Markers did not translate to idvd

I added markers to the timeline, exported and indicated markers = chapter markers, and hoped to add scene selection for those points in the movie when creating in iDVD. No dice. Could anyone kindly advise how to accomplish this and please be forgiving if it is obvious and simple - thanks

you can find an explanation by reading these articles here: explains your case.
In order to see chapters you must export in QuickTime movie, not conversion.
Using the info on the above links you will change your exported movie to be properly understood by iDVD.

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  • TS3649 my mac (2012) did not come with idvd.where can i get this program for download?

    My iMac os lion 10.7.2 (2012) did not come with idvd program. Where can I get this program for download?

    If there is no iDVD on Your Mac (and it's not on newer Macs as Apple discarded it) then You need a program that can do this.
    Your Mac can burn CDs and DVDs - BUT DVD as Data-DVDs not as Video-DVDs - they need a program to be encoded and STRUCTURED as such.
    • iDVD is part of the boxed version of iLife'11 and can only be bought outside Apple as on Amazon and e-bay
    • DVD Studio pro - Part of FinalCut Studio Pro bundle - this to has expired and can only be bought second handed. (High price and tough learning Curve - but best ever done.)
    • Roxio Toast™ - Not as elegant as iDVD - but has many other positive additions (I like it as 10-Pro incl BD-component) (now version 11)
    • Burn - a free alternative I know of on internet. Very simple - Just for doing a plain Video-DVD
    • Free DVD - free from Apple Store
    • FinalCut Pro-X which also can burn to DVD but without any nice themes.
    You can also buy Compressor from Apple for $50 US. It will also create DVD and BluRay but without the nice themes.
    Yours Bengt W

  • My MAC did not come with IDVD, how to I get it?

    My MAC did not come with IDVD, how do I get it?

    Yes, there are programs that will put a movie on a DVD.   I have tried most of the other substitutes including Toast, Burn, and others.  None of them come anywhere near the ease-of-use and power of iDVD. IDVD is specifically designed to work with iMovie and iPhoto.
    With iDVD you can easily and quickly create DVDs with menus and graphics almost on the level of what Hollywood can do.
    IDVD is easy to get. It is available on disk as part of iLife 11.
    IDVD is a wonderful piece of software and well worth the low cost of $40.,527850,1872219

  • Chapter Markers do not show on iDVD

    I edited a movie in FCE, DV 16:9 aspect ratio. added chapter markers, but in order to preserve the 16:9 aspect ratio when I exported the project to Quick Time I encoded it as HD 16:9, It worked preserving the aspect ratio but in the process I lost the chapter markers. When I tried the converted project in iDVD the chapter markers were gone. Anybody out there has a solution for this issue?

    You might try importing the QT into iMovie and then sharing to iDVD after making making sure the chapters are marked. But if that doesn't help then you may wish to read these:
    Hope the above is helpful but if not just come on back.
    Good luck!

  • I have a brand new Mac and it did not come with iDVD. What gives?

    Is iDVD supposed to come on new equipment? It's not on the app store and iMovie tells me I need it in order to burn a DVD.

    If you are still within your 15 day return period.  Call Apple they will sent out iDVD at no charge.  (There are no realistic substitutes.)
    Nicely explain that you may return the computer without iDVD. That usually does the trick.  You MUST speak to a senior advisor to get a free copy. The first tier people cannot do it.
    If that doesn't work you can purchase iLife 11 (or iLife 09)  (includes iDVD) on disk.
    IDVD is a wonderful piece of software and well worth the low cost of $40.,527850,1872219

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    to do the DC Promo thing. 
    For some reason, the shares on this second server now are seeing some of the groups that had were controlling access to the shares on this server showing  up as Account Unknown.  My users can't get into the shares anymore.  Errors suggest they
    no longer have permissions.
    What did I miss?  Those groups exist on the first server, and have the right users in them.

