Master details report/form

Hi Friends,
I want to create a Master-Detail report/form.
I have one Master Table and it has 3 Detail tables.
Master Table: Members
Detail Tables: Contributions
               Benefit ClaimsI want to show when I click on a specific Member in the report edit , I can make entry/update to all
the 3 detail tables. And not going each entry separately.
Is this design requirement good?
Thanks a lot

You can look here on how to create multiple detail tables:
Denes Kubicek

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    I have two tables that are linked with FK in the detail table
    Master table
    ID_ENDURGR     NUMBER --PK populated with a trigger
    Detail table
    ID_EIGENDUR     NUMBER --PK populated with a trigger
    ENDURGR_ID_FK     NUMBER -- FK on ID_ENDURGR in the master table
    If I create a application with a master detail page using the wizard, pages with a report and a tabular form are created. This works fine and the FK field in the detail table is automatically populated with the PK from the master table.
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    before insert on "RSK_1018_EIGENDUR"
    for each row
    if :new."ID_EIGENDUR" is null then
    select "RSK_541_EIGENDUR_SEQ".nextval into :new."ID_EIGENDUR" from dual;
    end if;
    Do I need to add something here... or what?
    Please help.
    Edited by: 805740 on 2.12.2010 07:14

    Thanks for your reply. I have created my pages on
    ws: RSK_APEX
    user: demo
    pwd: demo
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  • Error in Master-Detail report form

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    I am a beginner to Oracle APEX, i am learning from this "Building an Application using Oracle Application Express: Part 1" tutorial, i went through this, but i got error while in detail field, from tutorial, detail table shows, tasks table, but in my detail field it doesn't shows tasks table, Please help me........

    Hello 942793 -- Do you have a name / nickname? -- We still don't know how to address you,
    Say, could you tell us -- because sometimes different versions have different capabilities:
    Full APEX version number,
    Full database version number,
    APEX web browser architecture (EPG, OHS, or APEX listener)
    Browser(s) and version(s) used,
    Operating System with version number and architecture (32/64 bit),
    [If you mentioned these before we don't have access to that info in this thread.]
    Also, are you using ARP (Automatic Row Processing) for this Master-Detail or have you programmed your own updates?
    Did you use an APEX wizard to create the Master-Detail or have you written you own code for the Master-Detail?
    To the problem:  In short, APEX is ensuring update consistency by preventing an update of a record/row that has changed since the code retrieved it.  So, one needs to figure out where/why it changed and what to do about it.
    ?  Is this Master-Detail part of you application fairly simple?  Could you put just that part out on for folks to look at?  That can speed resolution of these, sometimes difficult, update problems.

  • Master/Detail report on same page.

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    I would like to have a header, something like
    Project Title -- Project Status etc... for each project. Then below this section
    Project Detail 1
    Project Detail 2
    Project Detail 3
    Loop through the projects
    It's just two tables. projects and details. Details has a fk
    I tried to do a Form -> Master Detail but it puts them on seperate pages and also allows the data to be edited. I don't need that, this is simply for display.
    This is something I can put together just creating an html table in an anonymous PLSQL block but if ability is there in HTML DB I should probably try it that way.

    This can be achieved by doing something like the following:
    Have a single SQL statement that joins the two tables together. eg,
    select p.project_title,
    from projects p
    inner join details d on d.project_id = p.project_id
    This will provide a flat table with the project title in the first column for all records.
    Then, in the Report Attributes, you need to switch on Column Breaks:
    In the Break Formatting section, set Breaks to "First Column"
    In the When displaying a break column use this format, enter #project_title#
    In the Identify how you would like your breaks to be displayed, select "Repeat headings on break"
    Finally, clear the "Show" tick for the project_title column
    There's probably something you could do to improve formatting etc, but this should give you a start.

