Mail Rules Changes Disappear After Quit

When I make a change to an existing Rule in Preferences or when I add a new Rule, the process works fine and
the Rules work as intended.
But when I quit Mail and open it back up again, any changes to an existing Rule or any new Rules I've added DISAPPEAR.
I've read other threads and there appears to be no answer to this. Deleting the Rules .plist file and starting over is not an option,
as I have quite a library of intricate Rules I've written over the years.

repairing permissions will not help with this because your rules are stored in your home directory and repair permissions doesn't touch it. quit mail and go to the directory homedirectory/library/mail. delete the files MessageRules.plist and
MessageRules.plist.backup. start Mail. your rules list will be empty. see if they save normally now.

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    I was able to correct the problem. I edited the Rules on my MacBook Pro, replaced the rules on MobileMe, found and deleted the MessageRules.plist in my user's library folder, updated the Rules from MobileMe, and reopened Mail. The new Rules were finally there.

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    Got a bit of a strange one here, recently i did a complete clean of my Mail app on Leopard (ie backup, reset all prefs, files, folders, settings the lot). Then i set it up again and everything works great.
    Apart from one thing, i have one imap account on which rules are performed (ie separation into folders and creating a local copy on a local folder for backup). However although these rules work fine, sporadically the folder location for the copy gets set to the original imap folder - so it ends up making copies of the email in the same folder.
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    At first i thought it was getting confused because the Local folder is called the same as the online imap one (equivalent naming), so i changed the local folder name by appending a -OL (as in offline) suffix. However that did not correct the problem.
    Any idea what could be changing the rules? Because it isnt me

    Ok, here are some images:
    1) Rule example, for Subscriptions, as it should be:
    2) Pref file, displaying rule, as it should be:
    3) what rule looks like, after quit mail then open again:
    4) Note that all this while the pref file is the same. Eventually, it changes too, but thats once its been open and closed a few times, i think - if i keep it open, then it stays the same, but the in mail the rules still fail

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    The mailbox list is divided into categories with headings in caps, such as ON MY MAC. When you hover the cursor over one of those headings (except for MAILBOXES), you should see the word Show or Hide on the right. Click Show. The  MAILBOXES category can't be hidden.
    In each category, the mailboxes are arranged in groups, such as Inbox. To the left of each group is a small disclosure triangle. If the triangle points to the right, click it so that it points down.

  • Apple Mail inbox message disappear after a week

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    The emails are on the AT&T server still, and my old iMac is also receiving them and not removing them.
    How do I change this please?

    Quit Mail.
    Back up all data. That means you know you can restore the Mail database, no matter what happens.
    Triple-click the text on the line below to select it:
    ~/Library/Mail/V2/MailData/Envelope Index
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard (command-C). In the Finder, select
    Go ▹ Go to Folder
    from the menu bar. Paste into the box that opens (command-V), then press return.
    A Finder window will open with a file selected. Move the selected file to the Desktop, leaving the window open. Other files in the folder may have names that begin with "Envelope Index". Move those files, if any, to the Trash. Relaunch Mail. It should prompt you to re-import your messages. You may get a warning that the index is corrupt and that Mail has to quit. Click OK.
    Test. If Mail now works as expected, you can delete the file you moved to the Desktop. If you get a warning that the file is in use when you try to empty the Trash, log out and log back in.

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    Any suggesitons on where to look would really be appreciated.

    Well, of course, I have been chasing this for months, and JUST today, I decide to post the question here, and just today, I discovered the answer myself. Painstakingly I removed programs one at a time and re-logged in.
    I discovered that when I removed the Soonr backup software "Soonr Desktop Agent" the problem went away. This agent scans your computer for things that need to be backed up, it has an option to also backup mail and address book data as well. Seems they feel they need to launch mail to do that, and that they need to launch it all the time for some reason. When I turned off the agent, the problem went away.
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    Sorry all, problem solved by myself. Left here for reference.

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    OS 10.10.1
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    Anybody have any advise on how to fix this issue?

    Well, you are ahead of me.
    My rules are just GONE.
    Hopefully they are still available on my laptop that I haven't upgraded to Yosemite...

