Make an (external) backup elements 7

I have Photoshop Elements I try to make a backup on an external hard drive. The files are on the hard drive but I can't open it. What i have to do?

Make a full backup:
Insert Your CD/DVD or plug in your external hard drive
Click File >>Backup Catalog to CD, DVD or Hard Drive
Check Full Backup, then click Next
Select the drive letter for your CD ROM drive or External Hard Drive (click the browse button and navigate to a specific folder if you wish)
Then click Done
Wait for PSE7 to write the backup
Once you have a full backup you can make incremental backups in future which will be much quicker.
Don’t use the same folder, make a new one. Once you have a full back up you can make incremental back ups but you need to follow a set routine. It’s not very intuitive.
Start by creating a new folder or label a new CD/DVD Disk - it’s best to use dates e.g. “PSE7 incr backup 20130811”
Press Ctrl+B and check Incremental, then click Next
Highlight your drive containing the last backup and click the bottom Browse button (previous back up file) then navigate to the TLY file and click open.
Click the Browse button above and navigate to your new folder “PSE7 inc backup 20130811”
Click Done.
If your full backup originally contained 500 images, the incremental backup will only contain changes since the last backup e.g. files B000501.jpg, B000502.jpg etc
If you ever have to do a complete restore you start with the TLY file from the latest incremental backup. The program automatically recognizes the number of incremental steps and you will be prompted to insert a disc or navigate to the appropriate drive.
Incremental backup’s are obviously much quicker to write to disk but I recommend that you periodically perform another  full backup and delete any earlier backups.

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    Hi I'd like to jump in here. Your app showed me this:
    Time Machine:
              Skip System Files: NO
              Mobile backups: OFF
              Auto backup: YES
              Volumes being backed up:
                        Macintosh HD: Disk size: 749.3 GB Disk used: 453.81 GB
                        Plastic Wrapper [Local] (Last used)
                        Total size: 999.86 GB
                        Total number of backups: 64
                        Oldest backup: 2013-07-24 23:25:11 +0000
                        Last backup: 2013-11-17 01:40:47 +0000
                        Size of backup disk: Too small
                                  Backup size 999.86 GB < (Disk used 453.81 GB X 3)
              Time Machine details may not be accurate.
              All volumes being backed up may not be listed.
              /sbin excluded from backup!
              /usr excluded from backup!
              /System excluded from backup!
              /bin excluded from backup!
              /private excluded from backup!
              /Library excluded from backup!
              /Applications excluded from backup!
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    Sure, although I'm not sure why you would want two Time Machine backups?
    It's just my take on the subject, but cloning is far better than Time Machine for two main reasons. 1. a Clone is bootable in a pinch and 2. a Clone doesn't require that the external hard drive be running all the time.
    You could however disconnect the Lacie and start using the 1T iOmega for Time Machine, then erase and Clone the Lacie with CarbonCloner if your having trouble figuring out SuperDuper. 

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    Hi Jeff
      Once you have a full back up you can make incremental back ups but you need to follow a set routine. It’s not very intuitive.
    Start by creating a new folder or label a new CD/DVD Disk - it’s best to use dates e.g. “PSE10 incr backup 2012-0104”
    Press Ctrl+B and check Incremental, then click Next
    Highlight your drive containing the last backup and click the bottom Browse button (previous back up file) then navigate to the TLY file and click open.
    Click the Browse button above and navigate to your new folder “PSE10 incr backup 2012-0104”
    Click Done.
    If your full backup originally contained 500 images, the incremental backup will only contain changes since the last backup e.g. files B000501.jpg, B000502.jpg etc
    If you ever have to do a complete restore you start with the TLY file from the latest incremental backup. The program automatically recognizes the number of incremental steps and you will be prompted to insert a disc or navigate to the appropriate drive.
    Incremental backup’s are obviously much quicker to write to disk but I recommend that you periodically perform another full backup and delete any earlier backups.

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    pshdawg1 wrote:
    I've just purchased a new iMac for myslef and am gifting my "old" iMac to Niece.  Original iMac has Snow Leopard upgrade (came with Leopard) as well as Word for Mac -student addition.  I also have an external backup drive and use Time Machine as specified.
    Well I don't think your niece is going to rob you blind or sell your company secrets to the highest bidder, so a full 7x- 35x government grade overwrite and operating install is likely overkill.
    Just likley some personal files, pictures and videos, stuff like that you want to make sure doesn't get seen.
    My suggestion is to clean out your user level files manually in each of your Documents, Pictures etc folders, any bookmarks in browsers (reset Safari, clear cache) and emails you don't want carried on.
    Then download and run the cleaning aspects of OnyX, followed by a Disk Utility > Erase Free Space option. (in your Applications/Utilities folder)
    You can create another Admin account in her name/nick and delete the first one with your name and all that.
    If you really want to get rid of your name from everywhere in the comptuer, then the only option is a c boot from the installer disk, Disk Utility Erase with Zero (7x or even 35x overwrite) and then resintall OS X and shutdown the machine,
    When this is done, OS X boots into the first "Welcome to OS X" video you saw when you first setup the machine. Of course you lose Word as that's not on the installer disk. But LibreOffice is free and much much better.
    pshdawg1 wrote:
    Will I also need to de-authorixe audible for iTunes? 
    Your allowed up to 5 computers with your iTunes content, but you can deauthorize the computer in iTunes so it doesn't take one of your authorizations.
    Also before you do anything, make a MANUAL backup of your data to another drive just in case Time Machine/Migration ***. etc doesn't screw the new pooch on you like it's been known to do.
    I always c boot off the new installer disk on new machines and Disk Utility Erase with Zero option the entire boot drive then reinstall OS X, it's not that I'm paranoid, it's that drives are not checked for bad sectors at the factory, they just slap OS X on it and off it goes, problems appear later on as people use the drive or can't read the software correctly off the drive.
    So I map off the bad sectors ahead of time, so the software is on good sectors and never have a post issue like others do with new machines.
    If you ordered a Mac with custom software installed, obiously your going to need to reinstall it after this.

