Malware: CryptoLocker

The forums is buzzing with this new malware doing the rounds called CrytoLocker.  Encrypting your files after a set time unless your pay a ransom.
I have tried to find some kind of resolve on the Microsoft sites, google search etc without success.  My Question is simply this:
Does SCEP detect this malware?  If so what does SCEP ID the malware?  Some entities state that your files can be de-crypted, is this true?  If so what is the process?
Many thanks
Avron Lucas
IT Security Consultant
Pick n Pay
Cape Town

Based on my research, this malware has already been detected by MS. And the malware has a very high level in MS.
Detailed information for this malware is in the link below:
Additionally, it is encrypted by RSA2048. It is difficult to de-encrypt the file if you do not have private key.
You can also refer to the link:
Best Regards
Quan Gu  
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    Sorry for my dilatory reply. As far as I know, App locker can restrict specific user or group to install or run application. If you warried domain user install new application by creating new account, you can try to restrict the special user or group to
    achive your goal.
    The link below about What is Applocker may be helpful with your question.
    What Is AppLocker?
    If you need any further assistance, please feel let us know.
    Roger Lu
    TechNet Community Support

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    These are Windows viruses and will not effect your Mac.
    GameOver Zeus P2P Malware:
    Systems Affected
    • Microsoft Windows 95, 98, Me, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, and 8
    • Microsoft Server 2003, Server 2008, Server 2008 R2, and Server 2012
    CryptoLocker Ransomware Infections:
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  • Installation blocked by group policy designed to prevent CryptoLocker

    We have followed the steps outlined by to prevent as best we can the CryptoLocker virus.  Link to article:
    Please update your Reader installer to not use %AppData%\Local\Temp\.  The CryptoLocker prevention method involves blocking that and the following paths.  I know many businesses using these techniques.
    Block CryptoLocker executable in %AppData%
    Path: %AppData%\*.exe
    Security Level: Disallowed
    Description: Don't allow executables to run from %AppData%.
    Block CryptoLocker executable in %LocalAppData%
    Path if using Windows XP: %UserProfile%\Local Settings\*.exe
    Path if using Windows Vista/7/8: %LocalAppData%\*.exe
    Security Level: Disallowed
    Description: Don't allow executables to run from %AppData%.
    Block Zbot executable in %AppData%
    Path: %AppData%\*\*.exe
    Security Level: Disallowed
    Description: Don't allow executables to run from immediate subfolders of %AppData%.
    Block Zbot executable in %LocalAppData%
    Path if using Windows XP: %UserProfile%\Local Settings\*\*.exe
    Path if using Windows Vista/7/8: %LocalAppData%\*\*.exe
    Security Level: Disallowed
    Description: Don't allow executables to run from immediate subfolders of %AppData%.
    Block executables run from archive attachments opened with WinRAR:
    Path if using Windows XP: %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Temp\Rar*\*.exe
    Path if using Windows Vista/7/8: %LocalAppData%\Temp\Rar*\*.exe
    Security Level: Disallowed
    Description: Block executables run from archive attachments opened with WinRAR.
    Block executables run from archive attachments opened with 7zip:
    Path if using Windows XP: %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Temp\7z*\*.exe
    Path if using Windows Vista/7/8: %LocalAppData%\Temp\7z*\*.exe
    Security Level: Disallowed
    Description: Block executables run from archive attachments opened with 7zip.
    Block executables run from archive attachments opened with WinZip:
    Path if using Windows XP: %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Temp\wz*\*.exe
    Path if using Windows Vista/7/8: %LocalAppData%\Temp\wz*\*.exe
    Security Level: Disallowed
    Description: Block executables run from archive attachments opened with WinZip.
    Block executables run from archive attachments opened using Windows built-in Zip support:
    Path if using Windows XP: %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Temp\*.zip\*.exe
    Path if using Windows Vista/7/8: %LocalAppData%\Temp\*.zip\*.exe
    Security Level: Disallowed
    Description: Block executables run from archive attachments opened using Windows built-in Zip support.

    Hi, I am using a toshiba personal laptop, windows 7 home premuim. No one else uses it, nor have i brought it to any buisness , other home, etc.
    I have been blocked by group policy for 3 months.  I have spend over 200 dollars on ITs to only tell me they have never seen this before, and to buy a new laptop.. I have no idea why i am the admin, and only user yet all i can open is aol.
    I am at my wits end, and will go buy another laptop, deffenitly nothing like this one.. I have lost alot of time and money trying to fix this, late payments etc
    thanks for any input
    oh my isp is cox, and i have a router
    reading this I am able to identify that you are contaminated with malware, it may has also affected your recovery
    try recovery to factory fresh and then install Microsoft Security Essentials so that you have 1/2 a chance next time
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    Place your rig specifics into your signature like I have, makes it 100x easier to understand!
    Hardcore Games Legendary is the Only Way to Play!

