Mavericks won't boot.

I installed the Mavericks upgrade and everything seemed fine but when it restarted I got a cryptic error page which repeated a few times then nothing.
I booted on Command-R then ran the disk utility but all partitions were good.  I re-installed Mountain Lion which worked fine but when I tried the Mavericks upgrade I got the same error page.  I'm trying to avoid a total erase of my hard disk as that would take forever and may not solve the problem.  Any ideas?

When I disconnect the Matrox and boot the macbook it will boot just fine and the progress bar won't be stuck at the boot.
But if I have Matrox connected during the boot then it gets stuck at the boot and progress bar after couple of spinnings just freezes.

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  • Mac mini 2009 mavericks won't boot. Blank display no logo,etc. Tried all keyboard boot functions, no help. replaced RAM w/known good. No help. Removed HD mounted in external enclosure and ran permissions and repair. No help. Upgraded HD to Yosemite a

    Mac mini 2009 Mavericks won't boot. Chimes and power light comes on. USB ports have power. Blank display no logo,etc. Tried all keyboard boot functions, no help. Replaced RAM w/known good. No help. Removed HD and mounted in external enclosure and ran permissions and repair. No help. Upgraded HD to Yosemite and was able to boot another mini from HD mounted in external enclosure, reinstalled HD still no boot. Any ideas on how to proceed appreciated.

    - Make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store. You have a hardware problem.
      Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

  • OSX Mavericks won't boot after changing user home folder

    Hi guys,
    I have a clean install of Mavericks on my macbook pro 17" and have two drives in. One is hdd (in place of superdrive) and the other is ssd where OSX is installed.
    I have uset the following:
    If you right-click on the User in the Users & Groups system preferences, choose "Advanced Options..."
    You can then change the location of the home folder
    to change location of my user home folder and set it up to be on the hdd but now OSX Mavericks won't boot. I get the progress bar on boot and it just freezes no matter how long I left it.
    Can anyone help me out?

    I managed to boot after dozen tries and restored the location of the home folder to where it was at the first place.
    The thing is, on my second drive I have the whole user folder with data, settings and everything else in it and would really like to use it in the Mavericks.
    I guess I could just copy it over the one in the Mavericks and it should be good?
    Not sure, why this is the issue now since on previous OSX releases this home folder changing thing worked without problems :/
    If anyone else have the solution for this problem please do feel free to let me know!

  • I have a RAM problem,, my Mavericks won't boot

    My 2009 iMac desktop won't boot up. It starts to, but once the apple icon appears, it shuts down after about 20 seconds.  Sometimes, instead of shutting down, it sends out alarm bursts in sets of 3 beeps at a time.  Obviously I have no start-up disk for Mavericks, but I do have my old Snow Leopard disk.  What can I do to restore it?  I already removed the RAM, shot some compressed air over the cards and into the slots to clean out the dust but I still have the same problem.

    Your RAM is failing or you might be able to clean it using a soft cloth.
    Startup Tones

  • OS Mavericks won't boot without using safe mode

    My macbook pro won't boot up when its not in safe mode. It gets to the apple screen and then freezes but I can move the mouse around. Safari also won't open even when it is booted in safe mode.

