Macros & Logic Pro 7

Do macros exist for logic pro 7? if so where and/or how to create them

Cool! Thanks again. Here's a "+" for ya.

Similar Messages

  • *Logic Pro 9.1.1, Garageband, Waveburner, Abelton suddenly crashed and won't open at all !

    I recently was working on a project in Logic Pro 9.1.1, saved the project and put my macbook to sleep. When i return, my mac wont turn on for the first 10-15 minutes sitting on the blank screen with the rotating circle. When it finally loads through and comes on I find that my Logic Pro software along with Waveburner, Garageband, Abelton, basically any DAW that i try to run will not open. The application icon just bounces and then shows the crash report, i also tried simply opening the project file. I have tried re-downloading the Logic Pro software with no luck. I desperately need this software to be working again, i will post the crash report along with this hoping someone could help out.
    Thanks, Alex
    Process:         Logic Pro [890]
    Path:            /Applications/Logic Pro
    Version:         ??? (???)
    Build Info:      Logic-16975300~2
    Code Type:       X86 (Native)
    Parent Process:  launchd [401]
    Date/Time:       2013-10-27 13:54:34.656 -0400
    OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.6.8 (10K549)
    Report Version:  6
    Interval Since Last Report:          4718324 sec
    Crashes Since Last Report:           350
    Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   272
    Anonymous UUID:                      66A4370A-7908-4B32-B309-C95740C3D8C9
    Exception Type:  EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP)
    Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000
    Crashed Thread:  0
    Dyld Error Message:
      Library not loaded: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreAudioKit.framework/Versions/A/CoreAudioKit
      Referenced from: /Applications/Logic Pro
      Reason: image not found
    Binary Images:
    0x8fe00000 - 0x8fe4163b  dyld 132.1 (???) <4CDE4F04-0DD6-224E-ACE5-3C06E169A801> /usr/lib/dyld
    Model: MacBookPro8,2, BootROM MBP81.0047.B04, 4 processors, Intel Core i7, 2.2 GHz, 4 GB, SMC 1.69f3
    Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 6750M, AMD Radeon HD 6750M, PCIe, 1024 MB
    Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 3000, Intel HD Graphics 3000, Built-In, 384 MB
    Memory Module: global_name
    AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x14E4, 0xD6), Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0
    Bluetooth: Version 2.4.5f3, 2 service, 19 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
    Network Service: AirPort, AirPort, en1
    Serial ATA Device: TOSHIBA MK7559GSXF, 698.64 GB
    Serial ATA Device: OPTIARC DVD RW AD-5970H
    USB Device: FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in), 0x05ac  (Apple Inc.), 0x8509, 0xfa200000 / 3
    USB Device: Hub, 0x0424  (SMSC), 0x2513, 0xfa100000 / 2
    USB Device: BRCM2070 Hub, 0x0a5c  (Broadcom Corp.), 0x4500, 0xfa110000 / 5
    USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller, 0x05ac  (Apple Inc.), 0x821a, 0xfa113000 / 8
    USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad, 0x05ac  (Apple Inc.), 0x0245, 0xfa120000 / 4
    USB Device: Hub, 0x0424  (SMSC), 0x2513, 0xfd100000 / 2
    USB Device: IR Receiver, 0x05ac  (Apple Inc.), 0x8242, 0xfd110000 / 3

    If you have to ask about backups then I would have to assume you have not been making any.. be it Clones of your System Drive using Carbon Copy Cloner or SuperDuper! (My personal favorite) that you manually save to an external HD or you haven't setup and been using Time Machine that is built into OS X that automatically backs up everything to an ext HD.  I highly recommend you use one of those methods from now on... and in fact i highly recommend you use both methods.. as the Clone method allows you to quickly wipe out everything and reinstall from the clone image to take you back to where you were before any issue arrived. I make one every time before I upgrade anything major.. and I also make one every week...
    So, as i said, did you try checking and repairing your System Disk using OS X's Disk Utility? That is the only possible other option you have at this time as you have no backups..
    Other than that.. You will probably need to start again from scratch.... formatting the HD.. installing OS X and then your Apps etc...
    Make sure you move/copy all personal data files such as Photos, docs, Logic Pro Projects and so an external HD before you reformat and start again... You can then move those personal data files back manually after you have reinstalled everything...

  • How many times can I install Logic Pro?

    I need to re-install Logic Pro 8 on my computer but I hear there is a limit to how many times you can do so. Anybody know what the limit is?

