Manifest.xml - Manifest file in Captivate 6

I am publishing a course and uplaoding it to my LMS using SCORM 2004 and it says the Manifest file (manifest.xml) could not be found and the page thus cannot be found. Does anyone know how to fix this or could walk me through what I did wrong?

If the Captivate publish dialog shows that it is zipping the files, then unzip one of them again yourself and see if you can see a file called imsmanifest.xml at the top level of the folder structure.

Similar Messages

  • Publishing in Captivate 3, SCORM 1.2, no manifest file...

    I’m using Captivate 3, publishing to FLASH/SWF with SCORM 1.2 enabled. I’m only getting a zip with two swf files and nothing else.
    I’ve selected Quiz Results only, Score to LMS as Percent, Report Pass/Fail with Reporting level as Interactions and score.
    I’ve required Answer all – the user must answer every question to continue
    Selected Allow user to review quiz, show score at end of quiz and show progress
    In LMS Customization settings, nothing is selected.
    When I access Advanced Interaction there are nothing but blank spaces in the Track Score column for the Quiz slides.
    I believe this is why when I publish I’m not getting a manifest file, but I have run out of ideas.

    On your Quiz Settings select:
    Status Representation
    Success/Completion Criteria
    Report slides viewed = 100%
    Uncheck Quiz
    Uncheck Data to Report/Interation Data
    Click the Advanced button and select "Set extit to normal after completion".

  • SCORM manifest files

    when i publish a project in Captivate 2, the manifest file
    that generates is titled 'breeze-manifest', and it won't import
    into our Pathlore LMS... in the 'reporting' window i have the
    'scorm' radio button selected and completed all the required fields
    in the 'manifest' area... can anyone help me figure out why i'm
    getting the breeze-manifest stuff instead of the manifest
    information for the course?...

    In Order to generate the imsmanifest.xml which will contain
    the information for SCORM, you MUST have atleast one scoring object
    in your project. That is either a question slide or any interactive
    object (like button/click box) with tracking enabled.
    To enable the tracking for an interactive object, go to the
    reporting tab of the object (from object properties) and tick -
    Include in Quiz and reporting.
    After this when you publish the project with HTML you will
    see the manifest XML file in the published location.

  • Need help with a manifest file

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    I have a batch file that runs the application without any problem, but when I try to create a manifest with the main class attribute copied char by char from my batch file and run it, I get a message "could not find the main class".
    I been browsing the web for the past 4 hours* now and the only type of answers I see for that problem is something like this:
    ...Main-Class... "${main.class}".
    This type of solution is worthless to me, since it doesn't tell me why my path is correct when I use the .bat file and incorrect when used in a .jar file.

    I read there the related topics.
    However, it wasn't even close to being helpful.
    I'm using ant and the inner build.xml syntax is probably eluding me somewhere.
    In fact, if it was possible to find an example build file that was written for ant 1.6 or later and contains the Main-Class attribute (I've seen some examples that contain an example file, but none of them contained the Main-Class attribute, and I found some Main-Class examples but none of them showed where they should go or how they should appear within the manifest file.
    I'm at the point when I'm about to give up the whole idea and provide the unprofessionally looking .bat file.
    I thank anyone who has put his mind to this issue, but if there is no build.xml example, I guess you can't help me.
    Thanks anyway.
    It's frustrating to see how the most flexible language there is to work with when coding, becomes next to impossible to work with when you need to deploy it.
    Update, 30.04.2008:
    I have managed to figure out that the problem wasn't with the main class, but with the classpath.
    I run the program from Intellij, and everything works perfectly. I use a batch file, and perfect. I try to use an Ant generated jar with the classpath attribute set exactly like the batch file's paths, and nothing.
    There is no error message either.
    The classpath is located under "/lib/*.jar" in the distribution directory, where the "program.jar" is located.
    I have come to the point that i would pay to see a proper working build.xml and to see the relative and absolute paths of the classpath.
    This is actually harder than developing an extremely rich server application.
    Edited by: omerk76 on Apr 30, 2008 11:04 AM

  • Powershell: How do I upload files with metadata from a manifest file?

