Magic Mouse "jerks" playing bubble shooting games

How do I reduce the sensitivity when I am using my Magic Mouse  while playing bubble shooting games.  When I aim and then press on the mouse to shoot the mouse will jerk just from the inertia used to press on it.  Very frustrating.

Hello SABCA,
Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
For more information on this, take a look at:
Magic Trackpad and Magic Mouse: How to adjust double-click and scrolling speed in Lion
From the Apple () menu, choose System Preferences.
From the View menu, choose Universal Access.
Click the Mouse & Trackpad tab.
For Magic Trackpad, click Trackpad Options to show these slider controls:
For Magic Mouse, click Mouse Options to show these slider controls:
Adjust the sliders to your preference for double-click and scrolling speeds.
Best of luck,

Similar Messages

  • Airport interferes with magic mouse

    Using mac mini:
    At location 1 via airport and ADSL: the magic mouse jerks around, loses link, stalls. Restart fixes for a few minutes, then it begins again. Keyboard jams too. Testing location 1: turning off airport everything works, but of course cannot use email or web. Old USB mouse works. Cordless phone is disconnected. Nothing appears to be interferring.
    At location 2 via airport and broadband modem: a different magic mouse on same mac mini works fine. A different keyboard is stable.
    Any ideas? Thanks.
    Pat Woolley

    The usb port on the AX is intended primarily for compatible usb printers. Your keyboard and mouse will not work.

  • I want to play some shooting online game. Give me some suggestion :D

    Hi there,
    I just bought a MSI Gaming series computer recently. Can anyone suggest me any online shooting game for me??? Thank you so much!!!

    If you wanna get into FPS (first person shooter) games, then you really should take a look at the game that made FPS a top shelf hit --- Counter Strike. There are a number of games to go off from there, but in the gaming mecca of greatness there is no other game that even closely compares when it comes to the legacy of CS. This is based on the fact that the game has been around for 16 years now and still garners a huge following. It was the first ultra realistic shooter of its kind. It is addictive because it can be played in short segments as quickly as five minutes from bootup to first round or as long as you feel playing round after round. In the early games you will find out how poorly lacking your fps skills are against even moderately skilled players, and frightfully so when you face off against the relatively skilled. If it is your misfortunate to go against a pro, you will think it’s more reminiscent of Resident Evil facing off against Nemesis. This really lays out the ground work for you learning how to play these types of games, and if you stick with it, you’ll be getting better and better in no time. I honestly can’t recommend another game that will train you and entertain you so much in a single sitting. The only warning I have for you is set yourself some time limits or you will find out like many that have come before you that 5 minutes can easily become 5 hours.

