Makepkg issues since pacman upgrade.

ever since the new pacman, I can't use aurbuild or aur-get for installing AUR packages.
this is the message I get:
ERROR: Running makepkg as root is a BAD idea and can cause
    permanent, catastrophic damage to your system. If you
    wish to run as root, please use the --asroot option.
how do I use the --asroot option?
I've changed nothing in the way I did things except upgrading the new pacman.

ps aux gave me aurbuild
aurbuild 11737  0.0  0.1   4664  1648 pts/2    S+   17:21   0:00 /bin/bash -e /usr/bin/makepkg -f
aurbuild 11942  0.0  0.1   4264  1420 pts/2    S+   17:21   0:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/fakeroot -- /usr/bin/makepkg -F -f
aurbuild 11950  0.1  0.0   1652   308 ?        Ss   17:21   0:00 /usr/bin/faked
aurbuild 11957  0.0  0.1   4436  1672 pts/2    S+   17:21   0:00 /bin/bash -e /usr/bin/makepkg -F -f
aurbuild 14658  0.0  0.0   3400   964 pts/2    S+   17:22   0:00 make
aurbuild 14659  0.0  0.0   3400  1024 pts/2    S+   17:22   0:00 make all-recursive
aurbuild 14660  0.0  0.1   4300  1440 pts/2    S+   17:22   0:00 /bin/sh -c set fnord $MAKEFLAGS; amf=$2; \?dot_seen=no; \?target=`echo all-recursive | sed s/-recursive//`; \?list='m4 libs ui src tr'; for subdir
sorry T-Dawg, early morning when I first replied...
installed htop and got the same. user is aurbuild.
Last edited by funkmuscle (2008-01-12 23:05:29)

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    I would restore with backup and if that doesn't fix it try as new

