Mag'Safe' wire got very hot, melted, stopped charging MacBook

OK, bad news for me because my magsafe melted!
It started to get hotter and hotter each day until little holes appeared and finally it refused to charge and there was a hole in the wiring.
I emailed apple using a email i got from them and they told me to go to my local apple store. That i did, and came out with no magsafe as they said that they would get charged instead of apple getting charged. I emailed apple again and i have had no reply yet, I don't intend on phoning them or else i would have to pay £35!
I also tried PCWorld as that is where i got the macbook from and they said to phone
I can assure you that nothing has been spilled on it and i have not cut the wire or brought sharp objects to it in any shape or form, and if you doubt that then ask yourslef why would i do such a thing when Apple products cost so much?
So, anyway to contact appl ewithout paying £35 over the phone? esp. since i got turned down at my apple dealer (Western Computers)
Anyway, here are some pictures, just follow the link. (Put in slideshow for easy viewing) il
Message was edited by: FrancisH

Wow. Sounds rough. Hope you get it all sorted out.
I think placing the charger so close to the processor is a pretty bad design choice and likely part of the cause. If you're using the Macbook under high CPU stress, it might be wise to invest in some kind of cooling device (passive or active) to help out. Of course, I have no way of knowing if that's the cause, but it seems logical that the plug being so close to the CPU could contribute to overheating (though not necessarily cause it).
A personal rant: there's no way a person could tell from the ImageShack photos that it melted on its own. Prof, that's just silly to suggest that you can. You can hardly make out the wires in the shots because it's so dark. I'm certainly not saying it's deliberate, but please don't look at some under-exposed pictures and say you can see it was the Magsafe's fault. This may be why the store is giving him the run-around. They may be looking at it and seeing something we can't and then picking up the "accidental damage" line. Some better shots (in sharp focus with good lighting) would help.

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    Yes, I had this problem. I even phoned apply up & they never knew what it was. Or a solution, but if it's the same problem as I had, then I have a simple, but annoying solution. What happens is the iPhone overheats (normally whencharging and being used, so it stops charging to stop itself from melting. To make thephone charge again try holding it under a fan to cool it. Like I said it worked for me :)

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    Please tell me that it has NEVER been jailbroke.  If that's the case, here are some standard repair procedures.  Hopefully there is no hardware failure.
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    Define "hot".
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    Battery Information:
    Model Information:
    Serial Number: DP-ASMB013-369a-7799
    Manufacturer: DP
    Device name: ASMB013
    Pack Lot Code: 0001
    PCB Lot Code: 0000
    Firmware Version: 0102
    Hardware Revision: 0300
    Cell Revision: 0200
    Charge Information:
    Charge remaining (mAh): 2225
    Fully charged: Yes
    Charging: No
    Full charge capacity (mAh): 2268
    Health Information:
    Cycle count: 381
    Condition: Poor
    Battery Installed: Yes
    Amperage (mA): 0
    Voltage (mV): 12463
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    I appreciate the fast reply.
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    Read my tip:
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