    No limit on reinstalling to the same machine, it will work fine.

  • Mac Shuts Down Unexpectedly in Logic Pro

    I sure hope someone can help me with this. For the last few months my Mac Pro starting shutting down unexpectedly typically when running Logic but not limited to Logic. I have updated everything that I can find. I have taken the computer in the store for support twice where they said that after testing there was no issue with the power supply or the logic board and determined that the hardware was okay. The only thing he could tell me is that he thought that it might have to do with all of the dongles on my usb hub. Before the hub was being powered by the Mac so I got a new hub that is now self powered. I thought that it might have to do with the fact that I run Logic through a Digi 002 which I know a lot of people have had stability issues with. Yesterday I also updated my Ilok and Eliscencers and it seemed to work. Today after a solid day of no crashes it was back to the same old stuff. Out of nowhere while Logic is running the audio signal abruptly stops but not to silence it holds a buzzing sound of the last audio that was processed. Then a grey screen comes down and gives me the notice that I need  to restart my computer. Upon powering back up this is the notice that came up    Interval Since Last Panic Report:  82145 sec Panics Since Last Report:          6 Anonymous UUID:                    3A1A42A4-6B76-4D5A-AE56-435F88E32ACF  Thu Aug  9 17:31:55 2012 panic(cpu 3 caller 0x28fc2e): "TLB invalidation IPI timeout: " "CPU(s) failed to respond to interrupts, unresponsive CPU bitmap: 0x80, NMIPI acks: orig: 0x0, now: 0x0"@/SourceCache/xnu/xnu-1504.15.3/osfmk/i386/pmap.c:3572 Backtrace (CPU 3), Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack) 0x8215baf8 : 0x21b837 (0x5dd7fc 0x8215bb2c 0x223ce1 0x0)  0x8215bb48 : 0x28fc2e (0x59a47c 0x80 0x0 0x0)  0x8215bbb8 : 0x29480b (0x9c913a0 0xbd170dc 0xad9d884 0x5)  0x8215bce8 : 0x29555c (0x9c913a0 0x38800000 0x1 0x788ee000)  0x8215bd58 : 0x2615b0 (0x9c913a0 0x38791000 0x1 0x38811000)  0x8215be88 : 0x261b4b (0x38811000 0x1 0x0 0x0)  0x8215bec8 : 0x283c4f (0xaa4c70c 0x38790000 0x1 0x38811000)  0x8215bf28 : 0x4d4007 (0xaa4c70c 0x38790000 0x1 0x81000)  0x8215bf78 : 0x4f82fb (0xaa4ba80 0xb903128 0xbd16684 0x0)  0x8215bfc8 : 0x2a251d (0xb903124 0x7fff 0x10 0xb903124)   BSD process name corresponding to current thread: Logic Pro  Mac OS version: 10K549  Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 10.8.0: Tue Jun  7 16:33:36 PDT 2011; root:xnu-1504.15.3~1/RELEASE_I386 System model name: MacPro1,1 (Mac-F4208DC8)  System uptime in nanoseconds: 11840870910735 unloaded kexts:     2.0 (addr 0x81aca000, size 0x12288) - last unloaded 125370560798 loaded kexts: com.bresink.driver.BRESINKx86Monitoring     9.0 - last loaded 31835711032 com.paceap.kext.pacesupport.snowleopard     5.7.2 com.digidesign.iokit.DigiDal     8.0.3f1 com.caiaq.driver.NIUSBMaschineControllerDriver     2.4.21     2.1.0     1.9.3d0     1.57     3.5.7     1.0.20     7.0.0     6.3.6     6.3.6     1.1.6     2.0.5f14      2.1.3b1     19     1.1.9     428.42.4     4.7.0a1     1.5.1     2.6.8     31.1     1.0.0d1     1.6.4     4.2.4     4.7.3     2.1.7     2.5.1     4.2.4     1.4.0     4.2.0     1.3.6     1.3.1     1.5     1.7     1.3.6     1.4     142.6.0     1     0      2.1.14     142.6.0     17     10     14     10     10     20      74.2     2.4.5f3     10.0.3     2.0.5f14     2.2.1     6.3.6     6.3.6     2.0.3     1.8.3fc2     1.3     41     2.0.5f14     2.2.1     2.0.5f14     320.1     1.10     3.1.0d5      4.7.0a1     2.4.5f3     2.4.5f3     2.4.5f3     4.2.0     3.9.0     2.6.8     1.6      1.6     1.6.1     402.1     2.5.1     2.6.8     4.2.6     4.2.4     2.0.6     2.5.1     4.2.4     1.4.0     1.6.6     1.1     6     1.0.0d1     289     1.6.3     1.3.6     2.6.5     1.3.0 Model: MacPro1,1, BootROM MP11.005D.B00, 8 processors, 3 GHz, 6 GB, SMC 1.7f10 Graphics: ATI Radeon X1900 XT, ATY,RadeonX1900, PCIe, 512 MB Memory Module: global_name AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x14E4, 0x88), Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 ( Bluetooth: Version 2.4.5f3, 2 service, 19 devices, 1 incoming serial ports Network Service: AirPort, AirPort, en2 PCI Card: ATY,RadeonX1900, sppci_displaycontroller, Slot-1 Serial ATA Device: ST3250820AS Q, 232.89 GB Serial ATA Device: ST31000528AS, 931.51 GB Parallel ATA Device: PIONEER DVD-RW  DVR-112D Parallel ATA Device: PIONEER DVD-RW  DVR-112D USB Device: USB2.0 Hub, 0x05e3  (Genesys Logic, Inc.), 0x0608, 0xfd500000 / 3 USB Device: USB2.0 Hub, 0x05e3  (Genesys Logic, Inc.), 0x0608, 0xfd540000 / 6 USB Device: Hub in Apple Pro Keyboard, 0x05ac  (Apple Inc.), 0x1002, 0xfd544000 / 10 USB Device: USB Receiver, 0x046d  (Logitech Inc.), 0xc52b, 0xfd544200 / 12 USB Device: Apple Pro Keyboard, 0x05ac  (Apple Inc.), 0x0204, 0xfd544100 / 11 USB Device: ProtectExecuter, 0x0819, 0x0101, 0xfd543000 / 9 USB Device: eLicenser, 0x0819, 0x0101, 0xfd542000 / 8 USB Device: eLicenser, 0x0819, 0x0101, 0xfd541000 / 7 USB Device: CodeMeter-Stick, 0x064f  (WIBU-Systems AG), 0x03e9, 0xfd530000 / 5 USB Device: iLok, 0x088e, 0x5036, 0xfd520000 / 4 USB Device: Maschine Controller, 0x17cc, 0x0808, 0xfd300000 / 2 USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller, 0x05ac  (Apple Inc.), 0x8206, 0x5d200000 / 2 FireWire Device: built-in_hub, Up to 800 Mb/sec FireWire Device: Digi 002Rack, Digidesign, Up to 400 Mb/sec    Does this mean anything to anyone??? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!   Thanks   Jimmy   Mac Pro 8 Core (2006) 3Ghz 8 Gb Ram OSX 10.6.8 Logic Pro Digidesign 002