  • IPad AirPlay issues since IOS7 upgrade

    Hi all
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    Before the upgrade i would get some intermittent issues, but eventually after iPad restarts i could get AirPlay working. Since the upgrade 90% of the time my iPad will not see any AirPlay devices whatseover.  After a reboot of the iPad (or more) it eventually sees the Airplay speaker.  iTunes however on my server always sees the AirPlay device and has no problems whatsoever connecitng to it (please bear in mind that this is still on the same WiFi network).
    On the occassional 10% that my iPad does see an AirPlay device, I connect, and then almost immediately the AirPlay device dissappears from the iPad.
    I've spent 2 weeks now trying to sort the issue out.  As my iTunes can see the AirPlay speaker without issues and play to it, I'm assuming it's part of the ios update.
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    First, before you lose interest - I have a solution that works so well to get BT Home Hub 3 working with 'Airplay' and Apple TV and my iPad 4, that I am so far unable to 'break' it.  Please do try to break it yourself, and could you report back here or mark it with stars or whatever so I know what happened in someone else's setup?
    I appreciate what you are going through, all I wanted to do was get 'Real Racing 3' running for me and the kidz on the TV that is attached to Apple TV box.  Sometimes the Airplay icon appeared, sometimes not, it was chance - really frustrating.
    The nub of it is this - you 'reserve' certain aspects of how the HH3 services the wifi network, so it directs data/communications via these 'reserved' ports specifically assigning them to the purpose you need - in this case, 'stuff' (technical eh?) going to the Apple TV so that Airplay works.
    Apple forums somewhere list these publicised ports, and you go into HH3 management (tap in the IP address of the hub in 'safari' to get there, then put in your password for admin - it is 'admin' if you didn't change it already).  In short, you use one of the games/applications that already are in the list for 'Port Forwarding', and I modified the name of a new one I made to make it like 'Airplay attempt using BT alarm' or something, because I 'copied' the BT safe alarm app details to start my custom one off.  Lost yet?!  Go into the HH3 manager, go to the A-Z I think it might be in 'advanced' and get 'Port Forwarding' up.
    Ok, here's the things to set - if you peruse the apps/games they already list in HH3 for this sort of thing, you will see entries under 'TCP' or 'UDP' headings, and it's these sort of things we want to reserve.  I only set the single specific addresses (it's just a number to you and me) that were listed on the Apple site as being to do with Airplay:
    There are only 2 bits to set - you hit the button on screen in HH3 manager, to 'add entry', then select in the box marked 'protocol' that you want TCP or UDP according to the info I dug up from Apple site below - don't worry it is not complex to do you are just editing a couple of figures on a thing you don't use.  Incidentally, I left the first two entries as they were (1024 was in there already) because I am just timid!  So set it as below.
    TCP  1024  - 
    UDP  1024  -
    TCP  80  80
    Any 123  123
    TCP  443  443
    Any  554  554
    TCP  3689  3689
    UDP  5353  5353
    I took a pic of mine, for records, and this is what is in that pic.  You have to enter the self-same number (eg 123 as above) no less than 4 times, this gives the results above.
    On the bottom right, there is a button that says 'apply', so you hit that and it saves this new-fangled custom designed list of reserved ports/addresses for your 'Airplay BT alarm' or whatever you called it.  THEN YOU MUST ASSIGN THIS CREATION OF YOURS TO A DEVICE - THE APPLE TV.
    That's the basics of what I did - I have since restarted the BT HOMEHUB 3 several times, the Ipad 4 several times, the Apple TV has updated its software and has been restarted twice.  STILL AIRPLAY WORKS.
    So, I am reassuringly presented with the Airplay icon whenever I 'upswipe' on my ipad from the bottom of the screen - iOS 7.1 is on my ipad obviously, but that did not change the hit-and-miss of the Airplay icon until I made these mods to the HH3.
    Over to you - try and break my solution please, and let me know if it works for you as well, or not.  All I know is, Real Racing 3 can reliably be brought to bear on the Apple TV thing, and the Airplay icon is now never missing.
    One more point - I think I also set the Apple TV IP address to be static - my ipad has had this situation for some time, along with the 'lease' set to a couple of weeks or something, so it does not try to select a different channel for wifi frequently?  PLUS, I set something in the ipad I think, long ago (did not affect this issue as far as I can see), so that when the ipad 'wakes up' it does not decide to search for a better channel or IP address or something - that caused loads of glitches it seemed, then I found out my BT HH3 was on the end of dodgy phone cable not hi-quality shielded...but hey, that's a different bucket of bolts.
    Good luck and let me know an outcome please, best to all.

  • FaceTime issues since iOS upgrade

    Held ever since the "upgrade" face time has frequent poor connection. And loses connection constantly, previously this was fine, when is this be sorted is a real upgrade due shortly?

    Using FaceTime
    Troubleshooting FaceTime
    The Complete Guide to FaceTime: Set-up, Use, and Troubleshooting Problems
    You may be losing wifi connection.
    iOS 6 Wifi Problems/Fixes
    Fix For iOS 6 WiFi Problems?
    Did iOS 6 Screw Your Wi-Fi? Here’s How to Fix It
    How To Fix Wi-Fi Connectivity Issue After Upgrading To iOS 6 to-ios-6.html
    iOS 6 iPad 3 wi-fi "connection fix" for netgear router
    Apple's iOS 6 Wi-Fi problems
    Look at iOS Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections
    iPad: Issues connecting to Wi-Fi networks
    WiFi Connecting/Troubleshooting
    How to Fix: My iPad Won't Connect to WiFi -To-Wi-Fi.htm
    iOS: Connecting to the Internet
    iOS: Recommended settings for Wi-Fi routers and access points
    Additional things to try.
    Try this first. Turn Off your iPad. Then turn Off (disconnect power cord for 30 seconds or longer) the wireless router & then back On. Now boot your iPad. Hopefully it will see the WiFi.
    Go to Settings>Wi-Fi and turn Off. Then while at Settings>Wi-Fi, turn back On and chose a Network.
    Change the channel on your wireless router (Auto or Channel 6 is best). Instructions at ork.html
    Another thing to try - Go into your router security settings and change from WEP to WPA with AES.
    How to Quickly Fix iPad 3 Wi-Fi Reception Problems
    If none of the above suggestions work, look at this link.
    iPad Wi-Fi Problems: Comprehensive List of Fixes
    Fix iPad Wifi Connection and Signal Issues
    Fix Slow WiFi Issue
    Unable to Connect After iOS Update - saw this solution on another post.
    Note - When troubleshooting wifi connection problems, don't hold your iPad by hand. There have been a few reports that holding the iPad by hand, seems to attenuate the wifi signal.
    If any of the above solutions work, please post back what solved your problem. It will help others with the same problem.
     Cheers, Tom

