Mars and fonts

I have a simple question perhaps someone might help me with.
If I have a font embedded into a PDF/X file - it is there in
such a way that I can exchange it and be confident that it will be
printed reliably.
There are several PDF modification tools - such an Enfcous
PitStop Professional - where, even if I do not own or have a font
installed, I can indeed edit words in that document as longs as the
entire glyph set was embedded - (read:no subsetting)
So, while one can rightfully argue that this might violate a
licensing agreement (that is, using a font without owning it) -
this has been by and large accepted in the high speed compressed
work flows for magazine and newspapers advertisement files being
exchanged and managed.
So, my question here is - given that I would expect
(require?) a Reliable Digital Master (RDM) like exchange with Adobe
Mars files for it to be trustworthy - can someone explain to me how
a fonts is 'rendered' into an XML structure and placed in the Mars
container - or, is the approach used more like when we exchange and
Adobe InDesign file, and the font is 'collected' with some standard
warning about what can and can't be done legally with a font that
is being exchanged for the expressed use in this one document ?
Michael Jahn
[email protected]
805 527 8130

It seems to me that there are two questions here.
As a preface, as a user Mars will behave just like PDF. As a
developer Mars is somewhat easier to work with than PDF but has
many of the same limitations. It sounds like you are approaching
this from a user's perspective to me.
Question #1 -- Can I alter a document with a font that has
been partially embedded?
Answer: Yes if you only happen to need characters already
present in the document or have the font available on your machine.
Question #2 -- Can I exchange one font for another if I need
to alter a document and don't have the original font on my machine?
Answer: Yes if you are dealing with English. And maybe if you
are dealing with another language depending on both the language
and how the document has been created.
English has a simple mostly one-to-one character to glyph
mapping. Some other languages are much more complicated, and you
may end up with Adobe's best guess... if you don't just get missing
glyph marks.
In the near term, using Mars will make these problems /more/
difficult for you because of the lack of tools available for the
Now on the contrary, if you're approaching this problem from
a developers standpoint, I think you'll find the Mars format many
times easier to manipulate than PDF, and in the simplest case for
an English only document that has no ligatures, kerning or text
justification, replacing a font would pretty much just involve
replacing a file in a zip package.

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    Welcome to the forum.
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    h2 { }
    h3 { }
    h4 { }
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    In your data source context node (context node which is bound to dataSource property of Table UI elemennt) do following:
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    That's the price of having a gazillion pixels!
    You have two options - send less pixels to the display or change each application (Including the finder) to show larger fonts and icons.
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    The change the preferences to make the fonts and icons larger is more of a pain but yields the most crisp display and you don't have to change things up. I would start with Finder Preferences (select an icon on your desktop and on the View menu - show view options - crank up the icon size and font size.) Unfortunately - you have to do this in each application you use. It also won't change the menu font sizes - you might need an "extension" from a developer to change that.

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    Thanks You so much.
    Actually I were trying to look for that function at the User Manual but I couldn't find it because I remembered I had seem it some where.
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