Managing video files

A while ago my MacBook died and I had all of my files copied to an external hard drive at my local MacStore. I then transferred all of my music and video files from that hard drive to my iPad (mini). I can't recall how I transferred the files... sorry. I just got a new MacBook and have transferred all those files onto it. I have some video files on my iPad that for some reason I can't find on said hard drive... I'm curious as to what might have happened with those files (a number of things I guess, but I'm pretty sure I didn't delete them by mistake), but what I'm really interested in is transferring them from my iPad to my MacBook... how do I do this?

"I am very afraid of losing valuable video I have taken with my camcorder."  Always make a backup of your iMovie events, projects and library folders.  Especially before changing OS or iMovie versions.  A memory stick will do if its big enough.
1.  By default iMovie 9 stores its events at ~/Movies/iMovie events ( and projects at ~/Movies/iMovie projects). 
iMovie 10 stores its events and projects in libraries, by default at  ~/Movies/<library name>.imovielibrary.  iMovie 10 libraries are packages, the contents of which can be seen by right-clicking "Show package contents".
I think you must have updated some events and projects to iMovie 10 but not all.  Updated ones will appear in both locations.  Non-updated ones will only be in the imovie 9 folders.
What you see in iMovie 10 is the contents of the libraries which are open, read from the libraries themselves. (You can have more than one library).
2.  Transferring a library to an external HD is done from within iMovie 10.  Details at:
I hope this helps

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    I take most my videos on my iPhone 4 now. I notice I can download them in iPhoto. They then show up in iMovie.
    #1 - are they working off the same database/same files or is it copied over into iMovie?
    I just purchased Aperture 3. It is supposed to work with video files.
    I also do use a handheld HD video recorder on rare occasions, but haven't used it in a while to be honest.
    I was pondering all this and am wondering the best way to manage my video. I use Final Cut Express for most of my video editing, although I do now use iMovie some since I purchased a macbook pro.
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    And if I'm going to mix files from my iphone and hand held HD, I'm wondering the best way to basically download and manage video files.
    Suggestions appreciated.

    Saving into iPhoto certainly works. If you save it there, iMovie can access it, but iMovie will not duplicate it.
    You should have the option in Aperture to have Aperture be the default application and if so, your videos would be there. Once again, iMovie can see them and edit them without duplicating them.
    However, to me, the most straightforward way would be to import the movies directly from your phone into iMovie. Then you can use all the library management features of the iMovie Events.
    To do this, I would open the Image Capture Utility and plug in your iPhone. You should see the iPhone listed as a device in Image Capture. Right click on this device, and select iMovie as a default application. It has been a while since I did this, so that is approximate, but it should get you there.

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    Thanks for any advice and thoughts shared. It's been a long journey over the last few days to do backups, upgrade to Mountain Lion, buy Aperture, upgrade iPhoto, and read through countless discussions in these amazing forums. Hopefully, that first import is only around the corner.
    Message was edited by: Paddy99

    Paddy99 wrote:
    Thanks for your feedback Kirby.
    You're welcome.  Sorry more knowledgeable folks haven't chirped up.
    You're right, getting a larger internal drive is the way forward. It appears that (from Apple) 750 GB seems to be one of the largest sizes
    I would call OWC (or browse the site) and see what the largest drive you can install is.  You might also look into replacing your system drive with an SSD, and putting a large drive in place of the Super Drive (if you have on).
    750 GB should be big enough to comfortably hold your currently-being-worked-on video files.  If it's not, you should probably upgrade to a Mac Pro.
    You can put not-currently-being-worked-on files on external storage (in Aperture-speak, convert them from Managed Originals to Referenced Originals).  Aperture makes it very easy to convert your Originals from Managed to Referenced and back.
    (Just to be clear, the distinction is whether or not the files are inside the Aperture Library package.  You could have Referenced Originals on your system drive.)
    I've currently got a mid-2010 MBP, so i think there's a USB2.0 and a Firewire 800 port. I presume getting a External HD connected via Firewire 800 is a good temp solution.
    Yes, it is.  FW-800 works fine for Libraries and for Referenced Originals.  I don't recommend relying on USB-2 (FW-400 is OK as a part-time compromise).  Note that the performance needed for a Library is much higher than that needed for Referenced Originals (they are read into system RAM).  If you need to cut corners, the first place to do it with the storage for your Referenced Originals.
    There must be many other video heavy iPhone users who come across this issue with iPhoto or Aperture, but it's strange that there aren't too many discussions about this topic.
    Aperture is really a photography workflow tool.  The DAM is excellent -- and it can handle video.  But nearly everyone who works regularly with video uses other programs for their workflow.
    Message was edited by: Kirby Krieger -- corrected formatting.

