Making Seed Data Install Scripts

How does one make seed data install scripts that will run as part of the installation package?

What is your name?
This is a standard feature of Apex in the Supporting Objects. The part you are looking for is called Installation Scripts. What version of Apex are you on? I think this came with version 3.
You can reward this reply by marking it as either Helpful or Correct ;-)

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    Seeding Failed at Process element SeedData.xml 99%
    INS0017 Installation of the seeded data MMM1064: Value 11.1 not valid in domain VERSION2.
    I'm using Oracle 11g database with OWB 10.2
    Any suggestions appreciated.

    Actually Oracle RDBMS 11g comes with OWB 11g installed. It is in ORACLE_HOME\owb. You just have to install the repository into the database running ORACLE_HOME\owb\bin\unix\, you can access the repository with OWB 11g client only.

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    However, the install process fails to replace the item with the substituted value if I use either the &NAME. or #NAME# notation.
    Does anyone know if this works and if so what syntax is needed for substitution please?

    wouldn't it be easier to relocate tables and indexes at a later time?
    I mean, i don't see why one should become crazy making unnecessarily complex installation scripts when in the end there is an alternate and relatively easy solution.
    I had a look at the substitution strings prompt, but i suppose this works only for changing the values of global substitutions that will be used by the application at run time, not during the installation process.

  • PCG Seed Data Invalid characters displayed in FRC

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    Customer has PCG 7.3.2 on 11i, using FRC.
    Many menus and concurrent program names & messages (all seed data) that use accents, are displaying garbled characters.
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    when viewed through TOAD, Data looks the same, yet non PCG seed data with same words have the correct french accented characters.
    NLS character set is WE8ISO8859P1, not UTF8. (which is standard in 11i FRC installs).
    As per the PCG install guide, I have tried using both files (for UTF8 & WE8ISO8859P1) in $ORACLE_HOME/forms60/admin/resource/FRC, but the results do not change.
    I think this may have had something to do with environment setting used during the installation process.
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    Can anybody guide to to these ? or provide an alternative or known (I can't find one) solutiuon ?

    Hi Srini,
    When customer is viewing output from the SRS window, then it contains invalid characters because it is in UTF-8 character set. Customer is on Oracle OnDemand so they cannot take the output generated on the server.Every time they have to raise a request to Oracle for the output file. So the concern here is, why don't the output from SRS window show output with valid characters ?
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    A quick reply will be appreciated as customer is chasing for an update.
    Edited by: 868054 on Aug 7, 2012 11:08 PM

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    Thank You

    Packaging and distribution
    I have applications distributed by myself and my colleague (non programmer). I moved all (9) Oracle files on same folder and zipped them. That is possible only for None Archive mode!
    It is possible to deploy everything for 15 min. on a desktop PC.
    I do next:
    1. Login as administrator, shut down any firewall and anti-virus application.
    2. Install Oracle XE.
    3. Edit InitXE.ora to show new place for
    4. Delete Oracle files in C:\oraclexe\oradata\XE. Copy my ZIP file (200 MB in size) and unzip it.
    5. Connect as SYSDBA by SQL Command Line and set up the new server name.
    SQL> call dbms_xdb.cfg_update(updateXML(dbms_xdb.cfg_get(), '/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/httpconfig/http-host/text()', 'NewServerName'));
    Call completed.
    SQL> exec dbms_xdb.cfg_refresh;
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Konstantin Gudjev

  • About post install scripts...

    i wonder if there is a solution for the post-install script problem to prevent some commands like "rm -rf /" to be executed. I know that Gentoo hasn't got this problem because ebuild scripts use a particular language that doesn't implement a such command. But for Arch which uses bash, could this problem be really resolved ?