    If you don't already have a current backup, back up all data before doing anything else. This procedure is a diagnostic  test. It changes nothing, for better or worse, and therefore will not, in itself, solve your problem. The backup is necessary on general principle, not because of anything in this comment. There are ways to back up a computer that isn't fully functional. Ask if you need guidance.
    Below are instructions to run a UNIX shell script, a type of program. All it does is to gather information about the state of your computer. That information goes nowhere unless you choose to share it on this page. However, you should be cautious about running a program at the suggestion of a stranger on a public message board. If you have doubts, search this site for other discussions in which this procedure has been followed without any report of ill effects. If you can't satisfy yourself that the instructions are safe, don't follow them.
    Here's a summary of what you need to do: Copy a line of text from this web page into the window of another application. Wait about a minute. Then paste some other text, which will have been copied automatically, back into a reply on this page. The sequence is: copy, paste, wait, paste again. Details follow.
    You may have started the computer in "safe" mode. Preferably, these steps should be taken in “normal” mode. If the system is now in safe mode and works well enough in normal mode to run the test, restart as usual. If you can only run the test in safe mode, proceed anyway.
    If you have more than one user, and the one affected by the problem is not an administrator, then please run the script twice: once while logged in as the affected user, and once as an administrator. The results may be different. The user that is created automatically on a new computer when you start it for the first time is an administrator. If you can't log in as an administrator, just run the script as the affected user. Most personal Macs have only one user, and in that case this paragraph doesn’t apply.
    The script is a single long line, all of which must be selected. You can accomplish this easily by triple-clicking  anywhere in the line. The whole line will highlight, though you may not see all of it in your browser, and you can then copy it. If you try to select the line by dragging across the part you can see, you won't get all of it.
    Triple-click anywhere in the line of text below on this page to select it:
    clear; shopt -s extglob; Fb='%s\n\t(%s)\n'; Fm='\n%s:\n\n%s\n'; Fs='\n%s: %s\n'; Fu='User %s%%\t\tSystem %s%%'; PB="/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c Print"; A () { [[ "$a" -eq 0 ]]; }; R () { o=; [[ "$r" -eq 0 ]]; }; Pm () { [[ "$o" ]] && o=$(sed 's/^ */   /' <<< "$o") && printf "$Fm" "$1" "$o"; }; Pc () { o=$(egrep -v '^[[:blank:]]*($|#)' "$2"); Pm "$1"; }; Pp () { o=$($PB "$2" | awk -F'= ' \/$3'/{print $2}'); Pm "$1"; }; Ps () { o="${o##+( )}"; [[ ! "$o" =~ ^0?$ ]] && printf "$Fs" "$1" "$o"; }; id | grep -qw '80(admin)'; a=$?; A && sudo true; r=$?; t=`date +%s`; clear; { A || echo $'No admin access\n'; A && ! R && echo $'No root access\n'; system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType | sed '8!d;s/^ *//'; o=$(system_profiler SPDiagnosticsDataType | sed '5,6!d'); [[ "$o" =~ Pass ]] || Pm "POST"; o=$(pmset -g therm | sed 's/^.*CP/CP/'); grep -q 'No th' <<< "$o" && o=; Pm "Thermal conditions"; o=$(pmset -g sysload | grep -v :); grep -q '= [^GO]' <<< "$o" || o=; Pm "System load advisory"; o=$(nvram boot-args | awk '{$1=""; print}'); Ps "boot-args"; o=$(ls /L*/L*/Dia*/*.panic | wc -l); Ps "Panics"; o=$(ls /L*/L*/Dia*/*.c* | tail); Pm "System crash logs"; o=$(ls L*/L*/Dia* | tail); Pm "User crash logs"; o=$(syslog -F bsd -k Sender kernel -k Message CReq 'GPU |hfs: Ru|I/O e|n Cause: -|NVDA\(|pagin|SATA W|timed? ?o' | tail -n25 | awk '/:/{$4=""; $5=""; print}'); Pm "Kernel messages"; o=$(df -m / | awk 'NR==2 {print $4}'); [[ $o -lt 5120 ]] && Ps "Free space (MiB)"; o=$(($(vm_stat | awk '/Pageo/{sub("\\.",""); print $2}')/256)); o=$((o>=1024?o:0)); Ps "Pageouts (MiB)"; s=( $(sar -u 1 10 | sed '$!d') ); [[ ${s[4]} -lt 90 ]] && o=$(printf "$Fu" ${s[1]} ${s[3]}) || o=; Pm "Total CPU usage" && o=$(ps acrx -o comm,ruid,%cpu | sed '2!d'); Pm "Max %CPU by process (name, UID, %)"; o=$(kextstat -kl | grep -v com\\.apple | cut -c53- | cut -d\< -f1); Pm "Loaded extrinsic kernel extensions"; R && o=$(sudo launchctl list | sed 1d | awk '!/0x|com\.(apple|openssh|vix\.cron)|org\.(amav|apac|calendarse|cups|dove|isc|ntp|post[fg]|x)/{print $3}'); Pm "Loaded extrinsic daemons"; o=$(launchctl list | sed 1d | awk '!/0x|com\.apple|org\.(x|openbsd)|\.