Many Emails

A few days ago I signed up to the community to seek help - which I got.   But now I get an email telling me that someone has posted a questin or comment - and there are an awful lot of them.   Hw do I stop this flood please?

Hi, tonyabrown,
Here in the Community, check out My Settings -> Preferences -> un-check Automatically Subscribe Me to Topics I Participate In -> SAVE.
Was your question answered? Please click on the Accept as a Solution link so everyone can quickly find what works! Like a post or want to say, "Thank You" - ?? Click on the Kudos button!
Trustworthy information: Brian Krebs: 3 Basic Rules for Online Safety and Consumer Reports: Guide to Internet Security Online Safety Tip: Change your passwords often!

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    See this thread here
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    Up to 200 messages and 1000 recipients (see  This is because it's designed for personal rather than business use.

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    In you mailbox you have an edit button up top on the right, click that and a button will show up next to each email, then you click the button on all the emails you want to delete. 

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    Hi kellyo68596735,
    That capability is a function of PDFMaker, which is currently only available on Windows.

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    Have you checked this in Synchronization Preview? Did you see any error?
    Manuj Khurana

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    That ability went away with iOS7 for some reason.

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    May be it's solved in SP15 or SP16?
    Edited by: Sergey Aleksandrov on Jul 15, 2008 12:28 PM

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    That feature is not built into Firefox, in fact Firefox has no email features. Check your add-ons to see if any of them offer this feature.

  • Pre: Weird cycle of email refreshes when swipe deleting many emails during a sync

    I keep seeing this obviously buggy behavior. Has anyone else run into this?
    In the Pre email application, I open up an email folder (not my Inbox, but a folder I've marked as a favorite) that gets about a hundred new messages per day. As soon as I do the new messages start flooding in as they are downloaded. During this I start swiping them away to delete the ones I know I don't care about from the subject.
    After doing this a number of times in a single session (usually around 5), the email application gets into this weird cycle as I watch it where:
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    2) Then all of the emails in that folder disappear from the scree
    3) All of the emails start re-appearing like they're being re-downloaded, with just the subject line, INCLUDING messages that I already swipe-deleted
    4) Repeat over and over, sometimes up to 15 minutes depending on how many emails are in the folder and how many I deleted before it started going crazy
    This whole time the email sync spinner is going and the number within it is continuously changing.
    I may have seen this on GMail sync, but most notably it happens to me with my Exchange 2010 mail account. Note: I have my mail account set to download all mails within the last two weeks, if that matters.
    Needless to say, this makes my Pre pretty much useless to me to go through any serious amount of discussion list email. Ideas/thoughts? Is there an official way to report a bug on this if it's not known?
    Post relates to: Pre p100eww (Sprint)
    Message Edited by scramsby on 10-16-2009 12:32 AM

    That's what I've started doing, but that's not a very good solution for a couple reasons:
    1) That solution is basically akin to just not using the Pre for managing email
    2) This weird cycle thing happens to me even if I don't start deleting items on large folders too
    This definitely seems like a bug that should be fixed by Palm.

  • Weird cycle of email refreshes when swipe deleting many emails during a sync

    (Posting here instead of in ActiveSync forum, as this seems to have more Pre traffic)
    In the Pre email application, I open up an email folder (not my Inbox, but a folder I've marked as a favorite) that gets about a hundred new messages per day. As soon as I do the new messages start flooding in as they are downloaded. During this I start swiping them away to delete the ones I know I don't care about from the subject.
    After doing this a number of times in a single session (usually around 5), the email application gets into this weird cycle as I watch it where:
    1) Emails that were already downloaded start disappearing from the bottom of the list
    2) Then all of the emails in that folder disappear from the scree
    3) All of the emails start re-appearing like they're being re-downloaded, with just the subject line, INCLUDING messages that I already swipe-deleted
    4) Repeat over and over, sometimes up to 15 minutes depending on how many emails are in the folder and how many I deleted before it started going crazy
    This whole time the email sync spinner is going and the number within it is continuously changing.
    I may have seen this on GMail sync, but most notably it happens to me with my Exchange 2010 mail account. Note: I have my mail account set to download all mails within the last two weeks, if that matters.
    Needless to say, this makes my Pre pretty much useless to me to go through any serious amount of discussion list email. Ideas/thoughts? Is there an official way to report a bug on this if it's not known?
    Post relates to: Pre p100eww (Sprint)

    That's what I've started doing, but that's not a very good solution for a couple reasons:
    1) That solution is basically akin to just not using the Pre for managing email
    2) This weird cycle thing happens to me even if I don't start deleting items on large folders too
    This definitely seems like a bug that should be fixed by Palm.

