Mail, passwords, multiple accounts and smtp

When using mail with my first email account - no problems.
Then, added mobile me...initially alright.
Then my ISP changed their settings from mail. to smtp. for outgoing mail.
But when I made the change, I can get it to work in mail for 1 email, then I get error messages about outgoing smtp server.
I recently started a new email account. All settings work in Entourage. But in Mail, they do not work. It keeps asking me to input my password. Time and time again.
It still does not work and I am absolutely sick of it
Hours trying to get mail to will work with my mobile me account, but not any of the others.
I have deleted the accounts, re-created the accounts, triple checked every single setting in preferences. Why can't mail handle more than 1 account?
Help, please, because I don't want to have to change to Entourage.

First thing that I would suggest is that you doublecheck your accounts' preferences and make sure that for each account, that you are using the smtp server that you think that you are, that the server name is correct, that the port number information is correct, that the SSL/no SSL setting is correct, and that the authentication method is correct. I have seen in these forums where people had all the smtp servers in the smtp list, but that one or two of the accounts inadvertently specified a server associated with one of the other accounts. Also, you might try launching Keychain Access (in the Application folder's Utilities folder) and run Keychain First Aid, and if that doesn't help, delete any keychain entries associated with the troublesome smtp server(s). Next time you try to send Mail, it will ask for a password again, with some luck, it will work that next time.

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    Okay, fixed it on mine.  In
    1) Mail menu | Preferences.
    2) Select problematic account in list on left.
    3) Select "Edit SMTP Server List..." from Outgoing Mail Server drop-down.
    4) Fix username by appending domain name
        (append "" if standard account, or your own domain if apps user).
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    hi. CS. thanks.
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    Kind regards

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    Hi Slayzr
    I am in the UK and eventually found the problem was due to my BT Home Hub Router. 
    I found this fix below on
    It worked for me.  If you can't link to the URL, here is the body of the text
    There's an issue related to the BT homehub that is providing a hostname that is "syntactically incorrect" for several smtp server.
    Here's how you can fix it.
    Using your internet browser, go to the address "
    - Follow instructions to reset your password if asked.
    - Then go to "Settings", then "Advanced Settings" and "home network"
    You will see there all the devices that are connected or that has been connected before. It's gonna be easyer if yout computer is the only one connected.
    Your computer should have a name like "unknown-xx:xx:xx:xx:xx ...
    Click on this name, chose another name without any special characters, like "macbook" for exemple.
    And then click on "apply"
    - restart your computer.
    That should fix the issue.
    Credit goes to vincentfromcork for providing me with the solution.
    Spread the word

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    If all email accounts are provided by the same provider, are the 4 additional accounts alias accounts with the provider?
    An alias account to a primary account shares the same user name and password in addition to the same incoming mail server as the primary account.
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    iBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4)  

    If all email accounts are provided by the same provider, are the 4 additional accounts alias accounts with the provider?
    An alias account to a primary account shares the same user name and password in addition to the same incoming mail server as the primary account.
    If each of the 4 additional email accounts require and have a different user name, you cannot create the additional accounts as alias accounts to or with the primary account with the or with any email client.
    When creating separate accounts in Mail, each account has its own Inbox, Drafts, Sent, Trash and Junk mailbox (when Junk Mail is set to automatic) but you can view received messages by all accounts by selecting Inbox in the mailboxes drawer. When opening Inbox in the mailboxes drawer revealing the account named Inbox mailbox for each account, selecting an account named Inbox mailbox reveals messages received by that account only in the message list. When selecting Inbox in the mailboxes drawer reveals a blended Inbox mailbox for all accounts and the same applies to Drafts, Sent, Trash and Junk in the mailboxes drawer.
    Are you aware of Parental Controls included with Tiger?

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    All I can find is a support page saying From is defined by the email account that is highlighted and active.

    When you hover your mouse over your name in the from field it presents a little arrow. Click it and it lets you select who you are sending an email as.
    Also if your reading an email that you got say to your email when you hit compose it will automatically select your email to compose your email.
    Hope that helps,

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    I am haveing the same problem and the Apple IT people know less than me. Per above, In Yahoo! Mail Plus I have 5 different email addresses forwarded to my Yahoo! account. When I send an email I u can select which email I want to send from. As it is now, with the Iphone, all my emails send out using my @yahoo address. As you can imagine this is embarasing if someone send me an email from a lawfirm and my response comes from a yahoo! account.
    Can you help me?

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    Also, why are you following the instructions of Mail Help’s “Adding multiple email alias addresses to an account” article? What does the Gmail account have to do with the other mail account you already have? If they are different mail accounts (i.e. different User Name and Incoming Mail Server, you must set up them as separate accounts in Mail, not as multiple email addresses associated with the same mail account. How do you expect Mail to be able to access your Gmail account if you don’t tell Mail which incoming mail server the messages should be downloaded from?
    Instructions for setting up a Gmail account in Mail are provided here:

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    If these were files you copied over from some other system then just Re-Copy them replacing the ones that are corrupted.
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