[0-9]+$/{print $3}'); Pm "Loaded extrinsic user agents"; for d in {/,}L*/{La,Priv,Sta}*; do o=$(ls -A "$d" | egrep -v '^(\.DS_Store$|com\.apple\.)'); Pm "$d"; done; o=$(find -L /S*/L*/E* {/,}L*/{A*d,Compon,Ex,In,Keyb,Mail,P*P,Qu,Scripti,Servi,Spo}* -type d -name Contents -prune | while read d; do ID=$($PB\ :CFBundleIdentifier "$d/Info.plist") || ID="No bundle ID"; egrep -qv "^com\.apple\.[^x]|Accusys|ArcMSR|ATTO|HDPro|HighPoint|driver\.stex|hp-fax|\.hpio|JMicron|microsoft\.MDI|print|SoftRAID" <<< $ID && printf "$Fb" "${d%/Contents}" "$ID"; done); Pm "Extrinsic loadable bundles"; o=$(find /u*/{,*/}lib -type f -exec sh -c 'file -b "$1" | grep -qw shared && ! codesign -v "$1"' {} {} \; -print); Pm "Unsigned shared libraries"; o=$(launchctl getenv DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES); Pm "Inserted libraries"; o=$(find {,/u*/lo*}/e*/periodic -type f -mtime -10d); Pm "Modified periodic scripts"; o=$(scutil --proxy | grep Prox); Pm "Proxies"; o=$(scutil --dns | awk '/r\[0\] /{if ($NF !~ /^1(0|72\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])|92\.168)\./) print $NF; exit}'); Ps "DNS"; R && o=$(sudo profiles -P | grep :); Pm "Profiles"; for f in fstab sysctl.conf crontab launchd.conf; do Pc $f /etc/$f; done; Pc "hosts" <(sed '1,10d' /etc/hosts); Pc "User launchd" ~/.launchd; R && Pc "Root crontab" <(sudo crontab -l); Pc "User crontab" <(crontab -l); R && o=$(sudo defaults read LoginHook); Pm "Login hook"; Pp "Global login items" /L*/P*/loginw* Path; Pp "User login items" L*/P*/*loginit* Name; Pp "Safari extensions" L*/Saf*/*/E*.plist Bundle | sed 's/\..*$//;s/-[1-9]$//'; o=$(find ~ $TMPDIR.. \( -flags +sappnd,schg,uappnd,uchg -o ! -user $UID -o ! -perm -600 \) | wc -l); Ps "Restricted user files"; cd; o=$(system_profiler SPFontsDataType | egrep "Valid: N|Duplicate: Y" | wc -l); Ps "Font problems"; o=$(find L*/{Con,Pref}* -type f ! -size 0 -name *.plist ! -exec sh -c 'plutil -s "$1" >&-' {} {} \; -print); Pm "Bad plists"; o=$((`date +%s`-t)); Ps "Elapsed time (s)"; } 2>/dev/null | pbcopy; exit 2>&-
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C.
    Launch the built-in Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid.
    When you launch Terminal, a text window will open with a line already in it, ending either in a dollar sign ($) or a percent sign (%). If you get the percent sign, enter “sh” and press return. You should then get a new line ending in a dollar sign.
    Click anywhere in the Terminal window and paste (command-V). The text you pasted should vanish immediately. If it doesn't, press the return key.
    If you're logged in as an administrator, you'll be prompted for your login password. Nothing will be displayed when you type it. You will not see the usual dots in place of typed characters. Make sure caps lock is off. Type carefully and then press return. You may get a one-time warning to be careful. If you make three failed attempts to enter the password, the script will run anyway, but it will produce less information. In most cases, the difference is not important, so don't worry about it.
    If you're not logged in as an administrator, you won't be prompted for your password. The script will still run. It just won't do anything that requires administrator rights.
    The script may take up to a few minutes to run, depending on how many files you have and the speed of the computer. There is no indication of progress until it's done. Wait for the line "[Process completed]" to appear in the Terminal window.
    You can then quit Terminal. The output of the script will have been copied to the Clipboard automatically. All you have to do is paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-V again. Please don't copy anything from the Terminal window.
    If any personal information, such as your name or email address, appears in the output, anonymize it before posting. Usually that won't be necessary.
    When you post the output, you might see the message, "You have included content in your post that is not permitted." That's because the forum software falsely identifies something in the post as a violation of the terms of use. If that happens, please post the output on Pastebin, then post a link here to the page you created.
    Note: This is a public forum, and others may give you advice based on the output of the script. They speak only for themselves, and I don't necessarily agree with them.
    Copyright © 2014 Linc Davis. As the sole author of this work, I reserve all rights to it except as provided in the Terms of Use of Apple Support Communities ("ASC"). Readers of ASC may copy it for their own personal use. Neither the whole nor any part may be redistributed.

