Making new music for short films

Before I spend another 500 hours learning how to use Soundtrack Pro, I have a basic question:
Is making a full piece of music, a score with beginning, middle and end, possible with only the material supplied by the Soundtrack program, or do I need to add a musician? I haven't found anything in the program as yet that creates genuine melodies apart from the introductory riffs, etc.
Thank you,

It depends on your needs and standards. Technically, it's possible to do what you want with the loops provided. If there is a lack of melodic material with any length, it is possible to edit those riffs to create your own melodies. You can trim, copy, pitch and time shift things around, but at the end of the day it won't sound any better than having a live musician perform the parts. It will save you money, but you need to have the time.
Perhaps you can create your accompaniment beds using provided loops, hire a live musician to do melodic parts. This can sound pretty good.
Alternately, if you acquired STP in Logic Studio, you'll find Logic a much better composition tool.

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    Hi avmary11,
    If your are having issues with your iPod not being recognized by iTunes (but it is being recognized by the computer), you may find the following article helpful:
    iPod: Appears in Windows but not in iTunes
    - Brenden

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    Command-R didn't specifically solve the problem, but it did direct me to the correct place. The reason I couldn't see my files in the music directory was that after I upgraded to iTunes 6.0 everything was loading as a compilation. It therefore dumped all the new files into a compilation directory, which doesn't show up among the iTunes playlists.
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    That sounds about right.
    The first time you purchase something from a new device you need to log into your account information in iTunes and verify your credit card information (Its a safety feature).
    -Open up iTunes on your PC
    -Go to the iTunes Store
    -Click your account name in the upper right hand corner
    -Click 'Account'
    -Enter your password
    -You should now be prompted to verify your credit card information
    Once done, try purchasing the music on your iPod again.
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    Are those part of the SmartSound Sonic Fire Library?
    If so, you will want to go to the SmartSound Web site: as they have all of the licensing info for their music. You should be fine, but I would check, just to be sure.
    Good luck,

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    Use the feedback link.

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    Again many thanks. I have tried to tidy up the folders as per your idiot guide- which term is appropriate for me
    Under iTunes Media though I do not have  folders for Books,iPod Games, Mobile Applications, Movies, TV Shows so I only have  Auto Add to iTunes, Music, Downloads and Podcasts - My question here is is this OK.
    Next - Library files that you mention are there but do not end .itdb
    Next  - in the main iTunes folder followingon from Artwork and Media folders  there is some other  iTunes database stuff like Library Extras, Library Genius, Library and Music Library(xml) all dated 10/02/12 plus MimiPlayer .dll dated 21/02/14 and Set Up Short Cut dated22/03/14  
    AND there is also a Programme Files folder with a sub folder holding file folders called CD Configuration,iTunes Resources, iTunes Help Resources, iTunes Mini Player Resources and Mozilla Plugins all dated 24/03/14 ( when I downloaded the new iTunes) and then a lot of application extension stuff from 2011
    To recap I unistalled the old 32 bit iTunes and installed the new 11.1.5 (64 bit) version over the weekend  SO is any of the old stuff listed above required.
    Outcome right now is that as previously I can only call up the Downloaded music not Podcats or CD copies.
    David Pugh

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