  • Various issues since Leopard upgrade

    I have just installed Leopard on a Dual 2.7 G5 with a 500GB Hitachi HDD and 5GB RAM and I have noticed one or two niggling little 'quirks' (I am lumping everything together here, rather than separating them in to more appropriate sections, so that I have a record of everything together).
    1) I have an Epson Perfection 4870 scanner which I cannot use to scan directly from applications (for quickness I mainly use Preview) as the 'scan' button is always unavailable (greyed out, not highlighted in blue). This has been an issue since at least 10.4.8, so it's not a problem exclusive to Leopard, but it's extremely annoying nonetheless. As I can scan directly from the Epson Scan software (which is basically the driver) Epson will not assist me further and have directed me to Apple/Adobe/MS, etc., for support. Prior to 10.4.8 (IIRC) I could select 'import' (from whatever application) and it would automatically preview, the scan button would then become available and hitting it would launch the driver software. However, the link between the applications and the driver seems to have been severed somehow/somewhere and it is no longer recognising that the unit has finished its preview in order to make the 'scan' button available for the next part of the process.
    In Tiger, I could also scan into Epson's EasyScan application, but have been told this isn't 10.5 compatible.
    Does the above make sense...? Has anyone else experienced this - and have you solved it? If so, how?
    2) This next bit concerns the Dock. I like to have it hidden along the left hand side of the screen, rather than at the bottom, because I only have a 17" panel and desktop space is at a premium. However, about one restart in five, it's back along the bottom and any icons or folders that I have added to it have gone AWOL.
    3) The third issue is a sound issue. I have a Revolution 7.1 card which I understand, from reading a notice on M-Audio's Web site, is not yet Leopard compatible (though the promise it will be "very soon"' though as the last driver release didn't support anything newer than 10.4.6, IIRC, I'm not holding my breath!)
    So I have removed the card and plugged my Logitech Z5500s back into the 'on board' card. This was working flawlessly under Tiger (I know because I tested it to make sure, because I knew that the Revolution wouldn't function under Leopard). However, whatever I try, I only seem to hear sound from the internal speaker; I even replaced the optical cable (at great expense - the original was a Belkin Gold Series, and so is the replacement and, at about £35 a pop, it's not a trivial outlay). Everything in the sound sys prefs is completely 'greyed out' so I cannot change it from the internal speaker to anything else. Whilst there is nothing on Logitech's Web site as regards to the Leopard compatibility of any of its products (it seems that it gave up on the Mac a very long time ago; I use a MX510 which was the last of their rodents to have any kind of OS X support and that stopped with 10.4.4, IIRC) I cannot see how a set of speakers, which should work with anything that has the required jack sockets, can be fussy about an OS. Incidentally, I also have a 'dark side' box running XP Home (when I win the lottery, I'll buy a Mac Pro and dispense with it) and they're plugged in there and work fine (via analogue, though, not digital).
    I noticed it when I received some CDs that I'd ordered from Amazon the other day and found that iTunes was playing through the internal speaker.
    4) The final issue is a networking issue. Under Tiger, I could (though it did take me some tweaking to get it working smoothly) dump things from the G5 on to the Windoze box and vice versa, without too many hiccups. However, Leopard is proving to be somewhat of a challenge, to say the least. I don't know how I managed it, but I did manage to render the machine completely inoperable at one point (it would only boot as far as the grey 'Apple logo' screen and I couldn't open the optical drive to stick the DVD in - a panicked phone call to a friend, who runs his own Mac repair and consultancy business, followed!
    I don't understand SMB and AFP (though I do know about FTP). In the Finder, I can see the 'doze box and can send things to it (though should I be connected as 'guest'?) but there is nothing on the Windoze side, save for 'Printers and Faxes'). I have made sure I have permissions set correctly and everything is set up to share (and Windows sharing is on) but there is nothing on the other box at all.
    Is it possible to share the main HDD across, or am I limited to this silly 'Drop Box' thing (which I did have available under 'doze at one point, though it was read only and I couldn't change permissions from Leopard because I didn't have sufficient privileges, even though I have an admin account and I could change permissions under Tiger with the same level of 'clearance'.)
    4) This final issue is sort of linked with 3) as it concerns what I believe to be erroneous error messages. I was clearing some stuff off a drive I was going to use for Time Machine[1], but I wasn't allowed to delete most of it because 'XYZ was in use' or open in an application. Six reboots later, I was still receiving the same error; strikes me that Leopard's got its knickers in a knot somewhere along the line because the files in question (mainly old Word and Excel docs) were certainly NOT in use as I didn't have either installed at the time!
    [1]Though having read the problems people are having with TM (not just here, but on other forums I read/post to) I think I might give it a miss and stick with ChronoSync (just have to wait for it to be compatible).
    So, this is actually the second installation, but the problems remain - any help out there?
    Sorry for the verboseness of this, but I wanted to make sure that I'd covered everything. I'm almost tempted to reinstall Tigger (but not quite - I like Spaces, and I like the Dock Preview).
    Cheers for any assistance, folks!