    Hi Christoffer,
    You are right that my last reply only applies to the first Domain Controller in the domain.
    I added a additional DC into the domain, its local users didn't show in ADUC, then I demoted it, and its local users were gone.
    Thank you for the reminding!
    I agree with Christoffer. I'm happy to hear your lab results provided you the same information.
    If the original poster did see the local users and groups appear in ADUC after the promotion, it's telling me that it was promoted into a brand new domain/forest and not as a replica.
    The shares should show up, and I understand that if any of the local users and groups were in the ACL that they should now show up as Unknown User, but if the users and groups showed up in ADUC, then something went wrong.
    If the original poster, Emmette, can provide us a specific step by step on how the second DC was promoted, along with an ipconfig /all from each DC,
    that will better help us understand what occurred, and help us provide assistance to fix it.
    Ace Fekay
    MVP, MCT, MCSE 2012, MCITP EA & MCTS Windows 2008/R2, Exchange 2013, 2010 EA & 2007, MCSE & MCSA 2003/2000, MCSA Messaging 2003
    Microsoft Certified Trainer
    Microsoft MVP - Directory Services
    Complete List of Technical Blogs:
    This posting is provided AS-IS with no warranties or guarantees and confers no rights.

  • IMovie to iDvd - No audio- disc image did not work-reopen iDvd files empty

    I am making a 45 minute movie of a day at Disneyland. (My daughter wants it all so the editing is minimal)
    I have tried to burn 3 times. each time takes about 12 hours.
    first attempt had an error, i know not when, nothing burned to disc.
    second attempt burned to disc, the 6.0 theme looked great, MP3 music played, worked on TV set
    NO audio on the movie. trash the disc.
    Third attempt burn to disc image. end up with two folders AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS. the audio folder is empty. no image
    All the audio in the movie is off the video tracks except for ONE sound effect.
    Is that causing the problem? Is the update causing the problem?
    When I reopen any iDvdproj the themes are all blank even if the project file size is 5.8 GB. that does not seem right.
    I have another smaller project with the same problem, the iDvd files are blank when I reopen them.
    Right now I am trying to compress the movie into a QuickTime file but all the options were confusing since I am not an expert. in another 6 hours I will have results I have no idea how big the file will be, but the image willl remain the existing size ?? I am afraid it will be too small.
    How come it seems so easy to make a dvd to watch on you own TV yet so IMPOSSIBLE?
    G5   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   iLife 06 updated

    Hello Wade,
    the problem seems to be the audio. Give us a little more info on what audio you used in the iMovie project (original audio, music, MP3, Aiff...).
    Also: what audio setting does your camcorder have? Should be 16-bit, 12-bit is a big no-no with iDVD, see this thread:
    12 hours seem a long time to encode 45 min of video ... your mac should be able to do that in 4-5 hours max. I would suggest you convert all MP3 audio to AIFF before importing to iM.
    If your original audio is 12-bit you can try to export the whole audio (original & music) via QT using the audio only option with 24-bit Integer, then re-import into iM.
    Get the latest QT update, if you haven't done so already.
    Also do some basic iDVD troubleshooting:
    1. free some space on the startup drive (15-20GB recommended)
    2. Trash preferences ( and empty trash
    3. Repair Disk Permissions using Disk Utility
    4. Clear Cache Files (Tools: CacheOutX, Onyx)
    Have a look at what John Beatty says in this thread about iDVD trouble shooting:
    Third attempt burn to disc image. end up with two folders AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS. the audio folder is empty. no image
    the AUDIO_TS folder being empty is perfectly normal for Video DVDs, only music DVDs have audio in that folder
    hope this helps

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    See Why is there no iDVD on my new Mac? and How to create a video-DVD? (Macs without iDVD)

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    iDVD is no longer developed or shipped by Apple. You can purchase an iLife 11 disk (if you can find one) or purchase an alternative DVD authoring app.
    SInce 10.7 should you need to re-install you do so via the Recovery partition and/or the App Store. store-drive/

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    Help I just made a movie, I followed directions to burn movie to dvd> DONE> IDVD APP did not open,NOT able to burn. Help my first apple product.
    User friendly I heard.

    If yours is a new Mac running Lion, read this:

  • How does apple want me to create a DVD to play on my DVD player from iMovie? iDVD did not come with my iMac.

    I have created several home movies in imovie and am now ready to burn them to DVDs that family members can play on their DVD players. How am I supposed to do this? iDVD did not come with my imac. How does apple want us to do this? Thanks.