    Mine has done this at least 3 times already. The laptop isn't connected to a power source, but it says there is still about 30% battery remaining. It has happened before with 50% and even 60%. It's not that it falls asleep, I would be in the middle of doing something and it just shuts off. I don't think it's overheating... It's a little warm, but the fan isn't 'working hard' or anything. It's not happening consistently, but it's happened enough times that it has made me concerned. Here's my battery info:
    Model Information:
    Serial Number: DP-bq20z951-397b-6c24
    Manufacturer: DP
    Device name: bq20z951
    Pack Lot Code: 0000
    PCB Lot Code: 0000
    Firmware Version: 002a
    Hardware Revision: 0005
    Cell Revision: 0100
    Charge Information:
    Charge remaining (mAh): 2272
    Fully charged: No
    Charging: Yes
    Full charge capacity (mAh): 3326
    Health Information:
    Cycle count: 124
    Condition: Good
    According to the stats... it doesn't really look like a battery problem. I really hope the warranty would cover a battery replacement though, if that's what it requires

  • Looking for help getting EZdrummer to work in Logic Pro 9

    First off let me say I have looked everywhere and even talked to toontack about the following problem. Toontrack as said that the plug-in is working properly and the problem is with Logic.
    Ok so I purchased toontrack ezdrummer and drumkit from ****. After installing them and updating to ezrumming 1.2 I am unable to load ezdrummer in logic pro 9. The really strange thing is that it will launch when using garageband and fully function.
    In logic it is not in AU manager and not there for selection in the channel strip, so I thought at first that it was only installing as a VST. However, when looking in Library>Audio>Plug-Ins>Components, EZdrummer.component is there. I thought this was where Logic looked for AU plug-ins but I'm now thinking thats wrong but I've not been able to find anything saying different.
    Please guys any help you can offer would be outstanding. I'm so fed up I'm about to get a refund but I would rather use this software.