  • Help with simple shooter game

    I am doing a school project and no one seems to know how to use graphics, sound, and most importantly KEY AND MOUSE EVENTS.
    Anyways I can't get my events for the mouse and keyboard to work correctly, so if anyone knows what is wrong or has some suggestions I would really appreciate it. Here is the code:
    the program is called from an application just so you know... this is the application:
    public class AnimateTest
    public static void main (String[] args)
    Animate pic = new Animate (10);
    //and this is the proram itself
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import java.awt.event.MouseListener.*;
    import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter.*;
    import java.awt.event.MouseEvent.*;
    import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter.*;
    import java.awt.event.KeyListener.*;
    import java.awt.event.KeyEvent.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.applet.AudioClip;
    public class Animate extends Frame //implements KeyListener//implements MouseListener
    // The image of the background.
    protected Image background;
    // The gun images.
    protected Image gun1, gun2, gun3, gun4, gun5, gun6, gun7, gun8, gun9, gun10;
    //the status bar images
    protected Image hpbox;
    protected Image scorebox;
    //declares the blood explosion image
    protected Image blood;
    //declares the window icon
    protected Image icon;
    // The canvas where the images are drawn.
    protected AnimatePictureCanvas canvas;
    // The number of guns.
    protected int numGuns;
    // Flag to indicate when to quit.
    protected boolean quitting = false;
    //declares the cursor so it can be set to a targeting reticle
    Cursor reticle;
    //declares a variable which designates which gun is in use
    int i = 0;
    //the user's health points
    int hp = 100;
    //enemy arrays
    boolean alive [];
    boolean onScreen [];
    //enemy integers
    int currentDude = 3;
    int liveCount = 10;
    int screenCount = 0;
    //damage variables
    int damage = 0;
    int moreHits;
    int chance;
    //the x and y coordinates of the enemies
    int ex1 = 175;
    int ex2 = 345;
    int ex3 = 520;
    int ex4 = 25;
    int ex5 = 240;
    int ex6 = 370;
    int ex7 = 470;
    int ex8 = 626;
    int ex9 = 260;
    int ex10 = 120;
    int ey1 = 228;
    int ey2 = 190;
    int ey3 = 115;
    int ey4 = 210;
    int ey5 = 35;
    int ey6 = 330;
    int ey7 = 202;
    int ey8 = 192;
    int ey9 = 210;
    int ey10 = 140;
    //blood variables
    int splat = 0;
    int bloodx = -100;
    int bloody = -100;
    // The constructor. Create the Frame, make it visible, load the
    // images, and when the images are loaded, call the animate method
    // to move the images around the window.
    public Animate (int numGuns)
    super ("Stupid Shooting Game"); // Create a Frame.
    //sets the window icon
    icon = getToolkit ().getImage ("icon.jpg");
    prepareImage (icon, this);
    setIconImage (icon);
    this.numGuns = numGuns;
    //initialize the arrays for the enemies
    alive = new boolean [10];
    for (int z = 0 ; z <= 9 ; z++)
    alive [z] = true;
    onScreen = new boolean [10];
    onScreen [0] = true;
    onScreen [1] = true;
    onScreen [2] = true;
    onScreen [3] = false;
    onScreen [4] = false;
    onScreen [5] = false;
    onScreen [6] = false;
    onScreen [7] = false;
    onScreen [8] = false;
    onScreen [9] = false;
    //initialize the cursor to make the mouse a targeting reticle
    reticle = new Cursor (Cursor.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR);
    setCursor (reticle);
    // Place the loading message in the window.
    Label loadingMessageLabel = new Label ("Loading images...");
    add ("North", loadingMessageLabel);
    // Display the window.
    pack ();
    setVisible (true);
    // Create the Images and add them to the tracker.
    MediaTracker tracker = new MediaTracker (this);
    background = getToolkit ().getImage ("midtown1.jpg");
    tracker.addImage (background, 0);
    //prepares the gun images for the image tracker
    gun1 = getToolkit ().getImage ("ggun1.jpg");
    tracker.addImage (gun1, 1);