    Why is there no iDVD on my new Mac? How do I get it, and how do I install it?
    Apple insists that the entire world has access to fast broadband (and are prepared to pay for the considerable bandwidth usage) and wants to distribute home movies to friends and relatives via download (iCloud, YouTube, Facebook, whatever) rather than mailing them a DVD. The fact that in reality not all users do, has so far had no effect on this policy. Some purchasers of new iMacs have reported that if you scream and shout loudly enough down the phone to Apple, they may send you a free copy of iDVD. Stating that they would return their brand new Mac unless they received a copy of iDVD worked for some, but that is now said to have been withdrawn by Apple.
    Also, you can complain bitterly via Apple’s Feedback link, perhaps suggesting that Apple could have provided a choice between burning DVDs and distributing home movies by other means. You may feel that Apple should not dictate how you destribute family videos or photos to distant relatives and friends, and should not assume that every user is prepared to pay for the excessive bandwidth usage charged by ISPs for huge downloads from the App Store:
    Whilst Macs with a Superdrive continue to be able to burn video DVDs, the software for so doing, iDVD, is no longer included in the iLife bundle that comes with OS 10.7 Lion (which also omitted iWeb) or that comes with OS 10.8 Mountain Lion. And it is no longer included in the iLife 11 from the online Apple Store: As there is no satisfactory substitute for iDVD Your only solution is to look on Amazon or eBay and try to get an older version that includes iDVD 7, i.e. iLife version 9 onwards. You should also do this if you plan to buy a new Mac anytime soon, as stocks of iLife that include iDVD will not be available for ever.
    However, the vastly more expensive FCPX can burn a DVD without iDVD or DVD Studio Pro involvement, but lack the themes etc of iDVD. Also, of course, there is Roxio Toast, which is the best software for burning anything but again does not offer the flexibility of iDVD.
    It is worth noting that the version of iDVD 7 included with iLife 11 only includes themes from iDVD 5-7. If you want all the older themes you should buy iLife 9, which has the same version of iDVD 7 but with all the themes, and none of the iDVD 7 updaters available from Apple Downloads contain them.
    Currently the only certain way to get all themes is to start with the iLife 09 disc: 4/Installer001.jpg
    This shows the iDVD contents in the iLife 09 disc via Pacifist: 0/Pacifist001.jpg
    You then can upgrade from iDVD 7.0.3 to iDVD 7.1.2 via the updaters at the Apple Downloads webpage.
    But even though you can still buy iLife 9 or 11 that includes iDVD 7 from Amazon, Apple now make it difficult to install:
    When you try to install iDVD you may see a notice come up on the screen stating that the 'Authorisation Licence' had expired on 25 March 2012, because Apple have withdrawn the license to it can no longer be used.
    In other words Apple are now so adamant that we don’t use iDVD that they have tried to make it impossible to install.
    If you get an invalid certificate message just set your Mac's clock to sometime before early 2011 and run the installer.  After installing iDVD reset the time back to the correct time on your Mac.
    You may be to use able to use the installer even without setting back the date.  Just click on the Continue button and it should work as expected, but for some it will not continue unless the date is  set back.
    Additional comments:
    Apple has clearly indicated in the newest iMacs, Mac mini and Retina Display MacBook Pro that it plans to phase out optical disc drives as soon as possible across the board, providing an external USB drive as an option for users who need one but which is not universally compatible with all Macs.
    Users increasingly have fewer opportunities to use optical drives, as the bulk of third party software is now available as a digital download either directly from the vendor or through Apple's App Store. but not all. Apple also sees digital distribution as the future of music and movies, as exemplified in Apple TV, which has never included an optical drive.
    The company has never supported any new HD optical disc formats on its products, including Microsoft's ill fated HD-DVD or Sony's Blu-ray format, despite initially being involved in the Blu-ray standardization process. Instead, Apple has put its resources behind developing increasingly higher definition audio and video formats that it can distribute electronically through its own iTunes Store.
    And if you think Microsoft are any better, their latest Windows 8 operating system will not play DVDs, or burn them, unless customers buy an extra upgrade, the company has announced:
    In other words, computer manufacturers have declared optical media as dead, long before consumers are ready to stop using them, which is fine as long as they offered us a choice, but they won’t even do that. Flexibility and intuitive use of a computer seems to be a thing of the past.
    The latest anorexic iMacs do not even include a CD drive (or Firewire)! Proof positive that Apple virtually prohibit the use of optical media - although the newly announced Mac Minis do include a Superdrive.
    Yet, they still include iMovie! Heaven alone knows or understands what you are supposed to do with your newly edited masterpiece - except make a low quality version for YouTube?

  • Since my MacBook Pro did not come with an iDVD

    Since my MacBook Pro did not come with an iDVD and my old mac has an old iDVD, if I get an iLife 09 or 11 will I be able to install the iDVDs from these programs or are the iDVDs just an upgrade? Thank you.
    Richard DeAngelis

    Why is there no iDVD on my new Mac? How do I get it and how do I install it?

