Massive static on my K7N420Pro

Ok, I have an MSI K7N420Pro, connected to a Yamaha TSS-1 5.1 surround system via the SPDIF port.  When my computer is on, I get Massive amounts of static through my speakers.  No sounds are playing.  Muting Windows 2000 seems to get rid of the static, but it comes right back when I unmute.  I am using NVIDIA Unified NForce drivers
Audio driver version 5.10.2096.0
Control panel Version
Any ideas on what might cause it, or how to fix it?

Just an update - the static is intermittent.  It seems to go through a cycle of sorts...  It's clear during the day, but at night it gets worse.  I'm now thinking it's probably some kind of RF interference.   So far I've ruled out my TV, Microwave, fluorecent and incandescent lights, monitor, and almost any electrical device in my house.  Having jacked the volume up on the Yamaha reciever, with the power off, I find the static is still there, but very faint.  When I turn my computer on, it seems to amplify the static, which makes me think that if RF interference is causing it, then both the reciever and the motherboard are affected.  That being the case, it's amplifying RF interference off the  motherboard, and it is having an additive effect on itself.
If this is an RF interference problem,  how would I go about proving it, or go about fixing it?

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    OK, well I solved my own problem through trial and error. Rant: I switched to GB from ProTools on the theory that GB was supposed to "just work" and I want to be a musician, not an audio engineer. Here is how I fixed the static: one of my garage band books told me I could set the Garage Band audio preferences to "System" default, and then set my computer's audio preferences to my audio interface for the ins and outs, because I wanted to play all of computer's audio, whether in garageband or not, through my reference studio monitors. Well doing it this way results in massive static when recording a real instrument, for no apparent reason. So to fix this, you have to set Garageband's own audio in/out settings to your audio interface, NOT to the system settings. This caused the static in my recordings to completely disappear. Go figure.

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    If the connection is not good or loose, then if there is any movement you can get static.  Even vibrations fromt eh table could cause static.  But you should notice this if you gently wiggle the headphone jack.
     Also jack like this can be damaged if say the cable was bumped sideways to the way it plugs in.  Like if you move the computer and you hit something with the headphone plug while it is plugged in, that can cause damage.  So maybe it is damaged.
     Although, there is the posibility that the headphone is not plugged in all they way.  The plug on the headphone should have a part that is much widder then the tip.  This should be flush against the jack.  I hope that makes sense.  If it wasn't plugged in all the way then you would get static and low volume or volume only out of one side of the two speakers.
    This signature left intentionally blank.

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    Is anything shown here.
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  • Setup guide K7N420pro the way I did it(Written by Bas)

