Material Master Volumes / Sourcing Cockpit / PPS

I am currently working on an SRM + ERP (SRM 6 SP0 / ECC 6 / PPS1) implementation for the French State. We are doing a study on the feasibility of using direct procurement functionalities in SRM (sourcing cockpit etc).
Minisitries such as the French MOD however appear to have very large material master repositories.
Order of magnitudes, including clean up, reach the millions easily, so I have a hunch we can encounter performance problems.
How many different material numbers (ballpark) is it conceivable, technically, to put into one client knowing that:
1. we have to have all the materials in ECC and in SRM (regular replication),
2. we expect to have anywhere between 40 and 200 plants, each having 3-5 warehouses,
3. we will have about 25 company codes,
4. MRP functionalities will be very low (min max quantity, no BOMs),
5. we will not sell these materials,
6. we don't want to put WM in place,
7. transaction volumes expected - 1000 POs a day, each with at least ten line items,
8. we only do POs in SRM (GR IR are done in ECC),
9. we have specific developments such as systematic account determination in ERP (using T030 table) or a battery of different controls upon ordering the PO.
In my opinion, ERP tables such as MARC may have too many entries for a million or more materials to be used in our instance. Anyone can confirm this is a logical cut off point?
Also, we do not have MDM. Would this change the ballpark figure?
Thanks a lot and best regards

Wrong assignment of P org with P grp is the route cause, found the error and rectified which is working fine.
Thanks and Regards,
Venkata Koppisetti.

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    Appreciate your help on this.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Keshini
    So , lets assume that you have created a sales order for the material MAT1 and it has Net weight 5kg & Gross weight 6kg ,Now the sales order status is open you have not yet delivered that order and you have changed the Net weight 10kg & Gross weight 14kg. So you want to update that open sales order to Net weight 10kg & Gross weight 14kg. If that is the problem then just go to VA05 and give the material (MATNR) and check the box open sales orders then you will get the open sales orders then in the menu you select to carryout the net weight & gross weight there you can change .and then you can do delivery then the updation will take place in the Net weight & Gross weight also

  • Material master upload using BAPI...

    Helo SDNers,
    I am trying to upload material master using BAPI.
    data :  begin of t_mat occurs 0,
            material type matnr,             " Material - MATNR
            ind_sec type mbrsh,              " Industry sector  - MBRSH
            mat_typ type mtart,              " Material type - MTART
            plant type werks_d,              " plant - WERKS_D
            stge_loc type lgort_d,           " Storage location - LGORT_D
            sales_org type vkorg,            " Sales org - VKORG
            distr_chan type vtweg,           " Distribution channel - VTWEG
            mat_desc type maktx,             " Material description - MAKTX
            base_uom type meins,             " Base unit of measurement- MEINS
            mat_grp type matkl,              " material group - MATKL
            division type spart,             " Division - SPART
            gen_itmcatmgrp type MTPOS,       " General item category group -MTPOS_MARA
            gros_weight type BRGEW,          " Gross weight - BRGEW
            net_weight type NTGEW,          " Net weight - NTGEW
            mat_grppack type MAGRV,          " Material group pack - MAGRV
            delv_plant type DWERK_EXT,       " Delivery plant
            tax_clasif type TAXKM,           " Tax classification
            item_catgrp type MTPOS,          " Item category group
            aval_check type MTVFP,           " Availability check
            trans_grp type TRAGR,            " Transportation group
            load_grp type LADGR,             " Loading group
            pur_grp type EKGRP,              " Purchasing grp,
            mrp_type type DISMM,             " MRP type
            mrp_contr type DISPO,            " MRP Controller
            lot_size type DISLS,             " Lot size,
            gr_processing type WEBAZ,        " GR Processing time
            schdmargin_key type FHORI,       " Schedule margin key
            batch_mangment type XCHPF,       " Batch management
            strog_cond type RAUBE,           " Storage condition
            source_list type KORDB,          " Source list
            mrp_grp type DISGR,              " MRP group
            reorder_point type MINBE,        " Reorder point
            procurement_type type BESKZ,     " Procurement type
            sp_procurement_type type SOBSL,  " Special  Procurement type
            inhouse_prod type DZEIT,                    " Inhouse production
            safety_stock type EISBE,         " Safety stock
            strategy_group type STRGR,       " Strategy group
            availabilty_grp type MTVFP,      " Availability group
            batch_entry type KZECH ,         " Batch entry
            valuation_class type BKLAS,      " Valuation class
            price_control type VPRSV,        " Price control
            moving_price type VERPR,         " Moving price
            standard_price type STPRS,       " Standard price - STPRS
            langu(2),                        " Language
    end of t_mat.
    this is my internal table i have these many content in my excel file
    please explain me what the following code does .....
    move-corresponding wa to bapi_head.
    bapi_head-basic_view = 'X'.
    bapi_head-sales_view = 'X'.
    bapi_head-purchase_view = 'X'.
    bapi_head-mrp_view = 'X'.
    bapi_head-forecast_view = 'X'.
    bapi_head-work_sched_view = 'X'.
    bapi_head-prt_view = 'X'.
    bapi_head-storage_view = 'X'.
    bapi_head-warehouse_view = 'X'.
    bapi_head-quality_view = 'X'.
    bapi_head-account_view = 'X'.
    bapi_head-cost_view = 'X'.
    and also please help with an example how do i upload data from IT (my internal table) using BAPI.
    Ranjith N

