Mail has gone crazy!!

I have suddenly not been able to open up my Mail to view since today.
I can physically open it, but just have no access to it. It just seems to drop down into the bottom right hand corner and I am unable to access it. When I do my hot corner, the mail appears bottom right and I then click on it, and it brings up the firefox tab, or any other program, and puts the mail back in the bottom right corner again.
This is kind of hard to explain, but its really odd.
Anyone know of this happening to them?? Is it the Mail, or OS X?!!
If anyone can help that would be great.
thanks for your time

This sound wired, but try this:
-in system preferences, create a new user account and log over to that user.
-open mail.
If mail is playing nice in a new user account you should log back to your original user. Go to ~/Library/Preferences/ rename to
-open mail.
If mail still acts up its your OS X thats causing this.
Best o´luck

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    Ok; I'm not sure what you're doing.    36 hours is rather long.  Seems like a new migration.  Not what I intended.
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    Don't worry about Filevault, likely you're not using it if you don't know what it is, but...
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