  • Is Forefront Endpoint Protection 2010 detecting and removing CryptoLocker?

    Is Forefront Endpoint Protection 2010 detecting and removing CryptoLocker?

    For antimalware and antispyware, the latest definitions are
    1.187.361.0. You can install the latest updates:
    Updating your Microsoft antimalware and antispyware software
    If that threat cannot be detected or removed, you can feedback or submit a malware file in the Malware Protection Center.
    Best regards,

  • Can cryptolocker infect a mac computer

    Hi Can The New Malware Cryptolcker Infect A Mac Computer
    Running Windows Parallels & Microsoft Office For Mac 2011

    Whatever you have, it's not Cryptolocker. It and the Mac has been covered extensively. Cryptolocker is a Windows only threat. It has also been defeated. FireEye has a web page where even if your Windows computer has been infected, they can send you the decryption key to unlock it without paying the ransom fee.
    Source 1
    Source 2 - FireEye is one of the highest regarded anti malware and security sites. Note again that it only affects PCs running Windows.
    Source 3 - I added this one to show that not everyone understands what Cryptolocker does. There are many sites that tag the Mac and Cryptolocker together, but in no case does it do what it does on the PC side. In the case of the Mac, if you see anything that says you've been infected with Cryptolocker, it's nothing more than a JavaScript loop on a web page that keeps you from backing out of that page and says you're infected. That is a VERY long way from a drive in Windows that is literally encrypted and you have to pay a ransom fee if you ever again hope to see important data you don't have backed up. There are many such fake web pages that attempt to lock the user to a particular page, and it is very easy to defeat. Some say it's the FBI, the CIA, or other fake pages demanding you call you toll free number to "fix" it.

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    No,  there are similar-sounding website javascript efforts that give messages on a mac saying that the computer's locked, you must pay money etc etc - but at worst, they make it difficult to leave the page & ignore it.

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    There is no anti-malware for iOS, at least none that actually does anything useful. The odds of getting any malware infection via an email attachment on an iOS device is quite low - practically non-existent. Unless you are seeing any issues, there isn't much to do, other than deleting the email and being more cautious in the future.

  • Acmcneill1ug 14, 2014 7:16 AM I have IMac OSX 10.9.4, 4GB,Processor 3.06 with Intell2Duo. I would like to check for Malware. I run a TechTool Pro 6 every month and that comes up great. When check how much memory I am using, with only Safar

    Acmcneill1ug 14, 2014 7:16 AM
    I have IMac OSX 10.9.4, 4GB,Processor 3.06 with Intell2Duo. I would like to check for Malware. I run a TechTool Pro 6 every month and that comes up great.
    When check how much memory I am using, with only Safari open I am using 3.9 and more of her 4.0 memory. She is very. very slow in processing. I had 4000
    trash to clean out and it took her over an hour to expel. Also for some reason Safari will not allow me to click on a link, in my G-mail, and let it go to the page.
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    I have not changed my preferences so where is this pop-up blocker?
    I have looked at preferences on Safari and Google, which I do not understand Google, and do not see where this blocker could be.
    Malware is something I want to make sure is not on my computer. Tech Tool Pro 6 is all I know of and it does not detect Malware.

    Try Thomas Reed's Adware removal tool. He posts extensively in the communities.
    Malware Guide - Adware
    Malware Discussion

  • Can't read or write some files, internet is failing, youtube won't load, software I tried to install was in Slovenian, not dutch or english like in my systempreferences settings, pictures and files won't preview with spacebar, etc. Malware?