    Toth wrote:[...]
    A package is software, and you have to trust that the software you are downloading is legit. If it is, and you trust the packager, you have no reason not to trust the package.
    exactly ---> do not download from sources you dont trust
    (if you ever worked on a windows, you know that already, because there is a lot of evil things around (spyware, virus, bacteria, nice VB-scripts, nice JS-scripts ...))
    -> the problem about security: if your OS becomes popular, then the bad guys see it as enough popular to do something bad with it
    Toth wrote:I assure you, if the package maintainers ever run across a submitted package with "rm -rf /" in the post install script, they won't add it to the Arch Linux repositories. If/when you find a 3rd-party Arch package for download, that's a risk you are going to have to take. Check the scripts, check the source of the program (if you're paranoid). That's about all you can do.
    what about a check (in pacman), to give warning, that something will be done with / ... as i know, there is no line to run with / as parameter for a normal reason during an installation or upgrade
    if you download a package (downloaded from somewhere else), the install procedure is now this:
    > pacman -A bad-0.1-1.pkg.tar.gz
    loading package data... done.
    checking for conflicts... done.
    installing ... done.
    the check would look like this:
    > pacman -A bad-0.1-1.pkg.tar.gz
    loading package data... done.
    checking install/upgrade scripts ...
    Warning: Found lines in Install-Script that contain / :
    line 3: do something
    line 4: cd / <---
    line 5: rm -rf *
    line 6: echo "I was a bad script"
    Continue with installation [y|N] y
    checking for conflicts... done.
    installing ... done.
    I was a bad script
    this will at least give the user a chance to look at code that contain "/ " in the install/upgrade/remove-scripts and have some control
    of course this will not check the package-content :-( ... but at least you will have one leak closed particulary