    I am using the script from this blog to try to upload files into SharePoint, using a manifest file to specify the metadata associated with each file. Right now, the script works, but is not populating
    the metadata from the manifest (xml) file. When I write the $metadataManifest variable out to the console, I get the contents of my xml file, so the code is reading the file when it should. However when it gets to the line in bold ($metadataManifest.Columns.Column),
    it does not go into that just skips on to checkin the file. Again the $metadataManifest variable shows all the content in my xml manifest file. Here is what the script looks like...
    #Get web and document library objects
    $web = Get-SPWeb "http://companySite"
    $Library = "My Library"
    $docLibrary = $web.Lists[$Library]
    $ManifestFilePath = "C:\PowerShellScripts\Manifest.xml"
    $LocalPath = "C:\Upload\Test Upload\My Upload Directory\"
    if ($ManifestFilePath)
    $metadataManifest = (Get-Content ($ManifestFilePath))
    write-host "Manifest file: " $metadataManifest
    write-host "Manifest file not specified for categorising uploaded documents"
    #Check for the LibraryStartFolder parameter to specify a root folder
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('LibraryStartFolder')) {
    $folder = $web.GetFolder($docLibrary.Title + $LibraryStartFolder)
    $folder = $docLibrary.RootFolder
    #Attach to local folder and enumerate through all files
    if($IncludeSubFolders) {
    $files = Get-ChildItem $LocalPath -Recurse
    $files = Get-ChildItem $LocalPath
    $files | ForEach-Object {
    #Check if the object is a folder - if so, create it in doc library
    if ($_.PSIsContainer) {
    if (($IncludeSubFolders) -and (!$FlattenStructure)) {
    #Generate folder path for creation in SharePoint
    #by looking at the parent folder on the local path
    $spFolderPath = ($_.Parent.FullName.Replace($LocalPath,"")).Replace("\","/")
    #Get the folder into which the new folder will be created
    #by adding the folder path generated above, if one existed
    if ($spFolderPath -eq "") {
    $currentFolder = $web.GetFolder($folder.Url)
    $currentFolder = $web.GetFolder($folder.Url + $spFolderPath)
    #Check to see if subfolder already exists
    #and create it if not
    $testFolder = $currentFolder.SubFolders[$_.Name]
    if ($testFolder -eq $null) {
    write-host "`nAdding folder" $_.Name "to" $docLibrary.Title "in" $web.Title "..." -foregroundcolor Green
    $newFolder = $currentFolder.SubFolders.Add($_.Name)
    write-host "`nFolder" $_.Name "already exists in" $docLibrary.Title "and shall not be created" -foregroundcolor Red
    #Generate file path for upload into SharePoint
    if ($FlattenStructure) {
    $spFilePath = ("/" + $_.Name)
    $spFilePath = ($_.FullName.Replace($LocalPath,"")).Replace("\","/")
    $spFullPath = $folder.Url + "/" + $spFilePath
    #Check if the file exists and the overwrite option is selected before adding the file
    if ((!$web.GetFile($spFullPath).Exists) -or ($Overwrite)) {
    #Add file
    write-host "`nCopying" $_.Name "to" $spFullPath.Replace("/" + $_.Name,"") "in" $web.Title "..." -foregroundcolor Green
    $spFile = $folder.Files.Add($spFullPath, $_.OpenRead(), $true)
    #$spFile = $folder.Files.Add($folder.Url + "/" + $file.Name, [System.IO.Stream]$fileStream, $true)
    $spItem = $spFile.Item
    #Walk through manifest XML file and configure column values on the file
    $metadataManifest.Columns.Column | ForEach-Object {
    #Single value text columns
    if (($_.Type -eq "Text") -or
    ($_.Type -eq "Choice") -or
    ($_.Type -eq "Boolean") -or
    ($_.Type -eq "Number") -or
    ($_.Type -eq "Currency")) {
    $columnName = $_.Name
    write-host "Setting value on column"$columnName "..." -foregroundcolor Blue
    $_.Values.Value | ForEach-Object {
    $spItem[$columnName] = $_
    write-host "Value set to"$_
    catch {}
    #Multiple line text column
    catch {}
    #Multiple choice columns
    catch {}
    #Hyperlink columns
    catch {}
    #Single User column
    catch {}
    #Multiple User column
    catch {}
    #Single value Managed Metadata column
    catch {}
    #Multi value Managed Metadata column
    catch {}
    #Update document with new column values
    #Check in file to document library (if required)
    #MinorCheckIn=0, MajorCheckIn=1, OverwriteCheckIn=2
    if ($CheckIn) {
    if ($spFile.CheckOutStatus -ne "None") {
    $spFile.CheckIn("File copied from " + $filePath, 1)
    write-host $spfile.Name"checked in"
    #Approve file (if required)
    if ($Approve) {
    if ($spItem.ListItems.List.EnableModeration -eq $true) {
    $spFile.Approve("File automatically approved after copying from " + $filePath)
    if ($spItem["Approval Status"] -eq 0) { write-host $spfile.Name"approved" }
    write-host "`nFile"$_.Name "already exists in" $spFullPath.Replace("/" + $_.Name,"") "and shall not be uploaded" -foregroundcolor Red
    And here is what the manifest file looks like...
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Column Name="Column1" Type="Text">
    <Value>First File</Value>
    <Column Name="Column2" Type="Text">
    <Column name="Column3" type="Text">
    <Value>Some Data</Value>
    <Column name="Column4" type="Text">
    <Value>More Data</Value>
    <Column Name="Column1" Type="Text">
    <Value>Second File</Value>
    <Column Name="Column2" Type="Text">
    <Column name="Column3" type="Text">
    <Value>Some Data2</Value>
    <Column name="Column4" type="Text">
    <Value>More more Data</Value>
    I can't figure out what am doing wrong...why my script is not iterating through the manifest file to upload the document along with the metadata. I would really appreciate any help. Thanks