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    I haven't bought an external hard drive preinstalled in a factory enclosure since 1987, and the one I bought then (a 45MB drive for $775, and a bargain for its time!) was still working when I threw it away recently because it was just too small to use any more. Since then, I've bought only bare drives and, when I wanted to use one externally, a separate enclosure to mount it in. By buying that way I save money, I get an unambiguous manufacturer's warranty on the drive mechanism, which is the part most likely to fail, and I get to shop around for the enclosure design and features and the bridge chipset I want without being stuck with a drive mechanism of the manufacturer/packager's choice instead of my own. This has generally worked out well for me, with the exception of a Western Digital drive that failed way prematurely — I won't buy a WD drive again. Seagate currently offers the longest drive warranties at five years, and I haven't had any trouble with Seagate drives. Hitachi, Fujitsu and Maxtor are other brands I've used happily; the only Toshiba drive I've had was a laptop drive, and it failed after four years. Online resellers like,,, and sometimes even have huge selections of bare drive mechanisms, some of which are always on sale, and they also sell external enclosures.
    A word about enclosures: buy a Firewire enclosure with the Oxford 911 bridge chipset, not a USB 2 enclosure. FireWire is faster than USB 2 in real life, it's bootable (USB booting isn't supported in OS X on a PowerPC Mac), and it doesn't have USB gremlins that can play havoc with system sleep and often cause other problems. If you absolutely must share a drive with a PC, get a combination FireWire and USB drive and use USB only to connect to the PC, but be prepared to deal with the annoyances of the FAT32 format, including the inability to make a bootable backup of your Mac hard drive on it.

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    Another option would be to copy the movie files off of the iPad onto my Laptop, but the iPad does not appear in the finder window on the Laptop.
    I have about decided my MacBook Pro laptop will have to be the main repository for all the downloaded movies, since I can make a Time Machine backup of everything. 
    It is very frustrating to not be able to make a full backup of everything on my iPad.
    Anyone else have any ideas?   Apple - when are you going to provide a way to make a full backup of an iPad?

    I recommend Super Duper as well. I use it batch mode to automatically back up my iMAC every night at 2 am. It's saved my life a couple of times- once my disk crashed (under warranty)and what could have been a disaster (1000's of irreplaceable photos) was a 2 day inconvenience.
    Now and then I boot up from my backup on my firewire drive, wipe, check and reformat my internal hard disk, copy back all my files and I'm good to go

  • How to make a *full* backup (including the hidden partition), free solution prefered =) [T400]

    I'm planning on messing with my system a little (re-partition, install linux) and I want a full-proof recovery plan. This should work in case I *completely* mess up my HD (bad boot records, destroyed partitions, etc.)
    I have an external hard drive with plenty of free space. How would I make a completely backup; something that would restore everything (including the hidden partition) to its current state?
    Is there any way to do this using free/opensource?
    Keep in mind that if there's a linux app that can do this, I can just boot up using a live CD and run the app from there.
    Thanks in advance.

    Vista or XP? What is/was the partition layout? IIRC, w/XP the 2nd partition is the service partition (hd0,1) and with Vista it is the first (hd0,0).  I don't know if that is always the case, so how is your drive layed out?
    ISTR that with XP the service partition is "hidded' by using an ID of 12 (or something) even though it is a FAT32 partition.  Grub might be unhappy with the ID.  Changing it to "C" might let it boot. That's just a WAG.  My recollection is that the ID only affected where I could install the grub files, not what I could boot.
    I've got some old notes here somewhere: maybe in "partitioning" or Windows XP.
       **** grrr.  the insert link thingy isn't working.  the link above is literally correct, but the forum is inserting some invisible characters ****
    I don't know clonezillla.  Will it let you restore only one of the partitions?  If so, do a restore to factory (with the recovery media you made immediately on receiving the laptop) and then restore only the Vista or XP partition from clonezilla.
    Message Edited by zoltanthegypsy on 01-07-2009 06:47 AM
    Message Edited by zoltanthegypsy on 01-07-2009 06:48 AM
    Message Edited by zoltanthegypsy on 01-07-2009 06:50 AM
    Message Edited by zoltanthegypsy on 01-07-2009 06:53 AM
    Message Edited by zoltanthegypsy on 01-07-2009 08:00 AM
    The large print: please read the Community Participation Rules before posting. Include as much information as possible: model, machine type, operating system, and a descriptive subject line. Do not include personal information: serial number, telephone number, email address, etc.  The fine print: I do not work for, nor do I speak for Lenovo. Unsolicited private messages will be ignored. ... GeezBlog
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  • Can time machine make an external HD bootable?

