Make Spry Table respond to OnRollover Events?

I was wondering if anybody knew what code I would have to
alter in order to get a standard spry table (within a standard spry
region) to respond to rollovers instead of clicks. Basically the
effect I want is for the user to just rollover an item and it will
update the detail field, as opposed to the user having to click.
Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks.

Usually it is something like:

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  • How to open a new page from a Spry Table click, with element info?

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    This is probably simple, but I've searched for hours and can't find what I need. I'm using Dreamweaver CS4 and Spry 1.6.1 to create a simple Spry Table from an XML data set using PHP as my back end.  I've used Dreamweaver's Insert->Spry->Spry Data Set to create everything, and the table is working fine.  Colors, clicks, sorts, etc., are all working correctly as expected.
    What I want is to be able to add a behavior such that when a table row is clicked, I can open a new page.  Moreover, I want to pass a parameter from the table to the new page, like or whatever.
    So, for example, my table has two columns, "a_id" and "a_name", and my repeat region looks like this:
    <div spry:region="xml_assignments">
    <table width="500">
    <th spry:sort="a_id" class="spry_header">ID</th>
    <th spry:sort="a_name" class="spry_header">Assignment</th>
    <tr spry:repeat="xml_assignments" spry:setrow="xml_assignments" spry:odd="spry_odd" spry:even="spry_even" spry:hover="spry_hover" spry:select="spry_select">
    What I want is to be able to open an entirely new URL, passing the value of the {a_id} in the selected row as a parameter to the new URL, as in something like:{a_id}
    So my questions are: 
    1. How best to apply the action to the table?  Add an onclick to the tr tag?  Something else?
    2. How to extract the {a_id} value from the current row and pass it as a parameter to the action?
    Or maybe just take another approach entirely?
    I know that I can make the actual text in the table cells hyperlinks, and use them to link to the new page, which is fine.  The desire here is just to make it so that the user can click "anywhere" on the table row (as they can currently do with the spry:select behavior) and have the link kick off, whether they actually click on the linked text or somewhere in the row where there is no text.
    I'm sure this is obvious and simple, but I'm new to this level of Spry detail, and my brain is fried from hunting.  Any guidance will be gratefully appreciated!
    Glen Barney

    I found the answer myself, after posting this, of course!
    I changed:
    <tr spry:repeat="xml_assignments" spry:setrow="xml_assignments" spry:odd="spry_odd" spry:even="spry_even" spry:hover="spry_hover" spry:select="spry_select">
    <tr spry:repeat="xml_assignments" spry:setrow="xml_assignments" spry:odd="spry_odd" spry:even="spry_even" spry:hover="spry_hover" spry:select="spry_select" onclick="window.location.href='./newpage.php?aid={a_id}';">
    Basically just added the onclick parameter...
    And it all just worked!

  • WPF UI running in seperate runspace - able to set/get controls via synchronized hash table, but referencing the control via the hash table from within an event handler causes both runspaces to hang.