  • Archlinux (after fresh) Install Script

    I want to share my archlinux install script dat i use after do a fresh install, if u have any idea of how to make it better pls post here
    # By helmuthdu
    #custom repositories #{{{
    read -p "Install custom repositories [y][n]: " OPTION
    if [ $OPTION = "y" ]; then
    echo -e '[ayatana]\nServer =' >> /etc/pacman.conf
    #system update #{{{
    pacman -Syu
    read -p "Reboot your system [y][n]: " OPTION
    if [ $OPTION = "y" ]; then
    #create a new user #{{{
    read -p "New user name: " USERNAME
    useradd -m -g users -G users,audio,lp,optical,storage,video,wheel,games,power,scanner -s /bin/bash $USERNAME
    passwd $USERNAME
    #set user as sudo #{{{
    pacman -S --noconfirm sudo
    EDITOR=nano visudo
    #install yaourt #{{{
    read -p "Install yaourt [y][n]" OPTION
    if [ $OPTION = "y" ]; then
    pacman -S --noconfirm base-devel yajl
    su -l $USERNAME --command="
    tar zxvf package-query.tar.gz;
    cd package-query;
    makepkg --noconfirm -si;
    cd ..;
    rm -fr package-query*
    su -l $USERNAME --command="
    tar zxvf yaourt.tar.gz;
    cd yaourt;
    makepkg --noconfirm -si;
    cd ..;
    rm -fr yaourt*
    #base system #{{{
    pacman -S --noconfirm curl bc rsync mlocate bash-completion vim
    pacman -S --noconfirm gutenprint foomatic-db foomatic-db-engine foomatic-db-nonfree foomatic-filters hplip splix cups-pdf
    pacman -S --noconfirm ntfs-3g ntfsprogs
    pacman -S --noconfirm rssh openssh samba
    #configure ssh/samba #{{{
    echo -e "sshd: ALL\n# End of file" > /etc/hosts.allow
    echo -e "ALL: ALL: DENY\n# End of file" > /etc/hosts.deny
    cp /etc/samba/smb.conf.default /etc/samba/smb.conf
    #ssh_conf #{{{
    sed -i '/ListenAddress/s/^#//' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    sed -i '/SyslogFacility/s/^#//' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    sed -i '/LogLevel/s/^#//' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    sed -i '/LoginGraceTime/s/^#//' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    sed -i '/PermitRootLogin/s/^#//' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    sed -i '/StrictModes/s/^#//' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    sed -i '/RSAAuthentication/s/^#//' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    sed -i '/PubkeyAuthentication/s/^#//' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    sed -i '/IgnoreRhosts/s/^#//' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    sed -i '/PermitEmptyPasswords/s/^#//' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    sed -i '/X11Forwarding/s/^#//' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    sed -i '/X11Forwarding/s/no/yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    sed -i '/X11DisplayOffset/s/^#//' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    sed -i '/X11UseLocalhost/s/^#//' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    sed -i '/PrintMotd/s/^#//' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    sed -i '/PrintMotd/s/yes/no/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    sed -i '/PrintLastLog/s/^#//' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    sed -i '/TCPKeepAlive/s/^#//' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    pacman -S --noconfirm tar gzip bzip2 unzip unrar p7zip
    pacman -S --noconfirm alsa-utils alsa-oss alsa-plugins
    sed -i '/MODULES/s/MODULES=(/&fuse/' /etc/rc.conf
    #install video driver #{{{
    pacman -S --noconfirm xorg-server xorg-xinit xorg-utils xorg-server-utils xorg-xauth xf86-input-evdev xf86-input-synaptics
    pacman -S --noconfirm mesa mesa-demos
    read -p "Video driver (intel|nvidia|nouveau|virtualbox): " VIDEO
    if [ $VIDEO = "intel" ]; then
    pacman -S --noconfirm libgl xf86-video-intel
    elif [ $VIDEO = "nvidia" ]; then
    pacman -S nvidia nvidia-utils
    elif [ $VIDEO = "nouveau" ]; then
    pacman -S --noconfirm libgl xf86-video-nouveau nouveau-dri
    modprobe nouveau
    sed -i '/MODULES/s/^[^ ]*\>/& nouveau/' /etc/rc.conf
    elif [ $VIDEO = "virtualbox" ]; then
    pacman -S --noconfirm virtualbox-archlinux-additions
    modprobe -a vboxguest vboxsf vboxvideo
    sed -i '/MODULES/s/^[^ ]*\>/& vboxguest vboxsf vboxvideo/' /etc/rc.conf
    groupadd vboxsf
    gpasswd -a $USERNAME vboxsf
    #git access thru a firewall #{{{
    #this config help me to bypass the company firewall for git access
    read -p "config git access thru a firewall [y][n]: " OPTION
    if [ $OPTION = "y" ]; then
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm gtk-doc openbsd-netcat vidalia privoxy git"
    echo 'forward-socks5 / .' >> /etc/privoxy/config
    echo -e '#!/bin/bash\nnc.openbsd -xlocalhost:9050 -X5 $*' >> /usr/bin/proxy-wrapper
    chmod +x /usr/bin/proxy-wrapper
    echo -e '\nexport GIT_PROXY_COMMAND="/usr/bin/proxy-wrapper"' >> /etc/bash.bashrc
    export GIT_PROXY_COMMAND="/usr/bin/proxy-wrapper"
    groupadd -g 42 privoxy
    useradd -u 42 -g privoxy -s /bin/false -d /etc/privoxy privoxy
    pacman -S --noconfirm tor privoxy
    rc.d restart tor privoxy
    su -l $USERNAME --command="sudo /etc/rc.d/tor restart"
    su -l $USERNAME --command="sudo /etc/rc.d/privoxy restart"
    TOR="tor privoxy"
    #install desktop environment #{{{
    read -p "Desktop Environment (Gnome|KDE): " DE
    #gnome #{{{
    if [ $DE = "gnome" ]; then
    #desktop #{{{
    pacman -S --noconfirm gnome gnome-extra
    pacman -S --noconfirm gamin pulseaudio-gnome gnome-tweak-tool telepathy deja-dup
    pacman -S --noconfirm gnome-packagekit gnome-settings-daemon-updates
    pacman -Rdd --noconfirm sushi
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm gloobus-sushi-bzr"
