Materials limits

Hello MM gurus
How can you make sure that you keep to your allowed material limit , i.e during PO creation how can you stop the sytem from ordering that particular item if its in stock it is still on ist allowed limit ?

For that purpose only the MRP views are avl in the matl master. So u hv to maintain the respective fields to meet ur requirement. These will help when u run MRP.
I feel if ur matl is not in the MRP Run.. then u must check the stock by manually then u hv to proceed PO

Similar Messages

  • Limits in Condition Type

    Dear All,
    I want to maintain limit in value for a condition type like in ED, CST & Freight, for the particular condition type calculation is based on fixed amount or in quantity level.
    1. I have made it in SPRO---MMu2014Purchasingu2014Conditionsu2014Define limit. There I made it for a particular condition & calculation type taken as on qty basis & given the lower & upper limits & also maintain for a particular Unit of measure.
    2. So it is working fine in PO for that particular UOM.But I want apart from that I want to calculate on all the UOM.
    So for this do I need to change my configuration or what I am doing is correct?
    Pls suggest.Your help will be counted.

    Further addition to my reply,
    You will be able to work with other UoM's for your setting in certain cases where conversions are in place (in material master records etc.,)
    1) Material: M1, Base unit: PC, OPUN: PAC,
        Conversion defined in material master record: 1PAC=10PC
        Now if you have defined limits for UoM=1PC, It will directly apply to UoM=1PAC and you will not need to make any further settings for UoM=1PAC. (In this case you have to carefully select the UoM so that your original purpose is served).
    2) Material: M2, OPUN: PAC, Conversion: not defined between PC & PAC
        Now the same setting (as above) for UoM=1PC will not apply to material M2 because conversion is not defined. In this case either limits have to be defined for UoM=1PAC or conversion should be defined at a suitable place. you have to choose according to your requirements.
    Note: The above example is a scenario with just 2 materials in reality you will have much more than that, so you have to be very careful in choosing a UoM for defining the limits of the value of a condition.
    I hope this explains it ,
    Edited by: Prithviraj Talekar on Dec 2, 2008 8:27 AM
    Edited by: Prithviraj Talekar on Dec 2, 2008 8:28 AM

  • Tolerance limits for Price Variation

    Dear All,
    I have set the Following in Customizing.
    In the following node : IMG-------> Materials Management ----------> Purchasing -----------> Purchase Order --------->  Set tolerance limits for price Variance.
    In this, For Company code & Tolerance Key "PE" combination, it has been set " Check Limit 20%" in the  Percentage field ( Upper limit ).
    Now, I have a material having a Moving Average price of 100 INR in the material master Accounting view. When I create a PO for 130 INR, there is no warning/error message that is popping up? Isn't the system supposed to throw a message here, since 130 inr exceeds 120 INR, or am I missing something out here ?
    Note : 120 INR = 100 + (20%)(100) = 120 INR.

    Hi Sathyanarayana Rao V N
    You can benefit from M8 messages for incoming invoices with tolerances to solve your problem. You have to configure your system messages with error.
    M.Ozgur Unal

  • Maintain tolerance limits for tolerance key PE (CoCode S001)

    Dear all
    im getting error when i creating PO
    Maintain tolerance limits for tolerance key PE (CoCode S001)
    Please help me
    venu gopal

    You need to maintain the Tolerance key
    PE Price variance, Purchasing
    Tolerance limit for system message no. 207. This message appears if the specified effective price exceeds the predefined tolerances when compared with the material price.
    Maintain the tolearnce key in
    SPRO-> IMG-> Materials Management-> Purchasing-> Purchase Order-> Set Tolerance Limits for Price Variance
    If you want the sytem to propmt for a warning or Error message you can configure the same in
    SPRO-> IMG-> Materials Management-> Purchasing-> Environment Data-> Define Attributes of System Messages

  • Pricing limits for condition type PR00

    I have got a scenario at hand, where i have to assign tolarence limits to all the conditions types in the pricing procedure. i have maintained limits in Transaction OVB2 except Base price condition type i.e. PR00. the problem i am facing is, we have got some where around 1,500 material and 3,200 customers and the price variation between the material is large(3000-150000). The main purpose of maintaining limits is to reduce the risk when entered manually. Please do consider the general business implications while replying.
    eg: new pricing procedures, condition records for base price etc makes a hafty job, so can you please suggest me any other means to have a tolerence limit to condition type PR00(PR00 is used as base price for all pricing procedures).
    Thank you, Have a nice day at work.
    with regards
    RVS Prasad