    gun2 = getToolkit ().getImage ("ggun2.jpg");
    tracker.addImage (gun2, 2);
    gun3 = getToolkit ().getImage ("ggun3.jpg");
    tracker.addImage (gun3, 3);
    gun4 = getToolkit ().getImage ("ggun4.jpg");
    tracker.addImage (gun4, 4);
    gun5 = getToolkit ().getImage ("ggun5.jpg");
    tracker.addImage (gun5, 5);
    gun6 = getToolkit ().getImage ("ggun6.jpg");
    tracker.addImage (gun6, 6);
    gun7 = getToolkit ().getImage ("ggun7.jpg");
    tracker.addImage (gun7, 7);
    gun8 = getToolkit ().getImage ("ggun8.jpg");
    tracker.addImage (gun8, 8);
    gun9 = getToolkit ().getImage ("ggun9.jpg");
    tracker.addImage (gun9, 9);
    gun10 = getToolkit ().getImage ("ggun0.jpg");
    tracker.addImage (gun10, 10);
    //prepares the status bar images for the tracker
    hpbox = getToolkit ().getImage ("hpbox.jpg");
    tracker.addImage (hpbox, 11);
    scorebox = getToolkit ().getImage ("scorebox.jpg");
    tracker.addImage (scorebox, 12);
    //prepares the blood image
    blood = getToolkit ().getImage ("splash.jpg");
    tracker.addImage (blood, 13);
    // Load the images.
    tracker.waitForAll ();
    catch (InterruptedException e)
    // This exception will not happen in our program, but
    // Java requires that we handle it anyway.
    System.out.println ("Wait interrupted.");
    if (tracker.isErrorAny ())
    loadingMessageLabel.setText ("Image loading failed!");
    // All the images are now loaded. Remove the loading label.
    remove (loadingMessageLabel);
    // Create and place the canvas.
    canvas = new AnimatePictureCanvas (background);
    canvas.setSize (background.getWidth (null),
    background.getHeight (null));
    add ("Center", canvas);
    pack (); // Resize the Frame to fit the canvas.
    validate (); // Force the Frame to be redrawn.
    animate ();
    } // Animate constructor
    // Move the bouncers over the background.
    public void animate ()
    // Create the offscreen bitmap.
    int bgWidth = background.getWidth (null);
    int bgHeight = background.getHeight (null);
    Image offscreen = this.createImage (bgWidth, bgHeight);
    // Get the width and height of the guns.
    int gun1Width = gun1.getWidth (null);
    int gun1Height = gun1.getHeight (null);
    int gun2Width = gun2.getWidth (null);
    int gun2Height = gun2.getHeight (null);
    int gun3Width = gun3.getWidth (null);
    int gun3Height = gun3.getHeight (null);
    int gun4Width = gun4.getWidth (null);
    int gun4Height = gun4.getHeight (null);
    int gun5Width = gun5.getWidth (null);
    int gun5Height = gun5.getHeight (null);
    int gun6Width = gun6.getWidth (null);
    int gun6Height = gun6.getHeight (null);
    int gun7Width = gun7.getWidth (null);
    int gun7Height = gun7.getHeight (null);
    int gun8Width = gun8.getWidth (null);
    int gun8Height = gun8.getHeight (null);
    int gun9Width = gun9.getWidth (null);
    int gun9Height = gun9.getHeight (null);
    int gun10Width = gun10.getWidth (null);
    int gun10Height = gun10.getHeight (null);
    //finds the width and height of the status bar images
    int hpboxWidth = hpbox.getWidth (null);
    int hpboxHeight = hpbox.getHeight (null);
    int scoreboxWidth = scorebox.getWidth (null);
    int scoreboxHeight = scorebox.getHeight (null);
    // Create the arrays containining the location and
    // direction of the bouncers.
    int locX;
    int locY;
    // Initialize the gun Image's location
    locX = (bgWidth - gun1Width);
    locY = (bgHeight - gun1Height);
    // Get the graphics contexts for both the offscreen image and
    // the canvas.
    Graphics offscreenG = offscreen.getGraphics ();
    Graphics canvasG = canvas.getGraphics ();
    while (!quitting)
    //sets the mouse listener to check for shots being fired
    addMouseListener (new MouseAdapter ()
    public void mouseClicked (MouseEvent e)
    int xClick = e.getX ();
    int yClick = e.getY ();
    System.out.println (" " + xClick + " " + yClick);
    delay (1000000);
    fire (xClick, yClick);
    //sets the keylistener to check for a change in the current gun
    // addKeyListener (new KeyAdapter ()
    // public void keyTyped (KeyEvent e)
    // if (e.getKeyChar () == 'f')
    // i += 1;
    // if (i == 10)
    // i = 0;
    // if (e.getKeyChar () == 'd')