    Setup guide K7N420pro the way I did it
    Hi there, (revised 19-march-2002, thanks Glenn!)
    This article describes how I build my K7N420pro system and how to make it stable.
    It is recommended to use an antistatic wristband if you have one.
    When you remove the motherboard from the packaging, put the board on a table with some cardboard under it, make sure there is no metal stuff under it (that can cause shorts and unnecessary posts on this forum)
    Clear the CMos first, this is done by setting the jumper JBAT to position 2-3 for 5 seconds, then put it back to position 1-2.
    (Check the board for pin 1 of this jumper as some manuals have an error on this!!!) Just remember to refer to the printing on the motherboard itself and keep in mind that pins 1&2 are default settings for any 3 pin jumper configuration.
    Check the CPU socket for the little yellow-stripe, bend it carefully in such a manner that it will make contact with the CPU. (I think he's talking about the the temp sensor here, I do not recommend bending or even touching this sensor unless for some reason it was mashed into the mobo. If you must, make sure your fingers are dry or cleaned with alcohol to remove any hand oils)
    Now insert the CPU into the socket, very little pressure is needed, if any. It fit's only 1 way!!!
    (do not apply thermal paste yet)
    Remove the pink-stuff on the heatsink if it's on there, and clean it with alcohol or nail polish remover. If you use Nail polish remover give it a once over with alcohol to cut any moisturizers that may have been added. Nail polish remover will work on some thermal pads where alcohol would only prepare it for surgery.
    Now check very carefully how the Cooler must be mounted!!!
    Take your time and do a test run (do not apply thermal paste yet) by attaching the front clip first by holding the hs/fan assembly above the cpu with one of your fingers holding the tension clip down and hooking it on the front plastic clip and then resting the heatsink on the cpu's rubber pads (it is not necessary to fasten the other retaining clip, remember this is a trial run).
    This way you can see how it fits and you can make sure there is enough clearance from any components. You can do this a couple of times, this way when you have applied the thermal paste, set the heatsink down and fasten the clip, there will be minimal movement between the die and the heatsink, wich can squeeze too much thermal paste out of position and create air pockets. Then there's that problem of cracking the die.
    Put some silver-grease on the die of the CPU, follow the directions from Arctic Silver.
    After you have done this connect the fan connector to the CPUFAN1 header, but only if it's a normal 4000-6000RPM cooler, if it's a High-speed-fan connect it directly to the powersupply!!!!
    Now make sure jumper SW2 is set to Auto-mode.
    Short the jumpers JA1 if you want the sound to come from the connectors near the parallel-port.
    Put the ram-stick(s) on the board in slot1&2, press them firmly until the plastic-clips click into them.
    Check your powersupply and make sure it can handle the power needed by this board and the CPU, most good 300W will do.
    Check the case for the metal-spacers you need between the board and the case, make very sure that they are all placed right and that there are not too many!!!!
    Now you are ready to place the board into the case....
    Connect all the other stuff and power the system ONLY after you double checked everything.
    Make sure that the harddisk flat-cable is connected with the blue connector to the board.
    When it starts, go into the BIOS and load the BIOS Setup Defaults, after that goto the Frequency/Voltage Control section and only change the CPU FSB/DRAM/AGP Clock setting to this:
    Duron -> 100/266/66 or 100/200/66
    Athlon 200FSB -> 100/266/66 or 100/200/66
    Athlon 266FSB -> 133/266/66
    Athlon XP -> 133/266/66
    Goto advanced BIOS Features and Disable APIC (it's mostly disabled by default)
    Change the boot sequence to:
    First boot device Floppy
    Second Boot device CDrom
    Third Boot device HDD-0
    (After your OS is setup you can just setup your First Boot Device as HDD-0 and disable the others. Actually I just use First Boot Device and toggle to what I need as I go, you will have to monitor your OS installation at first untill the first reboot, you must enter the BIOS and switch it from the CD/ROM to the HDD-0 or it will loop.)
    Goto the Integrated Peripherals section MCP OnChip PCI device and disable/enable what you need or don't need.
    Now save the stuff and put your Win2000 (or XP) CDrom into the first CDrom drive you have.
    Let it boot and create your partitions, it's best to format your system drive to FAT32 (NTFS is slower) and make sure it's not bigger then 32GB or you can't format it FAT32 under Win2000 (don't know about XP). I would recommend FAT32 over NTFS on both 2000 and XP. (Some people will disagree with me)
    Make sure you use an account name with normal characters, so don't use 臄 or whatever, or you may/will get into trouble installing drivers.
    After Win2000 (XP) has been installed, install ServicePack2 and Dirtectx 8.1 for Win2000 (XP has those allready).
    Stay away from using the drivers on the disk supplied.
    Then install the nForce 1.0 ref-drivers, can be downloaded from MSI or
    After this you should be able to rock-and-roll
    When you have problems with certain devices, you could try the BIOS 2.3, but don't use the LiveBIOS to do this, read my other article on "How to flash a BIOS"
    Written by Bas

    i cant get my computer to play any high end games like alice or unreal or any thing like that or Madden NFL 2003 i have windows 2000 was working with xp home my computer restarts every time. tell me some thing it restarted with xp as well some games take me back to desk top :O

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    I pre-ordered this computer before it was released on Thursday of last week. I noticed on Saturday that the microphone was completely inaudible due to a massive amount of static that drowns out the voice. I called HP and we discussed the issue over the phone and after letting the representative hear the recorded sound, he suggested that I return the laptop to Futureshop and get a replacement.
    I picked up my replacement today, and to my horror, the microphone issue still exists. The sound driver has been uninstalled and re-installed, it has been updated, and the microphone boost has been tried at all levels.
    I'm desperate for some help.
    Thank you.
    (PS: The laptop is Windows 7 with Coexant Pebble High Definition SmartAudio)
    Message Edited by Canadian1000 on 10-25-2009 03:17 PM

    Try these steps:
    Click Start , Control Panel , Hardware and Sound , Sound , and then select the Recording tab .
    Right-click on appropriate internal microphone audio device and select Properties .
    Select the Listen tab and then deselect Listen to this device .
    I am an HP employee.

