Marking imported video as "TV shows"

I ripped some TV show DVD's take with me on my brank spanking new iPod. I've managed to import them fine but it only lists them as 'movies' within iTunes and I can't seem to get them marked as TV Shows. Marking the genre has no effect they still remain in 'movies'. This wouldn't be a huge deal if it wasn't for the fact that TV Shows on the iPod in a similar fashion to allbums, i.e. hierarchal folders.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

With the video highlighted in iTunes, choose File: Get Info
Towards the top of the window that pops up, select the "Options" tab
You should now see a pulldown menu labeled "Video Kind:", and one of the options is "TV Show"
iMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  
iMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

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    Hi ya Jacob,
    For honor sake let me say that I hope you aren't downloading files to more or less steal them. I, for instance, have a sort of religious/philosophy channel at YT and I'll sometimes use short excerpts from movie clips for teaching purposes. I don't know if it's technically legal to do so, but no one seems to object to my using 30-seconds or so from a clip in this way.
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    Here's an example. If you go to the following url it will take you to the regular low quality version of this particular YT video:
    Now you'll notice that there is indeed an HQ button you can push on this video to watch the high quality version, but let's pretend it isn't there and instead we'll use that little shortcut on the end of the url that I showed above so that the url now looks like this:
    No matter what download tool you use to get the video from YT, try to remember to use that shortcut ending piece for the url so the app will know without a doubt that you want the HQ version if one exists because sometimes these apps aren't able to find the HQ version without some help.
    I recommend downloading the free version of
    Any Video Converter. It will both download the YT video (the high quality version will be an mp4 file) and then it will convert it to something more usable of your choice.
    Another good download tool is called
    Orbit. It can download videos from other sites besides YT, but it always downloads the flv.
    Any Video Converter, unfortunately, won't let you change the file to an uncompressed AVI, nor to a DV-AVI. The highest quality it has available to convert the file to is NTSC mpg2 DVD standard, or you can choose to use the HD setting for a wmv file, but it takes a long time to do the latter, and considering the low quality of YT videos to begin with, seems kind of senseless to me.
    I then bring my new mpg2 file into the mpg version of
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    Thank you very much.
    Best Regards

    I haven´t uploaded the website to the server yet,
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    If you wanna take a look at the website is this one:

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    A similar topic was posted just recently. You can use the freeware Lostify at to classify a movie file as a TV Show instead of a movie.
    1.5 Ghz PBG4   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   1 Gig RAM, 128 MB ATI 9700, Aluminum

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    You an accomplish this with AppleScript. Save this script with Script Editor. Highlight some tracks and then run it:
    tell application "iTunes"
    get selection of front browser window
    if (selection of front browser window) is not {} then
    set sel to a reference to selection of front browser window
    repeat with thisTrack in sel
    if kind of thisTrack contains "video" then
    set video kind of thisTrack to TV show
    end if
    end repeat
    end if
    end tell

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    Da Mouse wrote:
    …  I can't recover the 15 GB because I can't find the file …
    while in Finder, hit cmd-F
    for 'criteria' select
    File Size larger than 14GB
    Visibility Both
    .... this should find that ghost
    do you try to import an iTunes purchased video?
    that is a NoGo .....

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    Unfortunately not:(
    But I have some news:
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    APPLE. What are you doing?

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    There was a short version expressly for people who weren't bothered to read a myriad of text.
    Meh, not that it matters anymore. I ended up redownloading 70-odd albums, so I have the bulk of my music back. And I still have no idea what iTunes did with my files, but I'll make sure it never does it again.
    I would thank you for the help but you were utterly useless. Oh well, carry on.

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    Do your videos play in QuickTime Playerwhen you reveal one of them in the Finder with "File > Reveal > Original"? Try to open the revealed movie in QuickTime and see if it plays.
    Check the format of the movie. You can see it in the Inspector in QuickTime Player from the "WIndow" menu: Window > Show Inspector.
    iPhoto does not support all movie formats and codecs that QuickTime player can play, and not all frame rates.
    See: Using AVCHD video with iPhoto '11
    If the movie does not play in QuickTime Player either, install QuickTime 7 for more codecs.

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    I spoke with a lot of people on this issue. Everyone refers me to someone else. I can't get an answer for something in my eyes is so simple. They all said " Why would you want the time and date stamp to show up on your footage anyway" Well I would like it to be that way. Topic got down to three things that might solve problem. 1. Need better video/editing software. 2. Need Digital Analog capture device. 3. Need new camcorder. I've been working on this problem for a day or so. It's getting rough for help. Any information on this problem would be great. If you need any more info on my issue please do not hesitate to Pm me. Thanks

    Hi SIZ4SK:
    Welcome to discussions!
    You can't do that with iMovie but you can with a bit of help from a third party...
    What you really need is this free plugin from TriX Software:
    Let me know if this helps or not.

  • Problem changing imported video from "music" to "tv show" category

    i imported some tv shows that i already had on my computer (i didn't get the from the itunes music store) and, by default, the video shows up under the "movies" category in my ipod. i have some other tv shows that i did buy from the itunes music store, and it shows up under the "tv shows" category. when i change the non-music store videos to "tv shows" under the options tab, they then disappear and don't get transferred to my ipod at all. can i work around this?
      Windows XP  

    when i change the non-music store videos to "tv shows" under the options tab, they then disappear and don't get transferred to my ipod at all. can i work around this?
    it's a known issue. there are a couple of workarounds suggested in this document:
    Videos labeled TV Shows in iTunes don't appear on iPod
    love, b

  • Importing from DVD not showing full video

    I'm trying to import a video (VOB file) from a DVD, but the full frame of the video is not showing. The frame size that is importing seems to be importing as a different frame size than the video is and I can't seem to change it. The import seems to be cropping it. If I adjust the size in the Program Sequence window, it is showing the cropped version of the video.
    Can any of the other files on the DVD be imported such as the IFO file?

    ... What other formats can iMovie & iDVD use? What do you recommend? ...just dv. and for stills jpeg, tifff.. and for music aiff, mp3... but that was not your question any other video-codec gets converted/has to be converted...
    ... which are apparently very, very big - one half-hour folder was 6 GB...rule: 1h video = ~13Gb... that is the amount of data on tape... iM uses a digital copy of that. many other codecs do a much better compression, BUT lossy!
    ... many times bigger than it needs to, a video-DVD is meant for playback only...the compression codec just stores the delta(=difference) from frame to frame... for edit purposes, you need the info of EVERY frame on tape...
    ... How should I adjust the settings if I want to get an hour's worth of video & audio on a standard 4.7 GB blank DVD-R? don't do settings using iDVD. this app needs a dv stream to work in the highest possible quality. use the export to iDVD feature of iM.
    in case, you spend a few k$, you can buy DVDSP, including a tool called Compressor... after learning a few years to handle it, you can result smaller files with higher quality.....

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