Mask for date

I would like to use a jTextField for a date input. I would like the user to input it in a spesific format. I know there is something like a mask, but not very sure. Can somebody please help me.
Thanks Linette

Thank u for your MaskField classes... Very useful.
But I found a bug in MaskDocument class
In insertString method : in the for loop change the call insertString(pos...) with insertString(i...) otherwise the first element is always replaced...(see below)
if (len > 1)
for (int i = pos; i < len; i++)
insertString(i, "" + text.charAt(i), attr);
I have a question : how can you specify a mask with a variable length (e.g. years in the format YYYY or YY for the same mask?)
Many thanks
-- Nuts

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    As per my knowledge it can't be possible
    casuse if you entered '12/11/2007' date
    how oracle know that in date 12'th is the month or 11'th.
    The person who entered that date will also have confusions in future.
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    in case anyone has this problem (and i've had it for months)
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    Thank you.

    Like a mentioned before there is are data pickers out
    there that make is one line for the programmer and
    even easier for the user. (Who want to type in a
    date).I don't want to user thirdy party components just to handle dates.
    Basic things should be simple. Why?Because we do them all the time. The Java language is simple. I'm just complaining about the Swing API.
    In programming, I have found that instead that things
    that should be simple normally aren't.
    I agree with you, but a component that just accept dates with a mask for dates is a simple thing today and always will be. Why don't provide an easy way for you to accomplish this?
    Everyday things should be simple.
    Why this API is so taugh? I don't know what taugh means.
    I mean hard to use.
    It s a pain to program in Swing, it even hurts. Have you ever tried AWT?,
    We loose a big time searching for ways to do simplethings.
    Sorry to here, that, but it sounds like a personal
    problem. Use, the API, the tutorials, and pratice
    practice pratice.
    I think that Swing, even with its problems, is the right visual api to use. I'm just saying that it makes you write lots of code to things that could be done with less code.
    I think you will find that Swing's inabitlity to be
    simple allows it to be very flexiable.
    I know, its flexible, but most of the time we don't need the flexibility that it offers. Most of the time we are doing basic things and should use its flexibility only when needed.

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    Thank you,

    JFormattedTextField tf = new JFormattedTextField();
    tf.setValue(new Date());/Kaj

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    Edited by: Hesh on Jun 23, 2009 12:27 AM

    A slight change to Michael's query (corrected a small typo)
    SQL> WITH test_tab
      2         AS (SELECT   SYSDATE date_col FROM DUAL
      3             UNION ALL
      4             SELECT   TO_DATE ('26/06/2009 12:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY hh24:MI:SS')
      5               FROM   DUAL)
      6               -- end test data
      7  SELECT   date_col,
      8           TO_CHAR (
      9              date_col,
    10              CASE
    11                 WHEN TO_CHAR (date_col, 'hh24:mi:ss') = '12.00.00'  -- typo error '.' instead of ':'
    12                 THEN
    13                    ''
    14                 ELSE
    15                    ' hh24:mi:ss'
    16              END
    17           )
    18              dt
    19    FROM   test_tab
    20    /
    DATE_COL             DT
    23-JUN-2009 13:29:42 23.06.2009 13:29:42
    26-JUN-2009 12:00:00 26.06.2009 12:00:00
    2 rows selected.
    -- corrected query --
    SQL>   WITH test_tab
      2         AS (SELECT   SYSDATE date_col FROM DUAL
      3             UNION ALL
      4             SELECT   TO_DATE ('26/06/2009 12:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY hh24:MI:SS')
      5               FROM   DUAL)
      6               -- end test data
      7  SELECT   date_col,
      8           TO_CHAR (
      9              date_col,
    10              CASE
    11                 WHEN TO_CHAR (date_col, 'hh24:mi:ss') = '12:00:00'
    12                 THEN
    13                    ''
    14                 ELSE
    15                    ' hh24:mi:ss'
    16              END
    17           )
    18              dt
    19    FROM   test_tab
    20  /
    DATE_COL             DT
    23-JUN-2009 13:29:44 23.06.2009 13:29:44
    26-JUN-2009 12:00:00 26.06.2009
    2 rows selected.

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    Please Suggest.

    Dear Francois,
    I might not be able to exlplain it properly but the problem is when i am executing the query in SQL*Plus, I can retrive the correct data(as'01-JAN-1949'). But when when the same query is executed using a EXEC_SQL package of forms 6i, the data returned is incorrect('01-JAN-2049'/'01-JAN-0049'depending upon the format mask-RRRR/YYYY).
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    Hi Sri,
    I want the output as shown below
    select empno , deptno, deptname from emp;
    select * from emp ( here I am not using any concatenatin xxxxxx) simply I have given 'Select * from EMP'
    empno dept no detpname
    1          100       xxxxx
    2           101      xxxxxx
    Here I want the deptname should not show its values its should hide the values and shoudl show xxxxx ..
    As per your query(Sri) I should not create any view and use that view, but I have to use only the  base tables like per_all_people_f ..Like select * from per_all_people_f ..
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    Edited by: Christopher Ambrose on Oct 29, 2009 6:27 PM

