Mailbox already exists

When I am logging into webmail, I am getting this message" Mailbox already exists". If I press OK, another message says "please wait..." and nothing happens after that.
what hsould I do?

I suspect that there has been some problem with your mailbox database.
I suggest first running reconstruct -m
and see if that takes care of the problem.
I would do a stop-msg and start-msg first, in case there is an "orphan database lock", before running the reconstruct.
Please help me help you by giving the full version information for your server. That's the output from running
imsimta version

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  • MailBox already exist (ERROR)

    HI ALL,
    i am using >>>
    Sun Java(tm) System Messaging Server 6.3-5.02 (built Oct 12 2007; 32bit) 6.3-5.02 (built 17:15:31, Oct 12 2007; 32bit)
    SunOS 5.10 Generic_118833-36 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-V240
    well i have stored the user data on SAN i have made a symbolic link of that slice of SAN on /var/opt/SUNWmsgr/store/primary/partition/
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    Edited by: adeelarifbhatti on Apr 29, 2008 5:59 AM

    adeelarifbhatti wrote:
    well i have stored the user data on SAN i have made a symbolic link of that slice of SAN on /var/opt/SUNWmsgr/store/primary/partition/Why did you create a symbolic link and not just mount the filesystem at the above path?
    ANY SOLUTIONS PLEASETo stop Messaging Server from automatically re-propagating the folder structure under this situation, change the underlying file-system link so that if the SAN isn't mounted access is denied at the file-system level so the sub-folder structure can't be created.
    For example say I had a mount point at:
    When nothing is mounted at /var/opt/SUNWmsgr/store/primary/partition/primary, change the ownership of the mount point to root:root. When the SAN slice is mounted, the partition of the mount point will go back to mailsrv:mail (or whatever the default is for your messaging installation).

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    So create a csv file with the following headers and data
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    UserID should be the user SamAccountName, and the Alias is the Mailbox Alias that you want to set. Supposing that the csv file is named users.csv and located under C:\ , open the Exchange Management Console and run:
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    Foreach ($user in $users) {
    Enable-Mailbox -Identity $user.UserID -alias $user.alias -database 'DB1'
    Set-Mailbox -Identity $user.UserID -IssueWarningQuota 1.5gb -ProhibitSendQuota 2gb 
    Please Mark As Answer if this helps

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        + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-Mailbox], ManagementObjectNotFoundException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : FC39465B,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.RecipientTasks.GetMailbox
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    I recommend that you post this in the Outlook Forum:
    Ed Crowley MVP "There are seldom good technological solutions to behavioral problems."

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    Stop-SPServiceInstance : An object of the type
    Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPServiceInstanceJobDefinition named
    "job-service-instance-1ff39eb2-12d2-457d-a749-265e350eb1b1" already exists
    under the parent Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPTimerService named
    "SPTimerV4". Rename your object or delete the existing object.
    At line:1 char:127
    + ... pplication"} | Stop-SPServiceInstance
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (Microsoft.Share...ServiceInstance:
    SPCmdletStopServiceInstance) [Stop-SPServiceInstance], SPDuplicateObjectEx
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell.SPCmdletStopServ

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    This might be helpful: 
    I had a lot of issues in the past when try to stop this instance after the Web apps are provisioned.
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    Error: Source system already exists. Message no. RSAR201
    We have installed a BI 7.0 system recently and I am setting up the server to connect to SAP ERP.
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    I have done the following:
    In TA RSA1
    1.     Choose Modeling.
    2.     Choose Source Systems.
    3.     Select SAP in the window on the right.
    4.     Choose the Context menu (right mouse click).
    5.     Choose Create.
    6.     Make the following entries:
    Available destination: (The above tested connection)
    Background user in source system: RFCUSER (I created the user in ERP according to step 1.4 in “B84”)
    Password for source system: *****
    Background user in BI: RFCUSER (I created the user in BI according to step 1.4 in “B84”)
    Password for BI user: *****
    8.     In the dialog box Please log on as an administrator in the following screen choose Continue.
    9.     Log on to the Source System with your administrator user. Choose the correct client.
    10.     On the dialog box New Source System Connection choose Continue.
    Source system already exists.
    Message no. RSAR201
    What is wrong? I cannot locate any SAP notes to help on this problem.
    Best regards,
    Carsten Pold

    Hello Carsten,
    just some guessing at this point...
    Is the connection really new? For example, was there another system connected to that ERP, maybe with the same logical name? Or was any of the two systems copied from another system?
    Authorisations issues in this process may result in strange error messages. Make sure that the admin user in step 9 really has SAP_ALL. There are a lot of complex activities that this user must be able to do (ALE management, RFC access etc.). To exclude issues with the RFCUSER users: If possible, give them SAP_ALL, too. Of course only temporarily for testing.
    I normally don't use existing RFC destinations. Usually, I let the system create those, too. So maybe it makes a difference if you remove the RFC destinations on both sides and try again. In that case, you will of course have to provide the RFC details when creating the source system connection...
    I hope this brings you forward a little...

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    Thank you for your advice. I followed your directions, but came up with the same results. However, I did discover that whenever I open up the iPhoto Library that is already existing on my MacBook a certain set of pictures shows up. But then when I open up the iPhoto Library from the Hard drive another set of pictures shows up. BUT not ALL of my pictures are showing up on the iPhoto Library from the hard drive. At least the last two years of pictures are not showing up?! Actually, it appears that all the pictures are there from when I started using iPhoto about 5 years ago up until around the time that I got my iMac desktop computer and started using that (2 years ago). I have noticed that more recent videos I have made are showing up in a folder on the hard drive, but will not appear when I open up iMovie?! Any ideas on how to access my pictures from the last 2 years off of the hard drive???

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    I plugged in my brand new nano to my husbands desktop to get it registered, but had a problem mid way through when I tried to used an apple login that already existed.  Now it's not registered and the computer won't recognize my device.  How do I fix this?

    iPod not recognized in 'My Computer' and in iTunes for Windows
    Call U.S. iPod and Mac technical support: 1-800-APL-CARE (1-800-275-2273) to register your iPod Nano.

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