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    I am having the very same problem with Safari. The only bookimarks Safari shows, are history for the last day I used it. Which means no0ne of them survive a restart. I haven't been able to match it to any other Safari posts. An answer for you will be an answer for me.

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    Yesterday, I canceled a trial MobileMe account I had set up a couple months ago. I had also set up a MobileMe account in my Apple Mail, though I only used it to send mail, not receive. After quitting the MobileMe account, my Gmail account stopped retrieving mail. I figured out how to get it to send (I had been using MobileMe for outgoing mail), but it will not retrieve... the spinning wheel just keeps on spinning. My iPhone still retrieves mail from Gmail, but not Apple Mail on my Mac.
    Connection Doctor says the connection is good. Any ideas on how I can resolve this problem? I have experimented at length, without success.

    Hi Erine,
    Yes, I am running 10.5.4. I need to update my profile on these message boards. My stats below are the most current. Anyway, I am using port 25, and the SMTP address is I did not set this part up manually; when I added my MobileMe account, I chose the "Add Account" button from the Preferences->Accounts window, typed in my name, e-mail address, and password, and Mail did the rest for me. Is it possible that the Mail app used the wrong SMTP information? Perhaps someone here who is using MobileMe with Mail app can confirm that the server should be "" on port 25 with SSL enabled.
    EDIT: As I am going into the Activity Window, the outgoing MobileMe just started working! E-mails are sending! Hooray!
    Now on to the bigger problem...why, when I click Get Mail, does nothing happen?! Why isn't Mail app checking for mail every five minutes, as I have set up? And why does Mail app freeze when I try to quit?! Again, thanks for the help!

  • Rules in Mail not being applied after Mavericks update

    Hi everyone, I know there are a lot of threads already discussing similar issues, but so far I've been unable to find one that helps resolve my particular issue. Ever since upgrading to Mavericks my rules are not being applied in Mail. I will give you a screenshot of one of my rules:
    I have about five rules that follow the same pattern: search for particular string in the FROM field and mark it with a color if the string is present. These rules all worked fine in Snow Leopard. All of my rules are still present after the upgrade and all checked as active. When I "select all" messages in my inbox and press Option-Cmd-L the rules are applied properly. However, the rules are not applying themselves when new mail comes in. As far as I can tell this does not have anything to do with the mail not being recognizes “as a new message” like, for example, because the mail was already read on my phone. It happens even if my other devices are offline and the only thing I am using to check mail is my laptop.
    I am using a MacBook Pro 2.3 GHz Intel Core Duo with OS X 10.9.1, in case that matters.
    Thanks for any advice!

    I think I've found at least a partial solution to the Mail - Rules Don't Work problem:
    In "Mail" go to the menu Mailbox and click on Rebuild.
    If you have a lot of stuff, this will take several minutes to finish.
    I also reviewed all my rules and made a few minor changes.
    Mixed results:  I found that running "Apply Rules" didn't work on email already received; but new mail did.  I don't quite understand that, but I call it a partial success.

  • Mail Rules Magically Changing/Forgetting?

    Hi gurus,
    I keep running into a problem on with Mail (ver 2.1 752/752.2) on 10.4.10 (on 2 separate machines).
    I have three rules setup. Each rule does two steps:
    1) Moves the message to an archive mailbox (example: "Mine")
    2) Copies it into the user@domain Inbox folder.
    The other two rules do the same type of thing, but the name of the archive mailboxes are different ("Ops" and "State").
    After a couple of weeks, I'll find the rules no longer work. When I edit one of them, I see that the step settings have changed to be:
    1) Moves the message to an archive mailbox (example: "Mine")
    2) Copies it into the same archive mailbox as step 1
    I can reset them to their original config, and save it. Close Mail, re-open it, and the rules are there, correctly. Reboot, and the rules are still there. Good.
    Time passes, and they break. Sometimes it's just one rule, sometimes 2 of the 3, and sometimes all 3.
    Has anyone ever seen this behavior before, and if so, how to fix it?
    It's rather annoying.

    I have a similar issue, with the exception that my mailbox rules completely disappear every time Mail is closed. 

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