    Hi Spawn,
    Name should not be a problem.. I will probably post you the entire code (I modified it to meet your goals for having multiple column xml nodes as well)
    For the code snippet below:
    a. In powershell all my changes will have ## prefixed comments
    b. in XML I have changed one column name to "Name" to replicate your case and also added a parent node for making the xml well formed.
    and the SharePoint output
    Please see the code below
    $web = Get-SPWeb "http://intranet/sites/test"
    $Library = "My Library"
    $docLibrary = $web.Lists[$Library]
    $ManifestFilePath = "D:\Manifest.xml"
    $LocalPath = "D:\UploadPath\"
    if ($ManifestFilePath)
    ##read the xml file as an xml object
    [xml]$metadataManifest = (Get-Content ($ManifestFilePath))
    write-host "Manifest file: " $metadataManifest
    write-host "Manifest file not specified for categorising uploaded documents"
    #Check for the LibraryStartFolder parameter to specify a root folder
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('LibraryStartFolder')) {
    $folder = $web.GetFolder($docLibrary.Title + $LibraryStartFolder)
    $folder = $docLibrary.RootFolder
    #Attach to local folder and enumerate through all files
    if($IncludeSubFolders) {
    $files = Get-ChildItem $LocalPath -Recurse
    $files = Get-ChildItem $LocalPath
    $files | ForEach-Object {
    #Check if the object is a folder - if so, create it in doc library
    if ($_.PSIsContainer) {
    if (($IncludeSubFolders) -and (!$FlattenStructure)) {
    #Generate folder path for creation in SharePoint
    #by looking at the parent folder on the local path
    $spFolderPath = ($_.Parent.FullName.Replace($LocalPath,"")).Replace("\","/")
    #Get the folder into which the new folder will be created
    #by adding the folder path generated above, if one existed
    if ($spFolderPath -eq "") {
    $currentFolder = $web.GetFolder($folder.Url)
    $currentFolder = $web.GetFolder($folder.Url + $spFolderPath)
    #Check to see if subfolder already exists
    #and create it if not
    $testFolder = $currentFolder.SubFolders[$_.Name]
    if ($testFolder -eq $null) {
    write-host "`nAdding folder" $_.Name "to" $docLibrary.Title "in" $web.Title "..." -foregroundcolor Green
    $newFolder = $currentFolder.SubFolders.Add($_.Name)
    write-host "`nFolder" $_.Name "already exists in" $docLibrary.Title "and shall not be created" -foregroundcolor Red
    #Generate file path for upload into SharePoint
    if ($FlattenStructure) {
    $spFilePath = ("/" + $_.Name)
    $spFilePath = ($_.FullName.Replace($LocalPath,"")).Replace("\","/")
    $spFullPath = $folder.Url + "/" + $spFilePath
    #Check if the file exists and the overwrite option is selected before adding the file
    if ((!$web.GetFile($spFullPath).Exists) -or ($Overwrite)) {
    #Add file
    write-host "`nCopying" $_.Name "to" $spFullPath.Replace("/" + $_.Name,"") "in" $web.Title "..." -foregroundcolor Green
    $spFile = $folder.Files.Add($spFullPath, $_.OpenRead(), $true)
    #$spFile = $folder.Files.Add($folder.Url + "/" + $file.Name, [System.IO.Stream]$fileStream, $true)