    EZDrummer works fine here.
    You could try trashing this file:
    Macintosh HD/Users/YourUserName/Library/Caches/
    On the next launch, Logic will rescan all your plugins.
    You could also try a new OS X user account.
    And what exact version of Logic are you using?

  • How do I use my computer keyboard instead of a MIDI keyboard to enter notes? In Garage Band I simply go to View - musical typing but there is no such prompt in Logic Pro 7.

    Ihave always used my Logic Pro 7 program with a MIDI keyboard for note entry. I do not presently have a MIDI keyboard and wish to use my computer keyboard for note entry. I know this is possible but cannot recall the command to set that up. Can anyone refresh my memory? I know that on Garageband on just need to go to view - musical typing but that is not the command in Logic Pro.

    Hit the Caps Lock key.

  • Logic Pro 7.2 and Tascam FW-1884 Not Working

    I recently upgraded to Logic Pro 7.2 and I'm using a Tascam FW-1884 as my audio interface / Control Surface. Everything was working fine in 7.1.1, but now it doesn't work correctly. When I press buttons and faders on the Tascam I see MIDI information changing in Logic, but not in any of the correct places. When I click on the screen controls in Logic the Tascam does reflect the same on the board, but not the other way around? I updates the Tascam Plug-In (.bundle) file, the Control Panel, and even the Firmware. Still does not work. The faders go up on boot-up and down when I quit the program, but that is it. Any help would be greatly appreciated? I'm using a Mac G5, dual 2.7ghz processors, and 2.5 gigs in RAM. My gut is telling me it's something with the upgrade, but maybe others have resolved the problem without reprogramming every control one by one.
    G5 Dual 2.7GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   2.5 Megs RAM

    Mr. Walden,
    I recently switched to Macintosh and am learning to use Garage Band. I have an 1884, as do you, and I plan to invest in Logic Express. Do you have any comments or suggestions concerning the marriage between Logic and the 1884?

  • How do I get more instruments in Logic Pro?

    When I was installing Logic Pro 9, I think it offered me to download extra instruments...I clicked ''no'' or something like that. I'd like to get those instruments now so I was wondering in anyone could help me. I think this is why my brother has more instruments than me...

    Logic Pro/Download Additional Content--this will bring up a dialog box which shows what you have installed and what is available for download.

  • I can't find converted apple loops in the loop browser within Logic pro 7

    Hello There.
    I've cereated some apple loops with the apple loops utility. unfortunately I am unable to find them in the loop browser within Logic pro 7.2.1.
    I've scaned them using the project manager " so Logic knows about them"
    but still didn't reflect in the loop browser.
    Is this the normal behavior or what am I doing wrong.
    I hope I am doing something wrong, as to me the main feature of the loop browser is to be able to audition the loops quckly at the song tempo.
    Thanks a lot in advance
    P.S searched in the Forum but the answers arn't very clear
    Powerbook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   1.67 Mhz 2gig Ram

    Just drop them on the Loop Browser and the rest should be taken care of.

  • Does anyone use MIDI loops in Logic Pro to compose music?

    Seriously, if anyone out there uses the MIDI loops to compose music in Logic, how the heck do you do it? Especially if you are also using audio loops, it seems almost impossible to me. The chord transpositions that you get from the chord track are not even to the right pitch, and the transposition behavior is different according to whether you drag the loops into the arrange area before or after putting the changes in the Chord track. The signature track is no better, as it doesn't seem to affect audio loops. So how do you get the bass loops etc. to play in the keys you want them to without going through extraordinary contortions? I looked at one of the Logic Pro books, and it said to transpose by using the transpose function in the inspector, but that only lets you transpose by octaves! Do you really go in and edit the loops by hand to transpose each note?
    Any pointers on this would be greatly appreciated.

    kent swearingen wrote:
    I looked at one of the Logic Pro books, and it said to transpose by using the transpose function in the inspector, but that only lets you transpose by octaves!
    Put the mouse pointer on top of the transpose number, which is zero, hold down the left mouse button and drag up or down to transpose by steps. At the beginning of either the getting started or Logic manual there's an explanation of the different types of mouse/key behavior, if you're not used to using Logic it's a good idea to go over these.
    Also, Logic does not always use simplified Mac conventions (thank the stars for that), as a result you have a lot more variety of data input, it varies according to the task at hand.

