break lines

I have made a java application and its requires severals libraries to run.
I tried to use a file to determinate the location of these libraries, but, when the jar file was created the line of the classpath, in the manifest file, was broke in the middle of libraries' names and the appliccation can't recognizes the libraries that where after the line break.
I had to copy all the others libraries to the lib/ext directory under the java_home directory in order to application run.
I noticed that the classpath line was being broke in the 70th collumm ever.
I want to know what I could do to solve this problem.

You need to understand the specification to understand why your Jar file lines are broken where they are. The important part is that lines are 72 characters or less and are followed by a new line.
Another really important part of the Jar file specification is that the classpath specification tell you what filesystem classes and jars are needed, not jars or classes that are in the Jar itself. I'm not a fan of that at all but that is the way it is.
What is building your manifest? It is best to do it with something like Ant to make sure it is correct.
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    Hi sadavisa,
    follow my program:
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          gv_result TYPE string,
          gv_len TYPE i,
          gv_div TYPE f,
          gv_num_lin TYPE i,
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    gv_len = STRLEN( gv_string ).
    IF gv_len <= 40.
      WRITE gv_string.
      gv_div = gv_len / 40.
      gv_num_lin = CEIL( gv_div ).
      gv_count = 1.
      WHILE gv_num_lin => gv_count.
        IF gv_num_lin = sy-index. "this code is executed only in the last time
          CONCATENATE gv_result gv_string INTO gv_result.
          gv_count = gv_count + 1.
        gv_40 = gv_string+40(1).
        gv_39 = gv_string+39(1).
        gv_38 = gv_string+38(1).
        gv_37 = gv_string+37(1).
        gv_36 = gv_string+36(1).
        gv_35 = gv_string+35(1).
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        ELSEIF gv_39 = space.
          gv_position = 39.
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          gv_position = 38.
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          gv_position = 36.
          PERFORM update_variables USING gv_position.
        ELSEIF gv_35 = space.
          gv_position = 35.
          PERFORM update_variables USING gv_position.
        gv_count = gv_count + 1.
    write gv_result.
    *&      Form  UPDATE_VARIABLES
          Update variables
         -->P_POSITION  text
    form UPDATE_VARIABLES  using p_position type i.
      CONCATENATE gv_result gv_string(p_position) cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf INTO gv_result.
      gv_len_upd = gv_len - p_position.
      gv_string = gv_string+p_position(gv_len_upd).
      CONDENSE gv_string.
      gv_count = gv_count + 1.
    endform.                    " UPDATE_VARIABLES
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    PDFs are another animal entirely. Try adjusting the width of the column under the Print Attributes tab of the report.
    If that doesn't work you'll probably need to create custom XSL-FO layouts which, depending on the tools you have at your disposal, could take some time.

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    Hi Imran,
    I have done a similar exercise for BPA price breakup.. Let me know if you need that as reference. I can share that :).. Please provide your personal mail id..
    S.P DASH

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    It make no difference if you get the html from a file ot directly in your code as literal. HTML support in JLabel always works

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    nferreri wrote:
    This good and all until you try exporting to CSV and see a bunch of <br> in your data. :(
    Going to continue searching to see if there is another option... would like to get line breaks (char 10) working so it's nice in exports but interactive report columns dont allow for CSS formatting either.See +{message:id=10404268}+
    But please: DO NOT post follow-ups to closed/ancient threads.
    Posting follow-ups to ancient threads/departed users is NOT an effective way of getting help:
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    Post your requirements as a new thread, including at least the following information:
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  • Break line in sending mail program

    Hi All,
    I am creating sending mail program, its working fine but  for that i have problem in break line.
    my code is below:
    doc_chng-obj_descr = 'SAP test mail'.
    Mail Contents
         loop at itab..
        CONCATENATE 'sap test mail UPDATED:' ''
      INTO it_objtxt SEPARATED BY space.
      APPEND it_objtxt.
      CONCATENATE 'test1:' SPACE itab-KOKRS
      INTO it_objtxt SEPARATED BY space.
      APPEND it_objtxt.
      CONCATENATE 'test2:' SPACE itab-KSTAR
      INTO it_objtxt SEPARATED BY space.
      APPEND it_objtxt.
      if int = 16.
        CONCATENATE 'test3:' space  itab-objnr
        INTO it_objtxt SEPARATED BY space.
        APPEND it_objtxt.
    output is:
    sap test mail
    sap test mail
    but i want blank line after 1 entry like below
    sap test mail
    sap test mail
    so please guide me.... i used skip and new-line statement but its not working...
    Thanks in advance