    iMac 10.8.5
    3,4 GHz Intel Core i7
    32 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
    Can't read or write some files, internet is failing, youtube won't load, security software I tried to install was in Slovenian, not dutch or english like in my systempreferences settings, pictures and files won't preview with spacebar and are randomly corrupted, when I entered something in the Youtube searchbar (when it was still working) it send me to a site with sexadds.
    I tried restart my iMac and when I was logged back in, my dock preferences were reset.
    Also tried to download some security software to check my Mac for malware, but when I did, I tried several, I got a notification that said something like 'dumpfiles (don't know if this is the right translation...) damaged'.
    I'm taking screenshots from all the weird notifications I get and even three quarters off the screenshots I took in the last three hours are already unreadable.
    It started this morning when I tried opening a Premiere Pro file on which I worked the night before.
    When I tried opening it, it said the file was damaged and could not be openend.
    I tried opening it with AE or importing the file in a new project but nothing helped.
    When I tried looking for autosaves, this is the really weird part, there were none.
    Even though there are autosaves from my other projects, this one was completely gone.
    It looked like the day before never happened on my computer.
    Also when I openend Premiere all the recent projects had been wiped.
    So at first I thought it was a Premiere Pro failure.
    But than, later on the day, I tried loading some RAW files from my compact flash card.
    This is where I would get an error (error -36) which said some data cannot be read or written.
    I tried importing the files with a view different technics, from dragging to importing via Lightroom and I succeeded with Image Browser.
    But when I tried moving the files to an other folder the same error occurred.
    While dealing with this issue I wanted to put on some soothing music on youtube.
    This is when the next weird thing occurred: youtube wasn't completely loading in Chrome. I refreshed a view times, checked the internet connection and still no difference.
    When I tried in Safari it did work but when I clicked enter on the searchbar in Youtube, a page with sexadds appeared (I didn't install AdBlock in Safari...).
    I read about this 'phishing' where you are redirected to a site were a possible malware installment can take place...
    I don't know if it's connected to any of the problems I've been having but I just never experienced this on a mac, I have been a Mac user for 10 years now.
    On top of it all, internet started working worse and worse and now it's not even working at all. I had to fill in the password over and over, normally it remembers.
    Just like my system preferences, all the preferences I had with Chrome where also reset.
    Also somewhere in between I got this notification: Mac OS X must restore library to run programs. Type your password to allow.
    To me this is all very weird and suspicious. I have clearly no idea what's going on. Could this be another sort of trojan horse or malware?
    Some background info which could be helpful for solving this mystery:
    two months ago the one year old Fusion Drive in my iMac just broke out of nowhere.
    I got it replaced by a qualified apple repair store.
    When I got my computer back, all the files where gone.
    I got on the internet without AdBlock installed yet.
    A game or whatever it was, can't clearly remember, got installed by accident.
    I deleted it immediately.
    Only two weeks later, I couldn't log in to my account. It didn't recognize my password and username. 
    So I brought my mac back to the store.
    Here the repair guy said it was a minor thing and he just needed to reconnect my account. He also mentioned he found a downloaded game name Sparta and it probably had something to do with the error.
    I asked him; could it be a virus? He replied no way.
    I don't know why I couldn't be a virus, just because it's a mac doesn't mean it cannot be done.
    So today I tried installing anti virus software (such as avast- was in a weird language looked like slovenian, clamxav - was in slovenian) but I couldn't install them.
    PLEASE help me! I don't know what to do anymore, I work fulltime and I need my computer, I have no time to bring it in for repair, are there other perhaps easier ways?
    Could this be the work of a virus or a malware? Or is it a disk permissions issue?

    It sounds like you may have multiple problems, but none of them are likely to be caused by malware.
    First, the internet-related issues may be related to adware or a network compromise. I tend to lean more towards the latter, based on your description of the problem. See:
    If investigation shows that this is not a network-specific issue, then it's probably adware. See my Adware Removal Guide for help finding and removing it. Note that you mention AdBlock as if it should have prevented this, but it's important to understand that ad blockers do not protect you against adware in any way. Neither would any kind of anti-virus software, which often doesn't detect adware.
    As for the other issues, it sounds like you've got some serious corruption. I would be inclined to say it sounds like a failing drive, except it sounds like you just got it replaced. How did you get all your files back after the new drive was installed?
    (Fair disclosure: I may receive compensation from links to my sites, and, in the form of buttons allowing for donations. Donations are not required to use my site or software.)

  • Malware no Firefox 20.01 , como corrigir?

    Um malware se instalou no meu firefox, versão 20.0.1. Não consigo identificá-lo nos plugins, também já fiz uma varredura com o avast, e não resolveu o problema. O malware faz com que apareça janelas de verificações de plugins e outros pop-ups. Identifique este mesmo malware no Google Chome, mas consegui resolver o problema, já no firefox não. Pensei em desinstalar o firefox e instalá-lo novamente, mas não consegui, isso pode ser devido ao malware? Como faço para desativá-lo?
    a malware has been installed on my firefox, 20.0.1 version. I can't identify it on plugins. I've scanned with avast, but the problem was not resolved. The malware pop ups windows with verification plugins and another information like it. I can not unistall the firefox. How can I correct this problem?

    Consegui resolver o problema. Caso alguem também venha a ter
    O malware neste caso chama-se '''FindLyrics''', ele é um complemento. Consegui removê-lo no "Adicionar/Remover" no painel de controle.
    I managed to resolve the problem. If someone comes to have the same problem: the badware calls '''FindLyrics''', it's a expansion. I could to unistall on the control panel.

  • My system failed the anti-phishing/malware test. What can I do to fix it? I have Firefox 7.

    I use the up to date version of AVG security. Does this interfere?