    Fran, I'm not sure I'm going to be much help for all your problems but I will attempt to answer what I can.
    1. Scanner problems - have you tried reinstalling the software? I know you mentioned that the easyscan software is not compatible but it sounds like the driver software isn't in the right place. Optionally another program that you might want to look into is vuescan. I have had good success with the program in the past but I have yet to try it under Leopard.
    2. Dock problems this sounds like either a corrupted preference list. But I don't have a clue as to why it might be reoccurring. Have you fixed permissions on your computer since installation?
    3. I don't have a clue to figure out how to fix this issue.
    4. Networking - As for sending things to the doze box. You don't need to be connected as guest. Just use the username and password that you use when you sign into the windows to sign into the windows box and you should have the same rights as you would as if you were using windows on that computer. Yes it is possible to share the main HDD but it isn't something that I would recommend. What I do recommend is creating a folder where you have both read and write rights to and then use that folder share items across both computers. If this isn't something that is going to work for then at the most I would just share your documents folder. You didn't mention how your trying view information on the windows side you should be able to browse your network and eventually find and see the mac.
    4 (part 2) - I would recommend something besides TM, it is designed to recover lost/accidentally deleted files. And isn't really designed for being your complete backup program. Yes, you can use it for that but I would recommend something more robust. Some of that comes down to how you want to define your recovery strategy. Superduper!, promotes themselves as having the ability to boot for your backup drive and being able to almost immediately get back in business. If this is a critical factor to you then I would lean in that direction. If you are just worried about having a backup of critical data files then Chronosync or some other program will work just as well. Also mentioned in your post in this paragraph is a description of "files in use" problems. A couple of things come to mind did you let spotlight finish indexing your drive before you tried deleting files? I've run into a problem similar to this in Tiger when I was deleting files while spotlight was indexing.
    One item that you didn't mention was what kind of installation you did when you installed Leopard. If you didn't do an 'erase and install" then that might be something to look into. First back up your computer before doing this. You might also want to run a permissions fix on your drive to see if that helps at all.

