Managing users passwords with ADF

We have created an user manager application wich edits Realm Users. Since we change the realm to use SHA encription we would like to have the password field encrypted before ADF updates the table ....
There is a clean way of doing this ?
So far we thought on overwriting the OnCommit method for the datapage and in there modify the request object but there is nothing like a request.setParameter( String, String ) .... and apparently is the request.parameter the one that ADF will endup sendind to the datafield ....
Again, there is a direct way of doing this other than locating afterwards the viewObject Row and updating the unencrypted password with the encripted version ????

Put the code in
public void setPassword(String value) {
String encryptedPassword = null;
encryptedPassword = ....; // your encryption implementation
setAttributeInternal(PASSWORD, encryptedPassword);
Hope this help
Nhut Trung

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    Any insight would be appreciated.
    Mark Ringo

    Hi Mark
    Certificates are currently not supported with UE-V 1.0 / 1.0 SP1. Just saving HKCU keys and the RSA / System Certificate files in APPDATA does not work any more since Windows Vista. You have to use a logon / logoff script which does the trick via Microsoft
    CryptoAPI (Export / Import).
    I have included exampled with Powershell below.
    # Scriptname: ExportCert.ps1
    # Author: Michael Rüefli
    # Purpose: Export certificates local certificate store (Machine or User) to a PKCS12 file format
    # Version: 1.0.1
    # Fixed Issues / Changes:
    # V 1.0.1 / Fixed Export where no filter has been specified. Changed the autogenerated password strenght
    function ConvertToSid([STRING]$NtAccount)
    $result = (New-Object$NTaccount)).translate([])
    return $result.value
    #Get the Arguments
    $exportpath = $args[0]
    $certstore = $args[1]
    $issuer_filter = $args[2]
    #Check the Args
    If ($args.count -lt 2)
    Write-host "Too less arguments! Usage: ExportCert.ps1 <exportpath> <certstore> [<filter> optional>" -ForegroundColor red
    write-host "Example: Powershell.exe ExportCert.ps1 H:\Certs CurrentUser DC=LOC" -ForegroundColor blue
    #Error Handler
    Trap [Exception]{continue}
    #Check Exportpath, if not there create it
    If ((Test-Path -Path $exportpath) -ne $True)
    New-Item -Path $exportpath -ItemType Directory
    #Get certificates in store
    If ($issuer_filter)
    $HKCUCerts = (dir cert:\$certstore\My | ? { $_.Issuer -notmatch $issuer_filter})
    $HKCUCerts = (dir cert:\$certstore\My)
    #process each certificate
    Foreach ($cert in $HKCUCerts)
    $friendlyname = $cert.FriendlyName
    $type = [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ContentType]::pfx
    $username = $env:USERNAME
    $sid = ConvertToSid $username
    $pass = 'Letmein$$Cert2012'
    $pass_secure = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $pass -Force
    $bytes = $cert.export($type, $pass)
    [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes("$exportpath\$friendlyname.pfx", $bytes)
    # Scriptname: ImportCert.ps1
    # Author: Michael Rüefli
    # Purpose: Import PKCS12 certificates from a file share into local certificate store (Machine or User)
    # Version: 1.0
    # Fixed Issues / Changes:
    # V 1.0.1 / Changed the autogenerated password strenght
    function ConvertToSid([STRING]$NtAccount)
    $result = (New-Object$NTaccount)).translate([])
    return $result.value
    #Get the Arguments
    $importpath = $args[0]
    $certstore = $args[1]
    #Check the Args
    If ($args.count -lt 2)
    write-host "Too less arguments! Usage: ImportCert.ps1 <importpath> <certstore>" -ForegroundColor red
    write-host "Example: Powershell.exe ImportCert.ps1 H:\Certs CurrentUser" -ForegroundColor blue
    #Error Handler
    Trap [Exception]{continue}
    function Import-PfxCertificate
    param([String]$certPath,[String]$certRootStore,[String]$certStore,$pfxPass = $null,[String]$KeySet)
    #Error Handler
    Trap [Exception]{continue}
    if ($args[0] -eq "-h")
    Write-Host "usage: Import-509Certificate <Filename>,<certstore>,<cert root>,<keyset> `n `
    Valid certstores: LocalMachine,CurrentUser `n `
    Valid cert root: My,AuthRoot,TrustedPublisher `n `
    Valid Keysets: MachineKeySet,UserKeySet"
    write-host "Importing Certificate: $certPath"
    $pfx = new-object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2
    if ($pfxPass -eq $null) {$pfxPass = read-host "Enter the pfx password" -assecurestring}
    $store = new-object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store($certStore,$certRootStore)
    $username = $env:USERNAME
    $certs = Get-ChildItem $importpath -Filter "*.pfx"
    Foreach ($item in $certs)
    $friendlypath = $item.FullName
    $friendlyname = ($item.Name).replace(".pfx","")
    $sid = ConvertToSid $username
    $pass = 'Letmein$$Cert2012'
    $pass_secure = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $pass -Force
    Import-PfxCertificate "$friendlypath" "$certstore" "My" $pass_secure

