charge a lot of money.
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    [email protected]

    Jorge242 wrote:
    @FatMac the internet recovery doesnt work. It goes into recovery mode and then when i try to reinstall it cant find a disk to install it to. So what would be a good choice to take now?
    Recovery Mode presents you with, among other things, Disk Utility. When you open that, if the internal shows up at all, first try to "Repair DIsk." If that doesn't work but if the "Media" line is present, try to format and partition it with a GUID partition table (understand that you will be erasing the contents of your internal). Then try to reinstall the OS. If that doesn't work, and since your Retina MBP didn't come with a DVD drive or DVDs, you'll need to try a hardware test using these instructions from Apple (short version: shut down, press the power button and hold down the "D" key). If none of those things work, let's hope you either have AppleCare or your warranty has some life left because the SSD in your rMBP is proprietary and expensive. You'll need to bring it to an Apple Genius for evaluation.

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    And what happens if the OPs Mac is of a newer version that came with a version of Snow Leopard above the 10.6.3 version that is on that Retail, meant for Upgrade, disc? Like if it came with 10.6.4/.5/.6/.7? That disc you linked to would not work.
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    dwb wrote:
    The Snow Leopard DVD is $20 from Apple. You'll just have to wait a few days. BTW this is a full installer that works with any model computer that can run SL. Apple used to ship recovery/installation disks that were tied to specific computer models so that a 15" MBP installer disk coudn't be used on a 13" MBP computer. So you need either full installer or the recovery disks for your specific model.
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    Long story short: last time I backed up was 2 years ago, and it wasn't using Time Machine, but an external hard drive. That was also before I got my current iPhone, the iPad and made some additions to iTunes. (For those who say shame on me, for not doing a backup sooner, you're right: But we have gone through 3 moves in 18 months, so it has been kinda nuts.)
    I expect the MBP to get sent back to me in the next day. I have no idea how to put these pieces back together. I'm not even sure about data recovery, but am most concerned about iTunes/iPhone/iPod/iPad.
    Thanks for your help!

    suzannemacuser wrote:
    Long story short: last time I backed up was 2 years ago, and it wasn't using Time Machine, but an external hard drive. That was also before I got my current iPhone, the iPad and made some additions to iTunes.
    Two years ago??? Shame on you!!! 
    I found this the other day. It's old but still applies. This should be more than enough to help you get back on track. See the comments by Zevoneer
    You will have to check on each of these. Some of the links are outdated but there is more than enough to get you started. See this article about transferring purchases. The link is in the other thread as well.
    Backup! Backup! Backup!
    Message was edited by: Demo

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    Open the folder and drag the contents over.

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