    I am trying to build a proof of concept where a WPF form is hosted in a seperate runspace and updates are handled from the primary shell/runspace. I have had some success thanks to a great article by Boe Prox, but I am having an issue I wanted to open up
    to see if anyone had a suggestion.
    My goals are as follows:
    1.) Set control properties from the primary runspace (Completed)
    2.) Get control properties from the primary runspace (Completed)
    3.) Respond to WPF form events in the UI runspace from the primary runspace (Kind of broken).
    I have the ability to read/write values to the form, but I am having difficulty with events. Specifically, I can fire and handle events, but the minute I try to reference the $SyncHash from within the event it appears to cause a blocking condition hanging both
    runspaces. As a result, I am unable to update the form based on an event being fired by a control.
    In the example below, the form is loaded and the following steps occur:
    1.) Update-Combobox is called and it populates the combobox with a list of service names and selects the first item.
    2.) update-textbox is called and sets the Text property of the textbox.
    3.) The Text value of the textbox is read by the function read-textbox and output using write-host.
    4.) An event handle is registered for the SelectionChanged event for the combobox to call the update-textbox function used earlier.
    5.) If you change the selection on the combobox, the shell and UI hangs as soon as $SyncHash is referenced. I suspect this is causing some sort of blocking condition from multiple threads trying to access the synchronized nature of the hash table, but I am
    unsure as to why / how to work around it. If you comment out the line "$SyncHash.TXT_Output.Dispatcher.Invoke("Send",[action]{$SyncHash.TXT_Output.Text = $Value})" within update-textbox the event handler will execute/complete.
    $UI_JobScript =
    Function New-Form ([XML]$XAML_Form){
    $XML_Node_Reader=(New-Object System.Xml.XmlNodeReader $XAML_Form)
    Add-Type –AssemblyName PresentationFramework
    Add-Type –AssemblyName PresentationCore
    Add-Type –AssemblyName WindowsBase
    Throw "Unable to load the requisite Windows Presentation Foundation assemblies. Please verify that the .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 or later is installed on this system."
    $Form = New-Form -XAML_Form $SyncHash.XAML_Form
    $SyncHash.Form = $Form
    $SyncHash.CMB_Services = $SyncHash.Form.FindName("CMB_Services")
    $SyncHash.TXT_Output = $SyncHash.Form.FindName("TXT_Output")
    $SyncHash.Form.ShowDialog() | Out-Null
    $SyncHash.Error = $Error
    write-host $_.Exception.Message
    #End UI_JobScript
    #Begin Main
    add-type -AssemblyName WindowsBase
    [XML]$XAML_Form = @"
    <Window xmlns=""
    <DataTemplate x:Key="DTMPL_Name">
    <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Name}" />
    <DockPanel LastChildFill="True">
    <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" DockPanel.Dock="Top">
    <Label Name="LBL_Services" Content="Services:" />
    <ComboBox Name="CMB_Services" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource DTMPL_Name}"/>
    <TextBox Name="TXT_Output"/>
    $SyncHash = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})
    $SyncHash.Add("InitialScript", $InitialScript)
    $Normal = [System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority]::Normal
    $UI_Runspace =[RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspace()
    $UI_Runspace.ApartmentState = [System.Threading.ApartmentState]::STA
    $UI_Runspace.ThreadOptions = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSThreadOptions]::ReuseThread
    $UI_Pipeline = [PowerShell]::Create()
    $UI_Pipeline.AddScript($UI_JobScript) | out-Null
    $Job = $UI_Pipeline.BeginInvoke()
    $SyncHash.ServiceList = get-service | select name, status | Sort-Object -Property Name
    Function Update-Combobox{
    write-host "`nBegin Update-Combobox [$(get-date)]"
    $SyncHash.CMB_Services.Dispatcher.Invoke($Normal,[action]{$SyncHash.CMB_Services.ItemsSource = $SyncHash.ServiceList})
    $SyncHash.CMB_Services.Dispatcher.Invoke($Normal,[action]{$SyncHash.CMB_Services.SelectedIndex = 0})
    write-host "`End Update-Combobox [$(get-date)]"
    Function Update-Textbox([string]$Value){
    write-host "`nBegin Update-Textbox [$(get-date)]"
    $SyncHash.TXT_Output.Dispatcher.Invoke("Send",[action]{$SyncHash.TXT_Output.Text = $Value})
    write-host "End Update-Textbox [$(get-date)]"
    Function Read-Textbox(){
    write-host "`nBegin Read-Textbox [$(get-date)]"
    $SyncHash.TXT_Output.Dispatcher.Invoke($Normal,[action]{$Global:Return = $SyncHash.TXT_Output.Text})
    remove-variable -Name Return -scope Global
    write-host "End Read-Textbox [$(get-date)]"
    #Give the form some time to load in the other runspace
    $MaxWaitCycles = 5
    while (($SyncHash.Form.IsInitialized -eq $Null)-and ($MaxWaitCycles -gt 0)){
    Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 200
    Update-Textbox -Value $("Initial Load: $(get-date)")
    Write-Host "Value Read From Textbox: $(Read-TextBox)"
    Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $SyncHash.CMB_Services -EventName SelectionChanged -SourceIdentifier "CMB_Services.SelectionChanged" -action {Update-Textbox -Value $("From Selection Changed Event: $(get-date)")}

    Thanks again for the responses. This may not be possible, but I thought I would throw it out there. I appreciate your help in looking into this.
    To clarify the "Respond to control events in the main runspace"... I'm would like to have an event generated by a form object in the UI runspace (ex: combo box selectionchanged event) trigger a delegate within the main runspace and have that delegate in
    the main runspace update the form in the UI runspace.
    1.) User changes selection on combo box generating form event
    2.) Event calls delegate (which I have gotten to work)
    3.) Delegate does some basic processing (works)
    4.) Delegate attempts to update form in UI runspace (hangs)
    As to the delegates / which runspace they are running in. I see the $synchash variable if I run get-var within a delegate, but I do not see the $Form variable so I am assuming that they are in the main runspace. Do you agree with that assumption?