    I'm not really familiar with Time Machine, and I really want to make a copy of my HD onto an external HD, so I can boot off of it in the case that my computer goes haywire. Can Time Machine make my external HD bootable? Or, would one of those other programs (CCC or SuperDuper) be better suited for the task?

    use Superduper or CCCloner for that. Time Machine backups are not bootable. You can create a bootable drive from a TM backup but it's a lengthy process. You need to boot from the install DVD and use the system restore utility from the utilities menu. plus you'd need an extra external drive.

  • Redoing external backup disk catalogs

    Using Windows 7.
    I just installed LR 3 and imported from a card for the first time.  The first time didn't go so good.
    I intended to import to one of the HD's on my computer and at the same time to an external backup drive.  For some reason when the files went to the backup they did not go in the well organized way I intended and I ended up in what could best be called a %^%#^^ jumble.
    I went into Explorer and organized all the imported images into their proper hierarchical folders on the backup drive.  Now I want this well organized non jumble to replace the jumble that shows in LR.
    Is it possible to simply dump the entire catalogue for the backup HD and replace it with the now organized one?  If so how?  And if not, what is the best mthod to sccomplish this?
    Many thanks

    Well, one thing you might ask your self... how did it get to be a ... jumble?  If you don't figure out how and why, you'll end up with a new jumble every time you import images, and that's no fun.
    But as for your backup, sure.  Just delete the old files and copy across the new one.  I use "mirrorfolder" to do this automatically, but you can do it with anything you like.  Just make sure you copy the top-level folder of your catalog, and it should be fine.
    Whoops! Missed a step!  I misread your post, and thought you had sorted it in LR, not explorer.  Okay, one more step you'll need to do after you copy over your images is to "find" them all again.  LR will show you a '?' mark where there are missing photos/folders.  Right click on it, then you can browse to where it is.  Better yet, you can simply delete your catalog FILE (not the images!) and do a new catalog, and import with 'ADD' so it won't move your images.  Then it creates a new one, and everything is happy.  That's what I would do.
    Message was edited by: Jasonized

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    I have since uninstalled and reinstalled the app, but get the same error message.

    Which version of OS X do you have? It's not clear from your post whether "installed an upgrade" means you just installed PSE 13 as an upgrade or you installed an update to PSE 13, like ACR 9 or 13.1. Please clarify.

  • How can I use my Windows Hard Drive as an external backup?

    Hi everyone!  I am currently making the switch from Windows, I can't wait for my MacBook to arrive.  My lovely Dell currently has a 320 GB HD that would prove a very nice external backup storage unit.  So, I plan to remove it and find a case to mount and use it as such!
    Only problem is, I'm fairly certain that I'll run into some compatibility issues and have never used an external HD.  I'm unsure of how the process works.  This is the HD in my personal laptop (only PC I own), so it's not like I have it hooked up to play around with as an external at the moment.
    The Hard Drive is a Toshiba MK3255GSX (SATA):
    Can I connect with FireWire (or Is that dependent on my hard drive, or do I get a cable converter)?
    When/how do I partition it?
    Since this is my personal home use PC, it's loaded with a bunch of programs/Win32/cache/temp files/garbage.  Can I just access/delete these from the Mac?
    Even if you can't give me a full guide on the procedure, any tips or things to keep in mind are GREATLY appreciated.  I expect to pick this up little by little.
    Thanks again!

    You will have to reformat the HDD in 'Disk Utility' Application to either one strictly for Macs or one that PCs can also utilize.  That is your choice.
    The connection is dependent upon the enclosure the the HDD is in.  If it has a Firewire port, all to the good because Firewire data transfer rates are about twice as fast as USB @.  Your MBP will have that capability.  Otherwise its USB 2.
    If you are anticipating installing Windows on your MBP, you will have to partition the HDD which also can be done in 'Disk Utility'.
    When you format the HDD in 'Disk Utility', it will erase all of the data on that HDD.  If you want to save anything, back it up first.

  • How can i make an external Hard drive default for iphoto

    I have maxed out my memory on my MacBook with iPhoto 09.  I have been trying to export photos to an external HD and then make the external HD my default drive for future photo downloads from my camera.  Also, I need to clean off space on the internal HD, but not sure of the safest way to do this and make sure I don't loose any photos.  Any tips to move forward?  I am a Mac novice to say the least.  

    Make sure the drive is formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
    1. Quit iPhoto
    2. Copy the iPhoto Library from your Pictures Folder to the External Disk.
    3. Hold down the option (or alt) key while launching iPhoto. From the resulting menu select 'Choose Library' and navigate to the new location. From that point on this will be the default location of your library.
    4. Test the library and when you're sure all is well, trash the one on your internal HD to free up space.

Maybe you are looking for