    Hi ,
    First you upload your Excel data into Internal Table.
    Move all data to Respected BAPI Structures.
    and then call 'BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA' and pass all structures.
    Sample Code:
          filename                = p_fname
          i_begin_col             = v_c1
          i_begin_row             = l_v_r
          i_end_col               = v_cl
          i_end_row               = v_rl
          intern                  = i_excel
          inconsistent_parameters = 1
          upload_ole              = 2
          OTHERS                  = 3.
      IF sy-subrc eq 0.
        LOOP AT i_excel.
          CASE i_excel-col.
            WHEN 0001.
              wa_final-field1 = i_excel-value.
            WHEN 0002.
              wa_final-field2 = i_excel-value.
            WHEN 0003.
              wa_final-field3 = i_excel-value.
            WHEN 0004.
              wa_final-field4 = i_excel-value.
            WHEN 0005.
              wa_final-field5 = i_excel-value.
            WHEN 0006.
              wa_final-field6 = i_excel-value.
            WHEN 0007.
              wa_final-field7 = i_excel-value.
            WHEN 0008.
              wa_final-field8 = i_excel-value.
            WHEN 0009.
              wa_final-field9 = i_excel-value.
            WHEN 0010.
              wa_final-field10 = i_excel-value.
            WHEN 0011.
              wa_final-field11 = i_excel-value.
            WHEN 0012.
              wa_final-field12 = i_excel-value.
            WHEN 0013.
              wa_final-field13 = i_excel-value.
            WHEN 0014.
              wa_final-field14 = i_excel-value.
            WHEN 0015.
              wa_final-field15 = i_excel-value.
            WHEN 0016.
              wa_final-field16 = i_excel-value.
    *-at end of each row, a record needs to append the internal table
          AT END OF row.
            APPEND wa_final TO i_final.
            CLEAR: wa_final.
    Move all your Inatrnal tbale data to respected BAPI structures
    *&      Form  MOVE_HEADDATA
       * Move Header data to BAPI Header.
    FORM move_headdata .
    Move Header Data to BAPI Fields
      MOVE : wa_final-matnr      TO wa_mathead-material,
             wa_final-mbrsh      TO wa_mathead-ind_sector,
             wa_final-mtart      TO wa_mathead-matl_type.
    To get UOM
      SELECT SINGLE * FROM t006 INTO t006 WHERE msehi = wa_final-meins.
      MOVE: t006-isocode TO wa_mara-base_uom_iso,
            c_x          TO wa_marax-base_uom_iso.
    **-- Move Material Descriptions
      PERFORM move_materialdescription .
    ENDFORM.                    " MOVE_HEADDATA
    *&      Form  MOVE_CLIENTDATA
          * Move Basic data to Clientdata
    FORM   move_clientdata .
      MOVE : wa_final-spart      TO wa_mara-division,
             wa_final-bismt      TO wa_mara-old_mat_no,
             wa_final-extwg      TO wa_mara-extmatlgrp,
             wa_final-mtpos_mara TO wa_mara-item_cat,
             wa_final-groes      TO wa_mara-size_dim,
             wa_final-zeivr      TO wa_mara-doc_vers,
             wa_final-ekwsl      TO wa_mara-pur_valkey.
      MOVE : c_x      TO wa_marax-division,
             c_x      TO wa_marax-old_mat_no,
             c_x      TO wa_marax-extmatlgrp,
             c_x      TO wa_marax-item_cat,
             c_x      TO wa_marax-size_dim,
             c_x      TO wa_marax-doc_vers,
             c_x      TO wa_marax-pur_valkey.
    ENDFORM.                    " MOVE_CLIENTDATA
          * Move storage location data to STORAGELOCATIONDATA
    FORM move_storagelocationdata .
      CLEAR: wa_mard,wa_mardx.
      MOVE : wa_final-werks      TO wa_mard-plant,
             wa_final-lgort      TO wa_mard-stge_loc.
      MOVE : wa_final-werks      TO wa_mardx-plant,
             wa_final-lgort      TO wa_mardx-stge_loc.
    *&      Form  MOVE_SALESDATA
         * Move Salesdate to SALESDATA
    FORM move_salesdata .
      MOVE : wa_final-vkorg      TO wa_mvke-sales_org,
             wa_final-vtweg      TO wa_mvke-distr_chan,
             wa_final-dwerk      TO wa_mvke-delyg_plnt,
             wa_final-versg      TO wa_mvke-matl_stats,
             wa_final-ktgrm      TO wa_mvke-acct_assgt,
             wa_final-mtpos      TO wa_mvke-item_cat,
             wa_final-mvgr1      TO wa_mvke-matl_grp_1,
             wa_final-mvgr2      TO wa_mvke-matl_grp_2,
             wa_final-mvgr3      TO wa_mvke-matl_grp_3,
             wa_final-mvgr4      TO wa_mvke-matl_grp_4,
             wa_final-mvgr5      TO wa_mvke-matl_grp_5,
             wa_final-vrkme      TO wa_mvke-sales_unit.
      MOVE : wa_final-vkorg      TO wa_mvkex-sales_org,
             wa_final-vtweg      TO wa_mvkex-distr_chan,
             c_x                 TO wa_mvkex-delyg_plnt,
             c_x                 TO wa_mvkex-matl_stats,
             c_x                 TO wa_mvkex-acct_assgt,
             c_x                 TO wa_mvkex-item_cat,
             c_x                 TO wa_mvkex-matl_grp_1,
             c_x                 TO wa_mvkex-matl_grp_2,
             c_x                 TO wa_mvkex-matl_grp_3,