  • Google and ICal issues since Safari upgrade

    After we recently upgraded Safari, when I add an event to my google calendar or to my ical, which are synced, it shows up twice on the ical calendar.  This only happens for my events--no one else's in our family.  I am the main person on the account.  Also, we are not able to see Google Calendar on safari since we upgraded. 

    I am trying to publish my google calendar of events onto my web page. In Firefox the calendar displays and all events show up fine. However, in Safari, my google calendar shows up but none of the events are displayed. I have checked & double checked that the sharing settings are correct in google calendars!! I've even made sure to empty all cashes Can anyone help me understand why it works in Firefox but not with Safari??

  • Safari and Facebook issues since Yosemite upgrade

    OSX 10.10
    Safari 8.0
    Macbook Pro Retina Late 2013
    Since upgrading to Yosemite, I have been having numerous issues on Safari with Facebook, but not on any other website.  The issues are:
    - Sometimes (maybe 10% of the time) only loads a few posts in my timeline (as few as 4) and then stops
    - Sometimes (maybe 50% of the time) a few pictures are not displayed, but only a little question mark
    - Sometimes (about 10% of the time) I cannot click any of the links
    - Sometimes (about 20%) I get a Failed to Open Page screen with the message Safari cannot establish a secure connection.
    I have tried the following:
    - Turned off any extensions
    - Cleared the History and Cache (as well as moving the cache.db file for Safari into Trash and then restarting Safari)
    Neither of these seemed to have any effect.  Any ideas what to do next? 
    If I delete Safari and re-install, is there some way to keep all my bookmarks?

    Hi ..
    If you delete Safari on a Mac running Yosemite v10.10, there are no standalone downloads to reinstall the app. You would have to restore OS X using OS X Recovery. Better to troubleshoot the currently installed Safari app.
    Try OpenDNS.
    Open System Preferences > Network > Advanced > DNS
    Click + and type:
    Click + again and do the same.
    Click OK.
    Quit then relaunch Safari to test.
    f that doesn't help, try Google's DNS >  Safari 5.0.1 or later: Slow or partial webpage loading, or webpage cannot be found

  • Playback & Video issues since CUDA upgrade

    I'm on a 2014 Retina MacBook Pro running Yosemite 10.10.2.
    Two days ago the CUDA Preferences panel said there was an upgrade, and installed CUDA Driver Version 6.5.36.
    Since then, I'm getting lousy playback performance ... video is not smooth, playhead jumps around, often the whole screen or portions appear "scrambled." (see source monitor in attachment)
    This 'scrambling' occurs OUTSIDE of Premiere as well.
    When I tried to do an export with Media Encoder, my whole system started 'freezing' for 5 seconds every 2 seconds ... to the point where even the mouse cursor was unresponsive.
    Had to force restart.
    In Activity Monitor "aerendercore" shows as "not responding" around 10 times a day.
    Premiere crashes 2-3 times a day.
    I checked nvidia website, and they had a 6.5.37. Installed that, but same issues.
    I tried changing the Mercury Playback Engine to OpenCL and to Software Only -- but that didn't help.
    CUDA Panel also says "GPU Driver Version" is "10.2.1 310.41.15f01" ... not sure if that is something that can be updated.
    I'm rebooting 4-5 times a day.
    Not sure what to do ... is anyone else having these issues?
    Should I downgrade the CUDA Driver?
    Update: I found this post where someone reports a similar issue but with now solution:
    Yosemite NVIDIA issue on MacPro 5,1 | Apple Support Communities

    @jstawen -- I don't know what any of that means! I'm just wondering if OpenCL still uses the nvidia card in my machine, or the Intel...
    I tried rendering a timeline ... with CUDA, 50 seconds.
    WIth OpenCL ... jerky progress for 90 seconds, then CRASH, "We're sorry, Premiere has died..."
    This is ridiculous.
    Should I edit in OpenCL then switch to CUDA?!?!
    Feature request: hot key to toggle between the two!