  • Using javascript to dynamically generate the html for a  Spry table

    I have some javascript which generates html code for a Spry
    table which displays the content of a Spry data set. The problem is
    that after I generate the html, Spry never fills in the values for
    the table.
    Here's what I'm doing:
    Using a data set observer, check for onPostLoad and generate
    the html code
    Using innerHTML, stuff the code into the appropriate
    Use regionName.updateContent() to update the region I just
    created with the html code I generated
    Interestingly, if I take the generated source for my page and
    remove the data set observer, the Spry table displays correctly
    with all the expected values. This suggests to me that my generated
    html code is correct, but that there is some sort of timing issue
    (i.e. Spry doesn't know about the new code I generated).
    Any suggestions?

    jalperin wrote:
    > Here's what I'm doing:
    Using a data set observer, check for
    onPostLoad and generate the html
    > code
    Using innerHTML, stuff the code into
    the appropriate <div>
    Use regionName.updateContent() to
    update the region I just created
    > with the html code I generated
    > Interestingly, if I take the generated source for my
    page and remove the data
    > set observer, the Spry table displays correctly with all
    the expected values.
    > This suggests to me that my generated html code is
    correct, but that there is
    > some sort of timing issue (i.e. Spry doesn't know about
    the new code I
    > generated).
    > Any suggestions?
    I'd guess that it is a timing issue as well. I haven't looked
    much at the dataset capability in Spry, but it may be that the
    dataset "finds" all of the regions and code that it applies to
    before the onPostLoad event is triggered. If that is the case, then
    your generated code doesn't exist yet,and so the dataset thinks
    that there is nothing for it to apply to.
    Will the HTML that you generate change based upon the dataset
    that is actually returned? I guess I'm looking for the reason why
    the HTML is being generated when it could be in the page itself and
    avoid this issue completely.
    Danilo Celic
    | WebAssist Extensioneer
    | Adobe Community Expert

  • Sorting a Spry Table

    For a table listing events and fed by an xml file I need to sort the date and time columns. First priority is date, second is time. This is possible in a regular html table, but not an option in spry tables, at least not in CS 3 which I am using.
    It probably needs some change in the JavaScript to do that. Any help with that is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    Click the column headers here and here
    For a table listing events and fed by an xml file I need to sort the date and time columns. First priority is date, second is time. This is possible in a regular html table, but not an option in spry tables, at least not in CS 3 which I am using.
    Sorting is a built-in Spry function.
    It probably needs some change in the JavaScript to do that.
    Under normal circumstances, it is advisable not to touch the Spry JS files.

  • Simple Spry Table

    Basically i have a regular HTML table of static data that I
    wish to make the columns sortable. I do not wish to load the data
    via a dataset.
    Looking at the Dreamweaver CS3 help files is suggests that
    this is possible:
    "If you are creating a simple table, you can set one or more
    columns as sortable and define CSS styles for various table
    "If you are creating a simple Spry Table, deselect the
    default option, Update Detail Region When Row Is Clicked. Keep the
    option selected if you are creating a dynamic master Spry table. "
    Now by using the insert spry table command in DW, the "Update
    Detail Region When Row Is Clicked" is already deselected and it
    will not allow me to insert a spry table until i define a dataset.
    Is what I am trying to do at all possible?

    We are thinking about making a table widget that will do
    what you are looking to do, but for now you will have to make a
    data set.
    But, you can use the HTMLDataSet and use your existing HTML
    table as the data source.
    Check out this sample.
    Hope this helps.

  • How to make a table field Required

    I tried to make a table field as 'Required'. It works fine. But it gives unexpected results. Imagine the table has 10 rows. when the user make an entry in the first row, the system gives the error messages for the required field in the remaining rows as well. How can we restrict it so that it checks for the required field only for the row with entries. How to specify the condition type?
    Kind Regards

    check this :
    don't set table field as 'Required'.If your table data contains in a internal table , then use Below code under <b>PAI</b> event.
      LOOP AT i_data.
          FIELD:  i_data-fld1.
          MODULE validate_field.
    MODULE validate_field INPUT.
    write the code to validate the each line of the table control, if validation fails , cursor will stop at the table control row

  • How can I make a table cell extend beyond the page?  The text disappears when the cell becomes larger than the page.