             c_x                 TO wa_mvkex-matl_grp_4,
             c_x                 TO wa_mvkex-matl_grp_5,
             c_x                 TO wa_mvkex-sales_unit.
    ENDFORM.                    " MOVE_SALESDATA
          * Move MATERIALDESCRIPTION to Material Description
    FORM move_materialdescription .
      CLEAR: wa_makt,i_makt.
      MOVE : wa_final-maktx TO wa_makt-matl_desc,
             sy-langu       TO wa_makt-langu.
      APPEND wa_makt TO i_makt.
      CLEAR wa_makt.
    *&      Form  basic_data
    FORM basic_data .
    **-- Move Material Data at Storage Location Level
      PERFORM move_storagelocationdata .
      MOVE : wa_final-vkorg      TO wa_mvke-sales_org,
             wa_final-vtweg      TO wa_mvke-distr_chan.
      MOVE : wa_final-vkorg      TO wa_mvkex-sales_org,
             wa_final-vtweg      TO wa_mvkex-distr_chan.
    **-- Move Material Data at Client Level
      PERFORM move_clientdata .
    IF ALT_UOM is not Given in flat file Move BASEUOM as ALT_UOM
      IF wa_final-meinh EQ c_space.
        MOVE : wa_final-meins     TO wa_marm-alt_unit,
               wa_final-meins     TO wa_marmx-alt_unit.
        MOVE : wa_final-meinh      TO wa_marm-alt_unit,
                wa_final-umren      TO wa_marm-numerator.
        MOVE : wa_final-meinh     TO wa_marmx-alt_unit,
               c_x                TO wa_marmx-numerator.
      MOVE : wa_final-numtp      TO wa_marm-ean_cat,
             wa_final-brgew      TO wa_marm-gross_wt,
             wa_final-volum      TO wa_marm-volume,
             wa_final-voleh      TO wa_marm-volumeunit,
             wa_final-gewei      TO wa_marm-unit_of_wt.
      APPEND wa_marm TO i_marm.
      CLEAR wa_marm.
      MOVE : c_x                TO wa_marmx-ean_cat,
             c_x                TO wa_marmx-gross_wt,
             c_x                TO wa_marmx-volume,
             c_x                TO wa_marmx-volumeunit,
             c_x                TO wa_marmx-unit_of_wt.
      APPEND wa_marmx TO i_marmx.
      CLEAR wa_marmx.
    ENDFORM.                    " basic_data
    *&      Form  sales_data1
    FORM sales_data1 .
    Move Sales & Plant Data
      MOVE : wa_final-werks      TO wa_marc-plant,
             wa_final-mtvfp      TO wa_marc-availcheck,
             wa_final-ladgr      TO wa_marc-loadinggrp,
             wa_final-prctr      TO wa_marc-profit_ctr.
      MOVE : wa_final-werks      TO wa_marcx-plant,
             c_x                 TO wa_marcx-availcheck,
             c_x                 TO wa_marcx-loadinggrp,
             c_x                 TO wa_marcx-profit_ctr.
      MOVE: wa_final-tragr      TO wa_mara-trans_grp,
            c_x                 TO wa_marax-trans_grp.
    **-- Move Sales Data
      PERFORM move_salesdata .
    Move Tax Data
      MOVE : 'JP'              TO wa_mlan-depcountry_iso,
            'MWAR'             TO wa_mlan-tax_type_1,
             wa_final-taklv    TO wa_mlan-taxclass_1.
      APPEND wa_mlan TO i_mlan.
      CLEAR wa_mlan.
    ENDFORM.                    " sales_data1
    *&      Form  purchase_data
    FORM purchase_data .
    Move Plant Data
      MOVE : wa_final-werks      TO wa_marc-plant,
             wa_final-werks      TO wa_marcx-plant.
    Move PO data
      MOVE : wa_final-ekgrp  TO wa_marc-pur_group,
             wa_final-kautb  TO wa_marc-auto_p_ord,
             wa_final-usequ  TO wa_marc-quotausage,
             wa_final-kordb  TO wa_marc-sourcelist,
             c_x             TO wa_marcx-pur_group,
             c_x             TO wa_marcx-auto_p_ord,
             c_x             TO wa_marcx-quotausage,
             c_x             TO wa_marcx-sourcelist.
      MOVE: wa_final-matkl  TO wa_mara-matl_group,
            wa_final-bstme  TO wa_mara-po_unit,
             c_x            TO wa_marax-matl_group,
             c_x            TO wa_marax-po_unit.
    ENDFORM.                    " purchase_data
    *&      Form  mrp_data
    FORM mrp_data .
    **-- Move Material Data at Storage Location Level
      PERFORM move_storagelocationdata .
    Move All MRP data
      MOVE: wa_final-diskz TO wa_mard-mrp_ind,
            c_x            TO wa_mardx-mrp_ind.
      MOVE : wa_final-werks TO wa_marc-plant,
             wa_final-dismm TO wa_marc-mrp_type,
             wa_final-dispo TO wa_marc-mrp_ctrler,
             wa_final-beskz TO wa_marc-proc_type,
             wa_final-sobsl TO wa_marc-spproctype,
             wa_final-mtvfp TO wa_marc-availcheck,
             wa_final-minbe  TO wa_marc-reorder_pt,
             wa_final-fxhor  TO wa_marc-pl_ti_fnce,
             wa_final-disls  TO wa_marc-lotsizekey,
             wa_final-bstmi  TO wa_marc-minlotsize,
             wa_final-bstma  TO wa_marc-maxlotsize,
             wa_final-bstfe  TO wa_marc-fixed_lot,
             wa_final-mabst  TO wa_marc-max_stock,
             wa_final-ausss  TO wa_marc-assy_scrap,
             wa_final-dzeit  TO wa_marc-inhseprodt,
             wa_final-plifz  TO wa_marc-plnd_delry,
             wa_final-webaz  TO wa_marc-gr_pr_time,
             wa_final-fhori  TO wa_marc-sm_key,
             wa_final-eisbe  TO wa_marc-safety_stk,
             wa_final-strgr  TO wa_marc-plan_strgp,