  • Bluetooth issues since Belle upgrade on E7

    Been having a few problems with bluetooth since I've upgraded to Belle, specifically when connecting to my car (Mazda 6 2011 model).  Previously with both the original OS and Anna there were no problems, however now if I connect or disconnect from car while a call is in progress the bluetooth goes crazy and requires a reset.  When connecting while a call is in progress the phone says that the audio is being transferred to the car, but it isn't, I can neither hear any audio nor can the other person hear me.  The car doesn't even register that audio is being transferred, as the radio continues playing (it would normally turn off when a call is transferred).
    Usually I need to reboot the phone to fix this, simply turning off bluetooth and back on again does not work - again, it says it is connected, but doesn't actually transfer the audio when making or receiving a call.  Also the call will not transfer back to the phone or speaker, it says it is transferred but there is no audio at all (sent or received).
    This is a very frustrating issue as I often make calls while in the car, and frequently continue these calls while starting or stopping, and it certainly never happened prior to the Belle upgrade.  I've tried doing a soft and hard reset and reinstalling everything, I've re-paired the device, but nothing has worked, the problem persists.  Not sure if this is a known bug in Belle, but it's definitely not working as it should or as it used to.

    exactly the same problem with Nokia 500 upgraded to Symbian Belle. Any solutions? As I read on other forums this is wider problem with bluetotth support in Belle

  • DNS issues since ML upgrade

    Running Mac mini less than a month old, ordered direct from Apple.
    Performed upgrade to ML over the weekend, since then I have had problems with the DNS lookup - with both Safari and Chrome.  Mail seems to be OK.  The weirdest part is that a reboot of the machine solves the problem for a time, and then it reoccurs.  Chrome gives the error message that DNS is at fault.
    Needless to say this is an irritating issue.  Any ideas?

    You can always switch to OpenDNS. Most people's primary DNS is actually their wireless router or ISP. Both of which are often old, flaky versions that aren't working right.

  • Syncing Issues since latest upgrade

    Everything has been working great with my iPhone 3G until upgrading to the latest iTunes program. Since then I am unable to sync my calendar or contacts between my PC and iPhone. I have Outlook and it synced just fine yesterday before upgrading. After the iPhone backs-up and right before it is to sync I get a message that says the "SyncServer has stopped working". Another message then pops up and iTunes tells me it can't sync unless syncing is turned on and it tries to turn it on, but to no avail.
    I'm at a loss at what further to do. I've read many of the recommended actions/fixes and have had no luck.
    Any advice and help in resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated.

    Wheeeeeeeee success after a week! I followed these instructions:
    Make sure Itunes is closed.
    Go to your control panel, open 'system' icon, click on 'advanced system settings' on left panel.
    Click 'Environmental Variables'
    A small window will pop up, with a top half and a bottom half filled with info.
    On the bottom half (System Variables) scroll until you see 'PATH'. Double click that entry, and paste this at the very end of what is there.
    ;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support
    Notice the ; in front, that needs to be there so this does not screw up the rest of the info in the PATH variable. Please be careful to paste this at the very end.
    Then I searched my C drive for this file - libxml2.dll. It should be in the Apple folder, if there is another one somewhere else (mine was in C/Windows, sometime it might be in C/Windows/System 32). I moved this folder to the desktop, just in case everything went pear shaped.
    I am not sure if you need to do both these things, the first alone never worked but when I moved the libxml2.dll everything worked as normal when I re opened I tunes and connected my Itouch. Outlook contacts and calendars now sync both ways.