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    greetings from germany
    Stefan K.

    thanks Bernd,
    "There are a permission password and a open password."
    "Owners of the open password can open the PDF document."
    "Owners of the permission password can change the security settings."
    ok, but
    - changing the permissions requires Adobe Acrobat, right? not the AReader?
    - why are the document properties different in the document properties screen in AR?
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    Stefan K.

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    Maira Kotsovoulou

    Dear Grant,
    CustomerID is in the UI Project, and appears as a part of an ADF Parameter Form... and I can not find key exists in the UI Validators....
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    email:[email protected]

    Well user creation and updation is a system property..U need to go through that it depends on the system you are hosting pout your application...
    if it is linux...u have to use some shell programming\
    bye for now let me know if this guides you or if you need some more stuff.

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    Have you seen this two:
    It seems your are not the only one which this Problem can occur. Have you had a Domain rename? And is the replication in the forest ok?

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    Mikie B.

    There was a similar (unconclusive) discussion recently ( Screen not getting refreshed after reseting password ), for which I found the following thread:
    Password generation problem
    Maybe that can help.

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    Ideally for us, if we could use the jpegPhoto attribute for all users, as opposed to using exchange attributes for some, that would be best, but is it designed to work this way?

    Hi FuzzMunk,
    I don’t think that Lync Server will
    synchronize the photo from
    JPEGPhoto attribute, as I know
    it only synchronizes the photo from
    thumbnailPhoto attribute in Active Directory.
    You can see the photo displayed on Office365 portal
     because it synchronizes the photo from both the
    thumbailphoto and jpegphoto attributes.
    Some related articles and cases for your reference.
    Best regards,

  • Managed users with Active Directory?

    Hi guys
    I was wondering if any of you can help me out. I'm looking to get a OS X Server 10.4 to act as a managed user server, with all the pros of Open Directory (ie Finder restrictions etc) and user home directories on the Xserve's HD, but to authenticate through a Windows 2003 Active Directory Server.
    I have been reading a number of sites and there seams to be two ways to do it.
    1) Bind the Xserve and the client Macs to the Active Directory and then on the PC server specify the home folders as a share point on the Xserve. Ie \\Xserve\Users\Tom
    This way the Xserve is basically a file server.
    2) And I'm cutting this story short because I've only briefly read this one. But you can set the Xserve as an Open Directory master, some how import the users and then remove the directory master roll.
    I really need to be able to have the usernames and passwords live from the Windows Server due to passwords being changed every 30 days blah blah blah so I guess point 2 is out of the question.
    To be honest a yay or nay to the above would be a good start, could obviously save a lot of wasted time, but if anyone can recommend me a website or a pdf that will walk me through it.
    I've managed to get my laptop to authenticate to AD but cant get the home directories to work. Every time I log in with a user account it creates it locally on my HD. I do not have "Force local home directory" checked. I guess I need to configure LDAP to the AD server as well? I gave it a go an managed to get Address Book pulling users and emails from the AD sever. I then preformed a lookupd lookup on a user bob and found that the home directory was set to /Users/bob even though on my AD server I've set it to \\Xserve\Users\bob is this something I'm doing wrong with LDAP? If thats all it is I'll be able to get point 1 above working and it will all be good.
    I hope I've made this clear enough for someone to be able to help me.
    Thanks in advance for any help you might be able to give me.
    1.25GHz PowerBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