  • Sticky proposal: Logic Pro (first draft)

    Ok, here's a first draft of the proposed sticky for this forum. After looking at what we had, I decided to basically do it in four parts - introductory stuff (please post version numbers etc), problem solvers, tips, and audio general stuff.
    I'm not making this a work of art, but value feedback in order to make this useful before we ask the mods for a sticky. It's not complete, such a task is a much bigger job, but it's a start. What's not there? What's confusing? Is it too much stuff? Too newbie unfriendly?
    When we are happy I will probably style/format it a little better as well.
    Lemme know - cheers,
    This is a compilation of Logic tips, useful threads and information for Logic Pro users, compiled mostly by Eriksimon (thanks!) with additional contributions from Bee Jay and (final forum member list to be completed)
    - Getting the best help from the Apple Logic Pro Discussions
    This forum is intended to be a user-to-user support form to users of Logic Pro.
    Please keep your posts on the topic of Logic Pro, or you risk your post being removed for being off-topic. There are plenty of other general audio and recording forums better suited for asking general audio questions.
    Questions about third-party software and hardware are welcome as long as they relate directly to using these products in conjunction with Logic.
    This forum is dedicated to the post-Apple versions of Logic, which means questions for Logic Pro 7, Logic Pro 8, and Logic Pro 9 are welcome. However, please include the version of Logic you are using, in order to give useful advice (as things change between versions.) Better still, put your Logic versions and system information in your signature, to save having to ask for it.
    If you are a user of Logic Express, you should post in the Logic Express forum, rather than the Logic Pro forum, in order to get advice suited to your particular software version (as some things are different between Logic Express and Logic Pro).
    Remember that many questions, especially if you are new to Logic, have been asked multiple times before, so it's good practice to use the Discussions Search feature in the top right of the page to search for previous discussions relating to your issue. You will find a wealth of information. Often you can find a solution to your question without needing to post and have someone type out a response they've already typed out hundreds of times before - or worse yet, have your question ignored.
    Please be respectful of the members on the board at all times - we are happy to help people out, but do so in our own free time and don't have a duty to do so.
    Posts discussing non-Logic related items, off-topic or controversial subjects, abusive posts and harsh language are not welcome and will likely be removed, as will posts discussing illegal software. Please read the Terms of Use of this board for more info at:
    This post is a user-contributed compilation of links to content on this forum, official Apple documentation, and occasionally some other outside content where useful to Logic users. It is not in itself an official Apple document, and Apple do not take responsibility for it's content. It is not intended to be complete or comprehensive, just a helpful start for common issues.
    Logic feature requests and feedback to Apple Logic team:
    - General Help, Issues, Errors & Troubleshooting
    Logic Pro 8 (*probably also for Lo9ic): Troubleshooting Basics
    Logic Pro, Logic Express: Remove Audio Unit plug-ins to troubleshoot issues (9?)
    Logic Pro, Logic Express: Spinning disc cursor after recording
    Logic Pro/Express 8 - Logic seems to stop responding (hang) while "Searching for Audio Unit plug-ins" when starting up (9?)
    Logic 9 (and all other LS2.0 apps) crashing on startup, other Logic Studio apps as well. Solutions:
    Corrupted Plug Ins and a possible solution:
    Delete AU cache - problems with invalidated Plug Ins:
    How to open songs from Logic 4 or earlier (L7 + L8 needed)
    Why do you get 'kernel panics'?
    Logic Pro 8, Logic Express 8: Cannot select USB mic as an audio input
    Logic crashes: MelodyneRewireDevice or MelodyneBridge or Rewire need an update.
    Logic or GarageBand may quit unexpectedly when starting with Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard if Melodyne is installed
    Links/RSS feed of all Apple support docs released the past year concerning Logic Studio apps:
    Logic Pro/Express 8: Error when bouncing files with normalize checked (9?)
    Logic Pro/Express 8: Converted Apple Loops play in different key and tempo than expected (9?)
    Logic Pro/Express: Freeze cursor appearance prevents Audio Instrument track editing (9?)
    Logic Pro, Logic Express: Instrument not triggered as expected (9!)
    Logic Pro 8: Missing content after install:
    Logic: Dense clusters of automation nodes can cause audio to stutter
    Logic: Rebuilding the Loop Index
    Solutions for noise in the audio signal
    Logic Pro, Express: Solo Safe mode may not remain disabled for a particular channel strip
    Logic Pro/Logic Express: Error while trying to sync Audio and MIDI
    Logic Pro 9: Number of recent items sometimes resets to 10
    Logic Pro 8, Logic Express 8: ReWire inputs in existing projects may shift unexpectedly
    FAT32 disks
    Message: I/O ERROR RESULT -36
    Beachball when recording
    Logic: Resetting MIDI Drivers
    Logic Pro has detected a possible conflict between one or more third party MIDI or audio drivers.
    Logic Pro: EVB3 Organ Instrument does not play
    Logic Pro: Inserts disappear from output channel strips
    Logic 8: Where is the Tutorial DVD mentioned in the manual?
    Logic: If new AU plugins don't show up, reset AU cache
    Logic 8: Remove serial number / license
    Logic 8: Logic only runs when XSkey is connected
    Logic 8: Hybrid Morph missing
    - General Logic Useful Tips & Techniques
    Logic: CoreAudio System Overload Messages
    Logic: Learn about I/O buffer size and monitoring latency
    Logic Pro 8 (*probably also for Lo9ic): Tips for balancing multi-core performance
    Logic Pro 8, Logic Express 8 (*probably also for Lo9ic): Startup modifier keys
    How to setup Aggregate devices (help, my USB Mic doesn't work):
    Official Logic Pro 9 PDF manual:
    -click on View as PDF and the PDF will be downloaded.
    If it doesn't download, ⌥-clicking on the link might work.
    How to make the PDF manual appear in Logics' help menu:
    Logic Pro/Express 8: Discussion of the Normalize feature in the Bounce dialog (also 9?)
    Logic Pro/Express 8: How the EXS24 sampler addresses RAM in Logic 8 (9?)
    Logic Pro, Logic Express: About compressed audio and track counts (9!)
    LP8: How to make readable lyrics that follow song
    Creating Split Stereo files:
    Performing a loopback test:
    The novice quick guide to buses:
    Sidechain Compression using a Bus:
    How to sidechain an Apple Loop to a Synth (ES2)
    Side Chain general:
    Side chain filtering:
    Side chain in Logic instruments:
    How do I lower my recording level?
    How to use MIDI Controller Knobs
    Aligning audio tracks
    How to split one stereo file into two mono.
    Off, Read, Latch, Touch, Write
    How to identify audio file types and formats of regions in Logic
    Logic: Compress types discussion
    GarageBand, Logic: Where loops get installed
    Why level control is important, and hot recording is outdated.
    How to use multiple keyboards in Logic:
    How to use arpeggiators in Logic:
    Why are my MP3 bounces so loud?
    Destructive Input processing
    Compressing during recording
    How to "Kill Voices" in a stereo track for Karaoke purposes (if you really must...)
    How to set iTunes to 'neutral' playback
    "My bounce/mix sounds different when played in iTunes"
    - Audio General
    Final mix too quiet
    Wikipedia: Audio bit depth
    Get to know your ears (& equipment)
    Very useful utility for checking vital stats
    How to Record an Electric Guitar on Your Mac: Optimizing Your Analog Signal

