Making slides/frames required in Captivate 4

Is there a simple way to force the users to review every slide, without taking away their playback controls?  My intent is to avoid allowing them to jump right to the examination without going through the content.  I am already looking at the possibility of advanced scripting to only make the link to the exam available once they complete every module, but if there is something simpler that I haven't considered, I would love to hear about it.

Hi KellyPhillipsNC,
I tried your suggested "workaround" and it works just fine (Win XP, Cap4, Word 2003).
Many thanks.

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    Hi Col,
    Here you'll find a complete list with variables and their description, in case you are looking for another system variable
    System variables in Captivate 5/5.5

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    There are a variety of scripting techniques that can be used based upon the form requirements, UI aesthetics, designer preference,... The script below forces data entry into a text field object called 'tf1' but it is a dangerous practice and should be used carefully. You may find yourself in a infinite loop based upon the tab order. A safer pattern includes global field validation upon submit.
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    pdp_1 wrote:
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    Put the video with the first language on the timeline followed by the video with the second language.  Use chapter markers so you can have each video as a chapter in the menu.
    I use Premiere Pro, so I can't give more specific directions. Perhaps somebody like ATR will chime in.
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    They must be in the same project.

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    Hi there,
    Thanks for reaching Adobe Community. Please accept my apologies for the same.
    There is nothing in specific. When you say it takes a long time, do you mean on the LMS or locally as well?
    Try updaing the Flash Player.
    You can download the Falsh Player Versions from the below link:
    Which browser you are using?
    Also what objects you have in your project?
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    Also are you using any particular preloader? Have you tried using the default.swf preloader?

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    First thing to check is the frame rate of your master file and external files.  They should match otherwise they will be playing at different speeds.
    But quite frankly, even if the frame rates DO match, I think you're strategy of having Captivate SWFs playing inside another Captivate movie and expecting everything to sync up properly is doomed to frustration.  SWFs inserted into a Captivate movie don't necessarily play as you would expect.  The longer the duration of the SWF, the more chance it will be out of sync with the main project.
    My honest suggestion is to build all of your slides in the one project.  Insert SWFs only for small animations.

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    I got an issue on slide master while I work on Captivate 7 on my machine.
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    Intel i7 2.8GHz
    RAM 16GB
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    Please find sample timeline below.
    Also, the slide master which is used in this file is normal slide master as attached screen.
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    Thanks for any help anyone can provide.

    Hi DS,
    I use a javascript call to do what you describe all the time.
    Since I use this all the time I embed the actual full javascript in Captivate's "standard.js" file. This is the full script:
    function openBrWindow(theURL,winName,features),winName,features);
    I save the standard.js file. On my workstation this is the path to that file:
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Captivate 5\Templates\Publish\standard.js
    Now I can call the script anytime.
    Here's how I configure the click-box:
    If you look at Rick's picture (thanks Rick) in the Properties control menu under Action, for On Success, choose Execute Javascript.
    Next Click the Script Window button, this opens up a blank window. Since you are just calling the javascript, you don't need to put the whole script in the window. Here is an example:
    javascript:openBrWindow('myURL.html','thewindowname','height=800px,width=1000px,scrollbars =yes');
    Ths example opens a window 800px tall and 1000 px wide with scrollbars. You can add additional attributes if you like. Make sure the URL is correct and has the correct path and if you have more that one of these on a slide the window name will need to be different. (If this persists from slide to slide you don't have to have them all as unique, only for more than one on a slide.
    Now, click the little down arrow beside the Script Window button. This produces a little drop menu (as illustrated on Rick's image). Make sure you select "Top" and turn off the "Continue Playing the Project".
    This control makes the newly spawned window appear on the top of the project and stops the playing of the slide. You can set other options in Properties to turn off or on captions as needed.
    I hope this helps,

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    Hi everybody,
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    thank you a lot

    Welcome to our community
    FMR isn't the best way to capture, but if that's your goal...
    30 FPS is the default setting in Captivate unless you have told it otherwise. If you want to double-check, click Edit > Preferences > Project > Publish Settings.
    Cheers... Rick
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  • All Quiz Slides Automatically Changed (by captivate) when ANY change is made to a Quiz Slide

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    Did you read that blog post that I indicated in the other thread about questions?
    Default pausing point is at 1.5 secs. If you leave the Success/Last attempt action to default 'Continue' users have to wait 1.5secs, never 3 secs.
    If you want to reduce the time, you can drag the pausing point bit more to the right to decrement the non-active part (not totally till end). That is the best solution, especially if some users will have to work with restricted bandwidth. Or you use Go to Next Slide instead of Continue for the actions.

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    1. Reduce the image size 1000 x 750 if you are using high resolution images.
    2. Use windows supported codec background music for slide show.
    3. Update the latest audio/video drivers.

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    I want "Slide title" (in grey) to say "Topics" but I cannot find where to do this in the TOC Settings; please help!

    Very old article, but still the only way I know about:
    Changing default captions in TOC « Rapid eLearning | Adobe Captivate Blog

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    Hi there
    Is your Mac Intel based? If so, you could run Parallels in order to use Captivate.
    As to when it will become available, only Adobe can say for sure. Indeed I fully expect it to be released by the end of the year. Actually, my own guess is that it will be sooner than that. I'm guessing that you will see it within the next three months.
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    Captivate Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
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    Captivate eBooks

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