    Hi venkata siva
    As you are having around 1500 materials in your business . That means you need to maintain condition records for all these materials. While maintaining condition records only  , in VK11 for PR00 condition type , maintain upper limit and lower limit in additional data  . Then there should not be an problem
    Another way of maintaining pricing at upper limit and lower limit is in OVB2.

  • Limitations for CIFing a material

           Do we have any limitation to CIF a material to APO? I mean what are the prereqs to successful transfer of material from R/3 to APO, except Cifing the plant before materials.
    Any thing or MRP group, type, etc....??
    I am trying to CIF a material with strategy group 52 (Plnng w/o final assem. w/o make-to.stock) but the material is not CIFed and I don't see any thing in SMQ1 in R/3 or SMQ2 in APO... just wondering what might have happened.
    MY CFC9 setting for Material Master Change Transfer is 2 (BTE Transfer, Immediately)
    Edited by: Raj G on May 9, 2008 11:08 AM

    Hi Raj,
    For an Initial Transfer of a Material, only the Location will need to be trasferred first.
    Also, the CFC9 setting you had mentioned will be relevant for change transfers and not for an initial transfer.
    What I think could be the problem is a Filter Condition for the Material which could have been set in CFM1, during Generation of Integration Model. It could be that that the Material was not taken into consideration at all during Generation/Activation of the Integration Model, and hence was not transferred.
    Hope this helps.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Sharath Krishnan

  • MM-SUS Limitations

    Dear Experts,
    I have observed following limitations in MM-SUS. please let me know my assumptions are correct or not?
    Apart from that if any limitations in MM-SUS then please let me know.
    1) Purchase Orders in MM SUS Scenario must always have POR & ASN in Confirmation sequence
    2) ASN creation will not be created with serial numbers.
    3)MM SUS scenario is used only for materials.

    1) yes , the sequence is the same if the purchaser wants the follow on documents
      first he has to confirm the purchase order --> and this is purchase order response , then he will create advance shipping notification --> and then the invoice.
    if the purchaser wants , he can skip any of them --> and again sequence remains the same except for the follow-on document which is not required.
    2) ASN --> number is generated by the system --> but i guess --> items of the asn you should give a number
    3) services is possible in MM-SUS , but only as an extension > and is not available in standard> is part of consulting --> which is chargeable..

  • Set Tolerance Limits for Price Variance when PO-based Purch.Requisition

    We must garanty that Price from Purch.Requisition will be the same at PO.
    IF some variance occur a error messag must be sent to user and PO could not be saved.
    I found at customzing under SPRO > Materials Management > Purchasing > Purch.requisition > Set Tolerance Limits for Price Variance .
    Reading the help of customizing it mean the system consists what we need..
    I have created tolerance limit NB, and set limits for all checks as 0,01.
    When I will activate messages as recommended on help no messages 601 and 602 have the text that guide us to correctly setting.
    The help mention that after create tolerance limit we must set this tolerance by document type..but I didn’t find this field at customzing
    Does anyone can help me ?
    See the help on customizing below…
    Set Tolerance Limits for Price Variance
    In this step, you can define percentage-based and value-based (absolute) tolerance limits for price variances between purchase orders and purchase requisitions. Variance types are mapped out in the SAP system by tolerance keys.
    You define the tolerance limits for each tolerance key and assign your tolerance key to the document types for purchase requisitions. The tolerance limit then applies for all documents of this document type.
    When processing a purchase order, the system checks whether the unit price of a purchase order item differs from the unit price of a purchase requisition item. If you have configured, activated and defined tolerance limits in document types, variances are permitted in the tolerance limits. If the variance exceeds the tolerance limit, the system issues a warning. If you have defined a percentage-based and a value-based absolute tolerance limit, the strictest of the two variances will apply for this check.
    You can determine whether the system messages (601 and 602) appear as warnings or error messages in step "Define Attributes of System Messages".
    To do this, go to the Materials Management IMG and choose Purchasing -> Environment Data -> Define Attributes of System Messages.
    The tolerance key must be defined in step Define Tolerance Key.
    1. Define tolerance limits for each tolerance key.
    2. Define the tolerance key in step Define Document Types.
    Thx  and best regards,

