Macbook Pro (Lion OS) Does not shutdown, unless forced.

Most of the times I try to shutdown my Macbook Pro (mid 2010) I have to force it by pressing and holding the power button. What is going on? It's rare when I get it turned off the right way. Please, I need to get it solved. Thanks for any clue. Fernando.

you need to open the force quit window and see what all applications are still running while you are trying to shutdown, some apps can delay or stop the shutdown altogether.
quit out of everything and then try using the black apple to shutdown.
i would also look at what login items and startup items you have going on as well and get rid of any you no longer need,
can also do SMC reset, the following article tells how to do this:

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    Fixing this is a two step process:
    1) System preferences > WiFi/Airport ...
    ... check [√] Ask to join new networks
    "Known networks will be joined automatically.
    If no known networks are available, you will
    be asked before joining a new network."
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    The minimum requirement for iCloud is Lion 10.7.5 (Mountain Lion preferred): the iCloud Preference Pane does not appear on earlier systems - the MobileMe pane appears on Lion and earlier but is non non-functional - you cannot now open or access a MobileMe account.
    To make use of iCloud you will have to upgrade your Mac to Lion or Mavericks, provided it meets the requirements.
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    2GB of memory
    OS X v10.6.6 or later (v10.6.8 recommended)
    7GB of available space
    To purchase it you will have to ring Apple at the number given at the bottom left of this page. It's also possible to purchase Mountain Lion the same way (it's no longer directly available in the Mac App Store) but there seems little point as the system requirements are the same for Mavericks - which is free - unless you need to run specific software which will run on Mountain Lion only.
    The requirements for Mavericks are:
    OS X v10.6.8 or later
    2GB of memory
    8GB of available space
    and the supported models are:
    iMac (Mid 2007 or newer)
    MacBook (Late 2008 Aluminum, or Early 2009 or newer)
    MacBook Pro (Mid/Late 2007 or newer)
    Xserve (Early 2009)
    MacBook Air (Late 2008 or newer)
    Mac mini (Early 2009 or newer)
    Mac Pro (Early 2008 or newer)
    It is available from the Mac App Store (in Applications).
    You should be aware that PPC programs (such as AppleWorks) will not run on Lion or above; and some other applications may not be compatible - there is a useful compatibility checklist at

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    Here is the Hardware Overview from the mid 2009:
    Hardware Overview:
      Model Name:          MacBook Pro
      Model Identifier:          MacBookPro6,2
      Processor Name:          Intel Core i5
      Processor Speed:          2.53 GHz
      Number Of Processors:          1
      Total Number Of Cores:          2
      L2 Cache (per core):          256 KB
      L3 Cache:          3 MB
      Memory:          4 GB
      Processor Interconnect Speed:          4.8 GT/s
      Boot ROM Version:          MBP61.0057.B0A
      SMC Version (system):          1.58f16
      Serial Number (system):          W8******AGV
      Hardware UUID:          42CB960E-B011-5E7A-A0A9-26E4E9B8FBCB
      Sudden Motion Sensor:
      State:          Enabled
    Here is the Hardware Overview from the Early 2009:
    Hardware Overview:
      Model Name:          MacBook Pro
      Model Identifier:          MacBookPro5,1
      Processor Name:          Intel Core 2 Duo
      Processor Speed:          2.66 GHz
      Number Of Processors:          1
      Total Number Of Cores:          2
      L2 Cache:          6 MB
      Memory:          4 GB
      Bus Speed:          1.07 GHz
      Boot ROM Version:          MBP51.007E.B06
      SMC Version (system):          1.41f2
      Serial Number (system):          W8*******1GA
      Hardware UUID:          5D4EE93E-2E82-5554-934D-308E301FDC5E
      Sudden Motion Sensor:
      State:          Enabled
    Is there any fix? Are the earlier, early 2009 disks incompatible with the mid 2009? Am I stuck with having the same Administrator for two computers? Does anyone have any suggestions?
    There are compelling reasons that I don't want to upgrade past 10.6. I won't be able to get at MOST of my data because of Apple no longer supporting Rosetta. I have two other computers running Mountain Lion and Mavericks, but want to keep 10.6.8 on the MacBook Pros early and mid 2009.
    <Personal Information Edited by Host>

    Upgrading to Snow Leopard
    You can purchase Snow Leopard through the Apple Store: Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard - Apple Store (U.S.). The price is $19.99 plus tax. You will be sent physical media by mail after placing your order.
    After you install Snow Leopard you will have to download and install the Mac OS X 10.6.8 Update Combo v1.1 to update Snow Leopard to 10.6.8 and give you access to the App Store. Access to the App Store enables you to download Mavericks if your computer meets the requirements.
         Snow Leopard General Requirements
           1. Mac computer with an Intel processor
           2. 1GB of memory
           3. 5GB of available disk space
           4. DVD drive for installation
           5. Some features require a compatible Internet service provider;
               fees may apply.
           6. Some features require Apple’s iCloud services; fees and
               terms apply.
    Or you can purchase replacement discs from Apple:
    Apple Store Customer Service at 1-800-676-2775 or visit online Help for more information.
    To contact product and tech support: Contacting Apple for support and service - this includes
    international calling numbers.
    It's possible that even the retail copy of Snow Leopard will not work because that model came with a special build of Snow Leopard. You cannot install Leopard on that model.
    Original OS
    Mac OS X 10.6.3 (10D2063a)
    Maximum OS
    Latest release of OS X