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    Linking CXX shared library                                                                                     
    /usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/lib/liblapack.a(dgetrf.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 against `.rodata' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
    /usr/local/lib/liblapack.a: could not read symbols: Bad value
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    make[2]: *** [graphics/] Error 1
    Thinking lapack.a somehow wasn't built right, after some fussing I ended up removing  the blas, lapack, and atlas libraries and reinstalling them from the AUR atlas-lapack (ver 3.8.3)  package.  This is where they had come from originally just a few months ago, when I first tried to compile this massive app.    Maybe now something in atlas-lapack got fixed?  No.   Apparently it builds static libraries without -fPIC, or something else is going on to result in this error.  I didn't see anything obvious in the PKGBUILD file to change. 
    Now I'm stuck, out of further ideas to try...
    Last edited by darenw (2010-10-06 20:48:40)

    Problem solved.  CMake was finding a stray old .a file (w/o any .so files with it)  in /usr/local/lib while the good new .a and .so files were in /usr/lib.     Deleted the old .a, reran cmake.  Now make runs fine.   -fPIC had nothing to do with the solution.

  • RV320 massive SYN Flooding attacks?

    I have purchased a RV320 small business router for my home office, but i am experiencing massive SYN Flooding attacks when clients connect to my ftp and when rsync backup is performed.
    My equipment consists of
    Cisco RV320 Router running v1.1.0.09 (2013-07-04, 13:28:17) FW
    Synology DS212 Nas
    Cisco RV320 Router with static IP
    WAN1 is used and configured with an static WAN IP
    DHCP Range from to 149
    Port Range Forwarding Table
    FTP[TCP/21~21] to IP
    FTP Range[TCP/55536~55543] to IP
    Rsync UDP[UDP/873~873] to IP
    Synology DS212 Nas with static IP
    Each time a user connects to my ftp server, I get a lot of these errors.
    This is just a small sample of the log
    [HACK] SynFlooding Attack
    IN=eth1 OUT=eth0 DST= DMAC=e0:2f:6d:75:34:d9 SMAC=00:13:72:52:16:5c LEN=52 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=120 ID=16112 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=45496 DPT=21 WINDOW=8192 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
    The same happens when an rsync backup is running on my DS212
    2013-10-05, 12:11:15
    [HACK] SynFlooding Attack
    IN=eth1 OUT=eth0 DST= DMAC=e0:2f:6d:75:34:d9 SMAC=00:13:72:52:16:5c LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=54 ID=42649 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=36846 DPT=873 WINDOW=5840 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
    If more information is needed please let me know
    Any ideas why this happens?

    Maybe a stupid question, how do I create a support ticket?
    If I click on the link "contact us" then I chose
    Open a Technical Support Request here
    But it require the following as you can read
    Your login ID is not set up to access the TAC Service Request Tool (TSRT).
    To obtain access, add all of your Cisco service contract numbers to your profile by going to the
    Cisco Profile Manager - Request to Insert Contracts
    . If you are a Cisco Partner or a customer with a Service Access Management Administrator, please contact that resource to obtain access to your service contracts.  You may use the
    Service Access Management Tool
    to find your Service Access Management Administrator.
    Unsure of your contract number? Your
    Cisco Partner
    , Reseller or Cisco Services representative can help provide a complete list of your service contracts.
    The TAC Service Request Tool (TSRT) is designed to support contract-entitled services only at this time. For urgent issues or warranty service please contact the
    Cisco Technical Assistance Center
    via telephone.
    Cisco Global Technical Services Quick Start Guide for additional assistance. Your login ID is not set up to access the TAC Service Request Tool (TSRT).
    To obtain access, add all of your Cisco service contract numbers to your profile by going to the Cisco Profile Manager - Request to Insert Contracts. If you are a Cisco Partner or a customer with a Service Access Management Administrator, please contact that resource to obtain access to your service contracts.  You may use the Service Access Management Tool to find your Service Access Management Administrator.
    Unsure of your contract number? Your Cisco Partner, Reseller or Cisco Services representative can help provide a complete list of your service contracts.
    The TAC Service Request Tool (TSRT) is designed to support contract-entitled services only at this time. For urgent issues or warranty service please contact the Cisco Technical Assistance Center via telephone.
    See Cisco Global Technical Services Quick Start Guide for additional assistance.