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm gnome-shell-system-monitor-applet-git gnome-shell-extension-noa11y-git gnome-shell-extension-weather-git gnome-shell-extension-user-theme gnome-shell-extension-workspace-indicator gnome-shell-extension-places-menu gnome-shell-extension-dock gnome-shell-extension-pomodoro gnome-shell-extension-mediaplayer-git"
    #aparencia #{{{
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm faience-icon-theme elementary-icons"
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm zukitwo-themes light-themes-bzr egtk-bzr"
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm gnome-shell-theme-faience gnome-shell-theme-nord gnome-shell-theme-eos"
    #acessórios #{{{
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm docky guake gpaste kupfer automounter"
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm gnome-activity-journal libzeitgeist zeitgeist-datahub zeitgeist-extensions"
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm gedit-plugins gedit-latex"
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm nautilus-open-terminal nautilus-terminal nautilus-dropbox gnome-defaults-list"
    su -l $USERNAME --command="echo -e '[general]\ndef_term_height=10\ndef_visible=0\n\n[terminal]\nshell=/bin/bash' > ~/.nautilus-terminal"
    #escritório #{{{
    pacman -S --noconfirm libreoffice-pt-BR libreoffice-{base,calc,draw,impress,math,writer,gnome} libreoffice-extension-presenter-screen libreoffice-extension-pdfimport
    pacman -S --noconfirm chmsee
    #impressão #{{{
    pacman -S --noconfirm system-config-printer-gnome
    #graficos #{{{
    pacman -S --noconfirm shotwell
    #internet #{{{
    #networkmanager #{{{
    read -p "Install networkmanager [y][n]: " OPTION
    if [ $OPTION = "y" ]; then
    pacman -S --noconfirm networkmanager network-manager-applet
    groupadd networkmanager
    gpasswd -a $USERNAME networkmanager
    #multimedia #{{{
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm exaile exfalso transmageddon"
    #arista #{{{
    read -p "Install arista [y][n]: " OPTION
    if [ $OPTION = "y" ]; then
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm arista-transcoder"
    #outros #{{{
    pacman -S --noconfirm gksu gvfs-smb xdg-user-dirs
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm figlet cowsay conky-lua"
    #KDE #{{{
    elif [ $DE = "kde" ]; then
    #desktop #{{{
    pacman -S --noconfirm kde kde-l10n-pt_br yakuake
    pacman -Rcsn --noconfirm kdenetwork-kopete kdemultimedia-kscd kdemultimedia-juk kdemultimedia-dragonplayer
    #aparencia #{{{
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm chakra-gtk-config"
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm oxygen-gtk qtcurve-gtk2 qtcurve-kde4"
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm kfaenza-icon-theme"
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm yakuake-skin-plasma-oxygen-panel plasma-icontasks plasma-theme-caledonia kdm-theme-caledonia ksplash-caledonia bespin-svn"
    # impressão #{{{
    pacman -S --noconfirm kdeadmin-system-config-printer-kde
    # escritório #{{{
    pacman -S --noconfirm libreoffice-pt-BR libreoffice-{base,calc,draw,impress,math,writer,kde4} libreoffice-extension-presenter-screen libreoffice-extension-pdfimport
    pacman -S --noconfirm kchmviewer
    #graficos #{{{
    pacman -S --noconfirm digikam kipi-plugins
    #internet #{{{
    pacman -S --noconfirm choqok
    pacman -S --noconfirm telepathy-kde telepathy
    #networkmanager #{{{
    read -p "Install networkmanager [y][n]: " OPTION
    if [ $OPTION = "y" ]; then
    pacman -S --noconfirm networkmanager kdeplasma-applets-networkmanagement
    groupadd networkmanager
    gpasswd -a $USERNAME networkmanager
    #multimediaa #{{{
    pacman -S --noconfirm amarok k3b dvd+rw-tools
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm vlc phonon-vlc"
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm minitube musique bangarang"
    # sistema #{{{
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm kdirwatch kcm-wacomtablet quickaccess-plasmoid"
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm apper-git"
    #desenvolvimento #{{{
    #qtcreator #{{{
    read -p "Install qtcreator [y][n]: " OPTION
    if [ $OPTION = "y" ]; then
    pacman -S --noconfirm qtcreator qt-doc
    mkdir -p /home/$USERNAME/.config/Nokia/qtcreator/styles
    mv monokai.xml /home/$USERNAME/.config/Nokia/qtcreator/styles/
    chown -R $USERNAME:users /home/$USERNAME/.config
    #gvim #{{{
    read -p "Install gvim [y][n]: " OPTION
    if [ $OPTION = "y" ]; then
    pacman -Rdd --noconfirm vim
    pacman -S --noconfirm gvim meld splint tidyhtml pyflakes ctags wmctrl
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm jsl"
    sed -i '/Icon/s/gvim/vim/g' /usr/share/applications/gvim.desktop
    #acessórios #{{{
    read -p "Install wunderlist [y][n]: " OPTION
    if [ $OPTION = "y" ]; then
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm wunderlist"
    #escritório #{{{
    pacman -S --noconfirm aspell-pt
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm hunspell-pt-br"
    read -p "Install Latex support [y][n]: " OPTION
    if [ $OPTION = "y" ]; then
    pacman -S --noconfirm texlive-latexextra texlive-langextra lyx
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm abntex"
    #ferramentas de sistema #{{{
    pacman -S --noconfirm htop grsync
    pacman -S --noconfirm wine wine_gecko winetricks
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm toilet figlet cowsay conky-lua-old"
    read -p "Install Virtualbox [y][n]: " OPTION
    if [ $OPTION = "y" ]; then
    pacman -S --noconfirm virtualbox virtualbox-additions
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm virtualbox-ext-oracle"
    modprobe vboxdrv