  • MBP upgraded to Mavericks won't boot off of external drive

    Now that I have upgraded my MBP to Mavericks I can not longer boot off of extrenal drives like I has in the past. I hold down the option key at boot up and it display the external drive as a bootable option but once just hangs.
    Has anyone else experienced this?

    Well, want to rule out drive case,, as those do come up with EVERY new OS, just hit Lion 10.7 forum when it came out, or when 10.6.0 came out 3 yrs ago.
    Maybe the power adapter is the weak link.
    As I said, and goes back yrs, not a fan of FW/USB/eSATA case from major vendors (LaCie, WD, Seagate etc).
    And you could try another case. Be sure to buy a case that lets you swap in your own hard drives though. - look for bare drive case "0" capacity hard drive

  • Mac mini won't boot after latest update Maverick

    My Mac mini running Maverick after an automatic update won't boot. " no bootable device -- insert boot disk and press any key"
    What option do I have here?

    Reinstall Mountain Lion or Mavericks
    OS X Mavericks- Reinstall OS X
    OS X Mountain Lion- Reinstall OS X
         Note: You will need an active Internet connection. I suggest using Ethernet if possible because it is
                    three times faster than wireless.

  • Upgraded imac to mavericks, now won't boot, stuck on white screen then reboots in a loop

    i have a imac that i upgraded to mavericks, it wont boot up now, sticks on white screen for a while the reboots and sticks again, if i reinstall osx will it delete all my data- i tried to start the new install in recovery mode but it kep saying incorrect username and/or password, but i ts not incorrect and when i hit the forgot password link nothing happens

    If you can get it to boot once the first thing you should do is backup all your data using Time Machine or better yet create a Bootable Clone using SuperDuper or Carbon Copy Cloner. What Apple says to do to trouble shoot is in Gray screen appears during startup. 
    I would also recommend running Apple Hardware Test in Extended Mode, if no errors appear the first time run the test 2-3 more times. Each Extended Mode test will take 30-60 minutes.