    $spItem = $spFile.Item
    ## ensure we pick the corresponding node in the columns xml (first file, first xml node, second file - second node likewise)
    #Walk through manifest XML file and configure column values on the file
    $metadataManifest.FileData.Columns[$counter].Column | ForEach-Object {
    #Single value text columns
    if (($_.Type -eq "Text") -or
    ($_.Type -eq "Choice") -or
    ($_.Type -eq "Boolean") -or
    ($_.Type -eq "Number") -or
    ($_.Type -eq "Currency")) {
    $columnName = $_.Name
    write-host "Setting value on column"$columnName "..." -foregroundcolor Blue
    $_.Values.Value | ForEach-Object {
    $spItem[$columnName] = $_
    write-host "Value set to"$_
    catch {}
    #Multiple line text column
    catch {}
    #Multiple choice columns
    catch {}
    #Hyperlink columns
    catch {}
    #Single User column
    catch {}
    #Multiple User column
    catch {}
    #Single value Managed Metadata column
    catch {}
    #Multi value Managed Metadata column
    catch {}
    #Update document with new column values
    ##increment the counter to read the next xml node
    #Check in file to document library (if required)
    #MinorCheckIn=0, MajorCheckIn=1, OverwriteCheckIn=2
    if ($CheckIn) {
    if ($spFile.CheckOutStatus -ne "None") {
    $spFile.CheckIn("File copied from " + $filePath, 1)
    write-host $spfile.Name"checked in"
    #Approve file (if required)
    if ($Approve) {
    if ($spItem.ListItems.List.EnableModeration -eq $true) {
    $spFile.Approve("File automatically approved after copying from " + $filePath)
    if ($spItem["Approval Status"] -eq 0) { write-host $spfile.Name"approved" }
    write-host "`nFile"$_.Name "already exists in" $spFullPath.Replace("/" + $_.Name,"") "and shall not be uploaded" -foregroundcolor Red
    and the xml file
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Column Name="Name" Type="Text">
    <Value>First File</Value>
    <Column Name="Column2" Type="Text">
    <Column name="Column3" type="Text">
    <Value>Some Data</Value>
    <Column name="Column4" type="Text">
    <Value>More Data</Value>
    <Column Name="Name" Type="Text">
    <Value>Second File</Value>
    <Column Name="Column2" Type="Text">
    <Column name="Column3" type="Text">
    <Value>Some Data</Value>
    <Column name="Column4" type="Text">
    <Value>More Data</Value>
    <Column Name="Name" Type="Text">
    <Value>Third File</Value>
    <Column Name="Column2" Type="Text">
    <Column name="Column3" type="Text">
    <Value>Some Data</Value>
    <Column name="Column4" type="Text">
    <Value>More Data</Value>
    <Column Name="Name" Type="Text">
    <Value>Fourth File</Value>
    <Column Name="Column2" Type="Text">
    <Column name="Column3" type="Text">
    <Value>Some Data</Value>
    <Column name="Column4" type="Text">
    <Value>More Data</Value>
    <Column Name="Name" Type="Text">
    <Value>Fifth File</Value>
    <Column Name="Column2" Type="Text">
    <Column name="Column3" type="Text">
    <Value>Some Data</Value>
    <Column name="Column4" type="Text">
    <Value>More Data</Value>
    Thanks and Regards,

