Mad at adobe as usual

Why can't adobe recognize when someone upgrades their device instead of pissing off your customer by refusing to authorize the same device again after an upgrade? I wish there was another option for reading books as I am sick of adobe digital editions and having to constantly get my devices reset. I can't believe these guys stay in business. Need to give them an award for the absolute worst customer service.

I'm not sure about the customer service; but certainly ADE should get an award for worst software, and the overall Adobe ADEPT DRM for worst implemented infrastructure.
I don't think you can give a worst product test award to the ADE product test team; juding by results it doesn't looks as if there is an ADE prodict test team.

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    CS2 is very old and reached its "end of life" a while back.  So probably won't run on modern operating systems.  If you can still run it, you'll need to uninstall what you have and re-install with the download link below to activate it.
    Error: Activation Server Unavailable | CS2, Acrobat 7, Audition 3
    Nancy O.

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    Actually, my reply is clear as mud. I'll try again.
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    Also, sometime it depends upon the feature as well. it is deprecated in latest release then you may get error or warning.
    Please download trial version of Edge Animate CC 2014 and test your project.

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    Hi felipe1,
    You've landed in the forum, and I was going to move your post to an more appropriate forum to get you question answered, but it doesn't look like we have one for Voice yet! I did find this page: Adobe Voice - Support
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    and another similar website, -occurred-pdf2dtp-file-recovery/
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    Also, sometime it depends upon the feature as well. it is deprecated in latest release then you may get error or warning.
    Please download trial version of Edge Animate CC 2014 and test your project.

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    I’m pretty sure Adobe NEVER intended for someone to copy an XMP file from one photo to another outside of LR as a way to replicate settings.   You can make a preset from a photo, as discussed, or if you don’t want to do that, copy-paste the settings from a representative photo that you initially select to one or more new photos.  You could have a special LR folder that holds standard photos to copy/paste from.  Of course creating a Develop preset from the representative photo is the “normal” way to handle such situations, but maybe you have hundreds of different situations to copy settings from and don’t want to create presets for each one, but I’d argue that you could create a complex folder hierarchy for your presets and still have them findable without that much problem.
    As far as the mystery about why some photos show Reset and some show From Metadata, is the Process Version (down in Camera Calibration) of the photo before reading the settings the same between the two situations?  And in general, are these virgin photos newly imported into LR or have some been modified in LR, already?  Does an XMP file already exist for any of these, where that XMP is being overwritten by your external-to-LR copying?  Or do you have auto-write-XMP enabled and your hand-copied XMP is getting overwritten by LR, automatically, before you have a chance to read in anything?

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