  • Macbook Pro 2011 won't boot, grey screen, 10.9.4

    Hi guy I hope you are all well,
    I have been running a 1.1 MBP Santa Rosa since 2010 and decided it was time for an update, so in January I got hold of a 2008 Penrhyn model. That was running Mavericks absolutely fine until 2 weeks after 10.9.3 when it began to have gfx crashes, kernel panics, refuse to boot etc. Now it won't even turn on, just a low fan noise for 10 secs then it switches itself off.
    I figured the Penrhyn was just too long in the tooth now and must have had dodgy hardware. Nothing I've made this year will now work on the Santa Rosa on Snowy so I decided to splash out on a mid-2011 Sandy Beach, 15.4" 2.0ghz i7. This has been absolutely great the last month, until the day I went up to 10.9.4. It began to crash and need rebooting when iPhoto opens after plugging in my iPhone. At first I disabled iPhoto's auto-open and the phone works fine with iTunes and charges when iPhoto is closed. Without the phone plugged in iPhoto worked fine. Inevitably I plugged the phone in last night while iPhoto was still open. The screen went a purple-pattern, I rebooted and now it won't boot past the apple logo and pie-wheel at the chime. It just goes to a grey screen.
    Recovery does not work, just a solid blue screen. Booting off a Lion install DVD also just gets a grey screen after the logo/chime. I cleared the PRAM, and the SMC three times. Starting in safe-mode the progress bar loads fine, but then it's back to grey screen.
    So I'm now back on my Santa Rosa, which has never had a fault, nor may I add have any of my PPC Macs!
    Anyone have a possible solution for this or know what the exact hardware-fault may be? I really don't want to pay Apple to repair it, having spent on over £1000 on MBPs this year that now don't turn on
    Many thanks, James

    I've been having similar issues with a late 2011 17" MBP with 10.9.4.  I haven't worked out what the problem is, but I'm eventually able to enter recovery mode after multiple (15-30) attempts.  Between attempts, I tried resetting the PRAM, entering safe mode, entering hardware diagnostics mode, and occasionally just leting it hang on the blue or grey screen.
    Repairing disk permissions fixes the problem.  It's happened twice now, with an hour or two of panic between getting it back up and running again.  It's only been since the 10.9.3 or 10.9.4 update, which other users have experienced problems with.  I didn't make a backup before updating (this is the first issue I've ever had with my machine), so I may have to start with a fresh install to determine if it's software or hardware.

  • Mac Mini won't boot to Mac after partitioning for Windows 7

    Mac Mini, late 2009
    4 gig ram
    500 gig hard drive, brand new
    Mtn Lion with Mavericks just installed, runs ok
    Adding 90 gig partition for Windows 7, now won't boot to either Mac or Windows
    After a little bit sticky install of Mavericks, I had the thing running fine. I downloaded support sw onto the USB drive as per Bootcamp instructions, and started going through the wizard to install Windows 7.
    First try:  "error" while creating the partition. I ran the Disk Utitliy, Verify Disk, found an error, ran Repair, it fixed the error
    Second try: it started making the partition again, and then apparently just zipped through the partition making real fast (it finished so fast I could hardly catch it), then shut down in an apparent restart (as it's supposed to?), and from then on it won't reboot all the way. I get about 15 seconds of gray screen, the Win 7 disk jerks a little, then screen goes blank and silence. No hd activity. Tried restarting with all the usual key combinations (Command-R, "X" key, Option key, etc, etc). Nothing will bring the Mac login screen up again.
    What gives? It is such b.s. for this stuff to be so flaky. This is all totally current software on the Mac side, running fine for days, and an apparently ok partition created. Fix me, Apple.

    Got it. Thanks for the help.  Isn't there any boot disk thing that I can just stick in there that will jerk the OS sideways and give me the Mac login screen, or did the Bootcamp/partition attack just wreck everything?  I don't see why I have to do an entire scrape of my totally updated and formerly working OSX just to retry a routine Bootcamp partition, which the girl at the Mac Store in Seattle here assured me has worked for them all the time.   It really is a crock. Maybe I shouldn't bother trying to put Windows 7 on there at all if all these latest versions are so flimsy. I wouldn't want to have to do it all again. But it looks like I'll have to at least once. And send Apple the bill for my wasted time. I ain't feelin' the glamour.

  • MacBook Pro won't boot up past gray screen?