    // i -= 1;
    // if (i == -1)
    // i = 9;
    // Draw the background image to the offscreen bitmap, erasing
    // everything that is already there.
    offscreenG.drawImage (background, 0, 0, null);
    //draw the status bar at the bottom of the screen
    offscreenG.setColor (;
    offscreenG.fillRect (0, bgHeight - gun1Height, bgWidth, bgHeight);
    // Draw each bouncer to the offscreen image. Move each of
    // the bouncers, changing their direction when they encounter
    // an edge.
    offscreenG.drawImage (gun1, locX, locY, null);
    //draws the status bar
    offscreenG.drawImage (hpbox, 15, bgHeight - gun1Height + 10, null);
    offscreenG.drawImage (scorebox, hpboxWidth + 15 + 20, bgHeight - gun1Height + 25, null);
    //draws blood if a target is hit
    if (splat == 1)
    offscreenG.drawImage (blood, bloodx, bloody, null);
    delay (10000000);
    splat = 0;
    if (hp == 0)
    //drawString "you lose"
    //determines the number of enemies still alive
    liveCount = 10;
    for (int a = 0 ; a <= 9 ; a++)
    if (alive [a] == true)
    liveCount -= 1;
    if (liveCount == 0)
    //drawString "you win... get ready for LVL 2!!!"
    //determines the number of enemies onscreen and adds more if necessary
    screenCount = 0;
    for (int b = 0 ; b <= 9 ; b++)
    if (onScreen == true)
    screenCount += 1;
    if (screenCount < 3 && liveCount > 3)
    onScreen [currentDude] = true;
    if (currentDude == 9)
    currentDude += 1;
    damage = 0;
    moreHits = 12 / screenCount;
    chance = (int) (Math.random () * moreHits) + 1;
    if (chance == moreHits)
    damage = 10;
    //sets the default color to white so things can be seen on the background
    offscreenG.setColor (Color.white);
    //checks all the enemies to see if they are alive and onscreen,
    //drawing them accordingly
    if (alive [0] == true && onScreen [0] == true)
    offscreenG.fillOval (ex1, ey1, 18, 18);
    if (alive [1] == true && onScreen [1] == true)
    offscreenG.fillOval (ex2, ey2, 13, 13);
    if (alive [2] == true && onScreen [2] == true)
    offscreenG.fillOval (ex3, ey3, 9, 9);
    if (alive [3] == true && onScreen [3] == true)
    offscreenG.fillOval (ex4, ey4, 15, 15);
    if (alive [4] == true && onScreen [4] == true)
    offscreenG.fillOval (ex5, ey5, 11, 11);
    if (alive [5] == true && onScreen [5] == true)
    offscreenG.fillOval (ex6, ey6, 30, 30);
    if (alive [6] == true && onScreen [6] == true)
    offscreenG.fillOval (ex7, ey7, 10, 10);
    if (alive [7] == true && onScreen [7] == true)
    offscreenG.fillOval (ex8, ey8, 10, 10);
    if (alive [8] == true && onScreen [8] == true)
    offscreenG.fillOval (ex9, ey9, 7, 7);
    if (alive [9] == true && onScreen [9] == true)
    offscreenG.fillOval (ex10, ey10, 10, 10);
    // Finally, draw the offscreen image to the canvas.
    canvasG.drawImage (offscreen, 0, 0, null);
    } // animate method
    public void delay (int d)
    for (int x = 1 ; x <= d ; d++)
    public void fire (int x, int y)
    splat = 1;
    bloodx = x;
    bloody = y;
    //play a sound
    //show bloody explosion
    //check to see if a stick man is alive and onscreen
    // Called by the system when an event occurs. Handle the
    // window's close box being pressed by halting the program.
    public boolean handleEvent (Event evt)
    if ( == Event.WINDOW_DESTROY)
    quitting = true; // Set the flag so the animate loop will exit.
    setVisible (false); // Hide the window.
    System.exit (0);
    return true;
    return super.handleEvent (evt);
    } // handleEvent method
    } /* Animate */
    // The "AnimatePictureCanvas" class.
    // This class draws the image passed into its constructor, although it needs
    // only do so when the screen needs repainting.
    class AnimatePictureCanvas extends Canvas
    Image background; // The parent Frame containing all the image info.
    public AnimatePictureCanvas (Image background)
    this.background = background;
    } // AnimatePictureCanvas constructor
    // The paint method is called whenever the canvas needs to be redrawn.
    public void paint (Graphics g)
    g.setColor (;
    setBackground (;
    g.drawImage (background, 0, 0, null);
    } // paint method
    } /* AnimatePictureCanvas class */