             wa_final-wzeit  TO wa_marc-replentime,
             wa_final-lgfsb  TO wa_marc-sloc_exprc,
             wa_final-sbdkz  TO wa_marc-dep_req_id,
             wa_final-kzbed  TO wa_marc-grp_reqmts,
             wa_final-miskz  TO wa_marc-mixed_mrp,
             wa_final-stlal  TO wa_marc-alternative_bom,
             wa_final-stlan  TO wa_marc-bom_usage.
      MOVE : wa_final-werks TO wa_marcx-plant,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-mrp_type,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-mrp_ctrler,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-proc_type,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-spproctype,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-availcheck,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-reorder_pt,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-pl_ti_fnce,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-lotsizekey,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-minlotsize,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-maxlotsize,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-fixed_lot,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-max_stock,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-assy_scrap,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-inhseprodt,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-plnd_delry,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-gr_pr_time,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-sm_key,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-safety_stk,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-plan_strgp,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-replentime,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-sloc_exprc,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-dep_req_id,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-grp_reqmts,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-mixed_mrp,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-alternative_bom,
             c_x            TO wa_marcx-bom_usage.
    ENDFORM.                    " mrp_data
    *&      Form  accounting_data
    FORM accounting_data .
    Move Plant Data
      MOVE: wa_final-werks TO wa_marc-plant,
            wa_final-werks TO wa_marcx-plant.
    Move Account Data
      MOVE :  wa_final-werks TO wa_mbew-val_area,
              wa_final-bklas TO wa_mbew-val_class,
              wa_final-vprsv TO wa_mbew-price_ctrl,
              wa_final-verpr TO wa_mbew-moving_pr,
              wa_final-peinh TO wa_mbew-price_unit,
              wa_final-stprs TO wa_mbew-std_price.
      MOVE :  wa_final-werks TO wa_mbewx-val_area,
              c_x TO wa_mbewx-val_class,
              c_x TO wa_mbewx-price_ctrl,
              c_x TO wa_mbewx-moving_pr,
              c_x TO wa_mbewx-price_unit,
              c_x TO wa_mbewx-std_price.
    ENDFORM.                    " accounting_data
    *&      Form  cost_data
    FORM cost_data .
    Move Plant Data
      MOVE: wa_final-werks TO wa_marc-plant,
            wa_final-awsls TO wa_marc-variance_key,
            wa_final-verid  TO wa_marc-prodverscs,   " Production Version
            wa_final-werks TO wa_marcx-plant,
            c_x            TO wa_marcx-variance_key,
            c_x            TO wa_marcx-prodverscs.
    Move Cost Data
      MOVE :  wa_final-werks TO wa_mbew-val_area,
              wa_final-bklas TO wa_mbew-val_class,
              wa_final-vprsv TO wa_mbew-price_ctrl,
              wa_final-ekalr TO wa_mbew-qty_struct.
      MOVE :  wa_final-werks TO wa_mbewx-val_area,
              c_x            TO wa_mbewx-val_class,
              c_x            TO wa_mbewx-price_ctrl,
              c_x            TO wa_mbewx-qty_struct.
    ENDFORM.                    " cost_data
    Call All Structures in to BAPI
          headdata             = wa_mathead
          clientdata           = wa_mara
          clientdatax          = wa_marax
          plantdata            = wa_marc
          plantdatax           = wa_marcx
          storagelocationdata  = wa_mard
          storagelocationdatax = wa_mardx
          valuationdata        = wa_mbew
          valuationdatax       = wa_mbewx
          salesdata            = wa_mvke
          salesdatax           = wa_mvkex
          return               = i_return
          materialdescription  = i_makt
          unitsofmeasure       = i_marm
          unitsofmeasurex      = i_marmx
          taxclassifications   = i_mlan.
      IF i_return-type = 'A' OR i_return-type = 'E' .
        DATA : l_v_string TYPE string,
               l_v_msg1   TYPE string,
               l_v_msg2   TYPE string.
        MOVE i_return-message TO l_v_string.
        CONDENSE l_v_string.
        PERFORM fill_error_table USING 'E'
        v_error = v_error + 1.
        CLEAR: l_v_string.
      ELSEIF i_return-type = 'S'.
        PERFORM fill_error_table USING 'S'
        v_success = v_success + 1.
      ENDIF .
          wait = 'X'.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        COMMIT WORK AND WAIT.      "for the update to table Transcation