  • "Could not find project's extension manifest file."

    I am trying to load the Illustrator SDK sample FreeGridUI.  In the documentation supplied by adobe, it says:
    1. In the IDE, choose File > Import > Flash Builder > Flash Builder Project.
    2. Select "Project folder" and browse to SDK_root\samplecode\FreeGridUI.
    3. Click Finish to import the project.
    4. Build the project.
    When I do that I get an error message that says:
    "Could not find project's extension manifest file. Make sure the manifest exists at .staged-extension/CSXS/manifest.xml."
    But as you can see from the attached screen shot, the manifest is in that exact location. 
    Also when I edit the manifest in the "bundle manifest editor" and then close the manifest tab, is asks me if I want to save the manifest.  When I choose yes and re-open the manifest... none of my changes have been saved.
    Anybody got any ideas?

       I feel stupid, but I also feel like adobe should feel stupid too.  Turns out I missed the "." at the beginning of the ".staged-extension" path.  But adobe put that folder in their sample without the "." in front.  So much for a "working sample."  Anyway, I dropped into terminal and did a "mv staged-exnestion .staged-extension" and now all is well.  Hope that helps someone.  Sorry for crying wolf.

  • Problem with manifest file and Plateau LMS

    I have published a course with a quiz in SCORM 1.2 and tried
    to upload to a Plateau LMS.
    It seems that a "page cannot be found" message is the result
    after upload and we try to launch the course. The course works
    outside the LMS (when run locally on my computer).
    The Plateau LMS support team tried to help, and found the
    following: "There is something wrong with this manifest, though I
    cannot ascertain what that is exactly. Most of the file name is in
    the parameter field, which is causing the launch path to look like
    Everything in the parameters field is placed after the
    filename in a URLencoded querystring after the question mark that
    you see above. it should look like this:
    /content/apmm/cbcgis/mars/BRTMAIN/MARS BRT Maintenance
    Template_ 20080226.htm"
    Can anyone please help resolve this, or have any advice?
    This is the first time we have tried uploading Captivate
    courses to this LMS, and we have been having problems with the
    manifest file in general. I have looked at all the material I can
    find on publishing and the manifest file, but cannot seem to
    resolve my issue.

    I have had this error with an Authorware set of SCORM files
    when my LMS was looking for index.htm and I had named it index.html
    - you wouldn't think that would cause an error but it did. I would
    be more than happy to package a Captivate file of just a few
    screens that works on my LMS (which is's Learning
    Center), and send you the SCORM files to test... That could be a
    start anyhow. I will send you a private msg. with my e-mail

  • Asdoc how to add a custom local namespace with manifest file?

    Hi there,
    I use the flex 4 beta1 sdk to test the following:
    I have:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Group xmlns:fx=""
        <views:AbcView id="abcView" right="20" />
    I tried to use a manifest file which seems to be how to handle this kind of situation (using ant):
        <arg line="-namespace views ${manifest.file}"/>
        <arg line="-doc-namespaces views"/>
    the manifest.xml contain the following:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
               <component id="AbcView" class="" />
    when I compile asdoc return the following error:
    ...MainScreen.mxml(52):  Error: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: AbcView
    Any idea how I can force asdoc to add/recognize AbcView.mxml ? Is my use of manifest file correct in this situation?
    Thank you in advance for your help.
    Best regards.