  • Total static with music playback since 7.6?

    Just wondering if anyone else has come across this problem?
    I installed the x64 version of 7.6 when it became available and now all I get is massive amounts of static type noise on playback with iTunes.
    Music playback is fine with other apps such aas Media player etc...
    Any ideas?
    Message was edited by: Code_Nerd

    I do - see my post by jbarchitect. Sound familiar?

  • Static Discharge

    So, I recently bought this iPod classic and I wish I hadn't. There's obviously something wrong. I'm a student so I have a backpack on for much of the day. When I have my iPod on and my headphones in, and I take off my back pack I get a massive discharge of static in my ears and a large amount of white noise. I thought it was a one time thing so I used it again, it fried my headphones. So then I thought maybe it was that pair of headphones, so I used a different pair... it happened again. It's very annoying and my friend had a different MP3 player with similar problems that just shut off one day after getting this shock. I know it's because of my back pack rubbing up against my sweatshirt causing the static, but should it be going through my device and headphones?? I don't want to loose my new purchase, and I didn't have enough money at the time to get a warrenty.
    ALSO... I bought a belkin rubber grip sleeve and the minute I took the iPod out of the box I put this sleeve on ...just like this for the classic and when I started getting these shocks I took it off and to my surprise there are white, crystal burst like formations embedded on the back of the device... so now I'm concerned there's something really wrong with it. What should I do? Anyone have simliar problems?
    Oh, I've used the iPod w/o the sleeve on, the shocks still happen and the speckles are still there...

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    This was never there before, if I have my model empty then the delay is only 1 second, but there is no delay when switching between the other tabs, only when switching back to the one with the tables.
    I recreated a static table that was similar, with hardcoded data, even with the 2 tables on that example there was an 800ms, which was noticeable and again no delay on the other tabs when switching.
    Anyone have any ideas?

    So I have traced it down to my dropdown box, when my dropdown box list is bound to a node in my model with 650 items it takes about 6.5 seconds, but if it is bound to a node with only 15-20 items then switching back to the table only takes around 1 second.
    What is going on here? Is it re-rendering the page?
    So added this piece of code to the table
    oTable.addDelegate({ onAfterRendering : $.proxy(function(){
            console.log('table rendered');
          }, oTable)});
    It is infact rendering the page  twice when switching back to the tab, this happens with the shell and I also tested it with only using a tabstrip and same amount of delay.
    Why is this happening? Anyone had a similar issue?
    Message was edited by: Stam anatic

  • Static list of tree nodes

    I'm working on a tree structure, that I need to be accessable as a list.
    I am debating on using a static ArrayList as a Field of the nodes.
    class TreeNode {
       ArrayList<TreeNode> alistChildren;
       private statice ArrayList<TreeNode> alistRowView;
       int iRow;
    // etc
       }I would like to do this, because it keeps all my tree functions internal to the tree structure.
    But I've got a sneaky feeling I'm overlooking something that will cause massive headaches.