  • Material master, SAP

    HI, we need the field description for the following tables in SAP...
    Edited by: Tutika Kumar on Nov 24, 2009 9:39 AM

    Tables used to store the field values for Material Master
    General Material Data     MARA
    Material Descriptions     MAKT
    Plant Data for Material     MARC
    Material Valuation     MBEW
    Storage Location Data for Material     MARD
    Units of Measure for Material     MARM
    Sales Data for Material     MVKE
    Forecast Parameters     MPOP
    Planning Data     MPGD_MASS
    Tax Classification for Material     MLAN
    Material Data for Each Warehouse Number     MLGN
    Material Data for Each Storage Type     MLGT
    Fields with field description
    DF client level     MARA-LVORM
    Material Group     MARA-MATKL
    Old matl number     MARA-BISMT
    Base Unit     MARA-MEINS
    Order Unit     MARA-BSTME
    Document     MARA-ZEINR
    Document type     MARA-ZEIAR
    Doc. Version     MARA-ZEIVR
    Page format (MARA-ZE     MARA-ZEIFO
    Doc. change no.     MARA-AESZN
    Page number     MARA-BLATT
    No. of sheets     MARA-BLANZ
    Prod./insp.memo     MARA-FERTH
    Page format (MARA-FO     MARA-FORMT
    Size/dimensions     MARA-GROES
    Basic material     MARA-WRKST
    Ind. Std Desc.     MARA-NORMT
    Lab/Office     MARA-LABOR
    Purch.value key     MARA-EKWSL
    Gross Weight (MARA-B     MARA-BRGEW
    Net Weight     MARA-NTGEW
    Weight unit (MARA-GE     MARA-GEWEI
    Volume (MARA-VOLUM)     MARA-VOLUM
    Volume unit (MARA-VO     MARA-VOLEH
    Container     MARA-BEHVO
    Stor.conditions     MARA-RAUBE
    Temperature     MARA-TEMPB
    Trans. Group     MARA-TRAGR
    Haz. matl no.     MARA-STOFF
    Division     MARA-SPART
    Competitor     MARA-KUNNR
    GR slips quantity     MARA-WESCH
    Procure. rule     MARA-BWVOR
    Supply source (MARA-     MARA-BWSCL
    Season     MARA-SAISO
    Label type     MARA-ETIAR
    Label form     MARA-ETIFO
    EAN Category (MARA-N     MARA-NUMTP
    Length (MARA-LAENG)     MARA-LAENG
    Height (MARA-HOEHE)     MARA-HOEHE
    Prod.hierarchy (MARA     MARA-PRDHA
    CAD Indicator     MARA-CADKZ
    QM procurement     MARA-QMPUR
    Allowed pkg wt     MARA-ERGEW
    Unit of weight     MARA-ERGEI
    Allowed volume     MARA-ERVOL
    Volume unit (MARA-ER     MARA-ERVOE
    Excess wt tolerance     MARA-GEWTO
    Excess volume tol.     MARA-VOLTO
    Var. Order Unit     MARA-VABME
    Configurable     MARA-KZKFG
    BatchManagement (MAR     MARA-XCHPF
    Packag.mat.type     MARA-VHART
    Maximum level     MARA-FUELG
    Stacking factor     MARA-STFAK
    Matl Grp Pckmat     MARA-MAGRV
    AuthorizGroup     MARA-BEGRU
    Ext. Matl Group     MARA-EXTWG
    X-plant status     MARA-MSTAE
    X-DChain status     MARA-MSTAV
    Valid from (MARA-MST     MARA-MSTDE
    Valid from (MARA-MST     MARA-MSTDV
    Catalog profile     MARA-RBNRM
    Rem. Shelf Life     MARA-MHDRZ
    Tot. shelf life     MARA-MHDHB
    Storage %     MARA-MHDLP
    Envt. relevant     MARA-KZUMW
    Prod.allocation     MARA-KOSCH
    Disc. in kind     MARA-NRFHG
    Mfr Part Number     MARA-MFRPN
    Manufacturer     MARA-MFRNR
    Int. material no.     MARA-BMATN
    Mfr Part Profile     MARA-MPROF
    DGIndProfile     MARA-PROFL
    Highly viscous     MARA-IHIVI
    In bulk/liquid     MARA-ILOOS
    Closed     MARA-KZGVH
    Batch rec. req.     MARA-XGCHP
    Assign.eff.vals     MARA-KZEFF
    Comp. Level     MARA-COMPL
    Period Ind. (MARA-IP     MARA-IPRKZ
    Rounding rule     MARA-RDMHD
    ProdComposition     MARA-PRZUS
    GenItemCatGroup     MARA-MTPOS_MARA
    Material locked     MARA-MATFI
    Ref. mat. for pckg     MARA-RMATP
    GDS-Relevant     MARA-GDS_RELEVANT
    Origin Accept.     MARA-WEORA
    Description (MAKT-MA     MAKT-MAKTX
    DF plant level     MARC-LVORM
    P-S matl status     MARC-MMSTA
    Valid from (MARC-MMS     MARC-MMSTD
    ABC Indicator     MARC-MAABC
    Critical Part     MARC-KZKRI
    Purch. Group     MARC-EKGRP
    Unit of issue     MARC-AUSME
    MRP profile     MARC-DISPR
    MRP Type     MARC-DISMM
    MRP Controller     MARC-DISPO
    Pl. Deliv. Time     MARC-PLIFZ
    GR Proc. Time     MARC-WEBAZ
    Period Ind. (MARC-PE     MARC-PERKZ
    Assembly scrap     MARC-AUSSS
    Lot size     MARC-DISLS
    Procurement     MARC-BESKZ
    SpecProcurement     MARC-SOBSL
    Reorder Point     MARC-MINBE
    Safety Stock     MARC-EISBE
    Min. Lot Size     MARC-BSTMI
    Max. Lot Size     MARC-BSTMA
    Fixed lot size     MARC-BSTFE
    Rounding value     MARC-BSTRF
    Max.stock level     MARC-MABST
    Indiv./coll.     MARC-SBDKZ
    Storage costs     MARC-LAGPR
    SelectionMethod     MARC-ALTSL
    Discontin. ind.     MARC-KZAUS
    Eff.-out date     MARC-AUSDT
    Follow-Up Matl     MARC-NFMAT
    Reqmts grouping     MARC-KZBED
    Mixed MRP     MARC-MISKZ
    SchedMargin key     MARC-FHORI
    Backflush     MARC-RGEKZ
    ProdScheduler     MARC-FEVOR
    Processing time (MAR     MARC-BEARZ
    Setup time (MARC-RUE     MARC-RUEZT
    Interoperation     MARC-TRANZ
    Base quantity (MARC-     MARC-BASMG
    InhseProdTime     MARC-DZEIT
    Max. stor. per.     MARC-MAXLZ
    Time unit     MARC-LZEIH     MARC-KZPRO
    Overdely tol.     MARC-UEETO
    Unlimited     MARC-UEETK
    Underdely tol.     MARC-UNETO
    Total RL time     MARC-WZEIT
    Replacemt part     MARC-ATPKZ
    Post to insp. stk     MARC-INSMK
    QM Control Key     MARC-SSQSS
    Doc. required     MARC-KZDKZ
    Insp. interval     MARC-PRFRQ
    Loading Group     MARC-LADGR
    BatchManagement (MAR     MARC-XCHPF
    Quota arr.usage     MARC-USEQU
    Service level (MARC-     MARC-LGRAD
    Splitting ind.     MARC-AUFTL
    Avail. check     MARC-MTVFP
    Fi.Year Variant (MAR     MARC-PERIV
    Corr. factors     MARC-KZKFK
    Setup time (MARC-VRV     MARC-VRVEZ
    Base quantity (MARC-     MARC-VBAMG
    Processing time (MAR     MARC-VBEAZ
    Supply source (MARC-     MARC-BWSCL
    Autom. PO     MARC-KAUTB
    Source list     MARC-KORDB
    Comm./imp. code     MARC-STAWN
    Ctry of origin (MARC     MARC-HERKL
    Reg. of origin     MARC-HERKR
    Comm. code unit     MARC-EXPME
    Exp/imp group     MARC-MTVER
    Profit Center (MARC-     MARC-PRCTR
    Plng calendar     MARC-MRPPP
    Repetitive mfg     MARC-SAUFT
    Plng time fence     MARC-FXHOR
    Consmption mode     MARC-VRMOD
    Bwd cons. per.     MARC-VINT1
    Fwd cons.period     MARC-VINT2
    Alternative     MARC-STLAL
    Usage     MARC-STLAN
    Group     MARC-PLNNR
    Group Counter     MARC-APLAL
    Cstg Lot Size     MARC-LOSGR
    SpecProcType     MARC-SOBSK
    Production unit     MARC-FRTME
    Prod.stor.loc.     MARC-LGPRO
    MRP group     MARC-DISGR
    Component Scrap     MARC-KAUSF
    CertificateType     MARC-QZGTP
    Takt time     MARC-TAKZT
    Coverage prof.     MARC-RWPRO
    Field name     MARC-COPAM
    CC phys. inv. (MARC-     MARC-ABCIN
    Variance key     MARC-AWSLS
    SerialNoProfile     MARC-SERNP
    Confble matl     MARC-STDPD
    REM profile     MARC-SFEPR
    Neg. stocks     MARC-XMCNG
    Target QM sys.     MARC-QSSYS
    Planning cycle     MARC-LFRHY
    Rnding Profile (MARC     MARC-RDPRF
    Ref.matl: cons.     MARC-VRBMT
    Ref.plant:cons.     MARC-VRBWK
    Date to     MARC-VRBDT
    Multiplier     MARC-VRBFK
    Autom.reset     MARC-AUTRU
    Preference     MARC-PREFE
    Exemption cert.     MARC-PRENC