    sed -i '/MODULES/s/^[^ ]*\>/& vboxdrv/' /etc/rc.conf
    groupadd vboxusers
    gpasswd -a $USERNAME vboxusers
    #graficos #{{{
    pacman -S --noconfirm gimp inkscape uniconvertor python2-numpy python-lxml
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm xmind"
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm gimp-paint-studio gimp-resynth gimpfx-foundry gimp-plugin-pandora gimp-plugin-saveforweb"
    #internet #{{{
    pacman -S --noconfirm firefox firefox-i18n-pt-br thunderbird thunderbird-i18n-pt-br flashplugin
    pacman -Rdd --noconfirm jre7-openjdk jdk7-openjdk
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm jdk"
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm google-chrome jdownloader"
    read -p "Install LAMP [y][n]: " OPTION
    if [ $OPTION = "y" ]; then
    pacman -S --noconfirm apache mysql php php-apache php-mcrypt php-gd
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm adminer"
    rc.d restart httpd mysqld
    echo -e '\n# adminer configuration\nInclude conf/extra/httpd-adminer.conf' >> /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
    echo -e 'application/x-httpd-php php' >> /etc/httpd/conf/mime.types
    echo -e '\n# Use for PHP 5.x:\nInclude conf/extra/php5_module.conf\nLoadModule php5_module modules/\nAddHandler php5-script php' >> /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
    sed -i 's/DirectoryIndex\ index.html/DirectoryIndex\ index.html\ index.php/g' /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
    sed -i 's/public_html/Sites/g' /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-userdir.conf
    sed -i '/^;//' /etc/php/php.ini
    sed -i '/^;//' /etc/php/php.ini
    sed -i '/^;//' /etc/php/php.ini
    sed -i '/^;//' /etc/php/php.ini
    su -l $USERNAME --command="mkdir -p ~/Sites"
    su -l $USERNAME --command="chmod 775 ~/ && chmod -R 775 ~/Sites"
    rc.d restart httpd mysqld
    LAMP="httpd mysqld"
    #jogos #{{{
    read -p "Install Games [y][n]: " OPTION
    if [ $OPTION = "y" ]; then
    read -p "Install Astromenace [y][n]: " OPTION
    if [ $OPTION = "y" ]; then
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm astromenace"
    read -p "Install Maniadrive [y][n]: " OPTION
    if [ $OPTION = "y" ]; then
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm maniadrive"
    read -p "Install World of Padman [y][n]: " OPTION
    if [ $OPTION = "y" ]; then
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm worldofpadman"
    read -p "Install Wesnoth [y][n]: " OPTION
    if [ $OPTION = "y" ]; then
    read -p "Install Devel Version [y][n]: " OPTION
    if [ $OPTION = "y" ]; then
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm wesnoth-devel"
    pacman -S --noconfirm wesnoth
    read -p "Install Simutrans [y][n]: " OPTION
    if [ $OPTION = "y" ]; then
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm simutrans"
    read -p "Install Heroes of Newerth [y][n]: " OPTION
    if [ $OPTION = "y" ]; then
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm hon"
    read -p "Install Tales of Maj'Eyal: Age of Ascendancy [y][n]: " OPTION
    if [ $OPTION = "y" ]; then
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm tome4"
    read -p "Install Numptyphysics [y][n]: " OPTION
    if [ $OPTION = "y" ]; then
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm numptyphysics-svn"
    read -p "Install Counter-Strike 2D [y][n]: " OPTION
    if [ $OPTION = "y" ]; then
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm counter-strike-2d"
    read -p "Install M.A.R.S. [y][n]: " OPTION
    if [ $OPTION = "y" ]; then
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm mars-shooter"
    read -p "Install SuperTuxKart [y][n]: " OPTION
    if [ $OPTION = "y" ]; then
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm supertuxkart"
    read -p "Install OpenTyrian [y][n]: " OPTION
    if [ $OPTION = "y" ]; then
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm opentyrian-hg"
    read -p "Install Warsow [y][n]: " OPTION
    if [ $OPTION = "y" ]; then
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm warsow"
    read -p "Install Doukutsu [y][n]: " OPTION
    if [ $OPTION = "y" ]; then
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm doukutsu"
    #multimedia #{{{
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm gstreamer0.10-plugins pulseaudio"
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm libquicktime libdvdread libdvdnav libdvdcss codecs cdrdao"
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm xbmc"
    read -p "Install midi support[y][n]: " OPTION
    if [ $OPTION = "y" ]; then
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm timidity++ fluidr3"
    echo -e 'soundfont /usr/share/soundfonts/fluidr3/FluidR3GM.SF2' >> /etc/timidity++/timidity.cfg
    #font #{{{
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm ttf-ms-fonts ttf-dejavu ttf-liberation ttf-kochi-substitute ttf-google-webfonts ttf-roboto"
    read -p "Install patched font configuration [(i)nfinity][(u)buntu][(n)one]: " OPTION
    if [ $OPTION = "i" ]; then
    pacman -Rdd --noconfirm freetype2
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S freetype2-infinality"
    mv local.conf /etc/fonts/
    elif [ $OPTION = "u" ]; then
    pacman -Rdd --noconfirm cairo fontconfig freetype2 libxft
    su -l $USERNAME --command="yaourt -S --noconfirm cairo-ubuntu fontconfig-ubuntu freetype2-ubuntu"
    # misc #{{{
    #configure rc.conf #{{{
    sed -i /"DAEMONS"/d /etc/rc.conf
    echo "DAEMONS=(syslog-ng crond alsa sshd samba dbus cupsd $TOR $LAMP $LOGINMANAGER $NETWORKMANAGER)" >> /etc/rc.conf
    echo "System configuration complete"
    #reboot #{{{
    read -p "Reboot your system [y][n]: " OPTION
    if [ $OPTION = "y" ]; then
    Last edited by helmuthdu (2011-11-17 22:05:09)

