Making a short Intro from a longer track?

Hey guys
I'm pretty new to video editing and I need a short intro for a project I am working on.  I have a theme track which goes with the video, but I need to cut off the begining of the track at about 4secs and find a way to end it without just fading out.  It's a punchy start and I'm wondering if there is something I can do in SB CS4?
I'm thinking something on the lines of a kind of prolonged effect which sustains the end which can then be faded out.  Like holding the last note and adding an effect to it.
Sorry if I'm not explaining this well.  As I say, I am new to this.  Please tell me if I can give any more info?
This is the first 7secs of the track and I'm thinking something needs to happen about 4.5 secs.

Hi Sampleconstruct,
Works like a dream. But I'm a bit blocked here. It creates a 'score' in a separate window. Now is there a way I can translate this 'score' into midi notes I can then send to an instrument? Or where you meaning that having the 'score' now, I can use it to play out the midi notes? Which is cool. But even though I can write music quite efficiently (have scored for symphonies), the irony is that I read very poorly for performing (humiliating).
Is the above what you meant, or is there a way to transform the score now into midi notes. I'm trying to figure it out. Not having instant luck.

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    Yes, I think so. What you call "tracks" will be called "sequences" by FCE. Select each sequence in the timeline in order and for each do File > Export > (normally as "As QuickTime"). You will get a QT movie (.mov) of each track/sequence which you could distribute as is or put into DVD Studio Pro, or Toast, to burn a multi-track DVD.

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    As i mentioned earlier, by selecting to convert the original song it is just making a copy of the song, and you do not have to have the CD to do so. Just select the song you want to duplicate and then select convert to...(whatever file format you want).
    Hope this helps

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    I've only used WB once, so I THINK this is the way to do it:
    Import the whole single track into WB, and use the scissor tool to cut the file where you want the new track to begin. Wherever you cut WB will make a new track. Then you can tweak the beginning and end of tracks, or do fades accordingly. When you burn it will create a CD with these tracks.

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    I think the best way to do it is to create linking text boxes, so that the overflow of text from one box appears in the linked box on the next page.
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    //CLDC and MIDP - Re: how to send data from midlet to servlet using doPost method
    I want to know how to pass the values .
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    String url = setting.getUrl().toString()"/testProServlet/servlet/UpdateCompanyProfile?userId="+loggedInUserId"&svComp="saveCompHex;
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    public void saveCompanyProfile(String saveComp,int flag,String blankFieldNm)
         System.out.println("flag===" flag);
         if (flag==1)
              displayAlert("Company Profile Edit",blankFieldNm+" field cannot be blank.",AlertType.ERROR, edCmpRecForm, true);
              String saveCompHex = helper.encodeHexString(saveComp);
              // String saveCompHex =saveComp;
              HttpConnection httpConn = null;
              serverSettings setting = new serverSettings();
              System.out.println("saveCompHex===" saveCompHex);
              String url = setting.getUrl().toString()"/testProServlet/servlet/UpdateCompanyProfile?userId="loggedInUserId"&svComp="saveCompHex;
              System.out.println("url of save company profile:: "+url);
              InputStream is = null;
              OutputStream os = null;
              try {
                   // Open an HTTP Connection object
                   httpConn = (HttpConnection);
                   System.out.println("urlMidlet1 save edited company data===::" url.length());
                   // Setup HTTP Request
                   httpConn.setRequestProperty("User-Agent","Profile/MIDP-1.0 Confirguration/CLDC-1.0");
                   System.out.println("urlMidlet2===" url);
                   int respCode = httpConn.getResponseCode();
                   System.out.println("respCode edit company profile=====" respCode);
                   if (respCode == httpConn.HTTP_OK)
                        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
                        os = httpConn.openOutputStream();
                        is = httpConn.openDataInputStream();
                        int chr;
                        while ((chr = != -1)
                             sb.append((char) chr);
                        String sResultSvCompanyProfile= sb.toString();
                        System.out.println("+++++++++++++Company sResult+++++++++++++==="sResultSvCompanyProfile);
                        if (resultViewCompanyProfile.trim().equals(""))
                             displayAlert("Login Incorrect","Username and Password incorrect", AlertType.ERROR, mainForm, true);
                             displayAlert1("Information","Company Profile edited successfully", AlertType.INFO, profileMenuScreen, true);
                        System.out.println("Error in opening HTTP Connection. Error#" respCode);
                        //the line below divided into two lines because it was too long
                        displayAlert("Connection Failed","Cannot connect to server, please contact the Administrator.",
                        AlertType.ERROR, mainForm, false);
              catch(IOException e)
              finally {
                   if(is!= null)
                        catch (IOException e)
                             // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                             displayAlert("Connection Failed","Cannot connect to server, please contact the Administrator.",
                             AlertType.ERROR, mainForm, false);
                   if(os != null)
                        catch (IOException e)
                             // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                             displayAlert("Connection Failed","Cannot connect to server, please contact the Administrator.",
                             AlertType.ERROR, mainForm, false);
                   if(httpConn != null)
                        catch (IOException e)
                             // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                             displayAlert("Connection Failed","Cannot connect to server, please contact the Administrator.",
                             AlertType.ERROR, mainForm, false);
              } //end finally
         } //end else (?)
    } //end savecompany