    I wrote this a while ago so that i would not have to create events for every applet i created, instead I just extended this code. Since applet itself extends panel, you can just drop it anywhere you want (eg in a frame) and use its methpods. Otherwise you can change the code so that you extend frame/Jframe/...
    * Created on October 7, 2001, 10:55 PM
    package com.moss.util;
    import java.applet.Applet;
    import java.awt.event.ComponentAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ContainerAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.ContainerEvent;
    import java.awt.event.FocusAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.FocusEvent;
    import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
    import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
    import java.awt.event.MouseMotionAdapter;
    /** Library that provides a set of handlers for most events.
    * @author  [Black Flag]
    * @version 1.0
    public class EventApplet extends Applet
        /** deals with component events
        public final void setComponentListeners()
            addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter()
                public void componentResized(ComponentEvent evt)
                public void componentMoved(ComponentEvent evt)
                public void componentShown(ComponentEvent evt)
                public void componentHidden(ComponentEvent evt)
        /** Deals with container events
        public final void setContainerListeners()
            addContainerListener(new ContainerAdapter()
                public void componentAdded(ContainerEvent evt)
                public void componentRemoved(ContainerEvent evt)
        /** Deals with focus events
        public final void setFocusListeners()
            addFocusListener(new FocusAdapter()
                public void focusGained(FocusEvent evt)
                public void focusLost(FocusEvent evt)
        /** Deals with key events
        public final void setKeyListeners()
            addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter()
                public void keyTyped(KeyEvent evt)
                public void keyPressed(KeyEvent evt)
                public void keyReleased(KeyEvent evt)
        /** Deals with mouse events
        public final void setMouseListeners()
            addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter()
                public void mousePressed(MouseEvent evt)
                public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent evt)
                public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt)
                public void mouseExited(MouseEvent evt)
                public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent evt)
        /** Deals with mouse motion events
        public final void setMouseMotionListeners()
            addMouseMotionListener(new MouseMotionAdapter()
                public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent evt)
                public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent evt)
        /** Override to provide this event
         * @param evt The event
        public void formComponentResized(ComponentEvent evt)
        /** Override to provide this event
         * @param evt The event
        public void formComponentMoved(ComponentEvent evt)
        /** Override to provide this event
         * @param evt The event
        public void formComponentShown(ComponentEvent evt)
        /** Override to provide this event
         * @param evt The event
        public void formComponentHidden(ComponentEvent evt)
        /** Override to provide this event
         * @param evt The event
        public void formComponentAdded(ContainerEvent evt)
        /** Override to provide this event
         * @param evt The event
        public void formComponentRemoved(ContainerEvent evt)
        /** Override to provide this event
         * @param evt The event
        public void formFocusGained(FocusEvent evt)
        /** Override to provide this event
         * @param evt The event
        public void formFocusLost(FocusEvent evt)
        /** Override to provide this event
         * @param evt The event
        public void formKeyTyped(KeyEvent evt)
        /** Override to provide this event
         * @param evt The event
        public void formKeyPressed(KeyEvent evt)
        /** Override to provide this event
         * @param evt The event
        public void formKeyReleased(KeyEvent evt)
        /** Override to provide this event
         * @param evt The event
        public void formMousePressed(MouseEvent evt)
        /** Override to provide this event
         * @param evt The event
        public void formMouseReleased(MouseEvent evt)
        /** Override to provide this event
         * @param evt The event
        public void formMouseClicked(MouseEvent evt)
        /** Override to provide this event
         * @param evt The event
        public void formMouseExited(MouseEvent evt)
        /** Override to provide this event
         * @param evt The event
        public void formMouseEntered(MouseEvent evt)
        /** Override to provide this event
         * @param evt The event
        public void formMouseMoved(MouseEvent evt)
        /** Override to provide this event
         * @param evt The event
        public void formMouseDragged(MouseEvent evt)
    }You will probably want to declare those last methods abstract. i didn't because i just couldn't be arsed.
    have fun.