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    Usually when connecting a camera only the SD card is mounted, so it is normal to see only the SD card mounted on the Desktop. The camera is not actually the device, rather the SD card (and interface) is. Apparently System Information does report correctly on the camera itself.
    Be sure to check at Epson's support site for an updated driver compatible with Lion. You can also download the latest drivers package from Apple: Epson Printer Drivers v2.9 OS X.
    Of importance is if the scanner is working. If it is working, then it really doesn't matter, except cosmetically, that the device is reported as a printer. You can report that to Apple via Apple Feedback.

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    Hello, chocotac0.  
    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    Here are some troubleshooting steps that I would recommend when experiencing this issue.
    OS X Mavericks: Reset your computer’s PRAM
    Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)
    OS X Mavericks: If a USB device isn’t working
    Jason H.

  • MacBook Pro 5.3 does not print to Canon iR C5180

    I'm writing on behalf of my coworker who has a MacBook Pro 5.3 with Snow Leapard (10.6.2) has not been able to print to our Canon iR C5180. Our IS team had Ikon/Canon come out and upgrade software on the printer and also, they have found the latest drivers (Canon iRC5180 UFR II (US)) and installed them on her MacBook but it doesn't still work. We are very frustrated!
    A generic driver did print for a while, but now we can not get any generic drivers to work either. The Canon iR is used by a majority of PC/WIN folks in our network so us few apple users (only 3) are rare. My Dual 2 Ghz PowerPC, 10.5.8 works fine with an older driver -H1 PS Ver 1.0
    Any ideas??

    Louis123 wrote:
    Yes, our iR C5180 does have the imagePASS-H1 connected. I also forwarded your message to our IT support person and they stated,
    "The UFR2 driver is the only one that supports PINs. Any other driver won’t be able to print in color because of that."
    This is not true. The H1 does support PINs (called Department ID management on the copier). With the H1 v1.0 driver, you use the Owner Information menu to enter the Department ID and Password set in the copier.
    The other thing they need to be aware of is that the UFR2 driver will not work when the imagePASS is connected. The UFR2 driver is designed for the Canon board only. Once the imagePASS is fitted, the Canon board is taken out of the RIPping process.
    To ensure the SL user gets the correct driver to match the system version being used on the imagePASS, they can connect to the H1 by typing in it's IP address into a web browser. From the H1 web page, they select the Downloads tab and here they will see the H1 PS driver for Mac OS X.
    With this driver downloaded onto the SL Mac, there are now several things needed to get this driver installed and working correctly.
    *Driver Installation*
    In order to run the EFI installer on Mac OS X 10.6, you need to have the Rosetta emulator installed. This is due to the EFI driver installer being written in PPC code. A default install of Mac OS X 10.6 will not add the Rosetta emulator, so when you attempt to install the driver a message will appear asking if you want to install it. Click the Install button.
    On a Mac that has a connection to the Internet, Rosetta will be automatically downloaded and installed before the initial execution of the Fiery printer driver installer. If the Mac has no access to the Internet, the user will need to load their Snow Leopard DVD and manually run the Optional Installs package.
    *Printer Queue Creation*
    With the printer driver installed, you can now create a network print queue. Click to Add and select IP > HP Jetdirect-Socket for the protocol. In the Print Using menu, select "Canon iR C5180-H1 PS Ver1.0".
    With the printer queue created, when you attempt to print using the driver an error message appears stating that the software was not installed correctly. The error message displayed is caused by a permissions issue with a EFI plugin, fierycupsfilter. The CUPS error log confirms the cause of the error;
    Filter "/Library/Printers/Canon/PS3/Filters/fierycupsfilter" for printer "CanoniR_C5185_H1_PS_Ver10" not owned by root
    EFI have released a patch that will change the permissions on the PS3 folder to stop this error from occurring. This patch is designed to work with the System 6 and later RIPs whose driver installer creates this PS3 folder. The patch can be downloaded from EFI.
    *Driver PDE Plugin Incompatibility*
    Now that you have managed to install the driver and print without the error message appearing, another issue may appear when printing from 64bit applications, such as Safari and Preview.
    When you select to print and change the print dialog menus, you will see a line through the Fiery option (known as stike-through). This is the result of using a 64bit application with a 32bit plugin. The solution is to set the 64bit application to open in 32bit mode via the Get Info function for the 64bit application.
    Hope this helps you with getting your colleague printing from Snow Leopard. Of course, reply if needed.

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