Main drive doesn't show on desktop but is completely usable

My main disk (which is system/startup 10.5.6) today does not show up with its icon on my desktop, yet is still viewable in Disk Utility, and the Home, documents, and Applications still show up in the left finder pane. Files are accessible, apps can be launched from dock or LaunchBar, and obviously is working because I am using it now.
I booted from the Leopard install disk and ran Disk Utility, repaired disk (which said it was OK) and repaired permissions. Did this twice, but icon is gone.
Little thing that may or may not be related but will explain just in case: a few days ago, when I would go online first thing after turning on the computer, Safari and mail worked for about 5 minutes then when I would go to another URL, beach ball would spin and I was going nowhere. Yet, the connection still seemed to be working, and under Network diagnostics, said I was connected. Then eventually things would kick back in and all was well. At first I thought it was my router but now I'm wondering whether something in my system is not up to par, with both issues here.

Finder Preferences > General > Show Hard disks on desktop.
My internet connection seems slow to start, it is loading all the RSS feeds first

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    The battery alone is a $5 to $15 part.  Hard drives vary in cost, and depending on the iMac, they may or may not be able to install a third party hard drive, or one resold through Apple.    The resold through Apple drives tend to cost more.  This article discusses the varying successes of third party drives on iMacs: acs 
    The labor costs depend on the store as well as the time to get the parts in stock.    Call around.

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    View Solution.

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    ****Please mark Accept As Solution if it solves your problem****
    ****I don't work for HP****
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    No problem. 
    (1) Click on the Finder icon in the Dock.  If your dock is on the bottom of the screen, it is the icon on the far left.
    (2) Now, look at the menu called Finder at the top left of your screen and find "Preferences there". Or, you can just press command-,  (command-comma).
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    Does it show up in disk utility
    remove and reconnect the USB connector on the drive end., check Finder > prefences > general hard disks checked?
    Have you used this HD on that Mac before?
    Does this HD show in another machine/ Mac?
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    Do a backup.
    Go to Finder and select your user/home folder. With that Finder window as the front window, either select Finder/View/Show View options or go command - J.  When the View options opens, check ’Show Library Folder’. That should make your user library folder visible in your user/home folder.  Select Library. Then go to Preferences/ and  Move the .plists to your desktop.
    Re-launch Finder by restarting and test. If it works okay, delete the plists from the desktop.
    If the same, return the .plists to where you got it  from, overwriting the newer one.
    Thanks to leonie for some information contained in this. 

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    Look in Finder's menubar,  Finder > Preferences > General tab > check external disks

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