  • Magic mouse scrolling issue

    - I am having a weird problem with my magic mouse; it scrolls through pages with no problem, but will not function within flash games. It used to, beautifully in no response other than the page itself moving. i am running lion, 10.7.5 on a macbook pro. i have downloaded all updates since original purchase (about 7 mos ago)..i don't play flash games every day so i can't  pinpoint when this started..???

    Possible clues...

  • Is it possible to disable the magic mouse scrolling in windows 7?

    I've partitioned my hard drive with bootcamp to run windows 7 for a handful of games that aren't mac friendly. The problem is that once I installed the drivers to use the magic mouse, the scroll keeps jumping around at inconvenient times while I'm playing which makes it pretty difficult. How can I turn the scrolling off? I like having the scroll on the trackpad, but I only want the left and right click on the mouse.

    I use MagicMouse on iMac with Windows 7 running (installed through BootCamp). Got sick of annoying horizontal scrolling. The solution described above has helped me to disable it. Here is what I've done in steps:
    1) go to and download an app (a script editor).
    2) Install and run the program - please note that it will not open as it runs in the background
    3) Rightclick on the desktop -> choose "New" -> "AutoHotkey Script" (a new script file will be created on the desktop) -> name it as you wish (e.g. "Mouse_HScroll")
    4) Rightclick on the file you've just created and choose "Edit Script" from the menu.
    5) Add these three lines below existing text in the file:
    #MaxHotkeysPerInterval 5000
    6) Save file
    7) Run "Convert .ahk to .exe" program from the package installed earlier and browse the file you've just created, hit ">Convert<" -> .exe file should be created. Run this file -> the scrolling should be disabled now.
    7) You may wish to move this file to Start/"Autorun" folder, so it would be launched automatically each time you reboot your Mac/PC.
    Hope this helps! Good Luck

  • My Magic Mouse Loses Connection Every Single Minor Tap

    My Magic Mouse tends to lose its connection whenever I give it a tap on the table. I mean, it's normal right, when you lift the mouse a little bit and tap it to the surface to give the pointer a little more distance like browsing the web or playing a computer game. My Magic Mouse seems to lose its connection everytime it gets a minor tap on the table and no, I don't slam it hard.
    It's not a battery problem since I change them frequently so I'm guessing it's either the hardware problem or the Bluetooth problem. Any idea what's causing this?

    Actually I believe it is a battery problem.  Specifically, not all batteries are created equally and vary from brand to brand so with the tolerances as tight as they apparently are in (or are not) in the MM the positive terminal does not always make contact with the MM terminal.
    Based on other posts in these forums the positive terminal varies slightly among brands.  Some are higher than others.  It's a minor amount but it appears to be enough.
    I've seen this with my neighbor's MM.  Brand new batteries (forget the brand at the moment) yet I could shake the MM and have it make and break contact.  On the other hand I don't have the problem with my Sayno Eneloop rechargeables.
    You might try inserting a small piece of paper or aluminum foil to take up the gap.
    Another possibility is that the contacts are corroded so try to clean them a little.
    Related discussion: Magic Mouse Loses Connection

  • Some Help Please. Shooting Game

    Right the basic story is that im making this game where
    animals cross the screen and you shoot them (aka click the mouse on
    them) and get points. Im having a couple of problems.
    I wanted to have the gunshot noise whenever i clicked
    ANYWHERE so i put it in the mousup in a frame script but when i
    click on a sprite which has its own behavior, it doesnt play
    Secondly, there are items on the stage such as waves and
    grass that the animals can hide behind and i can still click on
    them even if i cant see them, ie click the part of the grass they
    are hiding behind. How do i correct this...
    Any help would be appreaciated. Thank you!!!

    You don't normally attach user event code to a frame. User
    events, like
    mouse clicks, are normally associated with an individual
    item, like a
    sprite. Shooter games get around this limitation by using key
    events for
    the shooting action. Since key events are read by the
    computer and then
    sent to the Director movie, they can be read by a keyDown or
    There is a corollary for the mouse, the mouseDown and the
    script. Since any system wide property like a keyDownScript
    or a
    mouseDownScript will take all key or mouse events, they need
    to be used
    with care and caution. While this is not usually a big
    problem with key
    events, mouse events are likely to cause some difficulty.
    While the
    mouseDownScript will always execute first, it will most
    likely pass the
    event on to any active sprite. This may or may not be what
    you want to
    have happen, you may want an either/or situation not an and
    A simple way to block a sprite's behavior when it is hidden
    is to place
    a stopEvent command on the sprite that sits on top.
    Rob Dillon
    Adobe Community Expert

  • Can't Change Magic Mouse Settings

    I just got my new Magic Mouse in the mail today. I paired it with my MacBook with no problem. The thing is, when I go to System Preferences > Keyboard & Mouse > Bluetooth, my mouse isn't listed. If I pair my Mighty Mouse, it is. But that Magic Mouse is not.
    I really want to set up scrolling and gestures, but right now I can only click! Am I looking in the wrong place? Did I miss a step?

    I agree with the tracking speed. I had to drag slider for speed to max in mouse configuration.
    Whenever I plan to play Windows games that utilize mouse's wheel, I have to switch mouse to one with wheel.. I have to reset the slider back to default every time I switch. Otherwise, Mr Flash likes that setting!
    @Apple: Can you provide update with official tweak so the default tracking speed is how it should be? Much appreciated!