    I appreciate the reply.
    My fresh install from the DVD finished and the problem was still occurring. I'm now zeroing the data (one pass), per your suggestion. I'll then do an install of Leopard via Firewire, as I'm unable to start it from the DVD.
    I'm curious how a bad install would prevent the computer from starting from a CD/DVD. I'm able to use the install CD/DVD in other computer without any problems, so I don't believe the physical disk is the issue. When I start while holding OPTION, and insert the DVD, it comes up as a boot-able option. Also, the disk image I initially used hasn't had any issues to date.
    Thanks again,

  • [SOLVED] Pass Environment variables from PKGBUILD to .INSTALL script

    Hi everyone,
                       I am trying to modify the grub2-efi-bzr ( package making some changes in the PKGBUILD and the post-install script. I want to pass few environment variables from the PKGBUILD to the install script. How do I do that?
    Some code from the PKGBUILD
    _bzrtrunk="lp:grub/grub2" # GRUB2 BZR Main Trunk
    # _bzrtrunk="lp:~skodabenz/grub/grub2-bzr-exp" # GRUB2 BZR Experimental Branch
    if [ ${_bzrtrunk} = "lp:~skodabenz/grub/grub2-bzr-exp" ]
    # grub-extras bzr repo locations
    if [ "$CARCH" = 'i686' ]
    elif [ "$CARCH" = 'x86_64' ]
    # _EFI_ARCH=x86_64 # Uncomment if you want to override the if condition for _EFI_ARCH above, incase the EFI ARCH does not match the Linux Kernel ARCH.
    # $CARCH=x86_64 and _EFI_ARCH=i386 requires gcc-multilib with lib32-glibc installed in the system.
    # I do not know about $CARCH=i686 and _EFI_ARCH=x86_64
    if [ ${_EFI_ARCH} = "i386" ]
    elif [ ${_EFI_ARCH} = "x86_64" ]
    Now the post-install script needs the values of _EFI_ARCH and _trns_name env variables. I do not want to copy the if statements to that script as these are decided at compile time but needed while setting up grub2-efi. This is due to the fact that EFI-ARCH need not match the Linux Kernel ARCH. How do I do that.
    Code from the post-install script
    ${_trns_name}-install --root-directory=/ --no-floppy --recheck --debug
    cp /usr/lib/${_trns_name}/${_EFI_ARCH}-efi/lua.mod /boot/${_trns_name}/
    cp /usr/lib/${_trns_name}/${_EFI_ARCH}-efi/zfs.mod /boot/${_trns_name}/
    cp /usr/lib/${_trns_name}/${_EFI_ARCH}-efi/zfsinfo.mod /boot/${_trns_name}/
    cp /usr/lib/${_trns_name}/${_EFI_ARCH}-efi/unifont.pf2 /boot/${_trns_name}/
    cp /usr/lib/${_trns_name}/${_EFI_ARCH}-efi/ascii.pf2 /boot/${_trns_name}/
    ${_trns_name}-mkimage --verbose --directory=/usr/lib/${_trns_name}/${_EFI_ARCH}-efi --prefix="" --output=/boot/${_trns_name}/grub2.efi --format=${_EFI_ARCH}-efi ${_EFI_APP_MODULES}
    Thank in advance.
    Last edited by skodabenz (2010-07-27 15:46:40)