  • Mail Issues since maverick upgrade

    Since upgrading to Mavericks I have been having the several issues with Mail. The are as follows:
    Scrolling is available intermittently or not working at all (using Magic Mouse)
    Problem: Scrolling works for a while when using mail, then stops working. I have to click on the side bar to go up and down on all scroll screction within mail. This issue only resolves when quitting Mail, and sometimes will only work again when shutting down and restarting my iMac.
    Scrolling on folders withing the main body of my iMac also stop working from time to time and only resolves when force quitting finder, or restarting my mac (or somethime shutting down and restarting the mac).
    Email address pull down menu does not close down
    Problem: When typing an new email and selecting an outgoing address the pull down menu appears, but once an address is chosen using the mouse curser the pull down menu remains on screen and does not close down automatically. I can not close it with teh mouse curser and have to use the keyboard (return or tab buttins) to close down the drop down address menu. It used to close down prior to Maverick upgrade. The pull down menu remains on screen blocking access to the CC and Subject sections.
    Saving Mail attachments to desktop folders does not work.
    Problem: Saving attachements from mail does not work at all using the drop down menu within mail. The process of using the save attachments menu within mail seems to work, but when you go to the folder after using this process, the item or items have not been saved.
    Click and drag is the only way to move attahcements from mail to desktop folders now.
    Mail will not quit automatically when shutting down Imac
    Problem: When shutting down my iMac, mail will no longer quit automatically and prevents the shut down. Once shut down has been selected, Mail will no longer quit and I have to use Force Quite to shut it down.
    Would welcome suggestions on how to resolve these issue.

    Please read this whole message before doing anything.
    This procedure is a test, not a solution. Don’t be disappointed when you find that nothing has changed after you complete it.
    Step 1
    The purpose of this step is to determine whether the problem is localized to your user account.
    Enable guest logins* and log in as Guest. Don't use the Safari-only “Guest User” login created by “Find My Mac.”
    While logged in as Guest, you won’t have access to any of your personal files or settings. Applications will behave as if you were running them for the first time. Don’t be alarmed by this; it’s normal. If you need any passwords or other personal data in order to complete the test, memorize, print, or write them down before you begin.
    Test while logged in as Guest. Same problem?
    After testing, log out of the guest account and, in your own account, disable it if you wish. Any files you created in the guest account will be deleted automatically when you log out of it.
    *Note: If you’ve activated “Find My Mac” or FileVault, then you can’t enable the Guest account. The “Guest User” login created by “Find My Mac” is not the same. Create a new account in which to test, and delete it, including its home folder, after testing.
    Step 2
    The purpose of this step is to determine whether the problem is caused by third-party system modifications that load automatically at startup or login, by a peripheral device, by a font conflict, or by corruption of certain system caches.
    Disconnect all wired peripherals except those needed for the test, and remove all aftermarket expansion cards. Boot in safe mode and log in to the account with the problem. Note: If FileVault is enabled on some models, or if a firmware password is set, or if the boot volume is a software RAID, you can’t do this. Ask for further instructions.
    Safe mode is much slower to boot and run than normal, and some things won’t work at all, including sound output and Wi-Fi on certain models.  The next normal boot may also be somewhat slow.
    The login screen appears even if you usually log in automatically. You must know your login password in order to log in. If you’ve forgotten the password, you will need to reset it before you begin.
    Test while in safe mode. Same problem?
    After testing, reboot as usual (i.e., not in safe mode) and verify that you still have the problem. Post the results of steps 1 and 2.

  • Nokia E52 email issue since firmware upgrade (031....

    Hi guys,
    Yesterday i successfully upgraded my E52 to latest firmware - 031.012. After upgrade i removed all previous email accounts (1 MFE, 1 pop and 1 imap) and start a new setup.
    i have to mention, that i double checked that the email client version has updated to 2.1.0 (the old one was 2.0.5). There are also several visual changes during the email setup.
    Now here is my issue: I recreated my exchange email account and it works perfectly, but when i try to add a second email account (Email->New), choose one of the providers from the list (Windows Live for example) and proceed here is what happens:
    1. I get a promt to enter email address and password
    2.Then "Validating settings" and "Downloading terms" progress bars start
    3. After "Downloading terms" progress bar completes i am returned at the page where have to choose email provider again
    Is there someone with similar issue as mine when has upgraded to 031.012? I hope someone will give me a clue how to fix it...
    Thx in advance!