    OK  BYE

  • Price Change of Materials

    Hi MM experts,
    Is there any report  to see the change in price of materials. MM03 gives this information but limited to one level. I wanna know full report of changes, i.e. in different periods, that mean there might be more than one changes in price.
    M. Tayyab Aslam

    You can view the material price change document for detail report
    The price change document documents price changes as well as material debits and credits.
    Choose Accounting -> Controlling-> Product Cost Controlling---> Actual Costing/Material
    Ledger --> Information System -->More Reports ---> Price Change Document.

  • Invoice verification (MM-IV) for bulk materials

    Hi fellow SAP Experts,
    We have a specific requirement for the invoice verification around bulk materials. When ordering bulk material, we almost always receive a larger quantity than ordered. So the quantity on the GR is larger than the quantity on the PO, and this difference can be as high as 10%. If in these cases we receive an invoice with the same quantity as on the GR, and the same unit price as on the PO, we don't want to have an invoice block for quantity (caused by  the 3-way match).
    You could reason to set up an upper limit of 10% for the quantity block DQ in transaction OMR6, but then this limit will be for all invoices. This is undesired, as we want to have tighter limits (e.g. 5%) for other types of products than bulk materials.
    Has any of you guys faced a similar requirement in the past, and how did you approach the solution for it?
    I have already read a lot of documentation on the invoice verification in SAP, but I can't find the solution to my problem in it. So any pointers in the right direction are highly appreciated!
    Best regards, Paul van Rouwendaal

    As far as I understand it now, the DQ block does exactly what you say Mitch: only block if the GR quantity is different than the invoice quantity (without taking the ordered quantity in account). Especially if you use the 'GR Bsd IV'flag on the PO.
    When you don't want to receive more than you have ordered, you can set delivery tollerances in MM on posting the GR, but that is a completely different story. This is actually what we are thinking of using for the cases with bulk material.
    Maybe we still need to extend the check (in enhancement  MM08R002), but for now I think it will not be necessary.
    Thank you all for your helpful replies!

  • Set Tolerance Limits for Price Variance for PR missing from SPRO

    I'm looking into setting up tolerance limits for price variance at the PR level. But when i navigate here:
    SPRO > Materials Management > Purchasing > Purch.requisition > Set Tolerance Limits for Price Variance
    I'm not seeing that available in SPRO. It's available for PO's but not PR's. We want to be able to set tolerances on the PR to be applied to the PO for non stock items (material master). Please advise

       There is no standard configuration option to set the tolerance limit at PR level. You may set the tolerance limit for PO and control the price change. If you want the same functionality at PR level, then you have to go for development. Please check whether the BAdI: ME_PROCESS_REQ_CUST can fulfill your requirement. You may set the tolerance limit in OLME - PO - Set Tolerance Limits for Price Variance itself and write the logic in the BAdI to check the price variance in PR based on the same configuration (table T169G and similar).
       You may check the similar thread: PR VS PO Price Tolerance

  • Ignore Tolerance limits for Subsequent docs.

    Dear All,
    Is there any possibility exists to avoid PP tolerance key check ignore for only in case of SUBSEQUENT DEBIT/CREDIT.
    The tolerance limits sets in PP working fine for INVOICE, but this check i dont want to be considered in case of SUBSEQUENT documents. SUBSEQUENT DEBIT can be done any amount without restricting the limits for PO or tolerances.
    Thank you in advance.
    Syed Hussain.

    I would try this:
    1. Configure alternative vendor tolerance limit for my company code.
    2. Impelment badi: MRM_TOLERANCE_GROUP. Here, according to SAP documentation, you can change vendor tolerance key during invoice entry based on your on logic.
    For the documentation of this badi go to IMG help for: 'IMG -> Materials Management -> Logistics Invoice Verification -> Maintain Customer Exits and Business Add-Ins -> Maintain Business Add-Ins for Invoice Verification' and then for badi MRM_TOLERANCE_GROUP.
    Hope, it helps.