  • Managing video format ...

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    Thanks in advance.

    2. burn the file to a rewritable DVD and play it on my DVD player
    Do you intend to use iDVD for this? If that's the case it won't matter a lot which format you use as iDVD will reduce the image down to 640 x 480 during the encoding before burning. This post describes the formats supported by iDVD:
    I suggest you pose your question in the iDVD forum and the iMovie forum to get more info.
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto (iPhoto.Library for iPhoto 5 and earlier versions) database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger or later), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. There are versions that are compatible with iPhoto 5, 6, 7 and 8 libraries and Tiger and Leopard. Just put the application in the Dock and click on it whenever you want to backup the dB file. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.
    NOTE: The new rebuild option in iPhoto 09 (v. 8.0.2), Rebuild the iPhoto Library Database from automatic backup" makes this tip obsolete.

  • A series of video files (0001.MTS to 0005.MTS) were imported into premiere, when moved to timeline premiere combined them and made them look like one long clip nmed 0001.MTS. Multiple motion edits and opacity edits were made. When project manager moved th

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    I did not nest any clips or sequences, premiere just seemed to combine the clips under one name when I moved them to timeline.
    I am using CS5.

    A series of video files (0001.MTS to 0005.MTS) were imported into premiere, when moved to timeline premiere combined them and made them look like one long clip named 0001.MTS. Multiple motion edits and opacity edits were made. When project manager moved the project, the actual video content of 0002.MTS to 0005.MTS was missing(source clips are still there but they were playing and working as part of that 0001.MTS timeline clip before). Those parts of the 0001.MTS clip in the timeline were Danger Striped and can be relinked but now have no edits anymore. The edits are apparently only linked with the original 0001.MTS source clip but extend beyond the actual range of the actual source clip. At the time I thought it was weird that premiere displayed the whole string of clips as one (with one name and no breaks) but it all works in the original project file but cannot be transferred to another location without multiple clips showing Danger Stripes.I need to move it and preserve the dozens of motion and opacity edits linked to the apparently oversized timeline clip. HELP!! any ideas?
    I did not nest any clips or sequences, premiere just seemed to combine the clips under one name when I moved them to timeline.
    I am using CS5.

  • Import and Management of Video Files by Date Still Broken

    It really is very disappointing that after 3 versions, and 110 bug fixes, basic things like importing or managing a video file by date is still completely broken.
    Even more troubling, is that for someone who uses LR3 this is a very obvious problem, and should be very easy to fix.
    When you import a file on a wide range of cameras the date that is used for the video file as far as LR3 is concerned is the date you are importing it, not the date it was taken. This makes any management of the file, especially when managed next to pictures, very difficult.
    The problem, as far as I can tell, is that in Windows, a file has both a 'Date Created' and a 'Date Modified'. 'Date Created' is whenever the file was created on the PC. If you bought a new computer and transferred a bunch of files over on 30/12/2010, all of your files will have a 'Date Created' that is 30/12/2010 regardless of when the photos or videos were taken. Or if you take a video on September 1st and import it onto your computer September 15th, it will have a 'Date Created' of September 15th.
    'Date Modified' however lists the date that the file was last changed. For video files, that most likely was the date the video was shot.
    Every program I have ever used for video files has always organized them by Date Modified (when organizing them by date). For example, its the default in Windows 7 Explorer when showing video files, all the video files listed by the date you have taken them. Date Created really doesnt have any useful information.
    Its inexplicable to me why LR3 uses Date Created instead of Date Modified. It is a glaring error, that should be easily fixed. Microsoft can manage to do it right, as a byproduct in its OS, Im not sure why an imaging company in a $400 piece of specialist software cannot.
    And just in case this is overlooked as a minor problem, it certainly is not. It happens to the following cameras:
    D90 (first camera to shoot video)
    D3s (thought by many to be the best low light camera)
    D7000 (likely to be Nikon's most important DSLR)
    D3100 (likely to be Nikon's most purchased DSLR)
    Canon S95 (one of 2 most popular P+S for DSLR owners)
    Fuji 31fd (Ill never forget you!)
    And those are just the cameras I have on my desk, Im sure it happens to many others.
    Also, when importing these files by date, LR3 will import them into a folder 1 date later then the date that LR3 is using for the file. So, just to be clear, you could take a video on May 1st, import it into LR3 on May 2nd and LR3 would say it was taken May 2nd, and it would be placed in the folder for May 3rd.
    Im really not sure why something so basic has not been addressed in so long, and it makes any sort of managment of video files by date in LR3 useless.
    Very disappointing.