    Firefox does not send e-mails to random users. You only receive mail when you have registered on some official Mozilla e-mail list. Normally these are scam e-mails. They try to scare you and say that you are infected with malware. Then afterwards you are offered a so called "security update" which in reality will infect you computer with a virus. Do not install a fake update.

  • I think I might have a virus or malware

    I know that the likelihood is very slim that I have a virus but I have been having some problems lately. Earlier I had my laptop on and then I closed it and when I opened it back up and typed my password in it kept saying it was wrong. I even checked to see if caps lock was on and it was not. I had to restart my laptop for it to work. I also opened firefox today and it said that it was the first time I used it when it was not. The "you have never used this application before." message popped up. My Internet has also been slow. Graphics/images have not been loading on the Internet or they're pixilated and take a long time to become the resolution the image is at. I also have been having trouble with charging. I will leave it unplugged and then I'll charge it but it will say "battery not charging" but it is plugged in and it shows that it is plugged in it is just not charging but it is still not decreasing in battery power. If it is not a virus what is it and how could I stop these glitches from happening? Thank you.

    Doubtfull it's a virus or malware.
    "battery not charging" but it is plugged in and it shows that it is plugged in it is just not charging but it is still not decreasing in battery power
    Try troubleshooting the MagSafe adapter
    If that didn't help, try Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)
    And since there are numerous issues, the startup disk may need repairing.
    If you have Lion v10.7 insatlled, use Lion Recovery to repair the startup disk or reinstall the Mac OS X.
    If you have a prior Mac OS X installed, help here > Using Disk Utility to verify or repair disks
    And make sure there's enough free space on the startup disk.  Right or control click the MacintoshHD icon on your Desktop.
    Click Get Info. In the Get Info window you will see Capacity and Available. Make sure there's a minimum of 15% free disk space.

  • I have iPhone 4s, and using latest iOS. When I try to open any link from Twitter or Facebook, it goes to open some wrong webpage. My iphone seems to be infected or suffering from some spyware or malware. How can I remove this wrong link opening

    I have iPhone 4s, and using latest iOS. When I try to open any link from Twitter or Facebook, it goes to open some wrong webpage. My iphone seems to be infected or suffering from some spyware or malware. How can I remove this wrong link opening ? Please help me to resolve...

    I think the McAfee suite will do the trick when I pay them a one-time fee of $69 or $179 for a year for unlimited support.
    Your call of course but IMO a waste of money. Please read this first:
    There are many forms of ‘Malware’ that can affect a computer system, of which ‘a virus’ is but one type, ‘trojans’ another. Using the strict definition of a computer virus, no viruses that can attack OS X have so far been detected 'in the wild', i.e. in anything other than laboratory conditions. The same is not true of other forms of malware, such as Trojans. Whilst it is a fairly safe bet that your Mac has NOT been infected by a virus, it may have another security-related problem, but more likely a technical problem unrelated to any malware threat.
    You may find this User Tip on Viruses, Trojan Detection and Removal, as well as general Internet Security and Privacy, useful:
    The User Tip (which you are welcome to print out and retain for future reference) seeks to offer guidance on the main security threats and how to avoid them.
    More useful information can also be found here:

  • Can anyone advise on the harm of this malware?

    Yesterday googled "George Stephenson £5 Note" to get information about the previous UK banknote that has not been legal tender since 2003.  The sixth website in the search results is some sort of malware that starts warning you your computer is infected and appears to start scanning your hard drive. Annoying enough - but it also starts putting files into the download list.
    I was concerned this may be spyware and eventually have downloaded for use the 30 day trial of macscan.  This has found nothing - but takes hours to do. Even though I still have the last one of these downloads in trash, so maybe it is not Trojan Spyware.
    I have sent a message to goggle about this malware site and tried to find anyone else to report this to but have failed to find anyone who will investigate.
    So I attach the link to the website below in the hope that someone is expert enough to cope with this and tell me what it is.  PLEAE DO NOT USE THIS LINK UNTIL SOMEONE COMPETENT HAS ADVISED ON HOW HARMFUL IT IS - IT IMMEDIATELY STARTS DOWNLOADING FILES TO YOUR MACHINE: -

    You need to get that junk off your computer, if you accepted the download and install. Apple has information and instructions for removal:
    For additional information, see also: 
    It doesn't matter where you are located, by the way; that's not relevant to the issue, and your firewall won't help in this circumstance if you approve the download and install yourself, though you may be tricked into doing so.
    If the message is just popping up when you web surf and you aren't allowing a download and install, then you are just encountering a hacked web site (which may not be the one to which you post the URL; it doesn't when I go there) that has the ad for that fakeware.
    Message was edited by: Dave Sawyer

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