Making vlc player default

how do i make my vlc player default for all video files instead of quicktime so if i click a video to open it it doesn't open up in quicktime?

Click on a file once to highlight it and Get Info ( and i).
Toward the bottom is an *Open With* bar and an option to open all like files with the chosen app.

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    GET INFO for a video in the finder. Look for OPEN WITH. Pick VLC from the drop down menu...hit change all...done.

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    Flash Player is a browser add-on, not an executable player.
    There is a standalone player (Projector) that you can download from, but this player can only play .swf files.
    There used to be an Adobe Media Player to play .flv files, but is is no longer available.  Use a 3rd-party player like VLC Media Player to play .flv files.

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    1. Control click the file you want to open.
    2. Click Get Info.
    3. Under open with, pick the App you want to be default.
    4. Click Change All Button.
    5. Confirm your decision.
    You have to do this with every file that has a different extension. You can't change the default for every file with a different extension in a single operation.

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    Ahh, I see! Thank you so much! you know if there is a way to change the settings so that when you finish downloading a song, it won't automatically open up the default program and start to play the song?

  • Preview in Finder windows does not work with VLC Player

    hi there,
    i am using vlc player, and whenever i access a folder where i have many avi folders that vlc player is set as the default program to open them, the finder windows freezes and i have to relaunch it. also, when i click on get info for a particular avi folder, finder crashes again because it cannot preview the file in the window. does anyone know how i can resolve this issue?

    paranoidandroid60 wrote:
    ok, it works fine with quicktime, but anyone know why vlc player might be doing this?
    I use VLC and there are some bugs with the latest version. Try an earlier version. WIth VLC, I keep the older versions for things like this.
    For instance, the new VLC give the wrong time on a stereo audio file. In fact it gives double the correct time. I have had some other issues with VLC, but it's easy enough to remove and install.
    If you make QT the default and then right-click the video and select VLC to play it, does that work?
    Also check out: 8
    Message was edited by: nerowolfe

  • How to set a keyboard shortcut for open with VLC player

    Hey everyone!
    I have reffered the earlier discussion upon creating a shortcut for the open with function and the below is the correct answer for it by using applescript editor submitted by Barney. However, I couldn't get past the 1st paragraph. It all just went over my head. Especially the "open (thefilelist) " part. Which filelist is being referred to here? All I want is a shortcut for opening files with .avi, .mpeg, and .3gp exts. with VLC player. Please help me out by providing the exact stuff I need to paste in the applescript.
    Ok, this one works both on the finder selection and as a droplet:
    property htmlList : {"htm", "html"}
    property htmleditor : "TextWrangler"
    property textList : {"txt", "text"}
    property texteditor : "TextEdit"
    --property myappextlist: {"ext1","ext2","ext3"}
    -- property myappsname: "myAppName" on run
    tell application "Finder"
    set the fileList to the selection
    repeat with aFile in fileList
    set theFile to aFile as string
    my myOpen(theFile)
    end repeat
    end tell
    end run on open (thefileList)
    repeat with i from 1 to number of items in thefileList
    set this_item to item i of thefileList
    my myOpen(this_item)
    end repeat
    end open on myOpen(aFileAlias)
    set theItemInfo to info for (alias aFileAlias)
    if not folder of theItemInfo then
    set theExtension to name extension of theItemInfo
    if theExtension is in htmlList then
    tell application htmleditor
    open aFileAlias
    end tell
    end if
    if theExtension is in textList then
    tell application texteditor
    open aFileAlias
    end tell
    end if
    -- if theExtension is in myappextlist then
    -- tell application myAppName
    -- open this_item
    -- activate
    -- end tell
    -- end if
    end if end myOpen

    Luds.R wrote:
    I have reffered the earlier discussion
    I have the feeling of dropping in in the middle of the conversation.
    Anyway, try this
    --script begins
    property myVLC : "/Applications/VLC/"
    property myTypes : {"avi", "mpeg", "mpg", "3gp"}
    on run
              my vlcTest(myVLC)
              tell application "Finder" to set fileList to selection
              my vlcOpen(fileList)
    end run
    on open fileList
              my vlcTest(myVLC)
              my vlcOpen(fileList)
    end open
    on vlcTest(myVLC)
      POSIX file myVLC as alias
              on error
                        display dialog "Sorry, could not locate VLC. Please add the correct POSIX path to the script." buttons {"Cancel"} default button 1
              end try
    end vlcTest
    on vlcOpen(fileList)
              tell application "Finder"
                        repeat with i in fileList
                                  if name extension of i is in myTypes then open i using (POSIX file myVLC)
                        end repeat
              end tell
    end vlcOpen
    --script ends

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    One way would be to change each media type individually. Right click on an example of a media type you want to always open in VLC and choose Get Info. In the Open with pane of Get Info choose VLC. Then Press the Change all... button. In the Dialog Window that appears press the Continue button. Now VLC will be the default app for opening that media type.