    Bee Jay wrote:
    This is a compilation of Logic tips, useful threads and information for Logic Pro users.
    - Getting the best help from the Apple Logic Pro Discussions
    Remember that many questions, especially if you are new to Logic, have been asked multiple times before, so it's good practice to use the Discussions Search feature in the top right of the page to search for previous discussions relating to your issue.
    The search still doesn't work, for anything pre-Snow Leopard... maybe you should omit this tip until it works again...
    - General Help, Issues, Errors & Troubleshooting
    Okay, here I marked some of the links because at the time it was not clear if they adress things that are still actual in L9.
    It may be a good idea to name the topics that apply to all Logics' (7, 8 and 9) simply Logic Pro (or leave 'm nameless), and the others after the specific version they apply to. The topics with a (9?) behind it, have still to be confirmed to also apply to L9 (.0.2)
    I used underlining to mark text that can be deleted.
    1. Logic Pro _8 (*probably also for Lo9ic)_: Troubleshooting Basics
    2. Logic Pro, Logic Express: Remove Audio Unit plug-ins to troubleshoot issues (9?)
    3. Logic Pro, Logic Express: Spinning disc cursor after recording
    4. Logic Pro/Express 8 - Logic seems to stop responding (hang) while "Searching for Audio Unit plug-ins" when starting up (9?)
    5. Logic Pro 9 (and all other LS2.0 apps) crashing on startup, other Logic Studio apps as well. Solutions:
    6. Corrupted Plug Ins and a possible solution:
    7. Delete AU cache - problems with invalidated Plug Ins:
    ...and continue to number like this.
    How to open songs from Logic 4 or earlier (L7 + L8 needed)
    Why do you get 'kernel panics'?
    Logic Pro 8, Logic Express 8: Cannot select USB mic as an audio input
    Logic crashes: MelodyneRewireDevice or MelodyneBridge or Rewire need an update.
    Logic or GarageBand may quit unexpectedly when starting with Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard if Melodyne is installed
    Links/RSS feed of all Apple support docs released the past year concerning Logic Studio apps:
    Logic Pro/Express 8: Error when bouncing files with normalize checked (9?)
    Logic Pro/Express 8: Converted Apple Loops play in different key and tempo than expected (9?)
    Logic Pro/Express: Freeze cursor appearance prevents Audio Instrument track editing (9?)
    Logic Pro, Logic Express: Instrument not triggered as expected (9!)
    Moved these together:
    Logic Pro 8: Missing content after install:
    Logic 8: Hybrid Morph missing
    Logic: Dense clusters of automation nodes can cause audio to stutter
    Logic 8: Logic only runs when XSkey is connected
    - General Logic Useful Tips & Techniques
    Logic: CoreAudio System Overload Messages
    Logic: Learn about I/O buffer size and monitoring latency
    Logic Pro 8 _(*probably also for Lo9ic)_: Tips for balancing multi-core performance
    Logic Pro 8, Logic Express 8 _(*probably also for Lo9ic)_: Startup modifier keys
    How to setup Aggregate devices (help, my USB Mic doesn't work):
    Official Logic Pro 9 PDF manual:
    -click on View as PDF and the PDF will be downloaded.
    If it doesn't download, ⌥-clicking on the link might work.
    How to make the PDF manual appear in Logics' help menu:
    Logic Pro/Express 8: Discussion of the Normalize feature in the Bounce dialog _(also 9?)_
    Logic Pro/Express 8: How the EXS24 sampler addresses RAM in Logic 8 (9?)
    Logic Pro, Logic Express: About compressed audio and track counts (9!)
    (no edits for the rest of the list.)
    I like the format, btw, simple and easy to 'scan'. No need to 'pimp' it much more.
    Great Job BJ!

