Macbook Pro....migrating users

After migrating all my files from a Windows PC to my Macbook Pro....How do I migrate all my users, files, and Itunes into one user? I have to switch back and forth between users!

Transferring files from one User Account to another
If it is a new MacBook Prfo with OSX Lion it might be easier (=less hassle) to start the whole migration process again using the Setup Assistant this time.
Setting-up a new Mac from an old one, its backups, or a PC

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    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities
    To remove an user, just open System Preferences > Users and Groups, select the user you want to delete on the left sidebar, and then, press the - button that it's under the sidebar. Note that you can't delete the user from what you have logged in

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    Open the Users folder on the internal drive, drag all of the other home folders to the desktop, and then move the files inside to the desired locations.

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    ds store wrote:
    Hold T and boot the old Mac's drive to the desktop of the new one or do so during Setup Assistant or later with Migration Assistant.
    Setup Assistant runs only once, at first startup when fresh out of the box or when freshly reinstalled from scratch. Migration Assistant is a regular application found in the Utilites folder.
    If you're going to move all your stuff over, the easiest and least problematic way is via Setup Assistant. Since the computer is in a completely blank state when SA runs, it can create identical user accounts, permissions, etc., as the original source. MA is an app that runs on an already configured and running system and, hence, can't duplicate user accounts, modify permissions that are already in use, etc.: this can cause vexing issues for new users that may not be to well versed in multiuser operating system administration.

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    I had a similar problem with my MBA on Lion and my iMac on Lion. They found each other but Migration Assistant kept stalling. In the end I migrated from the Time Machine backup on my Time Capsule to my MBA. It worked absolutly fine.

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    Here an Apple KB article:
    It appears your computer is included in the list. As long as the two computers are connected, and the MacBook Pro is already booted up, holding down the T key as soon as you turn the iMac on should lead you to the FW icon. Make sure you hold the T key the entire time as soon as you hear the startup chime on the iMac.
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    About Windows Migration Assistant - Apple Support

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    What you are entitled to is the MBP and the original OS that the MBP came with which is Lion and the associated applications. 
    In order to install Lion, you will have to boot your MBP with the OPTION COMMAND R keys held down.  That will connect you to the Apple servers and they will check your MBP.  A 4 option menu will appear.  Select the Lion installation option and install Lion. 
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    If you mean a FireWire cable, yes.
    Your best bet is to start over.  See the green box in Problems after using Migration Assistant

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    Just setup a second user account.

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    I think that is installed by Fink or MacPorts or some other package manager. Given that it has a Fink subfolder, I'm guessing it is that.
    It should be hidden. You can get rid of it or hide it.
    You can hide it in Terminal with
    chflags hidden /sw

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    You likely have a corrupt cache file someplace in OS X.
    12: OnyX cache cleaning
    This routine cleans all possible corrupt caches, doesn't delete your data or programs.
    Apple doesn't include a easy for the user, system wide cache cleaning process in OS X, something they need to consider implementing.
    So we have to depend upon third party software to do this and the best, time tested and free one is OnyX
    Sometimes a corrupted cache file can cause strange behavior, slow machine, Dock and fonts doesn't work, beachballs effect, something won't install, Safari acting up etc., just general strangeness that can't be explained. Web browsing slow when all the other machines are fast etc.,
    Use the free OnyX matching your OS X version and run all the initial checks
    Run all the maintenance and cleaning aspects (except don't delete the log files) and reboot at the end (must)
    If any of the initial checks OnyX does gives a warning, then Stop and report, you have a serious drive or other issue.
    This will give OS X a enema of sorts (won't delete file or programs) and let it rebuild all the cache and other files, including Spotlight.
    You must be through running all the maintenance and cleaning aspects as this is a "catch all" method and any number of corrupted caches may be responsible for your issues. Don't worry, OS X will work fine (and likely faster again) after the caches are cleaned out and rebuilt from their original sources provided you REBOOT when finished using OnyX.
    List of proven OnyX successes:
    OnyX also has a Verify > Preferences
    (plist) file checker, show the corrupt ones and write them down. So while your in OnyX cleaning your caches, check for corrupted plist files too for the next step below.
    Step by Step to fix your Mac

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    Any suggestions on why mobile broadband dongle will not work with 10.7. Mac see dongle, opens folder, but returns error message when try to launch.. NEW USER TO MAC

    This thread is a couple of years old but it may answer your question?

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