Manage gsdo path not found in my gateway system

Hi ,
I'm working on sap gateway 7.4.0 system , where i'm not able to find the below path ,
In transaction SPRO open the SAP Reference IMG and navigate to: SAP
NetWeaver ->Gateway Former Development -> Generic Channel Administration
-> General Settings -> Manage GSDO Groups .
but in my  gateway system , im not able find the above path.
Pl suggest what might be the issue along with solution ..,

Ok. as per
Apart from basic configuration settings the Generic Channel configuration activities are listed in the Implementation Guide (IMG) in the system where software component IW_FND is deployed. In the SAP Reference IMG navigate to SAP NetWeaver Gateway Former Development Generic Channel .
it means that IW_FND software component enables generic channel configuration. check if this helps.

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    Best regards.
    Pablo Mortera.

    You can either type in the configuration, like the what option you selected for approver (CAD or role or...etc), or other way is to capture the change log which shows what was the configuration for that stage....
    (Configuration -< Change Log -> Search Change log)
    Cheers !!

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    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Sabita/Alpesh,
    Thanks for your reply. We have created two conditions under Initiator with AND and AND. We have cleared and we are not getting error like Path not found.
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    You are posting in the wrong forum.
    Please post to the BI Publisher Forum:
    BI Publisher

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    Software Development Kit Client Scripts) and then double-clicking startEclipse.bat; x is the
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    Thank you.

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    Unfortunately, this sort of trouble has gotten more complicated to deal with ever since Microsoft pulled the Windows Installer CleanUp utility from their Download Center. First we have to find a copy of the utility.
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    Any input would be appreciated!

    please have a look at the error log to see exactly what fails.
    I suppose that your initiator is limited to role + system, and you do not have defined a path for the second system, so AE does not know how to handle that part of the request.
    If you can detail what your initiator looks like, and what the error log says, we may be able to give you more detailed help.

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     The sequence editor cannot start up. Unable to create the TestStand Engine.
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    Any ideas whats wrong ?
    best regards and thanks in advance,
    Go to Solution.

    Ingo -
    Sorry for your frustration. Your idea to uninstall and reinstall should typically work. The second message is just a result of the first error, so we need to figure out what path is not found, and it is unclear why this is occurring. I tried to force my copy of TestStand 3.5 to fail in a similiar way by messing around with the installation and I could not find a way to cause the "Path not found" error. I got many other more detailed errors, but I have been unable to duplicate your message.
    Some questions:
    1) What operating system are you using?
    2) Are you installing to the default location under Program Files? Are you using a network path in any way?
    3) Do you have write authority to the the installation locations on you system?
    4) Are you logged in as an administrator when installing, restarting, and launching the sequence editor.
    5) Have you manually messed with any of the registry settings under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\National Instruments\TestStand\3.5, where something is incorrect?
    6) Have you added any User components under the TestStand directory that might somehow load and cause an issue?
    If you currently have an installation on the system, you could quickly try to clear out the Cfg directory under TestStand, so that it generates new copies of these files.
    Message Edited by Scott Richardson on 11-20-2008 12:38 PM
    Scott Richardson
    National Instruments

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    Path not found ()
    Error Details
    Error Codes: U9KP7Q94
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    Type: Error
    Severity: 45
    Time: Tue Mar 09 09:18:44 2010
    File: project/websubsystems/ssportal.cpp Line: 1907
    Properties: ThreadID-2672;HttpCommand-Dashboard;Proxy-;RemoteIP-;User-;Impersonator-
    Path not found ()
    Can anyone provide me an input how to resolve this issue?
    This is bit urgent for me.

    Please ensure that the navigational attribute is checked at the attribute level and also at the Infocube level and also check that correct mapping of this navigational attribute is done at the Multiprovider level.

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    Make sure that u installed Java (with the required version) and the corresponding class path is set in the system.
    One of the ways to set the class path by right clicking my computer>properties->Select Advanced->Click Environment Variables->Select path from System Variables>Click Edit-->and add the "bin" folder of java to it.
    Now test it by running command java in command editor. It should work fine.
    Hope this helps.
    -Prasad Babu.

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    I get this message when I click on one of my categories either in my content area or my portal page.
    What could be the problem?

    We're running on NT. Using Oracle and portal
    It's a fresh installation, only the upgrade from to has been made.Also Portal is fresh not from any EA-release.
    Dont know if I can give any more details. Kind of hard to explain. But I have created several catagories and several folders with subfolders. And then set them to a appropiate category. One of these does not work , I get this 'Path not found wwc-50004'.Question, could it be some folder or perhaps Item in a folder using this catagory thats the problem? And in that case - how do I find the right folder?? If I know with folder then I can delete it and begin from scratch again. So far we are just in testing phase. But I would prefer NOT to delete all the folders created with this catagory selected

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    I've scanned all the files in the OracleBI\web\msgdb\l_en and I cant find anything ??
    can anybody point me in the right direction ?

    As I said before this may happen if the Web Catalog directory had a user account already created with the same name. As you are migrating from a non-SSO setup to an SSO setup it seems that the Presentation Services thinks the SSO accounts are different than the non-SSO accounts and it tries to create a new account. As the directory already exist the creation fails and the user is then not able to read the previous user directory. I am not sure how you going to get around that. You might have to migrate the user folders manually. Perhaps you should raise an SR with Oracle.

Maybe you are looking for

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