    I agree that the wrong file system date is being used. But I scanned all my Lightroom files (manually) tagged with 'video'. When the file contains suitable metadata with a capture time that is used. When that's missing, the (wrong) file system date is used.
    Interestingly I even found one camera where the dates were originally right (in 2009), then disappeared for a while (probably due to a firmware upgrade!) and then came back again. Summary of what I found:
    Very old (Philips) webcam / format AVI / no metadata visible / wrong date
    Canon Powershot A80 / format AVI / metadata visible / right date
    Nokia N73 cellphone / format MP4 / no metadata / wrong date
    Canon EOS 5D Mark II around 2009 / format MOV / metadata visible / right date
    Canon EOS 5D Mark II around 2010 / format MOV / no metadata / wrong date
    Canon EOS 5D Mark II around 2011 / format MOV / metadata visible / right date
    So my conclusion is that the camera makers are making a bit of a mess when they introduced video. Nikon introduced its video a year or so later than Canon. I don't know if "no metadata" means that there is none, or that Adobe just doesn't like the format. But given the pattern of the firmware updates with Canon, it looks like Canon and Adobe ultimately agreed on the format. But in any case Lightroom (I am using 3.4.1) has a bug w.r.t. its fallback scenario of reading file system dates.
    In my case, the dates changed when I copied all my data from one disk (old NAS) to a new one (new NAS). It is disconcerting that you get the copying date despite comparison tools declaring the files to be identical (Beyond Compare 3 also keeps an eye on date differences).
    Hope this helps, Peter

  • Itune managing versus reference managing of music/video files

    Question for does with large music and video/movie files on external drives. Do you find it easier to allow itunes to manage the files or do you manage the files yourself? If using itunes only as a reference files management tool to point to the media files you have on an external drive, can you still put your music/movie files on your iphone or ipod? Do you feel you have better advantage because you can put the metadata in yourself? Trying to figure out the best solution available in 2012 for managing my media files.

    any of the pro have a suggestion of what they do at home?

  • Why can't I delete this video file from my trash can?

    I have a video file that I will not disappear from my trash can when I click the "empty track" button. I managed to move the folder containing the video file from documents to the trash after a lot of effort, but it kept telling me that I didn't have the privileges necessary to delete the video permanently. Now the video file is sitting inside a folder inside the trash can where I can't move anywhere else. If I try to move it anywhere else, it simply copys to that folder but stays inside the original stays in the trash can as well, but I can still delete the copy and the original stays sitting in the trash can. Can anyone help me so I can get rid of this file once and for all.

    ho yeah .. i know that, but i tried even in a low quality and it's not worked.
    Maybe it's related to the TimeQuick?

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    I've done my best to search for a solution, but I have come up with nothing.
    Whenever I try to load any video files (.mov, .mp4, .avi, etc) Quicktime Player 10.1 opens, but no video file is displayed. Same results if I use the "open" command from within Quicktime. All of the videos play fine in VLC.
    The only exception to this rule is when viewing a trailer on If I "download" an HD trailer, Quicktime opens and begins to stream the trailer, however the ram runs away (8+gb instantly) and the computer starts chugging very badly.
    In the old days I would have just reinstalled quicktime, however with how deeply it is integrated into Lion I am unsure of how to proceed (short of a clean install). Thanks in advance!

    markjreynolds1992 wrote:
    Is there any way to force an install the latest from nVidia or is this a bad idea?
    A previous poster with a Toshiba posted how he installed a generic driver. If I recall it was
    Uninstall the graphics driver.
    Remove the display driver from Device Manager.
    Reboot declining prompts to install a driver.
    Run the generic installer program.
    I'll see if I can find the original post, I had it in my clipboard manager but that has the unfortunate habit of killing off its database every few months
    Insanity is hereditary, you get it from your children

  • Premier Elements 7.0 doesn't seem to recognize my video files on my Canon Rebel T5i...?! HELP!

    I have tried to load the video files into Elements directly from my camera AND from a folder on my Windows PC, but no matter what Elements doesn't recognize these files and won't let me add them to any projects. Any suggestions?  thanks in advance!

    I can't install the gspot program as I have a "managed" computer (work computer)...sorry!
    When I plug the camera into my PC (running Windows 7) it pops up and I can see that all the video files are .mov files. I can play them through windows media player just fine. When I go to "add media" in elements, i get the "no valid files found".
    I have tried to save the files in a folder, and same thing..."no valid files".
    This is the first time I've used this software--it was just added to my computer. When I open the program I get the message (second image) not sure if this has anything to do with the issue.
    I'm not the most technical person (probably obvious)...but usually have no problem navigating new technology..!  thank you!