    How can I make a table cell extend beyond a page?  The text disappears when the cell becomes bigger than the page.  I want the table to continue to the next page.

    As a student, you might be able to get Office for Mac from the college bookstore at a substantial discount. Otherwise, I think your best option for documents that need to be shared with Office users is to get one of the free Office clones such as LibreOffice.

  • How do I make a table span multiple pages?

    My team and I use a Pages doc with several tables in it. The size of these tables (i.e. the number of rows in the table) change every week. Before upgrading to Yosemite, whenever a table extended beyond one page it would continue on the next with the same headers as the original table. For some reason, the tables now instead"shift" to the next page once the number of rows becomes too much for the current page.... That is unless it is the only table on on the page, in which case it will perform in the desired manner. However, if there are multiple tables on a page, the table will move to the next page, leaving a big blank space where it used to be. I have tried playing with the "Arrange" area to no avail. I can make the table float and create a new table on the next page once the rows become too numerous, but this is not ideal. Has this feature been removed from the new pages or am I just not looking in the right place?

    Use Pages '09. Pages 5.5.1 is a lost cause.

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    How do I make a table of contents for a collection of six short stories that is after the legal page and NOT in the front on an unnumbered page?
    When I first started I made a title page and then pasted in my first story from a .TXT file. After cleaning up I went back to the front a couple of empty lines ahead of the story and typed in the story title.  Unlarged the font size and centered it, then

    You can't do that. This is what the Pages User Guide, downloadable from your Pages Help menu, says:
    Creating and Updating a Table of Contents
    Each table of contents (TOC) you create using a Word Processing template lists only the content that follows it, up until the next table of contents. If you want a master table of contents for the entire document, it must be the only table of contents, and it must be at the beginning of the document.
    You can do it manually though.

  • Do I need Debenu PDF Aerialist 12 as a plug-in for Adobe Acrobat in order to make a Table of Content to an existing PDF

    Dear colleagues at this forum,
    This is my question, i have a big PDF file, 341 pages, another 500 pages, I want to make a table of content, and I read that this Program Debenu PDF Aerialist 12 as a plug-in for Adobe Acrobat does provide this solution, which allows you to quickly build a table of content, however the program is expensive at close to five hundred dollars, i wonder why has not Acrobat Professional put this service included in the program, if one can make a solution of Table of Content and Index, this would be great. Does Acrobat have this function already or do you think that I must buy this program. Yes one can make a table of contents using word program then entering it to the PDF file and linking each line of the table of contents with the relevant page, but this would take a long time, and the solution provided by Debenu sounds like good. I am looking for your advice as i do not know much in this field.
    Best regards,

    Acrobat does not have this built in. Normally, the table of contents is prepared at the same time as the document, perhaps in Word, which will use heading styles to do it automatically. Then this is converted to PDF. It is very unusual to do this work late with a PDF, I guess this is why it is not a core Acrobat feature.

  • How to make the server respond with a popup?

    I want to make the server respond with a popup?my code is like this,but it does not work,why?
    public class Welcome2
         public static void main(String[] args)throws IOException
              ServerSocket server = new ServerSocket(2222);
                   Socket s = server.accept();
                   BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(s.getInputStream()));
                   String msg = in.readLine();
                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Visitor coming!\n");
    it can properly print out "recv...",but no popup,why?

    Define "does not work". What happens?
    Does your program compile? Do you get an exception? Does the program receive a line? Is the line equal to whatever you expect? Is showMessageDialog() called? Put in some debugging println's to see what happens.

  • How do I make a Table in iWeb?

    How make a table in iWeb?

    iWeb doesn't have tables, you need other applications that can export to HTML to generate HTML code.
    Good old Appleworks 6.2.7 , OpenOffice and MS Excel are a few, once you have HTML code, just add it to HTML Snippet, see this:

  • How do I make a photo folder for different event on ipad2?

    How do I make a photo folder for different event on ipad2?

    These links may be helpful.
    How To Create Photo Albums
    How to Add New Albums in the Photos App on the iPad & Add Photos to the Album
     Cheers, Tom

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