  • Magic Mouse lag issue.. new insight

    Hey guys, as many of you i've purchased new magic mouse and been having problems with lag, and unresponsiveness.. I own a 24' imac which i bought a month before the latest update.. This whole situation is so bad for me that it really renders the mouse useless. However, i did find out few interesting things.. First off it only happens during the time HD is working overtime... For example if i am using apps that load up the cpu after a while it will start to lag. As soon as i turn them off, it all back to normal.. Games as well.. I recently tried to play world of warcraft with the mouse and it worked fine until the game made the imac go into overdrive and fans began spinning fast. The mouse started acting up again.. And most recently I realized it lags like **** when my time capsule is doing a back up.. As soon as time machine finishing working its all back to normal.. Very strange.. still no fix but that's what i could figure out so far.. Try it and see if you have those same symptoms.

    A quick update to the jumpy mouse saga:
    After a year of problems with a jumpy mouse (see videos below) *I purchased a Magic Mouse to see if the Magic Mouse would solve the jumpiness issue. It did but the tracking speed was very slow. Therefore, I installed MouseZoom to increase the tracking speed. After installing MouseZoom I started noticing the jumpy mouse problems again.*
    _*This finding is very interesting!*_
    _*It implies that the faster the mouse movement the more likely one is to see an erratic mouse with the pointer making unrequested jumps around the screen.*_
    My hypothesis is that the operating system or processor is not allocating enough resources to the mouse if the tracking speed is set to a high level.
    _*The "jumpy mouse" problem seems to be far worse when the hard disk is running - either copying or downloading a large file*_. Some users are reporting that watching a high resolution flash video will also cause the mouse to skip and jump.
    I have tried three routers (two linksys, one Airport Extreme, three bluetooth mice, unplugging all peripherals still the same result.
    I am certain the problem is software related because the same exact mice work perfectly in Bootcamp 2.1 and Bootcamp 3.0 in Windows XP SP3.
    _*Youtube now has two videos showing the problem*._ You can view the videos here:
    If you are suffering from similar problems may I suggest three actions:
    * Use the Quicktime X screen recording function to record a video of the problem.
    * Post the video to YouTube.
    * Contact Apple Care and share your video problem description with them.
    * Send a note referencing the video and description to
    Category: Mac OSX Feedback
    Feedback Type: Bug Report
    Feedback Area: Peripheral/Device Support
    I will update this video to let you know if the problem has been solved. I am hopeful that Apple will be able to find the source of the problem and solve it quickly. I really like my Mac and I can hardly wait for the problem to be resolved.
    Here is hoping that 10.63 will resolve this issue once and for all!

  • HT204387 iPAD mini iOS 6.1 can pair keyboards, why not the Magic Mouse?

    I need to access a site that requires click &amp; drag with my iPad Mini. Has anyone figured out a work-around to get the MAGIC MOUSE to pair with the iPAD Mini? I am having trouble understanding why it won't pair.  Can Apple make an update to iOS 6.1 to include the MM?  It already can pair many other Bluetooth accessories, why not mice?

    Thank you KPenguin. I understand now, though I still can't 'click &amp; drag' items in Kano games.  The 2 second hold that works for rearranging app icons doesn't seem to work.  Guess I'll be returning my new MMouse, which is a shame. I was looking forward to playing around with all it's cool features! :)
    Note to self: Mouse needs active cursor to work! Haha (it's a duh moment here!!) o.O

  • Magic Mouse spontaneous rotation

    My Magic Mouse works fine except for a couple of situations. The problem happens while playing video games (Spec Ops, Sanctum 2, Metro: Last Light), all first person shooters. From the moment I begin the game, the mouse starts moving left infinitely. It happens on menus and during game, which makes the game impossible to play from the first second. I tried the same games with my Playstation 3 controller (and the magic mouse off) and everything was great.
    All the games that this happen with are from Steam, but I also play other first person shooters bought on Steam (L4D2, Portal, Team Fortress 2) and everything works great. It only occurred on first person shooters so far. I also play Civilization V and there's no problem either.
    Any hints on how to solve this issue?
    Thank you in advance.
    Best regards,

    We need far more information.
    Has it previously scrolled horizontally?   Is the fault restricted to certain browsers or program facilities?   What machine are you using it on?    Has this problem appeared following an OS upgrade.