    I'm working on a tree structure, that I need to be accessable as a list.It's hard for something to be a tree AND a list.
    I would suggest that you not reinvent the wheel. There is a class DefaultMutableTreeNode that already works with JTree and implements the tree concept you are looking for.
    If you truly need your tree to also be a list, you may want to convert the whole thing into an XML document. You can also make that work in a JTree using [tjacobs.tree.XMLTreeModel in TUS, my open source project|]
    By using XML, you can use XPath to get a NodeList from your Document.
    (but that's totally over my HEAD!!!) you say. Well go look it up and come back in a month when you've mastered all of this. I promise you it's the easiest best way to do it.
    ps. Don't declare your variables as ArrayList. Instead, use java.util.List and assign an ArrayList to it when you construct the object.
    class TreeNode {
    ArrayList<TreeNode> alistChildren;
    private statice ArrayList<TreeNode> alistRowView;
    int iRow;
    // etc
    }I would like to do this, because it keeps all my tree functions internal to the tree structure.
    But I've got a sneaky feeling I'm overlooking something that will cause massive headaches.
    Thoughts?Edited by: tjacobs01 on Jan 22, 2010 3:20 PM

  • Problem with Threads and a static variable

    I have a problem with the code below. I am yet to make sure that I understand the problem. Correct me if I am wrong please.
    Code functionality:
    A timer calls SetState every second. It sets the state and sets boolean variable "changed" to true. Then notifies a main process thread to check if the state changed to send a message.
    The problem as far I understand is:
    Assume the timer Thread calls SetState twice before the main process Thread runs. As a result, "changed" is set to true twice. However, since the main process is blocked twice during the two calls to SetState, when it runs it would have the two SetState timer threads blocked on its synchronized body. It will pass the first one, send the message and set "changed" to false since it was true. Now, it will pass the second thread, but here is the problem, "changed" is already set to false. As a result, it won't send the message even though it is supposed to.
    Would you please let me know if my understanding is correct? If so, what would you propose to resolve the problem? Should I call wait some other or should I notify in a different way?
    private static volatile boolean bChanged = false;
    private static Thread objMainProcess;
       protected static void Init(){
            objMainProcess = new Thread() {
                public void run() {
                    while( objMainProcess == Thread.currentThread() ) {
            objMainProcess.setDaemon( true );
        public static void initStatusTimer(){
            if(objTimer == null)
                 objTimer = new javax.swing.Timer( 1000, new java.awt.event.ActionListener(){
                    public void actionPerformed( java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt){
        private static void SetState(){
            if( objMainProcess == null ) return;
            synchronized( objMainProcess ) {
                bChanged = true;
                }catch( IllegalMonitorStateException e ) {}
        private static boolean GetState() {
            if( objMainProcess == null ) return false;
            synchronized( objMainProcess ) {
                if( bChanged) {
                    bChanged = false;
                    return true;
                try {
                }catch( InterruptedException e ) {}
                return false;

    Thanks DrClap for your reply. Everything you said is right. It is not easy to make them alternate since SetState() could be called from different places where the state could be anything else but a status message. Like a GREETING message for example. It is a handshaking message but not a status message.
    Again as you said, There is a reason I can't call sendMessage() inside setState().
    The only way I was able to do it is by having a counter of the number of notifies that have been called. Every time notify() is called a counter is incremented. Now instead of just checking if "changed" flag is true, I also check if notify counter is greater than zero. If both true, I send the message. If "changed" flag is false, I check again if the notify counter is greater than zero, I send the message. This way it works, but it is kind of a patch than a good design fix. I am yet to find a good solution.

  • Can I use same IP to static to internal server from external dedicated ip?

    M question is would it cause my problems if I had the outside interface external ip mapped to vlan2 with the same ip address as I am trying to create static route to my server? Or is this OK? Keep in mind these are imaginary ips.
    I was trying to use this command but it was not letting me:
    static (inside,outside) tcp 3389 3389 netmask
    Here is the front end of my config
    ASA Version 7.2(4)
    hostname ciscoasa
    domain-name default.domain.invalid
    enable password DowJbZ7jrm5Nkm5B encrypted
    passwd 2KFQnbNIdI.2KYOU encrypted
    interface Vlan1
    nameif inside
    security-level 100
    ip address
    interface Vlan2
    nameif outside
    security-level 0
    ip address
    interface Ethernet0/0
    switchport access vlan 2
    interface Ethernet0/1

    Since you are using the outside interface ip address in your static PAT, you should use the keyword "interface" as follows:
    static (inside,outside) tcp interface 3389 3389 netmask

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