  • Upload of purchase order text in the material master

    Now we have information of Purchase order text for all the material.
    Is it possible to upload the Purchase order text using LSMW.
    Some friends were telling that LSMW is not possible for Purchase Order text.
    Can anyone suggest how I can upload this purchase order text for all 1000
    material using LSMW program.
    /if not LSMW is there any other method to upload it
    thanks in advance

    Dear Deepak,
    there is standard direct upload i believe
    go to lsmw
    Execute 1st option
    then inLSMW:Object Attribute screen
    in standard batch/ direct input
    firsr radio button
    select object 005
    and method 003
    Program name RSTXLITF.
    Then go by normal process i.e source field , field mapping...
    In this way u can also upload Text in the Material master.
    Rewards if helpful
    Sanjay L

  • Update new material master weight and dimension in open sales orders and de

    Iu2019m maintaining gross weight, net weight, volume in material master. When the time of sales order entry in VA01 its calculating weight and dimensions based on material master and order quantity. And I create deliveries in VL01N.
    If I made a correction in the net and gross weight in material master after I created the sales order will the correct net and gross weight will pick up at the delivery creation.
    In other term is the VL01N net and gross weight is taking from which is available in SO or Material master.
    Is there any standard transaction to update already existing open sales order, delivery net and gross weight once it is corrected in material master?
    Please advice.