    On E52 or E72 (I haven't checked on other handsets), The problem occurs only if you try to add an account which is previously registered on Nokia Messaging Website or has been added as an additional account within the Nokia Messaging Account.
    Before adding/creating a new email account on E52 or E72, make sure the account has not been registered at Nokia Messaging Website or if it has been registered then make sure to delete those accounts before you add them in your phone newly.
    You can delete account from Nokia Messaging Website by logging in with that account first on the website.
    Remember that you have two ways to remove the account from Nokia Messaging Website.
    1- If the account was used initially to signup on the website (actual Nokia Messaging Account) then you need to login with that account and Cancel the membership. It will delete all the additional accounts if you have added any.
    2- If the account was added as an additional account in an existing Nokia Messaging Account, then again you would need to login with the Nokia Messaging Account and delete the account from the list as needed.
    Note: If you are wandering that you never manually registered on the above website by visiting it on your computer, then keep in mind that the account is automatically registered on the website when you try to add or create the account on the Nokia Email Client on your phone. This could probably be the case that you would have registered once in the past via your Nokia Email client or directly on the Website. In either case you would need to remove the accounts from the Nokia Messaging.
    I haven't read this any where but this is what I have got during fixing and finding the solution. I have created accounts on E52 (more than once after upgrading firmwares) very easily by following the above procedure. What ever it is, a bug? or an intentional reason, I don't know.
    I hope it could fix your problems with the New Nokia Email client built-in with E52
    Note1: You would have to wait for a few minutes after removing the accounts from the Nokia Messaging Website, before trying to add in your phone. 
    Note2: First add the Ovi Mail Account(make sure you have it signed-up and configured on in your phone and then add any of the other accounts later.

  • Firefox issues since last upgrade - says xp - yet windows 7 ? won't run

    ever since last update - unable to open tabs, loading - hanging up - un-installed & re-installed - still same issues - also did the re-set - no help - when i went to download AGAIN to save file - defaulting - saying XP -Firefox - I have Windows 7 - never XP - so- not my computer - browser has glitch - anyone else?
    Since I not computer "friendly" had -person that is do all the work -
    so- unable to use firefox for mail, facebook, cannot open multiple tabs, hangs up & continues to be running even when task is ended, ...any fixes for this?
    I do not understand any of the troubleshoot info

    Certain Firefox problems can be solved by performing a ''Clean reinstall''. This means you remove Firefox program files and then reinstall Firefox. Please follow these steps:
    '''Note:''' You might want to print these steps or view them in another browser.
    #Download the latest Desktop version of Firefox from and save the setup file to your computer.
    #After the download finishes, close all Firefox windows (click Exit from the Firefox or File menu).
    #Delete the Firefox installation folder, which is located in one of these locations, by default:
    #**C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
    #**C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox
    #*'''Mac:''' Delete Firefox from the Applications folder.
    #*'''Linux:''' If you installed Firefox with the distro-based package manager, you should use the same way to uninstall it - see [[Installing Firefox on Linux]]. If you downloaded and installed the binary package from the [ Firefox download page], simply remove the folder ''firefox'' in your home directory.
    #Now, go ahead and reinstall Firefox:
    ##Double-click the downloaded installation file and go through the steps of the installation wizard.
    ##Once the wizard is finished, choose to directly open Firefox after clicking the Finish button.
    Please report back to see if this helped you!

  • BlackBerry Q10 bluetooth issues since software upgrade

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    Go to Solution.

    Problem solved. Changed phone name. Deleted pairing between phone and car bluetooth rebooted phone turned car off and back on. Repaired devices and seems to be fine now

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