    falconindy wrote:
    Don't rely on %foo% existing -- it won't after the first build and this will prevent the PKGBUILD from being reentrant. I would use something like this (untested):
    sed -i "s|^\(_EFI_ARCH\)=.*|\1=${_EFI_ARCH}|; \
    s|^\(_trns_name\)=.*|\1=${_trns_name}|; \
    s|^\(export _EFI_APP_MODULES\)=.*|\1=${_EFI_APP_MODULES}|" \
    Your code works except for 1 problem in the install script I want
    export __EFI_APP_MODULES="${_EFI_APP_MODULES}" (the passed ${_EFI_APP_MODULES} value should again come inside double quotes).
    right now
    export _EFI_APP_MODULES=ata part_gpt part_msdos fat ntfs ntfscomp ext2 iso9660 udf hfsplus fshelp normal chain linux ls search search_fs_file search_fs_uuid search_label help loopback boot configfile echo efi_gop efi_uga xnu xnu_uuid lvm
    which is equivalent to
    export _EFI_APP_MODULES=ata
    I want
    export _EFI_APP_MODULES="ata part_gpt part_msdos fat ntfs ntfscomp ext2 iso9660 udf hfsplus fshelp normal chain linux ls search search_fs_file search_fs_uuid search_label help loopback boot configfile echo efi_gop efi_uga xnu xnu_uuid lvm"
    How to do it with sed since sed already uses double quotes?

  • INS0017: Installation of the seeded data failed.

    We are trying to trying to run repository assistance of OWB10.2.0.4 over Database
    it failed due to below error....
    Throwable = INS0017: Installation of the seeded data MMM1064: Value 11.1 not valid in domain VERSION2.
    main.TaskScheduler timer[5]20091123@11:50:29.029: 00> oracle.wh.ui.install.assistant.wizards.AssistantWizardDefinition.display( [executeOwbReposOrRuntime_advanced]: Error occurred during installation. Exception =java.lang.Exception: INS0017: Installation of the seeded data MMM1064: Value 11.1 not valid in domain VERSION2.
    main.TaskScheduler timer[5]20091123@11:50:29.029: 00> oracle.wh.ui.install.assistant.wizards.AssistantWizardDefinition$4.runTask( java.lang.Exception: INS0017: Installation of the seeded data MMM1064: Value 11.1 not valid in domain VERSION2.Please help

    Hi David,
    But we have successfully Created the Repository(Using Repository Assistance) using OWB on Oracle Db on Solaris OS.
    and i also checked the Metalink it say the OWB can be used with Oracle Db.

  • Import seed data failed

    Hi All,
    Please find the below screen shot .I am getting import seed data failed while running . I have selected Oracle value chain planning integration base pack .
    Please find the screen shot and log file .
    Buildfile: AIAPLWImportData.xml
    [echo] AIA HOME: /u01/oraaia/Oracle/Middleware/aia_home
    [echo] AIA Instance: /u01/oraaia/Oracle/Middleware/aia_home/aia_instances/AIA_VCP
    [echo] Importing /u01/oraaia/Oracle/Middleware/aia_home/data/VCPJDE/PLWSeedData/VCPJDESeed.xml
    [echo] Executing /u01/oraaia/Oracle/Middleware/aia_home/Infrastructure/LifeCycle/PLWImExport/ -f /u01/oraaia/Oracle/Middleware/aia_home/data/VCPJDE/PLWSeedData/VCPJDESeed.xml
    [echo] Shell: /bin/sh
    /u01/oraaia/Oracle/Middleware/aia_home/Infrastructure/Install/AID/AIAPLWImportData.xml:48: exec returned: 1
    Total time: 2 seconds
    Configuration Command Return Value: 1
    Any advises on this would be appreciated .