    >Do you have the source path defined?
    yes definitely.
    >and does it contains the folder that is parent of ?
    yes absolutely
    >Can you post your complete call to asdoc?
    Please find below the ant task I use:
    Thank you very much for your help.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <project name="asdoc" default="main" basedir=".">
        Properties Definitions
        <!-- The Location of Flex on your Computer -->
        <property name="Flex.dir" location="C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Flex Builder 3 Plug-in"/>
        <!-- The Location of FlexSDK on your Computer -->
        <property name="FlexSDK.dir" location="${Flex.dir}\sdks\"/>
        <!-- <property name="" location="${Flex.dir}\sdks\"/> -->
        <!-- The Location of ASDocs on your Computer -->
        <property name="asDocs.exe" location="${FlexSDK.dir}\bin\asdoc.exe"/>
        <!-- main path info -->   
            The Location of your Application Classes on your Computer
            NOTE: This Path should be relative to the build.xml file.
            NOTE: ${basedir} is an ant property that represents the directory holding the build.xml file
            NOTE: I have encountered issues with this folder containing Spaces
        <property name="AppClasses.dir" value='-doc-sources "${basedir}/src"'/>
        <property name="asdoc.source.paths" value='-source-path "${basedir}/src/"' />
        <!-- configs -->
        <property name="asdoc.config" value='-load-config="${FlexSDK.dir}/frameworks/flex-config.xml"' />
        <property name="sp.config" value='-load-config+="${basedir}/conditionalCompil.xml"' />
        <!-- additional path info -->   
        <property name="source.path.srcShared" value='-source-path+="D:/analogdesign/Clients/Minsh/flash/GIT-sources/minsh-flex-widget/s rcShared"' />
        <property name="libs.path" value='-external-library-path="${basedir}/libs"' />
        <!-- custom components -->
        <property name="manifest.file" location="${basedir}\ant\customCpnsManifest.xml" />
        <!-- branding data -->
        <property name="window.title" value='-window-title="Minsh API Documentation"' />
        <property name="main.title" value='-main-title="Minsh API Documentation"' />
            The Location you wish to output to on your Computer
            NOTE: I have encountered issues with this folder containing Spaces
            NOTE: This location gets DELETED and re-generated each time the build is run
        <property name="output.dir" location="${basedir}\output\AppDocs"/>
        <property name="asdoc.output" value='-output="${output.dir}"' />
        Execute the ASDoc Compile
    <target name="main" depends="clean,compile" description="full build of asdocs"/>
        DELETE the existing output folder and files and then re-generate the output folder
    <target name="clean">
        <delete dir="${output.dir}" failOnError="false" includeEmptyDirs="true"/>
        <mkdir dir="${output.dir}"/>
        Run the ASDoc executable and generate the ASDocs to the new output folder
    <target name="compile">
        <exec executable="${asDocs.exe}" failonerror="true">
            <arg line="${asdoc.config}"/>
            <arg line="${sp.config}"/>
            <arg line="${asdoc.source.paths}"/>
            <arg line="${AppClasses.dir}"/>
            <arg line="${libs.path}"/>
            <arg line="${source.path.srcShared}"/>
            <arg line="-namespace views ${manifest.file}"/>
            <arg line="-doc-namespaces views"/>
            <arg line="${window.title}"/>
            <arg line="${main.title}"/>
            <arg line="${asdoc.output}"/>
    Best regards.

  • Manifest file with packages

    I am trying to create a Jar that has a bean as well as a package (jaxp) that the bean uses. Do I need to put every file needed by the bean in the manifest file or can I just put the package?
    Here is my current manifest file:
    Manifest-Version: 1.0
    Name: XMLBean.class
    Java-Bean: True
    Name: javax/
    Name: javax/xml/
    Name: javax/xml/parsers/
    The Bean needs to access the javax.xml.parsers package. When I run the bean (being accessed via COM/VB) it complains that a class in that package is not found?
    Any help with creating the manifest file is helpful. is there a package tag that I dont know about?

