Making a slide show like the 'Reflection Black' Theme menu

Hi all,
Has anyone been able to create the look of either the 'reflection black' or 'reflection white' themes from iDVD in a picture sideshow?
I would like to use this "walking through a museum" look for displaying a sideshow, but iDVD only lets you put 8 images into the template, and then it is just a DVD menu, not a DVD movie. I would like to be able to put as many images as I want into the loop, and have it rendered as a DVD movie.
I have talked to apple support and they say that the effect was done using apple script, but I can't find any online references to how one would approach recreating his effect.
If anyone can point me to a technical resource, or another video editing / sideshow creation program that can made DVDs that would be awesome. Is there a way to do this sort of angled and receding sideshow view in final cut or some other high end video editing software?
Thanks in advance!!

See [Adding Music and Audio to Slideshows| section=10%26hash=apple_ref:doc:uid:Aperture-UserManual-91292SLD-SW72] in the User Manual.

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    See [Adding Music and Audio to Slideshows| section=10%26hash=apple_ref:doc:uid:Aperture-UserManual-91292SLD-SW72] in the User Manual.

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    Aside from any custom implementations that may be suggested by any other members, you could also consider using some hero-type slider like those found on our new responsive templates, and have each web-app item contain a product.
    Kind Regards,
    Alex Pavelescu

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    Tom Fitch

    Reason I thought PSE4 would burn to a DVD is, there is a button in the slide show screen that says "burn to DVD" in the PSE4 book we were reading.
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    Option 1
    If you have already made a slide show in the Photoshop Elements slide show editor, then you might as well do some investigation of the alternatives.
    -- What Windows operating system are you running ? If it includes Windows DVD Maker, then I would give that a try. Write your output of the slide show from PSE to a File - WMV - with Size of DVD,NTSC (or DVD,PAL if your TV is PAL format).  Then use that WMV file as input to Windows DVD Maker.
    -- If you don't have Windows DVD Maker then you could investigate whatever DVD software came with your PC.
    FYI - One warning about the photo files that you use in that PSE slide show. If you use hundreds of high resolution photo files, then PSE can have problems. If your output will NOT be High Def (and yours probably will not be since you mentioned a DVD) then "downsizing" the photo files to approx 1000x 750 pixels will decrease the probablility of your having problems with the slide show.
    Option 2
    If you have not yet started the PSE slide show, then you might consider a program that many people like for slide shows ----- ProShow Gold from Photodex. It does have a trial.

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    Save and Output your slide show.
    In the output dialog ('Save As a File') scroll down to the bottom of Slide Size and select 'Browse for more ...'.
    Browse to the file you downloaded in step 1 and click Open.
    Click OK and your Widescreen HD .wmv file is prepared.
    Here's a Gspot analysis of my test output file. As you can see it is an HD file with a 16:9, square pixel, aspect ratio.
    Ta Da!
    Insanity is hereditary, you get it from your children
    If this post or another user's post resolves the original issue, please mark the posts as correct and/or helpful accordingly. This helps other users with similar trouble get answers to their questions quicker. Thanks.

    You did not mention a specific Premiere Elements Elements Organizer combo for this, so for now I will address this from the version 11, not Windows Movie Maker, perspective if I need to get version specific.
    The Browse for More is a well known route and does offer at least one Adobe profile for 1280 x 720 16:9. I am not sure where you came up with the lesser resolution,1024 x 768 that you mentioned. The Windows Media profiles have existed for several versions of Elements Organizer. Those Adobe ones that you do not see under Output Save As A File Movie (.wmv), can be found in the Windows 7 or 8 64 bit path
    Local Disc C
    Profile Files (x86)
    Elements 11 Organizer
    in the tv_profiles Folder are included the .prx files
    .....10. 640 x 480 Enhanced Definitions
    .....12. 852 x 480 Widescreen Enhanced Definition
    .....14 1280 x 720 Widescreen High Definition
    A homemade 1920 x 1080 16:9 30 frames per second .prx has long been sought but not that easily produced by many using with the Windows Media Encoder Editor. Apparently you have found one online, and it does get accepted into the Premiere Elements 11 Browse for More choices. And, if you do a gspot readout for the wmv output from Elements Organizer 11, it will display all the "right" properties that you hoped for and that are shown in your screenshot.
    The bottom line, why bother with the wmv slideshow? If you take your original photos and size them for 1920 x 1080 16:9, use them in the Elements Organizer 11 Slideshow Editor (Crops used in preferences), use the Edit with Premiere Elements Editor command, what you get in Premiere Elements 11 is full and good in all regard. Have you tried it?
    I can see your interest if this is HD going to HD (AVCHD on DVD or Blu-ray disc format on Blu-ray disc, but I do not see this for an Elements Organizer Slideshow that is going to DVD-VIDEO widescreen.
    More later.

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    You need this forum: Community: Premiere Elements | Adobe Community
    You are in the Premiere Pro forum now.

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    Just :
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    Sorry but I don't use Windows and you didn't say which version you have. Go here: and search for the answer.

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    I would re-post in the iDVD forum.  You are likely to get a faster answer there.  Good luck.

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    Touché Len.
    I guess i was just dazzled by the Reflections Theme.
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    (2)iMac G4 800MHz 17FP Mac OS X (10.3.9) OS X 10.4.8 / iLife 4,5,6 Superdrives & 1 G RAM / QT6 pro

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