    With an OD master you could manage your clients at the group and computer list level.
    So when you setup the user's profile in AD, you mapped a network drive and provided the UNC path \\Xserver\Users\bob. You did bind the OD Master with the name Xserve? Also, by default it will use smb to connect, which you can change to afp instead in the AD plugin. smb will not create the home folder for you. You could try to create the home folder yourself in advance. (sudo createhomedir -a may do the trick)
    For troubleshooting purposes, you could create a share on the AD server and adjust the user's profile to point to it instead of the OD Master. Try and login and see what you get.

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    With the OTORISER application I developed, normal users can run applications with admin privilege …  
    Otoriser is totally free ! Applications, mmc consoles, control panel cpl files can be run under admin and system context with Otoriser. Let’s say you donot want your users to be admin in their machines, but want them to run some applications with admin rights.
    If this is the case then you are on the right blog.
    There are two components for Otoriser. Management and client components. There are no complex implementation and no frustrating steps to be performed. Within 10 minutes you can start testing the results
    After you download the setup files, install client components in the client by running it directly (or any deployment method you have), it will take about 5 seconds to install it. Then, let’s say you want your user to change system properties of the machine.
    With the tool provided in Admin package produce the hash of system.cpl file and enter that hash into the group policy (details are provided in documentation). When policies are applied for that user then he or she can run that control panel applet under admin
    context but donot forget that the user is still an ordinary user.
    download link :

  • Weblogic Portal 10.3.5 using JSF 1.2 portlets with ADF faces

    We are developing Portal site using Weblogic Portal 10.3.5 with JSF portlet 1.2 and ADF faces (ADF Application runtime ). But the JSF portlets not supporting ADF faces. Please let me know how we use ADF faces in JSF portlet 1.2 in Weblogic Portal.

    Hi Murthy,
    We did a detailed analysis.
    (1) How do we add ADF taskflows, JSF in to weblogic portal desktop/pages? Do we create portlet out of JSF, and display on desktop/page? If this is the case, what about ADf task flows?
    --> Taskflows can be deployed as WSRP2.0 portlets. Note 2 options are there JSF page as portlet or taskflow itself as portlets.
    (2) How do we integrate weblogic user profiles and UUP (unified user profiles) with ADF and JSF?
    --> ADF Security can use Weblogic Server realm as the security provider. Entitlements in WLP will have to be provided based on Weblogic Server roles. In case you are using external LDAP then both can be integrated withe external LDAP
    (3) Can anybody shed some light which this better?
    (a) weblogic portal with JPF (Java page flows), NetUI --Legacy approach
    -Easy Development
    -Well tested integrated
    -Future support
    -Enhancements may not be available
    -Not really portable or standards based
    (b) weblogic portal with ADF, JSF?
    -If your on Oracle stack then great
    -Standards based
    -JSF Portlet bridge issues
    -ADF Faces does not work on IE6!
    Well what we are going for is JSR 286, Trinidad components (Supports IE6), JSF.
    Difficult choice.

  • Use port 50013 (Management Console) with User/password

    I have a problem. We had a security auditory of SAP systems. They have seen that the port 50013 (Management Console) has not any security with user /password.
    Is there a way to put a security before the information?
    Best Regards.
    Pablo Mortera.

    Hi Pablo
    The SAP Managment Console is a UI (Applet) to access the functionality of the sapstartsrv process, This process is used for montioring and administration of SAP instances and listens on port 5nn13 (or 5nn14 for https)
    It is expected that you can access the UI without authentication but to carry out administrative functions (which are sapstartsrv webservice method calls) , such as shutting down an instance for example, authentication is required.
    By default only the most critical of these web service methods require authentication but the list of protected webmethods can be modified. Please see note 927637 for more details

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