    Can you please tell me what does these mean ? Are they something classpaths .
    I am having a problem in trying to point to classes used by an applet which are jarred and are in different packages.
    Name: javax/
    Name: javax/xml/
    Name: javax/xml/parsers/

  • Change manifest file in existing EAR file with ANT task

    I use ant task (ojdeploy) to create EAR files from ADF application.
    Now I want to add the application version number to MANIFEST.MF.
    Is it possible to do the manifest file modification IN THE EXISTING EAR FILE (or while creating the EAR file with ojdeploy) with ant task or do I have to do the modification in the source MANIFEST.MF and after this create EAR file with ojdeploy?
    BTW: I tried the <ear> task to create the EAR file instead of using ojdeploy but I was not able to find the needed deployment descriptor (appxml="application.xml") in my ADF appication.

    Hi Peter,
    I don't know of a way to do it directly in ANT/ojdeploy. However, you could try exploding the EAR, updating the manifest, and recreating the EAR - cumbersome and slow, but it should work.

  • Licensing and Manifest File

    We have two Lic for Adobe Captivate2. When we try to package
    a captivate demo using SCORM, only one lic will create the manifest
    file for us. Both Lic were purchased at the same time. Please help.
    We just found out that when we package the same captivate
    file using captivate Macromedia captivate, all the necessary files
    are created and loaded successfully into our LMS (Saba).
    Unfortunatlly, I cannot say the same thing about Adobe
    Captivate 2.

    AS I understand it, a manifest won't be generated if there's
    nothing to
    track. I always assumed that meant at least one interaction
    had to be
    marked as 'scored' and the Quiz Manager settings had to be
    (type of tracking, etc). I don't know if 'track by slide
    views' means a
    manifest will be generated or not...
    But you're suggesting that on one system, without any scored
    interactions and no Quiz Manager settings, that a manifest is
    generated with just 'track by slide views' checked?
    I'm not familiar enough to know if that's all that should be
    needed, nor
    if that option should result in a manifest.
    A common workaround for content that needs to be viewed but
    has no
    'quiz' is to place a scored interaction on the first slide
    that simply
    says something like 'Click here to begin'. Since everyone
    clicks to
    start the course, they automatically score 100%, which can be
    to a 'completed' status.
    hxdabbas wrote:
    > The settings are little bit different in both version. I
    tried my best to come
    > as close as possible. The zip file is produce but the
    manifest file is not
    > available. There is no quize to take. All I am trying to
    do is track by slide
    > views only option.
    > I was told that there are some updates for Captivate 2
    on the Adobe site that
    > I cannot find.
    Erik Lord
    Adobe Community Expert - Authorware -
    samples, tips, products, faqs, and links!
    *Search the A'ware newsgroup archives*

  • Deploying 2005 package to server with manifest file, but deployment wont see my config file?

    I have a package working and Ive installed it on one server, but cant seem to recall how I got it to see the config file Im using.  I tried using a manifest file but it simply wont pick up the config file when running through the wizard.  All Im
    doing is copying over the manifest file to the server, remoting into the server, then running the package deployment wizard from there.  Why would the config file not be seen?

    Hi Shiftbit,
    The issue occurs because you didn’t copy the XML Configurations file with the Manifest file and the packages to the new server. To install the manifest file in a new server, we must copy all of the following files:
    Manifest file
    .dtsx files of the packages
    XML Configurations files
    If we only copy the manifest file, the deployment will succeed without the package configurations stage but no packages will be installed in reality. If we only copy the Manifest file and the .dtsx files of the packages, the deployment succeeds without the
    package configurations stage, and the packages will be installed successfully actually. Only when we copy all of the three type files, the deployment can recognize the package configurations successfully and install the packages properly.
    Mike Yin
    TechNet Community Support