    With SHD0, you create variants which you can use in a number of ways.
    The main ones are:
    1. Modify the use of the standard transaction
    2. Create a new transaction which uses the variant.
    With option 1, everyone who runs the transaction gets the modification
    With option 2, you create a custom transaction and assign it to the variant.  When someone runs the custom tcode, it executes the original transaction but applies the variant to that.  You are not actually copying any transactions etc but it does let you have 2 different types of functionality hanging off the original transaction depending on the transaction you used to access it.
    If you want to use different variants for the standard transaction, you could look into variant groups.  I've not used these before but it may be an option:
    There are also downsides to using transaction variants, if you do a search on SHD0 there are a few posts on their drawbacks.

  • [svn] 3727: Fix masking for GraphicElements

    Revision: 3727
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-10-17 15:34:12 -0700 (Fri, 17 Oct 2008)
    Log Message:
    Fix masking for GraphicElements
    SDK-17337 Masking broken for GraphicElements
    We no longer attach the mask to the GraphicElement's parent. Because the mask can not be a child of the maskee, we create a new drawnDisplayObject and attach it and the mask to the displayObject property.
    QE Notes: None
    Doc Notes: None
    Bugs: SDK-17337
    Reviewer: Glenn
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:
    flex/sdk/trunk/frameworks/projects/flex4/src/mx/graphics/graphicsClasses/GraphicElement.a s

  • MaskFormatter for date

    I need to set DateFormat for date (dd/mm/yyyy) and meanwhile JFormattedTextField must have the MaskFormatter ##/##/####
                         MaskFormatter formatter = new MaskFormatter("##/##/####");
                         masktxtDate = new JFormattedTextField(formatter);this sets only mask and how can I add the dateFormat also
    SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");

    now I have another task to solve masktxtDate.setValue(string) puts nothing in the formatted textfield and also deletes the mask, where is my fault?

  • Ip addressing for data center

    can you suggest me which pool we use for data center public or private,which is best one

    You will encounter conflicts ONLY if you are connecting to a network that is using your same address space. See more below.
    The private IP addresses that you assign for a private network (inter-office LAN, Internet Service Provider customer bases, campus networks, etc) should fall within the following three blocks of the IP address space: to, which provides a single Class A network of addresses, which would use subnet mask
    (theoretically up to 16,777,215 addresses, good for VERY large enterprises like internet service providers or other global deployment) to, which provides 16 contiguous Class B network addresses, which would use subnet mask
    (theoretically up to 1,048,576 addresses, good for large enterprises like colleges and governmental organizations) to, which provides up to 2^16 Class C network addresses, which would use subnet mask
    (theoretically up to 65,536 addresses, widely used by default in consumer/retail networking equipment)
    Explanation of Subnet masks, Network classes, and other technical info is readily available on the internet.

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    Hi vijay,
    1. U have not given proper parameters
       while calling the FM.
    2. have a look at this (just copy paste)
    data : RETURN_TAB LIKE DDSHRETVAL occurs 0 .
    retfield = 'ITAB-UNAME'
    PVALKEY = ' '
    STEPL = 0
    VALUE = ' '
    VALUE_ORG = 'S'
    DISPLAY = ' '
    MARK_TAB =
    value_tab = ITAB
    RETURN_TAB = return_tab
    OTHERS = 3
    amit m.

  • JFormattedTextField with edit and display formatter for date

    How can I have a date display formatter and a edit mask date formatter for JFormattedTextField instance.
    When I do
                   DateFormatter dateFormatter = new DateFormatter(new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"));
                   JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatterFactory factory = new DefaultFormatterFactory(dateFormatter, dateFormatter, dateFormatter);
    all is okie but I wanna a mask formatter and if I do
                   DateFormatter dateFormatter = new DateFormatter(new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"));
                   MaskFormatter editFormater = new MaskFormatter();
                   try {
                   } catch (ParseException e) {
                   JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatterFactory factory = new DefaultFormatterFactory(dateFormatter, dateFormatter, editFormater);
    jFormattedTextField_2 accepts invalid date.
    What can I do to have a date edit mask and a date display mask for a
    JFormattedTextField instance.
    Thx a lot, Tony.

    txtdatnalzaproizvoid = new JFormattedTextField(datformater("##/##/##"));
    public static MaskFormatter datformater(String formatnavnes){
    MaskFormatter formatter = null;
    try {
    formatter = new MaskFormatter(formatnavnes);
    } catch (java.text.ParseException exc) {
    System.err.println("formatter is bad: " + exc.getMessage());
    return formatter;
    public static String datumformat(){
    Date dddd = new Date();
    SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yy");
    datumformat = formatter.format(dddd);
    return datumformat;

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