  • Logic Pro 9 - Recorded audio just silly with crackling, clicking noise

    PLEASE!!! Read my entire post before commenting. I don't mean to sound rude but I've posted this in several other forums and it's obvious they hadn't read/understood my issue based on the comments they left, ie., suggesting everything I've already tried, saying to contact tech support and even asking what comp and DAW I'm using... I've been dealing with this issue for ~8 months
    I use 2 daisy-chained Firepods connected to a Mac Pro Quad-core running 10.6.5 and Logic Pro 9.1.3.
    I get the results described below whether I'm trying to record at 24 or 16 bit and at either 44.1K or 48K.
    Generally I record 12 tracks simultaneously AND I always use the same inputs for each instrument; ie., Vocals = track 11, guitar = track 2, bass = track 1, etc...*
    Although this is a sporadic issue it happens to occur WAY more than it doesn't; ie., very rarely do I get a recording session without the anomaly.
    The issue is that after I have recorded a session and listen back to the recorded material there are random crackles, pops, clicks throughout. When I audition tracks individually, some may have no crackling and some will have crackling at different points in time and of varying intensity. Every session is different as well, no two sessions are the same. One day I may have a perfect vocal track and a guitar track that is just silly with the crackling. The next day the guitar track may be fine but now the vocal track is all messed up with crackling. Another confounding point is that the crackling does not occur during periods of silence.
    I will add that each Firepod appears to function properly (with no issue) all by it's lonesome - but that doesn't help me, I need 12 inputs minimum!
    Things I've Tried
    1. All new FW cables
    2. Disconnecting the FW cable that goes from the Firepod to the Mac. Turn on the Mac. Turn on both Firepods, master first. Connect the FW cable that goes from the Firepod to the Mac. Launch Logic.
    3. Disconnecting the FW cable that goes from the Firepod to the Mac. Turn on the Mac. Launch Logic. Turn on both Firepods, master first. Connect the FW cable that goes from the Firepod to the Mac.
    4. Tried every conceivable configuration of Audio Midi Setup.
    5. Tried several other FW and USB audio interfaces, obtaining perfect results.
    6. Been working with Apple tech support (both hardware and Logic support).
    7. I've checked that both Firepods have the same firmware version.
    8. Installed a fresh SATA HD with clean installs of both OS10.6.5 and Logic Pro 9.1.3 with fresh custom templates and no 3rd party plugins or loops.
    9. Lots of praying, swearing and fits of anger.
    Final Comments
    First, I think that the chassis FW connectors on the firepods are absolute garbage (read, cheap, cheap, cheap) and are inferior to anything else I have encountered during my troubleshooting process.
    Last, I will go ballistic if I hear one more Presonus rep say anything to the effect of, "Huh! Never heard of anyone else experiencing the symptoms you're describing..." Yes, I have spoken adnauseum with Presonus tech support with zero results.
    Any guidance will be greatly appreciated.