  • Problem building swc that contains s:SolidColor with manifest file

    Hi all,
    I have a problem compiling a library with the command line compiler. The problem is that when I don't use a Manifest file, everything compiles as expected. When I specify a Manifest file for building my swc, I get an error "Could not resolve <s:SolidColor> to a component implementation".
    My library consists of one class, which is: Test.mxml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Group xmlns:fx="" xmlns:s="library://">
      <s:Rect x="50" y="50" width="100" height="100">
          <s:SolidColor />
    This is my Manifest.xml
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
              <component id="Test" class="Test"/>
    This commands gives no error and results in a swc successfully
    compc -output TestLibrary.swf -include-classes Test -source-path .
    This commands leads to the error "Could not resolve <s:SolidColor> to a component implementation"
    compc -output TestLibrary.swf -include-classes Test -source-path . -compiler.namespaces.namespace http://test Manifest.xml -include-namespaces http://test
    I think this is the correct way of creating an swc using a Manifest file. Is this correct (so this is a bug?) or am I doing something wrong?

    There's nothing about that VI I can imagine causing an error on build. You might try doing a force compile of your app to track it down. Try opening up your top level VI, hold CTRL+Shift and hit the run arrow at the same time. If it gives you a broken arrow, you can bring up the error list to try to find it. Maybe this will help locate the problem. If you haven't already, might not hurt to do a mass compile of the SPC VI's also.

  • [svn:fx-trunk] 9711: The manifest files which should have gone with 9708 ( add TLFTextInput).

    Revision: 9711
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-08-27 13:33:22 -0700 (Thu, 27 Aug 2009)
    Log Message:
    The manifest files which should have gone with 9708 (add TLFTextInput).
    Add the base classes used in the TLFText.css selectors to the Halo manifest.
    Add TLFTextInput to the spark manifest.
    QE notes:
    Doc notes:
    Reviewer: Gordon
    Tests run: mx ColorPicker,DateField,ComboBox,NumericStepper and TextInput as well as checkintests
    one ColorPicker_events_toolTipHide failed - the timer does fire eventually but it seems to take much longer than the hideDelay=10000.
    Is noteworthy for integration: yes
    Modified Paths:

    Thats good news.

  • Validating Manifest File Error

    Upon publishing my file, I run it through the ReloadScormPlayer 1.2. and get the following error with the manifest file. Any ideas as what I need to do to fix this?
    Problem validating manifest
    (file:/D:/Documents%20and%20Settings/kawittrock/reload/reload-scorm-player/server/webapps/ reload-scorm-player/course-packages/2009%20Scoring/imsmanifest.xml: 95, 102): cvc-id.2: There are multiple occurrences of ID value 'ahs_cont_scor_062309'.
    (file:/D:/Documents%20and%20Settings/kawittrock/reload/reload-scorm-player/server/webapps/ reload-scorm-player/course-packages/2009%20Scoring/imsmanifest.xml: 95, 102): cvc-attribute.3: The value 'ahs_cont_scor_062309' of attribute 'identifier' on element 'item' is not valid with respect to its type, 'ID'.

    Upon publishing my file, I run it through the ReloadScormPlayer 1.2. and get the following error with the manifest file. Any ideas as what I need to do to fix this?
    Problem validating manifest
    (file:/D:/Documents%20and%20Settings/kawittrock/reload/reload-scorm-player/server/webapps/ reload-scorm-player/course-packages/2009%20Scoring/imsmanifest.xml: 95, 102): cvc-id.2: There are multiple occurrences of ID value 'ahs_cont_scor_062309'.
    (file:/D:/Documents%20and%20Settings/kawittrock/reload/reload-scorm-player/server/webapps/ reload-scorm-player/course-packages/2009%20Scoring/imsmanifest.xml: 95, 102): cvc-attribute.3: The value 'ahs_cont_scor_062309' of attribute 'identifier' on element 'item' is not valid with respect to its type, 'ID'.

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