  • I have an old mpg video file, taken with a very early model "smart phone", that opens and plays fine in my newly "rebuilt" iPhoto library. I cannot open, edit it or share it with any other software. How can I fix it, to be able to do anything with it?

    I have an old mpg video file, taken with a very early model "smart phone", that opens and plays fine in my newly "rebuilt" iPhoto library. I cannot open, edit it or share it with any other software. How can I fix it, to be able to do anything with it?
    I've recently purchaced a 4TB Thunderbolt drive to store my "vast" music and photo libraries. iPhoto had an issue reading the moved library, so I bought and used iPhoto Library Manager to "rebuild" it. Apart from much of the original data such as date taken & camera used etc, it appears to be working well. The aforementioned mpg video was taken some 9 years ago, using an early model "iMate" smart phone, and opens and plays fine on iPhoto, but I cannot open it with anything else, (I've tried iMovie, VLC players, Wondershare and Handbrake) nor can I share it. I just want to edit it, and share it with family.
    Any help would be appreciated...

    No - not iMovie, VLC, Wondershare or Handbrake... Quick time starts with a "CONVERTING", then I get
    I've looked at the "tell me more" links, tried downloading some of the movie players there. I'm begining to think the file is corrupt.
    Thanks for getting back to me again though - appreciate it...

  • I need to get some video files onto my iphone from a computer that does not have my itunes library on it

    Currently I am away from home, and using a computer that does not have my main itunes library on it. I do, however, have some video files on this computer that I would like to place onto my phone for the drive home tomorrow. Unfortunately,  It seems there is no way to do this without completely wiping my iPhone and replacing it with this computers empty library, as the "manage content manually" feature apparently requires me to do this. Is there any way to just add some mp4s to my iphone without erasing all of its data?.

    ManSinha wrote:
    What kind of computer?
    On a Windows PC plugging in your phone will invoke the Autoplay dialog which also gives some options
    But only if iTunes is installed on the computer and is paired as a trusted device. Which the OP does not want to do.

  • ITunes 11 -  I can't manually manage my files.  Is there a work around?  I have manually manage clicked.  I  win7 32.  It worked after awhile after updating then it just stopped.  I have reinstalled 11 but the same issue ocurred!

    Sorry this is the 1st time and I don't know what to do.  I have lost the ability to manually manage my music/video files.  After upgrading it worked for a few days as I was adding music to my phone.  After 2 days,  I couldn't anymore.  I have windows 7 ultimate 32, iTunes 11,  and iPhone 4 on 6.0.1.  With the iPhone connected, under the summary page, manually manger is clicked.  iTunes Match is off in iTunes and on phone.  I have uninstalled and reinstalled.  Copied my media back into the media folder.  I have also done a factory reset and restored from back up and still can't add music manually.  All my music is stored on an external be aide the media folder is in the primary hard drive.    I can try adding to the iTunes library and add that way without manually adding each song but I feel that defeats the purpose.  I'm in contact with individual DJs that make their own music and yes it is sold intubes and that was never the issue before.  I will do a factory reset on the phone,  so a clean install of 11 again and just add my apps back but I don't know what else to do.  Also, I am only using one computer to manage my files and it is the only computer authorized for my phone.  There is no other computer!  I am open to any ideas. 
    Thank you in advance
    Caliph3001. -

    I mean that the dj's create their own music and the music isn't sold in iTunes. Also, I have done the factory reset clean, installation of Itunes 11 (*lost all of my apps - yeah the back up i have didn't have all the apps or they are read as apps but said that they are missing - redownloading them now the ones that can be retrieved now) and it still gives me the black "no" arrow when trying to drag and drop - but I have figured that I would just copy the files into the main library, but it defeats the purpose of having an external with all my files. Is there away to get iTunes to recognize my hd as the library?  A new issue developed, it kept saying that it was connected to another library and to connect it would have to erase everything on the phone so I agreed.  And it seems to be fine now besides the copy and paste.  I have added a few more issues that risen since this began below.
    A few more questions:
    After a clean installation:  I have lost most of the paid apps.  Does Itunes back up a history or was it stricly on my computer?  Some of these were paid apps and I dont want to have to purchase them again.  There should be something connected to your name within the store account that stores all the purcchase you have made and allow you to redownload them as in the playstation network.  Also, how do people retrieve lost apps if the only back up was on their computer that crashed? Is there any to get Itunes to recognize my external HD as a library of my music? 

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