  • Master Detail Report for PDF Printing

    Dear All,
           While trying to create a master detail report using Oracle APEX 4.2 and BI Publisher. I tried creating report queries and report layout following the below mentioned steps.
      EMPNO NUMBER(4),
      ENAME VARCHAR2(10),
      JOB VARCHAR2(9),
      MGR NUMBER(4),
      SAL NUMBER(7,2),
      COMM NUMBER(7,2)
    CREATE TYPE emp_tab AS TABLE OF emp_row;
    CREATE TYPE dept_row AS OBJECT (
      DNAME VARCHAR2(14),
      LOC VARCHAR2(13),
      EMP_LIST emp_tab
      d.deptno, d.dname, d.loc,
      CAST(MULTISET(SELECT e.empno, e.ename, e.job, e.mgr, e.hiredate, e.sal, e.comm
      FROM emp e
      WHERE e.deptno = d.deptno) AS emp_tab)
      ) AS "XML_QUERY"
    FROM dept d
    WHERE d.deptno = 10;
    Though the above steps generates xml output while trying to generate in APEX it says unsupported datatype. Tried using DBMS_LOB as well no luck. Any inputs will be quite helpful. Should there be any other way to incorporate master detail report printing in APEX kindly advise.

    Hi Ahmed_Jed,
    Ahmed_Jed wrote:
    Thanks Kiran for your prompt response. I tried following the steps already using this link (How To Create a Master-Detail PDF Report) somehow the detail record was not getting processed perhaps was trying to generate xml data using the above query. Any other reference will be highly appreciated.
        Well the problem lies here:
      d.deptno, d.dname, d.loc,
      CAST(MULTISET(SELECT e.empno, e.ename, e.job, e.mgr, e.hiredate, e.sal, e.comm
      FROM emp e
      WHERE e.deptno = d.deptno) AS emp_tab)
      ) AS "XML_QUERY"
    FROM dept d
    WHERE d.deptno = 10;
        The Report Query itself generates XML data (in the required BI Publisher format). So, no need to generate it like this.
        As you are using table functions your query should be of the type:
                , ENAME
                , JOB
                , MGR
                , HIREDATE
                , SAL
                , COMM
        where EMP_PKG.GET_EMPLOYEES is packaged table function which returns the Object Table of type EMP_TAB mentioned above.
        When you test the above Report Query with sample DEPTNO, it will generate the sample XML, which you can use to generate Report Layout in RTF format using BI Publisher Desktop.
        Hope this helps!

  • Master Detail Report Export to Excel/CSV

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    Is there any possiblility to export the report as shown on screen to csv?

    Limit the range of data to be exported and check any row missing.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Group above master/detail report; page break causes repeat of master frame

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    I've tried switching the "Page Protect" to No at the page level and the "Print Object On" is set to "First Page" but it doesn't solve the problem. The whole master frame is repeated on the next page when a page break occurs part way through. The master/detail Repeating Frame "Print Object On" is set to "Last Page".
    Any other ideas?

  • Binds in Master/Detail Reports: Problems and Solutions

    I've been trying to use bind variables in the master report of master/detail reports with multiple detail reports; but, I've been getting a problem with the detail reports not displaying data.
    Here's a sample sequence of events:
    1) Select the master/detail report under User Defined Reports.
    2) Connect to a DB (if necessary).
    3) Enter any value(s) for the bind(s) for the master report.
    4) Select a row in the master report.
    5) The currently selected detail report displays column names and data.
    6) Select a different detail report.
    7) Nothing displays except column names.
    8) Select a different detail report.
    9) Nothing displays except column names.
    10) Click the currently selected row in the master report.
    11) Now the current selected detail report displays (column names and) data.
    I have found that if, I am more selective with my bind variable names, I can get things to work as expected.
    First, let me show an example of some SQL that was giving me problems.
    Master Report:
    select distinct OWNER
    where (OWNER like :OWNER or :OWNER is NULL)
    Detail Reports:select *
    where OWNER = :OWNER
    and OBJECT_TYPE = 'INDEX'replacing 'INDEX' with other values for the other detail reports.
    (I did have this problem with other SQL too but hopefully this SQL will run on everyone's DB.)
    The first solution I found was to change the name of the bind in the master to something like OWNER_BIND.
    The second solution I found was to change the master to
    select distinct OWNER as POWNERand change the detail reports to
    where OWNER = :POWNERAnother solution might be to adjust the bind variable names' case, but I didn't look at that.
    While I was trying different things to get this to work, one of the goofy things that SQL Developer did was add <binds>s to the <query>s of the detail reports in my UserReports.xml. IIRC, it even did this to a master/detail report that I was not editing. So, if you run into this problem, you might want to open your UserReports.xml and clean it up by hand. (Actually, that might be good advice for other problems too.)
    Tip: I've had other problems with my User Reports such as disappearing reports; so, not only do I regularly make copies my UserReports.xml, I also save report(s) into separate XML files and use Tools > Preferences... > Database > User Defined Extensions to add REPORT-type extensions to SQL Developer. (Kris Rice talked a bit about REPORT-type extensions in this blog entry:
    FYI: I'm using sqldeveloper- on Windows XP w/ SP2. The DB is Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production.