    Is there any standard transaction to update
    No it is not possible to update the weight in existing sale order or delivery.  You have to change it manually or create a new sale order.   Weight in delivery will be fetched from sale order only and hence,  whatever delivery you create referencing a sale order, system will copy whatever is there.
    G. Lakshmipathi

  • How to create a new field in a sub screen in material master. ?

    How to create a new field in a sub screen in material master. ?
    Kindly help us.
    LIke wise tell me how to create a new sub screen as per my desired

    Follow the documentation of Logistics - General->Material Master->Configuring the Material Master->Create Program for Customized Subscreens  to add the new field in material master.
    Create Program for Customized Subscreens
    In this IMG activity, you can create a function group of your own by copying function group MGD1 (for industry) or function group MGD2 (for retail). The subscreens are not copied, except for two subscreens which are copied for technical reasons. You can use this copy to create subscreens of your own which you can assign to a data screen in the activity Define Structure of Data Screens for Each Screen Sequence.
    Be sure to read the program documentation first.
    1. Create a function group of your own by choosing Execute.
    2. Enter a name containing up to 25 characters, beginning with the letter Y or Z, and choose Save.
    3. Access the Object Navigator.
    You do this from the SAP standard menu by choosing Tools -> ABAP Workbench, and then Object Navigator.
    4. Display either program SAPLMGD1 (industry) or SAPLMGD2 (retail) as required.
    5. Copy the subscreens as required, ensuring that they already contain as many as possible of the field names you want to use in your function group. You do this as follows:
    a) Choose Screens, position the cursor on the corresponding subscreen, and choose Copy in the context menu.
    b) Enter the program to which you want to copy the subscreen, prefixing it with SAPL, and enter a screen number. Use the screen number of the original subscreen where possible. If the F1 help is specific to a particular subscreen, this ensures that this context-specific help continues to be displayed.
    You have called your function group YENTERPRISE, to which you want to copy subscreen SAPLMGD1 2301. Enter SAPLYENTERPRISE as the program to which the subscreen is to be copied, and enter (preferably) 2301 as the screen number.
    6. Return to the initial screen of the Object Navigator and display your program. In the example above, you would enter SAPLYENTERPRISE.
    7. Choose Update object list.
    8. Select the subscreen you have copied and activate it by choosing Activate in the context menu.
    Using the Screen Painter, you can remove fields you do not require on the subscreen or include additional fields from other subscreens (see the ABAP Dictionary). For information on the Screen Painter, see the SAP library documentation BC ABAP Workbench Tools.
    Points to consider when removing or adding fields
    Make sure that a field statement exists for each field on the subscreen since data may not otherwise be transported correctly. You can use subscreen SAPLMGD1 2002 as an example.
    For the fields you have added, include any check modules and modules for self-programmed F4 help that are called up for these fields on the original subscreen. You can do this by displaying the flow logic for the original subscreen and searching for such modules. They normally have the same names as the fields themselves. When you find a module, copy the corresponding module call to your subscreen.
    If you change the order in which fields are transported that are checked together in the flow logic (such as the safety stock and minimum safety stock), you must deactivate the check module for the first field and activate it for the second. The system would otherwise transport the first field, and carry out the check before the second field is transported.
    Any error messages that fields are unknown when activating the subscreen are due to the fields still being included in checks, even though you have removed the fields from the subscreen. Search for the fields in the source code and make the lines in which they appear comment lines. Then reactivate the screen.
    9. Assign the subscreen to a data screen as required.
    Note on transport
    Use the Workbench Organizer to transport the copy you have created.

  • UOM error in Material master.

    When we log on to Spanish language, we are getting error in material master for Unit of measure, that the unit of measure has not been created in the language ES. But same UOM has configured in EN language and its working fine for material, while in Spanish language it appear as *** with error details,
    Could you please suggestu2026

    Extactly you are got to Logon in Languange ES and create the required UOM in t-code CUNI...
    this shuld solve the issue..try and revrt back..
    Also,In CUNI on top menu Go to-Translation-UOM here maintain Source lang to Target lan
    Edited by: Jagsap on Apr 20, 2010 4:10 PM
    Edited by: Jagsap on Apr 20, 2010 4:15 PM

  • Material Master Upload using Bapi getting error "****** not a valid unit of

    Hi Gurus,
    i am uploading material master using BAPI Material_master_save_data , where the volume and Unit of Volume is Blank, Still i am getting error as "****** not a valid unit of volume ".kindly help me to resolve the issue.Many Thanks In advance.

    I could able to solve the issue for invalid unit Error ....Now i am getting **** unit of measure is not defined , pls check your entry or else i am getting alternate unit of mesure is same as base unit of measure .
    I have used below logic for Purchase Order Unit and Base Unit of measure .
          if wa_upload-unmsr EQ wa_upload-ord_uom .
            bapi_mara1-base_uom = wa_upload-unmsr.
            bapi_mara1-po_unit = wa_upload-ord_uom .
          elseif wa_upload-unmsr NE wa_upload-ord_uom.
            wa_upload-ord_uom = wa_upload-alt_uom.
            bapi_mara1-po_unit = wa_upload-ord_uom.
    Many Thanks for your help.