    Hi All,
    Please find the below screen shot .I am getting import seed data failed while running . I have selected Oracle value chain planning integration base pack .
    Please find the screen shot and log file .
    Buildfile: AIAPLWImportData.xml
    [echo] AIA HOME: /u01/oraaia/Oracle/Middleware/aia_home
    [echo] AIA Instance: /u01/oraaia/Oracle/Middleware/aia_home/aia_instances/AIA_VCP
    [echo] Importing /u01/oraaia/Oracle/Middleware/aia_home/data/VCPJDE/PLWSeedData/VCPJDESeed.xml
    [echo] Executing /u01/oraaia/Oracle/Middleware/aia_home/Infrastructure/LifeCycle/PLWImExport/ -f /u01/oraaia/Oracle/Middleware/aia_home/data/VCPJDE/PLWSeedData/VCPJDESeed.xml
    [echo] Shell: /bin/sh
    /u01/oraaia/Oracle/Middleware/aia_home/Infrastructure/Install/AID/AIAPLWImportData.xml:48: exec returned: 1
    Total time: 2 seconds
    Configuration Command Return Value: 1
    Any advises on this would be appreciated .

  • Seriouse help. install script is missing.

    got a nana windows xp and im trying to install itunes and this is the error im getting,
    1: the install script engine is missing from this machine if available please run isscript.msi or contact youre support for further assistance.

    If you don't have any other back up, and the torrent files you sent to yourself are gone, then your music is gone.
    Nobody can help you recover data that no longer exists, but I can offer some sympathy. Sorry to read your story.

  • 10g Install Scripts for OS X

    Does anyone have a set of GOOD install scripts for 10g on OS X? I'm in the process of TRYING to install it and am moving incredibly slow. I've spent 99% of my time editing their files just to change the paths for various UNIX commands and scripts.

    While I don't have any install scripts per se, you may want to check out the Oracle 10g Installation Errata Information and Tools page ( see ), posted by Crisp Data Solutions.
    This site lists some tips for installing Oracle 10g on Mac OS X.
    -- DekuDeku

  • Error while Configuring Repository INS0017: Installation of the seeded data

    I am getting error while configuring repository at 36%
    Seeding Failed:
    The warehouse builder workspace owner installation failed on user OWBSYS.
    INS0017:Installation of the seeded data failed
    xmlClasses.xml (Access is denied)
    Operating system: Windows 2008 server 64 bit
    Database: Oracle 11g Release 64 bit
    Log file is not created in given location(Unified repos)

    Hi David,
    But we have successfully Created the Repository(Using Repository Assistance) using OWB on Oracle Db on Solaris OS.
    and i also checked the Metalink it say the OWB can be used with Oracle Db.

  • Install Script Error?

    It's Christmas day, and I just got an IPOD Video and tried to install the software for it and ran into a whole mess of problems.
    I tried to install ITunes 7 & Quicktime 7, but every time I try I get an error at the end of the installation saying something about a missing Install Script error and that i need to run "ISScript.msi" or contact support.
    I have no idea what to do, and tried to find that file on, but the onlyint that comes up is "Virtual PC 2004" and not how to install it, but work around it.
    any suggestions?

    The Install script engine on this machine is older than the version required to run this setup. If available, please install the lastest version of ISScript.msi or contact your support personnel for further assistance.
    okay, let's try installing a version 11, using the instructions from the following InstallShield document:
    Update to the Latest InstallShield Installation Engines
    is that one of any help with the error message?

  • "Error" in ApEx install scripts for runtime environment?

    I recently installed a runtime ApEx 3.1 on a database. After installing an application which uses the Database Account Credentials method for authentication I was unable to login to the application, getting an ERR-10480 message. After some research on this forum I granted ALTER USER to FLOWS_030100 which resolved the issue. So far so good.
    But I was still puzzled as to why the application had worked without problems in a development environment and not in the runtime environment. It took only a few minutes to locate the problem though. In the runtime-install script "apxrtins.sql" there is a call to the "runtime_grant_revoke.sql" script which removes unnecessary DBA system privileges for a runtime environment (which is a good thing IMO). In this script there is also a REVOKE ALTER USER statement, but it seems this one is needed if your application uses the DBACCOUNT authentication method. I didn't find anything on this in the documentation.
    Anyone else notice this as well? I would think this is a bug in the install-scripts but perhaps I'm missing something somewhere?

    Thanks for reporting this. In database server versions earlier than, the alter user privilege is required for the "flows" schema to support the feature you mentioned. We'll try to get this fixed in the next patch release.

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