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    But my interface qute different from original – so something still wrong!

    Didn't really read much at all of your post. Much, much too long, irrelevant details and & no paragraphs.
    Can't use time machine due to corruptness
    Post over here -> Mac OS X v10.6 - Snow Leopard forum
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    Same as above. Post in the correct forum.
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  • My itunes stalls or skips whenever I'm either using my VLC player or Modzilla/Firefox browser and going from page to page especially when I attempt to view a video?

    I have re-installed successfully iTunes without solving the problem that it skips, freezes or otherwise doesn't work correctly whenever I'm viewing video on VLC player or attempting to view videos online?
    Also, when playing music on iTunes my VLC video player pauses during song transitions?
    Also, when dowloading music it sometimes shows a dot instead of the ioTunes music note logo abd iTines refuses to import or convert it into the iTunes Library?
    I'm about to junk iTunes altogether for another player, however, I've used iTunes for nearly 11 years and love it!
    Chris aka schnaenyc&

    Most YouTube content requires the Flash plugin. Sometimes it's necessary to uninstall then reinstall that plugin.
    Uninstall the Flash plugin then reinstall new >  Troubleshoot Flash Player | Mac OS
    Very important to uninstall the currently installed plugin first.
    Now launch Safari and try a video.
    If you have the ClickToFlash extension installed, that can prevent Flash based video from streaming. It can also be installed as a plugin in /Library/Internet-Plug-Ins.
    And check to see if Safari is running in 32 bit mode. Right or control click the Safari icon in your Applications folder then click Get Info. If the box next to:  Open in 32 bit mode  is selected, deselect, quit then relaunch Safari.
    You may also need to delete the cache associated with Safari .
    Open the Finder. From the Finder menu bar click Go > Go to Folder
    Type or copy/paste:   ~/Library/Caches/
    Click Go the move the Cache.db file from the folder to the Trash.
    Quit and relaunch Safari. Try a video.

  • VLC player plugin conflict with Windows Media Player plugin in Firefox 8.0.1

    After I upgraded to Firefox 8.0.1, Windows Media Player stopped playing embedded videos within the Firefox browser.
    If you go to Add-ons and disabled VLC player plugin, Firefox will start to plays any Windows Media Player videos without any issue.
    The minute I click to enable VLC, Windows Media Player stop working again. This problem is not used to happen in Firefox 6.02.
    Please help me with problem. any suggestions will be appreciated.

    You can disable the VLC plugin from the Addons window. Choose Plugins, find VLC in the list and disable it.

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    There's a vlc streamer app in the app store, but you would need to also install the streamer helper on the device where the movies reside. This works between my macbook and my ipad, but if you cannot access the external drive and install the helper file, then probably not

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    In Windows 7 I watch TV streams that use the VLC plugin; I would like to know how to obtain the stream "address" and open it in the VLC Player itself!?

    Then ask on a vlc forum, or the TV support site.
    Some companies streaming TV will not be intending for you to operate in such a manner and potentially save their content. Copyright issues are likely to be involved.

  • X-Fi DD-DTS doesn't seem to work right playing DVD Movies with VLC Player or anything els

    I have an X-Fi Platinum with the bay and When I try to Play a DVD with VLC Player And choose a/52 over s/pdif it sounds HORRID skipping and pausing and not functioning at all.. I must choose 5. channel to have Listenable Audio. The Same goes for AC3 Encoded Files If I chose A/52 over S/PDIF in VLC player it sounds like **bleep** and doesn't seem to decode it right. I must chose stereo 2 channel to listen to AC3 encoded video's.. NOTE The dolby Digital symbol DOES appear when i chose A/52 over S/PDIF so it does know it's a digital signal.. And I have the software set to USE hardware decoder and S/PDIF in Decode selected. NOW Here's something that REALLY makes me wonder wtf is wrong, I can connect my Home DVD Player or Cable Box over the Optical?in OR the S/PDIF in and the SOB works Fine, The Dolby Digital symbol comes up and everything sounds great! I get Dolby Digital surround no problem..Why in the heck does it not want to play DVD's using the A/52 over S/PDIF or any AC3 Encoded Files?What's the deal?And I am using windows XP Pro SP2 yadda yadda yadda?Message Edited by mbrown0420 on 07-25-20070:58 PM
    Message Edited by mbrown0420 on 07-25-20070:58 PM

    Only with VLC?
    Same problem with PowerDVD, WinDVD?
    VLC media player Forum:
    Unplayable DTS/Dolby Output via A/52 over S/PDIF (Videolan forum)
    "In the preferences menu: (tab) Audio > Output modules > (check the "advanced options" box) choose "Win32 waveOut extension output" from the drop-list, save and restart VLC (by CloudStalker)"">
    Message Edited by Rad-Wulf on 07-26-20070:47 AM

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