    Okay, so I was running chrome and iTunes and spotify. Spotify was playing and Avast! Detected an infection and moved it to the chest. I quit chrome and opened up a Steam game called Garry's Mod, but it wouldn't open no matter how many times I tried it. So I tried to open chrome again and it bounced but didn't open. Tried to open system preferences and it opened but didn't show a window and wasn't responding. So I tried to restart but it wouldn't restart, so I force shut it down. Then it wouldn't go past the gray screen.
    So I restarted the PRAM. Didn't work. Tried booting into safe mode. Didn't work. When into single user and checked the directories I think. Didn't work. Called apple and repaired permissions and that didn't work. Then I downloaded OS Mavericks and reinstalled it. Didn't work. So I'm redownloading to see if it might work if i do it again. Otherwise, he said I'd have to completely restore and lose my data, which would suck. I don't have a backup unfortunately.
    What I'm wondering is if there's anything you think I could do that just might fix this?
    Or, is there anyway to save my data if it won't boot up and I don't have a backup? I have lots of writing and music I really would not like to lose.

    Your disk may be sick or dying.  As you surmised the top priority at this point is to make a copy of your data.
    First, check the health of the disk.  Boot in Recovery Mode (Boot, Command-R).  Run Disk Utility.  Click on the upper left disk icon.  Does the S.M.A.R.T. status say “Verified”?  If not the disk/SSD is unhealthy and needs to be replaced.  Click on the icon indented below, usually called “Macintosh HD” and Verify Disk.  If it finishes with a green “OK” message then all is well with the disk.  If it shows errors in red then you have found a problem to address once the system is backed up.  Do not attempt software repairs until you have secured the data.  Post back with the results of this test.
    If the disk will not show up at all in Disk Utility to run these simple testes then it is probably already dead.  A trip to an Apple store to confirm that would be in order.
    If you have an external disk drive you can use as a backup drive then do so.  If not I’m going to council you to purchase a drive you can use to replace your internal drive if need be.  The silver lining is this new drive will be much faster than the old one.  Google “Seagate 1 TB SSHD”.  You should find a drive for about $100.  Google “USB 3.0 enclosure”.  That should cost $10 to $20.  When they arrive plug the drive into the enclosure.
    Assuming it is still breathing you can recover the data without booting from the sick disk. 
    Reformat the external disk  Boot in Recovery Mode.  Start Disk Utility.  Plug in the new disk.  Select it’s disk Icon (the second one down, left justified). Select the Partition tab.
    Partition Layout > Single Partition
    Name: Emergency Recovery 1 (or whatever name you wish to use)
    Format: Mac OS Extended (journaled)
    Options… > GUID Partition Table > OK
    Select the Restore tab.
    Drag the old system volume (Macintosh HD) to Source.
    Drag the new disk volume (Emergency Recovery 1) to Destination.
    Click on Restore.
    If that will not complete post back for another emergency data recovery method.
    If the backup succeeds use the First Aid tab in Disk Utility to select the old volume (Macintosh HD) and Repair Disk.  If it repairs with a green OK message, will it boot normally?
    Post back for further instructions.  How to proceed will depend on what has transpired to that point.

  • Mavericks won't install on newest mac mini fusion drive

    I have a mac mini, latest version.  I have a fusion drive.
    Mavericks won't install on that drive.  I get this message:
    This disk doesn't use the GUID Partition Table scheme. Use Disk Utility to change the partition scheme. Select the Disk, choose the
    partition tab, select the volume Scheme and then click Options.
    Well, I did that, up to "choose the partition tab."  Then it says "you may only split this partition into two. To do this, click +."
    I did that, and there were two partitions.  the only option left is to select apply, which I didn't.
    The "options" were still greyed out.
    So now what?
    Thanks for any input.