  • Error while loading material master data

    I am loading delta data for material master and its giving me the following error:
    "Programs not generated for InfoSource 0MATERIAL_ATTR and source system".
    How to resolve this error?
    Need ur help urgently.

    While loading attributes U have to select the transfer structure of the 0MATERIAL_ATTR then activate proceed if it is already replicated in to BW system... other wise first do that..then go ahead....Similar to Text also...

  • Error while creatting the Material Master IDOC in ERP 2005

    Hello All,
    I am trying to create scenario from RFID-Enabled Outbound Processing - Conf Guide (SAP AII 4.0).
    I am using Auto ID 4.0 on a NW04s system. The backend is a ERP2005 system.
    The scenario requires that I need to create a material in the backend and send it to the NW04s system using IDOCs.
    After completing the configuration on the backend, I tried sending the Material Master IDOC to Auto ID from the transaction AIDMM. I get a message that IDOC is just being created. But I could not find it in the transaction WE02.
    On debugging I found that the function MARD_GENERIC_READ_MATNR_PLANT resulted in error.
    Thanks for any kind of input.
    Message was edited by:
            Rahul Gavande

    Check ABAPer for file settings.
    - CANNOT_SKIP_ATTRIBUTE_RECORD : The attributes could not be read in the EPS parcel. The file cannot be opened for reading, because it may have been deleted in the meantime.
    - CANNOT_DETERMINE_EPS_PARCEL : The EPS parcel is not in the EPS Inbox, because it may have been deleted. You must download the relevant patch again (for example, Hot Package).
    - CANNOT_DETERMINE_DATA_FILES : The name of a data file could not be determined, because a profile parameter was not correctly configured. Check the settings using the report RSPARAM.
    - CANNOT_DISASSEMBLE_R_DATA_FILE : An R3trans data file could not be unpacked. A possible error source is that the relevant EPS parcel was not found. The data file could not be opened for writing. An error occurred when transmitting a 20K block from the EPS Inbox to the directory /usr/sap/trans/data (UNIX).
    - CANNOT_DISASSEMBLE_D_DATA_FILE : An ADO data file could not be unpacked. The reasons are the same as with the message CANNOT_DISASSEMBLE_R_DATA_FILE .
    - CANNOT_CREATE_COFILE : The cofile could not be created from the relevant data file. One possible error source is that <sys>adm does not have write authorization for the directory /usr/sap/trans/cofiles (UNIX).
    Check Note: 70752.
    Syed Hussain.

  • Batch Management Indicator Required - Material Master

    My requirement -
    Batch management field has to be required for material Type "FERT"
    1) I created a new field selection group for the field "batch management" (MARA-XCHPF)
    2) Created a new Field Reference group with "Required" entry (OMS9)
    3) Assigned the New Field Reference to the material Type in OMS2
    The batch management Field is now a mandatory field.
    Issue is, when we try to create only the basic Data Views of a FERT material, system does not allow to save the material untill the "Batch Management Indicator" is activated (even if we are not referencing to any plant specific views of the material master.)
    We need to have the the Batch management indicator a required entry for FERT, but at the same time should be able to create material master with basic data Field only (we would be extending the plant specific views later)
    Is there a alternative method to have this setting to meet the requirements above?

    I think you can check if the batch level is defined on material or client now, if yes, you may check if that can be switched to plant level. As far as I knw the basic data is for client so the field is shown on basic data view and ask to input value as you customized.
    Alternatively, I think you can use the user exit MGA00001to check the field instead of the field selection, this is called when the material master get saved, then you can write your own source code to chec if the customer filled the  field only for certain situations.
    Best Regards.


    Dear Experts,
    I tried creating a new material using LSMW, after the recording it recorded some checkboxes(KZSEL_01, KZSEL_03....06, i dont really know how to deal with these check boxes in the maintain source field section, any contribution will be highly appreciated, thanks

    zkarnalkar  explained it already: he fields which you have mention are the select views which you have selected while creating the material master, like basic data1 basic data2, purchasing etc.
    The fields on this selection dynpro are variable, their position depends on the the material type definition if you do MM01 or on already maintained views if you do MM02.
    Which means in turn that you have to do an extra  recording for any material type.
    This is just the first variable screen. MRP views have as well variable fields, based on an entry in one field a different field becomes hidden or mandatory. So you need as well an extra recording for any variant  in the MRP views
    Recording is the worst import method for a material master, as recording is static and material master is high dynamic.
    Use BAPI method, IDOC method or direct input method. They are all delivered by SAP and work well.

  • Batch Determination in SD - Need for Material Master Classification View

    Is it mandatory to have the classification view of the material maintained to enable expiry date based batch determination at delivery creation?
    I have configured BD for the delivery. When testing with a material for which the classification view is maintained, the batch is determined. When testing with a material for which the classification view is <b>not</b> maintained, the batch is not determined.
    Appreciate that this may seem like a strange question given what the testing shows but I am working with a colleague who is adamant that the classification view on the material master is not required.
    Any casting votes would be much appreciated and rewarded accordingly. Thanks, Duncan

    Classification of batches is mandatory if you want to use the batch determination feature.

Maybe you are looking for

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