  • I am having a data excess usage issue with my Jetpack although I did not use the VZW network at all.

    Background: My home does not have access to landline internet and I am relying on a Verizon Jetpack device rather than satellite cable for internet access.  Within my JetPack wireless network I have several devices connected, iPADs, PC’s, printer, etc. (up to 5 devices can be connected with my system).  Recently, I had one device within my immediate wireless network that I needed to transfer data via FTP to another local device within my immediate network.  The receiving device FTP’d data from device ( to local IP (address  To understand the data path a Trace rout for this transfer is (source) to (Jetpack) to (receiver).  Note that the VZW network ((cloud)/4G network) was NOT used in this transfer nor was any VZW bandwidth used for this transfer (of course less the typical overhead status/maintenance communications that happen regardless). Use of the VZW bandwidth would be something like downloading a movie from Netflix, (transferring data from a remote site, through the VZW network, into the Jetpack and to the target device).  I also understand if ones devices have auto SW updates that would also go against the usage as well.  I get that.  My understanding of my usage billing is based data transfer across the VZW network.
    Now to the problem: To my surprise I was quite substantially charged for the “internal” direct transfer of this data although I didn’t use the VZW network at all.  This does not seem to be right, and doesn’t make much sense to me.  Usage is should be based on the VZW network not a local Wi-Fi.  In this case, Verizon actually gets free money from me without any use of or impact to the VZW network.  Basically this is a VERY expensive rental for the jetpack device, which I bought anyway.  Considering this, I am also charged each time I print locally.  Dive into this further, I am also interested in knowing what is the overhead (non-data) communications between the jetpack router and devices and how much does that add up to over time?
    Once I realized I was getting socked in bandwidth, as a temp solution I found an old Wi-Fi router, created a separate Wi-Fi network off the Jetpack, but the billing damage was already done.  Switching each device back and forth to FTP and print is a hassle and there should be no reason the existing hardware couldn’t handle this and charges aligned with VSW usage. Is purposely intended by Verizon? Is this charging correct? And can I get some help with this?
    Logically, usage should be based on VZW network usage not internal transfers.  All transfers between IP addresses 192.168 are by default internal.  Any data that needs to leave the internal network are translated in to the dynamic IP addresses established by the VZW network.  That should be very easily detected for usage. In the very least, this fact needs to be clearly identified and clarified to users of the Jetpack.  How would one use a local network and not get socked with usage charges?  Can one set up a Wi-Fi network with another router, hardwire directly from the router to the Jetpack so that only data to and from the VZW network is billed? I might be able to figure out how to have the jetpack powered on but disable the VZW connection, but I don’t want to experiment and find out that the internal transfers are being logged and the log sent after the fact anyway once I connect…. A reasonable solution should be that users be able to use the router functions of the Jetpack (since one has to buy the device anyway) and only be billed for VZW usage.
    Your help in this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

    i had one mac and spilt water on it, the motherboard fried so i had to buy a used one...being in school and all. it is a MC375lla
    Model Name:
    MacBook Pro
      Model Identifier:
      Processor Name:
    Intel Core 2 Duo
      Processor Speed:
    2.66 GHz
      Number of Processors:
      Total Number of Cores:
      L2 Cache:
    3 MB
    8 GB
      Bus Speed:
    1.07 GHz
      Boot ROM Version:
      SMC Version (system):
      Hardware UUID:
      Sudden Motion Sensor:
    i do not have a backup of it, so i am thinking about replacing my old hard drive from the water damaged into this one, not even sure if that would work, but it did not seem to be damaged, as i recovered all the files i wanted off of it to put onto this mbp
    the previous owner didnt have it set to boot, they had all their settings left on it and tried to edit all the names on it, had a bunch of server info and printers etc crap on it.  i do not believe he edited the terminal system though--he doesnt seem to terribly bright(if thats possible)
    tbh i hate lion compared to the old one i had, this one has so many more issues-overheating,fan noise, cd dvd noise
    if you need screenshots or data of anything else as away
    [problem is i do not want to start from scratch if there is a chance of fixing it, this one did not come with disks or anything like my first. so i dont even know if i could, and how it sets now i am basically starting from scratch, because now all my apps are reset but working, i am hoping to get my data back somehow though, i lost all of my bookmarks and editing all my apps and setting again would be a pain

  • Error Message: " '[name of my computer]' did not respond.  (error -8)