    Hi Pancenter! I'll try to be brief. LOL
    I had 4 perfect multi-track sessions and then the gremlin woke up and and cast his spell... Frustrating... The biggest difference I enjoyed using your suggestion was that when I launched Logic, loaded my template, enabled my tracks and hit record, the session started without a hitch. Prior to your suggestion, I would have to futz around with Logic audio prefs, AMS settings, turning the Firepods off/on, quitting/restarting Logic and/or shutting down/restarting my Mac Pro just to get the session to show my enabled tracks had activity. I would not know if the session would have the noise artifacts until playback. I should add that I never had this problem with my PPC G5 nor did I for the first 10 months of use with this Mac Pro. Also, with the help of Apple tech support we had eliminated Logic, 10.6.5 and the Mac Pro (except the FW800 bus) as probable causes. Again each Firepod and Logic work flawlessly when I use one unit not daisy-chained. So, I think there is no problem with the individual units, and, as I said, both units worked fine chained with my PPC Mac Pro.
    So, I called Presonus. Again... And I get yet another tech who tells me something different; every time I speak with Presonus I get different suggestions. This guy asked what kind of cable I was using to connect the Firepods to the Mac Pro and I said I'm using a *firewire 9-pin to 6-pin cable*. So has asks well, is it *bilingual*? He said that would def fix my problem. I told him it is advertized as bilingual and that had not fixed the problem; he had no answer for that. Then, I broached the option of adding a firewire 400 card to my Mac Pro. He said I guess you could try that; get one with a TI chipset. That's where I'm at now, deciding which one to get and whether I will need to provide auxiliary power to the card's on-board molex plug.
    Any ideas?
    Oh, thanks for responding

  • Logic Pro, Apple Loops, and Restoring from Time Machine

    I recently had to restore my Mac from a Time Machine backup, and like most things touched by Apple, the restoration worked flawlessly for all my stuff, with a few exceptions. Some 3rd party apps I use had problems with file permissions but most of it was quickly sorted out in under half an hour.
    However, Logic Pro refuses to see the Apple Loops I have installed on my system. My Loops are stored in two folders at the following locations:
    /Library/Audio/Apple Loops/Apple/Apple Loops for Soundtrack/
    /Library/Audio/Apple Loops/Apple/Apple Loops for Soundtrack Pro/
    GarageBand has no problem seeing these, but Logic Pro can't find them, and won't let me show it where they are. The Apple Loop Utility found them alright, although I did have to show it where the files were kept. Any idea what's wrong?

    You may need to rebuild the loops index.
    Open up Logic and display the Loops Browser
    Open up FInder and locate the folder containing the loops as you describe
    Drag the loops folders onto the Loops Browser
    That will rebuild the index and all should be well.

  • Logic pro 9 loops dissapeared

    After i installed logic pro 9 and the loops ( some still says incomplete) i got a window that i should wright in my apple pass and all my loops turned grey and i cant get them back. I have the loops on the computer but i cant get them into logic. I have also tried to install the loop packages one by one but it still doesnt work what can i do?

    Welcome to the Support Communities.
    Broke-N wrote:
    ...but if your running an older machine...
    Source: How to Use You're and Your

  • Logic pro 8 loops in garageband 3

    I cannot get most of the loops shown in garageband 3 to play. These are new loops since I installed Logic pro 8. The loops are not greyed out but they will not play. Also since installing Logic pro, I no longer have a jazz kit in Garageband. Any suggestions would be most appreciated.
    Glenn Parsons

    Also since installing Logic pro, I no longer have a jazz kit in Garageband. Any suggestions would be most appreciated.
    Not sure if this is your problem specifically, but check this out:

Maybe you are looking for