    SMS API(WMA) is an optional package. It is not a MIDP1.0 or MIDP2.0 api's.
    There are phones which has WMA api with MIDP1.0 support .... Nokia 3650
    Seimens has some phone with their own api's to send sms.Check out seimens site for more info
    BTW, What do you mean buy sending SMS to Server????
    If you want to send message to server you can do it with Http.

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    The error log doesnt provide any very useful information.
    According to this error log the simulation was running correct but the burning process was not started.
    In such case its very hard to say why it happens. Possibly the drive is damage and cannot calibrate the lens properly or you use not compatible medias.
    The burning process depands also on the fiels and data which youwant to burn.
    Some data, CD, DVDs are encrypted and its not possible to burn and to copy it.
    In other case you could also try to burn the medias with lower speed and not with 24x.
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    What do I need to do?

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    May  2 15:29:10 Garreths-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[1414]: Disabled automatic stack shots because audio IO is active
    which was happening at exactly the same time as the beeps.
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    Anyway for other, the Apple hardware warning beeps are dull pronounced beeps with a distinctive space between each beep so you can count them.
    What I heard was a sort of rapid pager type beep. If you here something similar, its probably software related and not hardware related.

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    You do not need to move your cursor much when pressing the mouse button to cause the tab to tear-off/tear-away into a new tab. No "sensitivity" setting that I am aware of. The tab in the new window can be dragged back to the original window.
    To disable the feature, install this:
    *Read the information on the above page
    *Set options for the add-on: Add-ons > Extensions, click Options next to the specific Extension (the 2 options are defined/explained in the above page).
    '''If this reply solves your problem, please click "Solved It" next to this reply when <u>signed-in</u> to the forum.'''

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    No spaces before any comma, period, exclamation mark, question mark, colon, semicolon
    One space only after any of those
    One Space before any opening parenthesis and one space after the closing parenthesis
    No space after the opening parenthesis or before the closing parenthesis
    Remove any double or extra spaces ( en, em etc.)
    Remove any commas before parentheses
    Remove any spaces after a paragraph mark
    I think that's it
    I did find this one recently (Maybe Jongware?)
    Which from my dim understanding addresses em, en, flush and hair space ,  nonbreaking space ,figure space,third space--not sure of the rest. Really this is way over my head.
    I know this will be a piece of cake for you guys