  • Organzing & setup for many email accounts

    I run a number of websites/domains and each has a number of email accounts that I need to adminster. In my last email client on a PC, I could create seperate "boxes" for each domain and then in each box, create as many email accounts and addresses as needed.
    How can I do this with Mail without logging out and switching users? It seems like I can create as many seperate email accounts, but they're all lumped in together in one box. In other words, I don't want to check 32 email accounts when I'm just trying to check the 4 accounts for, and then afterward check for's accounts - without signing off.
    Thanks a lot!

    Note sure what G mail is, but if it involves another isp email provider not interested, I have multiple accounts as a garbage dump for spam possibilities too much spam on one account bye bye. Usually 2 main email accounts though. btw, not a memory issue either. still plenty left. Was looking at the contacts thread and there is receiving/sending issues with email since 2.0 update anyway.

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    here is what Apple has to say:
    B. Mac App Store License. If you obtained a license for the Apple Software from the Mac App Store,
    then subject to the terms and conditions of this License and as permitted by the Mac App Store Usage
    Rules set forth in the App Store Terms and Conditions (
    (“Usage Rules”), you are granted a limited, non-transferable, non-exclusive license:
    to download, install, use and run for personal, non-commercial use, one (1) copy of the
    Apple Software directly on each Apple-branded computer running OS X Lion or OS X Snow
    Leopard (“Mac Computer”) that you own or control;
    (ii) If you are a commercial enterprise or educational institution, to download, install, use and
    run one (1) copy of the Apple Software for use either: (a) by a single individual on each of the
    Mac Computer(s) that you own or control, or (b) by multiple individuals on a single shared Mac
    Computer that you own or control. For example, a single employee may use the Apple
    Software on both the employee’s desktop Mac Computer and laptop Mac Computer, or
    multiple students may serially use the Apple Software on a single Mac Computer located at a
    resource center or library; and
    (iii) to install, use and run up to two (2) additional copies or instances of the Apple Software
    within virtual operating system environments on each Mac Computer you own or control that is
    already running the Apple Software, for purposes of: (a) software development; (b) testing
    during software development; (c) using OS X Server; or (d) personal, non-commercial use.
    The grant set forth in Section 2B(iii) above does not permit you to use the virtualized copies or
    instances of the Apple Software in connection with service bureau, time-sharing, terminal sharing or
    other similar types of services."

  • Many emails are coming blanks or scrambled and unreadable

    Some email arrived as blank. Many email that are being sent with edited tables (probably done in Excel) are coming scrambled and unreadable.
    Need help in fixing this problem like the following:
    Lot Description
    Supplier Name
    PO Number
    DI Number
    Early Ship Date
    Last Cancel Date
    Orig Qty
    ASN Qty
    Recv Qty
    Cancel Qty
    Bal OO Qty
    Ss Lc Ruby Saph Rng
    J Homan Usa Llc
    need extension of 11/12-11/19

    If people are using a word processing package etc, they are creating content that uses a wide variety of formatting that may not be available in html formatting. So if that content is pasted into an email, it may look not as intended.
    They should create the email properly and attach the eg: excel document to the email, so that the recipient can use the correct software to read the content as it was intended or use the Insert Table and manually add info method which is available within the email client Write/create email.
    This also means that the attachment can be saved separately from the email.
    Sometimes people use fonts that may not be available on your computer, so another font wil be used that is available.
    re: Blank emails
    This might be a side effect of your anti-virus program.
    ''If you receive blank messages it might be a side effect of the antivirus program certifying that each message was safe. If "View -> Message Source" confirms that the messages are empty try disabling that feature.''

  • TS3899 i try to erase emails but they are not gone????what do i need to do to get rid of too many emails?

    i try to erase emails but they are not gone????what do i need to do to get rid of too many emails?

    Log in to your webmail on a browser and delete them from there.

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