  • Erratic Magic Mouse (jumps accross screen precisely every second)

    The title sums it up really. Every second (on the second) the cursor will jump very slightly on the screen. Probably only about 2 or 3 millimeters. It's annoying, but it's not a huge deal.
    What IS a huge deal is when the mouse decides to jump the cursor to a random point on either of my two screens. Extremely annoying especially if the second screen isn't even turned on and it jumps over there.
    What I've noticed is that it seems to do it more frequently when there is a higher load on the system. With a 'normal' workload (internet browsing, skype, listening to music etc) it will do this big jump approximately every minute. But when there is a high load, like when I'm trying to play a game it will happen every couple of seconds, rendering most games totally unplayable! (The number of times my character has ran off the edge of a cliff because of this is maddening).
    Now here's the thing, I took my iMac and Magic Mouse to my local Apple Store and wouldn't you know it, nothing happened. It behaved itself perfectly. But they were very good and swapped my old Magic Mouse for a brand new one out of a retail package anyway. Happy, I bring it home and immediately it's doing it again exactly as before with the brand new mouse!
    My iMac is the 2010 27" Core i5 version upgraded with 12gb of ram, in case any of that is relevant at all.

    I don't believe this. I've just spotted this post by user Ratzelda. He says that it's an issue with having dual (or multiple) monitors connected but powered down. I hadn't noticed any change in the mouse's behaviour when using the second monitor, but out of curiosity I just switched it on and sure enough the mouse is behaving normally now!
    That explains why the mouse didn't respond erratically when I took the iMac to the Apple Store, because I didn't take my second display with me.
    It seems like this is a known issue, and yet no patch has been released by Apple to fix it? Having to continuously run both monitors when it's not needed seems very energy inefficient to me. What is Apple playing at?

  • Magical Mouse

    I'm having some issues with my magic mouse, on my iMac in SL 10.6.5
    It jumps at random to somewhere, while I'm trying to point to a file or application.
    Due to this, I start accidentally applications from the Dock, for example.
    Resizing windows is also a problem, or playing games where it comes to close pointing with the mouse.
    I've tried several mouse pads, but none seems to resolve this. Next to that.. Apples states that the intelligent magic mouse should be operating on nearly every surface.
    The most magical thing is... It works perfectly in windows 7 with bootcamp on the same iMac.
    (MagicPrefs does also not resolve this).
    Any one knows of this, encounter the same, and or knows a solution, without saying I need to buy another mouse?
    It's a jumpy , mouse pointer within Mac OS X on my iMac 3.06GHz Intel Core i3.
    And then.. I've tried a logic optical wired usb mouse.. and it had the seems issue. The mouse pointer jumps around at random, to random places on the screen.
    I'm not using WiFi, and other bluetooth devices work properly.
    Many thanks in advance.

    Try creating a new user or signing into a different account and see if it happens on that seperate account.
    If it doesn't jump/skip around on a different user then we know it's a software issue with your account. You'll have to perform an archive and instal and if that doesn't work then an erase and install.

  • Woes With the Magic Mouse...

    I am a proud new owner of an iMac 27 Inch computer. Everything is working flawlessly, except for one thing. I have had the computer for maybe two days, transferred all the info from my old iMac.
    Recently, I was playing World of Warcraft when the game froze on me and forced me to power down the computer. Upon rebooting my computer, I noticed the mouse cursor speed had been set to an ungodly speed, and the cursor was zooming around the screen like crazy. I nearly had to set the tracking speed all the way down for it to be tolerable. Afterwards, I also noticed that my scroll features on the mouse were no longer working. I opened up the preferences to check and see what was wrong, and now my Mouse Preferences window doesn't even recognize it as a Magic Mouse, but a standard wireless one.
    I want to get the Magic Mouse back up and working, but I have no idea where to go from here. As far as I know, I have all the drivers installed and working, am up to date with Snow Leopard 10.6.4, but the mouse is not being recognized as anything but a standard wireless.
    Please help.

    Hi m:
    There are several things you can try (more or less one at a time) to try to fix the problem.
    1. Run repair disk from your software install DVD.
    2. Trash a preference file ( and restart.
    3. Reset the SMC:
    4. Reset PRAM:
    5. Go to system preferences>bluetooth and delete the mouse. Restart and see if it is discovered as a magic mouse.
    6. If everything else fails, reinstall OS X 10.6 from your software install DVD (over your existing system) and then run software update.
    Message was edited by: Barry Hemphill

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