  • Co-payment of an Order using 2 "payers" - multiple materials

    I am working on a requirement to fix and improve a co-payment process. This was not set up by me - set up simply for a implemtation last year.
    I am looking at alternatives with less problems.
    The scenario is that a patient orders medical goods, but only pays for part of them. A second party pays the balance.
    We require 2 "Invoices".
    The current solution works by having a copy of the payer partner in the order and by using a manual header condition to enter what the patient pays. This changes the net price of the order. 
    A debit memo is then initiated from a user exit on order save to credit a debit memo against the second paying party (Hospital or medical insurance company).
    Both "payers" then have open items on their AR accounts.
    The process however falls down when not all materials in an order are avaialble on the same date and we have more than one delivery. The header condition is then split over 2 Invoices and this leads to confusion in returns and credit memo's with reference to the original order.
    I just wanted to put this out there and see if anyone has any better alternate ideas.
    I have looked at the SAP help for the IS-Health industry solution and initial views are that they have a "co-pay" solution but it is in FI only and not SD.
    My perception thus far is to continue and fix and control the behaviour of the condition via pricing formula's, requirements and possible user exits (enhancements spots).
    Wondered if anyone has any better ideas.
    I am an senior SD functional but have a good understanding of abap and can cut simple code and have been developer before my SAP life many years ago so can understansd technical and fucntional solutions, custom tables etc etc
    Thanks in anticipation

    Does this configuration make each GigE
    capabale device send data to others at GigE speeds
    (eg. MacPro to ReadyNAS, MacPro to Mac Mini,
    Yes, they are all Gigabit, but if you have multiple transfers going on at once, you are limited to the speed of the backplane of the switch.
    there any latency or collisions caused by this
    Prehaps a crossover cable between the switches would help. In the old days you would have had to do that, but the ports are now figuring it out on their own. It might just be more efficent go by a crossover cable (looks just like a ethernet cable but has one of the internal pairs crossed, I think- that's the idea anyway.)
    Many, Many.   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   Full time tech.

  • Service Materials PO

    Hi Gurus,
    I need help in the following questions.
    1)When do we need to create Service Master (AC03) and when we can select a suitable NLAG material for services in a PO?
    2) If we put item category "D" in the PO, can we skip the material field and create a PO for services? Is creating Service Master necessary?
    3) We need to configure the short text description in material type like the following way:
        Material Type:NLAG (Services). A buyer chooses an NLAG material and he can put any description(such as Consulting services, Cleaningservices, etc) in the Short Text column in Item Overview, while creating a PO.
        Material Type:ROH . This flexibility will not be available. The desription of the material will be pulled up from the material master and no change allowed.
    Is this possible? If yes, then how we can configure it?

    the recommended process for service procurement is the use of                 
    MM-SRV with service specifications (service masters, service descriptions with just texts, limits) , PO item categories D or B.. Please select always the button "full screen services" to go to the services screen in the purchasing documents. I would also recoomend to open on the services screen the outline view - a hierarchical view for organizing your services according to your needs.                                                                               
    Material type DIEN is just a small scale workaround for customers who         
    deal with services only occasionally and judge that MM-SRV is too             
    complex for them.                                                                               
    For this purpose the SAP standard delivery contains material type DIEN        
    which can be "purchased" externally. As DIEN materials are obviously          
    no "real" physical materials they cannot be kept in stock.                    
    Consequently PO's for DIEN materials must always have an account              
    assignment category. With this regards DIEN materials are just                
    an improvement of the purchasing without material number (freetext            
    items). On the other hand the process is not at all comparable to             
    the much more sophisticated service procurement with MM-SRV.                                                                               
    I hope the above information answers your inquiry.

  • Serial # uploading limitation in physical inventory doc

    when uploading a physical inventory document it allows only 18 serial numbers to upload at a time and it is very difficult task as per the business is concern where there are about 9000 seria (qty)l for some materials
    is there any way to upload the total serial numbers at once from ecxel to SAP

    Upload Program to enter physical inventory count with serial numbers
    Physical Inventory - Limitation of 300 items in T code MI31

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