Mail won't send PDF's to Blackberry

we have had repeated reports from clients that attachments that we send cannot be viewed on their blackberry but can be viewed on their computers.
After a lot of testing I've narrowed it down to PDF's sent from Mail.
If I send the email as plain text the pdf is viewable if its sent as rich text, they see an attachment icon but can't view the PDF
Is there anything I can do other than send plain text or zip the PDF?

Hey Kevin,
When you attach files to an e-mail, you should select them has Windows compatible in the Attachments option from the Edit menu. Had the same problem, and it worked for me, no further complaints.
Blackberry is just now starting to discover the wonders of the Mac world.

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    Hello Bill,
    Who is your eMail provider, the part after the @ sign?
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    ronright wrote:
    Since I bought a new modem/router (Netgear n600), my Apple mail won't send e-mails. It will receive. My ISP is AT&T & the email accounts are via yahoo. I have a Macbook Pro with a recent OSX.
    The most recent OS is currently OS 10.8.3.  Your system profile confirms you are still using Mac OS X (10.7.5).  If this is incorrect, please correct your profile so that you will get the correct troubleshooting suggestions/solutions. 
    Also, post in the OS/Mail forum of whichever OS is currently installed on your MBP.  It's where the OS/Mail expert helpers hang out at. 

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    Hello, mrselisec. 
    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities. 
    I would need more information regarding exactly what is happening when you attempt to send to an AOL email address to better assist you.  However, he are a couple basic troubleshooting guide that may help with this issue. 
    OS X Mail: Troubleshooting sending and receiving email messages
    iCloud: Troubleshooting iCloud Mail
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    Go to Apple Menu > System Preferences > Network, choose Network Port Configurations from the Show popup menu, and make sure that the configuration used to connect to Internet appears at the top of the list. Leave checked (enabled) only the port configuration needed to connect to Internet and Built-in Ethernet (in that order if not the same), uncheck (disable) the rest of network port configurations and see whether that helps — if it doesn’t, turn ON again the ones you want enabled.
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    Using network locations in Mac OS X

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    Hi bearbean!
    Here is an article that will help walk you through some troubleshooting steps for this issue:
    OS X Mail: Troubleshooting sending and receiving email messages
    Take care, and thanks for visiting the Apple Support Communities.

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