Master Query Replace

Hi BW Gurus,
I would like to know, how do I replace a query result from a master query to a child query (not a drill down) ?
Thank You

If you select characteristics value with replacement path then it uses the results from previous query; for example let us assume that you have query Q1 whivh displays the top 10 customers; we have query Q2 which gets the top 10 customers for info object 0CUSTOMER with as a variable with replacement path and displays detailed report on the customers list passed from Q1

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    Hey Vadim,
    That worked. How come.. You know I did it several times before and all it said was, that it was going to create a new parameter field called so and so.
    Good, so does it work just this time or always ? just kidding. Reports is so unpredictable, at least for me.
    Thanks Vadim,

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    Hai Ravi
    In SAP query if you join
    KNA1 - KNB1- KNVV
    General - Sasles data - company data
    May be your 5th Account type is created without company code data.
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    Generally there are no configuration steps for SAP query. It is a reporting tool. Using these tool, you can create reports.
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    understanding sap query
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    In the text variable that you are using , i guess you have a replacement path. In this instead of using your characteristic for specifying how the value has to replace, use the variable option and give the variable name there
    Hope it helps

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    In the text variable that you are using , i guess you have a replacement path. In this instead of using your characteristic for specifying how the value has to replace, use the variable option and give the variable name there
    Hope it helps

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                              CL0003 (Autogenerated)
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    Regards Sajin P S

    1) if i want to remove an additional domain controller whether domain master
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    Domain naming master role is a forest-wide FSMO role which is not invoked frequently but for domain creation/deletion and application partition creation/deletion.
    No it does not need. Because you are not creating / removing a domain. Your local RID needs to be accessible in this case.
    Yes it is. By demoting the last domain controller in a domain, you are removing the domain also. So because removing a domain from a forest needs to contact the domain naming master tole, it needs to be accessible.
    Mahdi Tehrani   |  
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