    Here is the complete XML exported from a problem report. If you want to use this, save it as an XML file then import that file from within SQL Developer (ie, right-click on User Defined Reports and choose Import).
    Notice that there are <binds>s on the detail reports. They don't belong there; only the one on the master report belongs. (The <binds> is specified by the Binds tab when creating a report. They are for prompting the user for value(s) and you cannot do that in child reports.) Even if I removed the <binds>s from the detail reports before importing the XML file, I still see the problem. SQL Developer also ends up putting them back. I think that it might happen to each detail report individually as it is visited when using (ie, not editing) the master/detail report.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><displays><display id="" type="" style="Table" enable="true">
              <sql><![CDATA[select distinct OWNER as OWNER
    where (OWNER like :OWNER or :OWNER is NULL)]]></sql>
                   <bind id="OWNER">
                        <prompt><![CDATA[OWNER (like)]]></prompt>
         <display id="null" type="Detail" style="Table" enable="true">
                   <sql><![CDATA[select *
    where OWNER = :OWNER
    and OBJECT_TYPE = 'INDEX']]></sql>
                        <bind id="OWNER">
         <display id="null" type="Detail" style="Table" enable="true">
                   <sql><![CDATA[select *
    where OWNER = :OWNER
    and OBJECT_TYPE = 'PACKAGE']]></sql>
                        <bind id="OWNER">
         <display id="null" type="Detail" style="Table" enable="true">
              <name><![CDATA[PACKAGE BODY]]></name>
                   <sql><![CDATA[select *
    where OWNER = :OWNER
    and OBJECT_TYPE = 'PACKAGE BODY']]></sql>
                        <bind id="OWNER">
         <display id="null" type="Detail" style="Table" enable="true">
                   <sql><![CDATA[select *
    where OWNER = :OWNER
    and OBJECT_TYPE = 'SEQUENCE']]></sql>
                        <bind id="OWNER">
         <display id="null" type="Detail" style="Table" enable="true">
                   <sql><![CDATA[select *
    where OWNER = :OWNER
    and OBJECT_TYPE = 'TABLE']]></sql>
                        <bind id="OWNER">

  • Master-Detail Report

    Hi Gurus,
    I am trying to implement master-detail report in single window without navigating to other window in OBI 10g by following the below link
    but i am facing problem in creating iframe column and including that column in the report
    Can we achieve this requirement in OBI 10g if yes please suggest me how can we do this.

    Hi Muram,
    For implementing Master-detail for the product report when we click on Prod-Cat from master report(Year, Prod-Cat, Tot-Sales) it as to show the detail report (Prod-SubCat,Tot-Sales) in the same window without navigation to the other window for this scenario I implemented the steps as per the below URL which was send in the previous post.
    but I am facing problem in 5th,6th,7th steps could you please suggest me on these.
    1>First I created master report with columns (Year, Prod-Cat, Tot-Sales)
    2>Second I created detail report with columns(Prod-SubCat,Tot-Sales)
    3>I have created two prompts Year and Prod-Cat
    4>Now in the dashboard page I kept prompts and two reports in separate sections
    5>To build intermediate report for validation which columns I have to take in that report and what I have to give in the fx.
    6>In the detail report sections in the edit dashboard how to give the reference to the intermediate report and how to make the report not visible at the initial view of the user.
    7>In the main report how to give the navigation to the same page which consist of main and detail report together we can navigation either main report or detail report how we can navigation which consist of both.
    Edited by: Rafi.B on Aug 29, 2012 11:42 AM