    I know that this topic has been submitted a million times, but I need personal attention now. The topic discussions have been really helpful except for the fact that my ichat video STILL DOESN'T WORK. I read and do all the sets of advice and instructions and STILL NOTHING.
    My main message usually always says, " '[name of my computer]' did not respond.' The only differing message I've received is from my mom's laptop (a Dell Latitude D610, Intel) which says that " '[name of her computer] has declined'. I've checked out the error reports which are always labeled (error -8).
    Once I was able to connect, with absolutely no hitch, when I was sent an all out video conference chat from a G4 Mac about 4 months ago. My ichat hasn't worked since which is why I've been trouble shooting since then.
    Based off of the advice, I opened ports 5060, 5190, 5220, 5222, 5297, 5298, 5353, 16384-16403 on both TCP and UPD and turned the firewalls off in one then turned them on again.
    I've read the iChat support and they all say that they are compatible with tons of operating systems and platforms. But, my video still doesn't work to other computers or work in general. Please can someone tell me how to get this to work? Puhleeeease. I've been at it for months now....

    I know that this topic has been submitted a million
    times, but I need personal attention now. The topic
    discussions have been really helpful except for the
    fact that my ichat video STILL DOESN'T WORK. I read
    and do all the sets of advice and instructions and
    My main message usually always says, " '[name of my
    computer]' did not respond.' The only differing
    message I've received is from my mom's laptop (a Dell
    Latitude D610, Intel) which says that " '[name of her
    computer] has declined'. I've checked out the error
    reports which are always labeled (error -8).
    Once I was able to connect, with absolutely no hitch,
    when I was sent an all out video conference chat from
    a G4 Mac about 4 months ago. My ichat hasn't worked
    since which is why I've been trouble shooting since
    Based off of the advice, I opened ports 5060, 5190,
    5220, 5222, 5297, 5298, 5353, 16384-16403 on both TCP
    and UPD and turned the firewalls off in one then
    turned them on again.
    I've read the iChat support and they all say that
    they are compatible with tons of operating systems
    and platforms. But, my video still doesn't work to
    other computers or work in general. Please can
    someone tell me how to get this to work?
    Puhleeeease. I've been at it for months now....
    I, too have had the same problem, but only recently — maybe coincident with recent updates to iChat — and I too would like to know what error -8 means.
    I am running a Dual 1GHz PowerPC G4 Mac with automatically updated software, connected via ADSL at 512/128. The Internet Interface is a router/firewire/switch/modem (D-Link DSL-G604T) and I have programmed it to keep the required ports open. The audio input is from an iSight: audio out to some external speakers from line out. Programming hasn't been changed for months, and the problem has only occurred recently, so it doesn't look like a Firewall or address translation problem.
    In my case, I tried several things:
    1. I tried to initiate an audio chat with someone who has a Mac Mini PowerPC with most updates on it, and a 56K modem. I have had many audio chats over many months with this person.
    Some days ago, it failed to complete a connection with the comment that my end didn't answer. I take this to mean that the final handshake message from the my end wasn't sent, since the connect window indicated the other side had responded positively.
    The buddy on the other end then initiated an audio chat session to which I responded. This time, error -8 was accompanied with a message that the other side had failed to respond to the final handshake.
    I presumed that it was some sort of glitch either on the network or in my computer and we finished the conversation on the phone. The system has been rebooted several times in the meantime, and the integrity of the system disk checked: that should have got rid of any local anomolous state
    2. The exact same thing happened today when I attempted to communicate with a new buddy introduced through email. This new buddy has recent (but unknown to me) Mac equipment running OS X, and a broadband connection.
    We were testing the connection after she had set up iChat with an AIM screen name to be ready for a Saturday sched to step her through installation of some difficult to set up software.
    At that point, I realised my first failure wasn't a system glitch, and found this message board.
    So, any help from anybody?
    Keep in mind that this is a recently-introduced problem on a stable (other than Apple updates?) system that has been running on audio and even one-way video with 4 different buddies (three on Macs and one on Win XP with AIM) for months.
    Dr George W Gerrity Ph: +61 2 6386 3431
    GWG Associates Fax: +61 2 6386 4431
    P O Box 229 Time: +10 hours (ref GMT)
    Harden, NSW 2587 PGP RSA Public Key Fingerprint:
    AUSTRALIA 73EF 318A DFF5 EB8A 6810 49AC 0763 AF07
    PowerMac3,6   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   ISight Audio and Video

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