    Add a blank line at the end of the loop.
    loop at itab..
    CONCATENATE 'sap test mail UPDATED:' ''
    INTO it_objtxt SEPARATED BY space.
    APPEND it_objtxt.
    INTO it_objtxt SEPARATED BY space.
    APPEND it_objtxt.
    INTO it_objtxt SEPARATED BY space.
    APPEND it_objtxt.
    if int = 16.
    CONCATENATE 'test3:' space itab-objnr
    INTO it_objtxt SEPARATED BY space.
    APPEND it_objtxt.
    * Add a blank line
    clear lt_objtxt.
    append it_objtxt.
    Rich Heilman

  • Setting break lines

    Hi all
    I want to know how to insert a blank line between the first line of column labels and lines of column values in a group-left report . And is it also possible to break line between each result set records ?
    Thank you.

    For the blank lines between each record, you will want to modify the Vertical Spaces between Records property on the repeating frame. This will determine how much space is printed between each record. I think it goes by whatever you have in your measurement settings. I just plug in numbers and see how i like it.
    You may also want to try modifying the Horizontal Space property for the repeating frame with the column headings. This may create the space you are looking for.
    This stuff is hard to picture without seeing it, so I'm taking a stab here! And if all else fails, run the report, and when in the live-previewer, set flex mode on, and start stretching your columns/rows to the way you want it!
    Good luck!

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    U say "break line",is it a seperator?
    If YES,then u may assign the property of the menu item to be a seperator.It is displayed as the seperator of the WINDOWS.
    Hope this can help u.

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    For example :
    It displays by SOP()statement as
    No error
    No restarts
    No marked completed
    but in web page it displays as
    Successful No error No restarts No marked completed.
    please provide the code that support in jsp file so that the output statement should like as SOP()statement output type.
    Thanks in advance.

    I guess you want to display CRLF (\r\n) in JSP?
    Line breaks in HTML are generally represented as < br >.
    You have 3 options:
    1) replace CRLF by < br >.
    2) style the line using CSS with 'white-space' set to 'pre'.
    3) surround the line with the HTML < pre > tag.

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    "Develop, manage and implement all Brand research projects requiring support and leadership.
    <br>Specifically manage research requirements arising from pre-launch and post-launch phase which will include qualitative and quantitative projects. <br> Working alongside the team and in collaboration with all Group Brand stockholders.
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    2. when '<br>'  string is found.
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    Thanks a lot.


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    #chr(13)##chr(10)#  or  chr(13) & chr(10) not creating line break in coldfusion.
    How are you arriving at this conclusion?  Where's some code that demonstrates this?
    You should perhaps read these:
    Centric to these forums:
    More general:

  • Breaking line in column header

    How can I break the line in column header for two lines?

    Hi michael,
    As per my knowledge the webdynpro accomodates the text you given as column header.I did so many experiments on this in my previous developement.There is no option to break the column header.See one thing if the number of columns are more in your table and the headers are too large and if you restrict the table size then this might will break the column header because of  table width.I am not sure.But there is no options to control this by the developer.This is totally the results of my experiments.If you acheive this please give me the procedure.
    Thanks and regards
    venkatakalyan K

  • Break line in SQL report

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    How could i break the contonous line and display the same in multiple lines.
    thanks in advance.
    Narender B

    Hi Aditya,
    Am using following query in sql report
    SELECT message ||' Updated BY ' || user_name || ' On ' || to_char (last_update_date,'MM/DD/YY') message
    This message column has huge data with spaces like *abcd xxxxx yyxs xxxxxx ttttttt abchd ddfjkllglrhr[kng;lrthrthkmrp gkjoph fegjhgignrtmblk*  and this huge data not able to fit in the screen so, we need to create multiple lines to fit in the screen.
    How can i create multiple lines in report.
    Narender B                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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