A: Removing extra spaces from a long document

Peter is too modest, he's doing just great.
No space BEFORE-One Space after ---period,semicolon,colon, exclamation, question mark,CLOSING Parenth,Bracket,Brace, single & Dbl. quotation marks
Find (\s)([.,;:!\)\]\}~}~]])
Replace with $2
No space AFTER-One Space Before----OPENING bracket,brace,parenthesis,Dbl & single quotes
Find ([\[\{\(~{~[])(\s)
Replace with $1
These remove the space before/after but do not automatically add a space after/before.
In the first case, you could add a space right after the '$2' in the Replace With string, but it already may have a space, in which case you suddenly have two. One alternative is to optionally remove it with the Find string (add it as an optional match) and always add it with the Replace string, but remember that this string will only be found if there is a space preceding it. That way you'd only check the space after in cases where there was a bad space before.
So I propose you add another two find/changes to add the space, only when necessary.
One Space After: find
$0 [followed by one single space]
One Space Before: find
[one single space] $0
Color-coding with my WhatTheGrep might make it just a tad clearer what's going on in that jumble of codes:
(1 [ .,;:! \) \] \} ~} ~] ] 1) (?!! \s !)
(?<!<! \s <!) (1 [ \[ \{ \( ~{ ~[ ] 1)
(Orange is lookahead/lookbehind, blue is a regular escaped character, pink is an InDesign special character, green is normal grouping parentheses, and lavender is a character group.)

Peter is too modest, he's doing just great.
No space BEFORE-One Space after ---period,semicolon,colon, exclamation, question mark,CLOSING Parenth,Bracket,Brace, single & Dbl. quotation marks
Find (\s)([.,;:!\)\]\}~}~]])
Replace with $2
No space AFTER-One Space Before----OPENING bracket,brace,parenthesis,Dbl & single quotes
Find ([\[\{\(~{~[])(\s)
Replace with $1
These remove the space before/after but do not automatically add a space after/before.
In the first case, you could add a space right after the '$2' in the Replace With string, but it already may have a space, in which case you suddenly have two. One alternative is to optionally remove it with the Find string (add it as an optional match) and always add it with the Replace string, but remember that this string will only be found if there is a space preceding it. That way you'd only check the space after in cases where there was a bad space before.
So I propose you add another two find/changes to add the space, only when necessary.
One Space After: find
$0 [followed by one single space]
One Space Before: find
[one single space] $0
Color-coding with my WhatTheGrep might make it just a tad clearer what's going on in that jumble of codes:
(1 [ .,;:! \) \] \} ~} ~] ] 1) (?!! \s !)
(?<!<! \s <!) (1 [ \[ \{ \( ~{ ~[ ] 1)
(Orange is lookahead/lookbehind, blue is a regular escaped character, pink is an InDesign special character, green is normal grouping parentheses, and lavender is a character group.)

  • How can I extract the two channels from a stereo track?

    I am writing a class that is able to draw an audio signal. It seems to be working well but I have a question. If I load a mono audio file I am able to draw it on a graph by using the byte[] array and everything is ok until now. That's the code:
    void Draw(byte[] x)
                Graphics g=getGraphics();
                Graphics2D g2=(Graphics2D)g;
                g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING,                     RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
                for(int i=0; i<x.length-6; i++)
                    g2.draw(new Line2D.Float(((i*(getWidth()-6))/x.length)+5, (getHeight()/2)-          ((x*(getWidth()-6))/x.length), (((i+1)*(getWidth()-6))/x.length)+5, (getHeight()/2)-     ((x[i+1]*(getWidth()-6))/x.length)));
    The results is correct only if I have a mono track. Obviously when I get a stereo track the array becomes very large so here the question. How can I extract the two audio channels from a stereo track?
    Thanks in advance.
    Maurizio Di Vitto                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

    A mono audio stream is stored [sample, sample, sample, sample], so just a list of samples in an array.
    A stereo sample is interleaved in the same manner, so you get [left-sample, right-sample, left-sample, right-sample]
    So every nth sample is the 1st channel, every nth+1 is the 2nd channel...

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    Thank you.

    When you drag a movie from the Media Browser to the Time lIne in GarageBand, you will see a pop-up "Extracting Audio".
    The Movie and the audio file will appear in separate tracks. You can copy the audio region from the sound track to a different track to keep it safe and then hide the Movie track.

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