  • Master Detail Report + Tab navigation error

    Hello All,
    I built a master detail report and included a standard tab set. I built it with the wizard. When tabbing from the report page there is no problem. When tabbing from the associated master detail page you always get "web page not found" with this in the address bar-"http:///apex/wwv_flow.accept". I understand why you would not want to tab out from this type of page. Can anyone point me in the right direction to remove the tabs from view on this page. All my attempts want to remove the tabs at the application level. I am using the one level tab page template. Thanks ...

    If you can put your application on and tell me how I can see this problem, that might be easiest. Just need your workspace name and application ID (plus instructions).

  • Master-detail reports in SqlDeveloper

    I recently read this article by Sue Harper.
    I am using Sqldeveloper for a little while now, but never created a user-defined report.
    This morning I read this article about it, and I am really thrilled.
    The problem is: I cannot get a master-detail report to work.
    I followed the instructions:
    Master query:
    select a.master_column
    from not_important a
    The type of the detail report is "DETAIL" and I refer to the master-column like this : where blabla = :MASTER_COLUMN
    I Tried:
    * changing caption of the bind variable.
    * adding a column alias in the master query
    * changing type to child
    nothing works
    Tried it in sqldeveloper: 1.5.4 and
    neither work.
    Of course I am missing the obvious. Can somebody please point out, what I am doing wrong.

    I finally figured out, what I was doing wrong.
    I tested my report with a single master-record by pressing the detail run-button (>) immediately after the report openend, WITHOUT first actually selecting this single master record with my mouse.
    So when I hit the detail run-button (>) Oracle returned with a "All Rows Fetched: 0". So I never realized I was actually querying with a NULL value in the bind variable.

  • Master Details Entry Form in Oracle ADF

    Dear Sir,
    Please tell me how we create the Master Details Entry Form in Oracle ADF.
    Thanks in Advance
    Shiv Naresh Gupta

    hi Number(922941) :)
    welcome ,
    to this forums
    thing 1: change handle(name) as string as well as meaningful.
    first go through
    Next look.

  • ADF Master Detail entry form issue

    Hi All,
    I am new to JDeveloper and I am creating a Master Detail entry form. I have separate buttons to create master records and detail records in Master and Detail sections respectively. After completing data entry in Master portion, when I hit the create button to create a line in detail, it removes data from the last field of master which is a "description" field. I haven't write any custom code yet. How can I fix this?
    Help will be appreciated.

    Thanks for your reply and links to the tutorials.
    I have changed the default binding to CreateInsert from Create. Unlike in the sample application in the links, my form is editable at both the levels. Apart from the clearing out the description field, it clears out the list items I have defined at Detail level when I create second or greater record. It works fine for the first record at Detail level. And as I mentioned, I have not written any custom code anywhere.
    Any clue will be a great help.

  • Master Detail Java Form

    Where can i find any source code of master detail java form without using BC4J?

    JSP and Applets are kind of exluding the other. If you don't like to use BC4J, you can use all kind of technologies like EJB or POJOs. ADF will work the same for the two technologies when building user interfaces. See for tutorials and how-to.

  • Master Detail Report using Report Query

    I am using APEX Report Query component to try and create a mater/detail report with BI plug-in. The Report Queries doesn't give you mush flexibility as each query is independent of the other. I'm trying to see if I need to create 2 queries or 1 AND what option would let me create a master detail report like so in BI Desktop:
    Employee: Bob ID:100 Dept: HR
    Job 1
    Job 2
    Job 3
    Employee: Tom ID:200 Dept: ACCt
    Job 1
    Job 2
    Job 3
    I could combine the Employee Job info with the Employee info, but that would report the Employee info for every Employee Job. I didn't think that was good.
    Option 2.
    I could create 2 queries. The 1st getting all of the Empoyee info. The 2nd getting all of the Employee jobs.
    Any advice?
    Edited by: bobmagan on Jun 1, 2009 5:29 AM

    Can you check for the settings please.
    Thanks and Regards

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