    Lion creates a recovery area with a minimal version of OS X and it may be unable to do so due to use over the years, and possibly other resizing operations (Boot Camp).  It could just need more space, if you only have less than 8gb free.  Lion shuffles and merges the two systems when it upgrades.  You can burn the image downloaded from App Store by finding the dmg file inside the "Install Mac OS X" bundle, dragging it into disk utility, then burning from there.
    Otherwise, you can appropriate a MBR/BIOS formatted 4GB thumbdrive, 8GB of either EFI or MBR/BIOS thumbdrive, flash storage device, or external hard drive, and format it, using the restore operation through disk utility to copy the contents of the installer disk to the media.  Exposed via the alt key before the Apple logo, should show the bootable media, where you can format over the former installation.
    As always, backup your files when upgrading.  I recommend if your installion is over a year old to wipe and upgrade if you can't make otherwise the media bootable, using your 10.6 recovery dvd.
    If you cannot find an external medium to backup your files before the upgrade, if you need to format via disk utility (Through 10.6 media), you can consider Dropbox as an option (2GB free account).
    It's not uncommon for the partition to simply refuse operations, including upgrades and resizing.

  • Mac won't boot, Grey bar appearing at the bottom of Apple Logo then shuts down

    I'm using a Late-2011 Macbook Pro and it is running on OS X Mavericks. One day, my laptop just shut itself down and when I turn it on, it won't boot. It just gives me a grey progress bar under the apple logo then shuts down. I tried accessing the DU and tried verifying and repairing the disk but I am unable to copy my files to another drive. It gives me an input/output error. I am not very tech savvy and I badly need my files. Please help!
    Thanks in advance.

    Startup - Gray, Blue or White screen at boot, w/spinner/progress bar
    Startup - Gray Screen
    Startup Issues - Resolve
    Startup Issues - Resolve (2)

  • Computer won't boot after installing latest iTunes update

    Won't boot after the apple screen.  Turns black and disk stops  Help!  Was running Mavericks.

    Hi Neodoc,
    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities! I understand that your MacBook Pro will not boot past the Apple logo. There may be a few troubleshooting steps I would recommend for this situation. The following article outlines the steps to perform to get this resolved for you.
    Mac OS X: Gray screen appears during startup
    I hope this helps,   

  • Macbook Pro won't boot from any partition, at all

    I tried updating an Early 2008 Intel-based Macbook pro to a clean install of Mavericks with a bootable USB drive, once in the startup manager, it would show the USB as an "EFI BOOT". and trying to access the EFI BOOT just gives me a prohibited sign
    The boot copy of Mavericks was installed with Disk Utility, so it shouldn't have had any problems.
    So I thought, "I'll completely erase the HD and try again". Did that, and still, "EFI BOOT".
    Next thing I did was ditch the USB method, and go for brute force, booted the Mac in Target Disk Mode, and through firewire I was able to install Mavericks into the HD of that Mac, using my brother's Early 2008 intel-based Macbook pro. The clean install worked, it made the recovery partition with no problem. Next thing I know, upon booting the laptop, after restarting it from Target Disk Mode, the darn computer decides to give me the "no boot device found" dreaded Question-Mark-on-a-folder sign. So I restarted the thing to the Startup Manager, and both partitions showed up, I tried both partitions, and no luck, same Question Mark Sign-Thing, not even the recovery booted.
    So on target disk mode again, I made 2 partitions, one with a bootable mavericks EDM, and the other one, free space, Mac OS Journaled, ready for the OS installation. So that it would install it by itself, to itself. Upon restarting and accessing the Startup Manager, the bootable partition I had created, was seen, but clicking on it would just give me the question mark.
    I shrank the partition on the other macbook to make a bootable firewire device on the other mac, and that partition also said "EFI BOOT" when clicked on.
    I burned a recovery DVD to boot from it, and it won't boot from it. Every time I try to boot from something, all I get is the question-mark-on-a-folder-sign.
    I disassembled the laptop, got the HD out, tried installing straight into it via USB, and was not able to access it using an external HD case, the power light comes on, and right back off.
    PRAM and SMC have been Reset.
    any ideas?

    When I removed it, it was to install mavericks into it, via usb, with the other macbook, through disk utility, but disk utility was unable to read it then.
    And yes, I am able to boot from that HD, on the other macbook, either through firewire or USB... I've verified that it is working fine, no sounds, no clicks, no scratching noises.

Maybe you are looking for