MaxL Parameter

I am trying to pass a parameter to a MaxL script. Can somebody take a look at this and throw me a bone?The parameter-less script is below, but this is what I am trying to do. I want to pass the month to the create partitioncreate or replace transparent partition 'Jan04Sc'.'EpicSem' area ....If I do this:$104Sc, I get exactly thatIf I do this:$1 04Sc, I get Jan 04ScWhat I need is "Jan04Sc", no spaces!create or replace transparent partition 'Jan04Sc'.'EpicSem' area spool on to 'c:\create_partition.log'; login 'e013764' 'sampson' on ''; create or replace transparent partition 'Jan04Sc'.'EpicSem' area '((@UDA("Value Field","EPICbs") AND @IDESCENDANTS("Value Field")) OR (@UDA("Value Field","EPICnii") AND @IDESCENDANTS("Value Field")) OR (@UDA("Value Field","EPICoth") AND @IDESCENDANTS("Value Field"))) @IDESCENDENTS("CY Act")'to 'Jan'.'EpicMain' at '' as 'e013764' identified by 'sampson' area ' ( (@UDA("Value Field","EPICbs") AND @IDESCENDANTS("Value Field")) OR (@UDA("Value Field","EPICnii") AND @IDESCENDANTS("Value Field")) OR (@UDA("Value Field","EPICoth") AND @IDESCENDANTS("Value Field"))) @IDESCENDENTS("CY Act") "Jan"' mapped globally ('') to ('"Jan"') ;

Try "'$P04Sc'", where P is the parameter

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    Hi,Try this one:1. Create batch file which will produse you a whole MAXL statement. This can be done with > or >> statement at the end of the commanad.E.g.: whole_command_with_"Final" >> to file.txt2. Execute maxl with above generated file.Hope this helps,Grofaty

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    In dem du Variablen in dem MAXL Script benutzt.
    export database $1.$2 all data to data_file $3;
    Exportiert die Datenbank $2 der Applikation $1 in die Datei $3.
    Dieses MAXL Script wird via essmsh aufgerufen und dort werden dann die Parameter in dieser Reihenfolge übergeben. Sie stehen hinter dem MAXL-Script.
    start essmsh.exe -s Server -l User Password MAXL-Script Applikation Datenbank 'Dateiname'
    Es kann auch ain vollständiger Pfad angegeben werden, essbase braucht dann natürlich Schreibrechte dort, wird eine Netzwerkfreigabe verwendent so sind 3 Blackslash am Anfang notwendig, warum weiss ich auch nicht aber es funktioniert.
    Hoffe mal das das weiterhilft

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    I think he wants to avoid updating anything manually though?
    you should be able to:
    a. Build the date/string in a batch file.
    b. pass that date/string to the maxl script as a paramter
    c. use the parameter in your alter database script
    I have also seen people rebuild the entire maxl script each month from a skeleton in another text file or a database but thats probably over complicating.
    You could also use that variable to update a substitution variable

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    GlennS_2 wrote:
    Perhaps I mistakenly thought that both those parameters seemed to help ASO performance. One thing you can do (If you are on EPM 11 or 9.3.1) is to use multiple data laods at the same time into different load buffers and then commit them together. It willrequire you using multiple MaxL scripts, but is quite doableThanks for your advice. I also checked Oracle documentation that we can perform data load in parallel using different buffer ID to improve the performance. However it requires some changes on the application design to break down the data load into several batch script.

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    You don't mention the operating system, but I would create a single maxl statement to load a file as it's own script. In the script, I would use a variable to represent the file name. Then in the calling batch or shell script, I would find the actual file name and pass it as a parameter to the script. If there are multiple files that match the criteria, I would loop through each file and pass it. (of course, after I was done, I would move the files to a histroy folder so I didn't process them again.

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    What shell are you using. When I try this with ksh (omitting set), it works.>var='"P1"'>echo $var"P1"Jerry Ursetti

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    I don't think MaxL is going to do this for you, although you could always use a positional parameter to set the value.
    I'm not a big fan of passing the system date to an Essbase process as it so often varies from the data date.
    Usually, I create an external scripting process (in my case, in the past, usually VBScript, I would probably tilt towards perl now) that read the file, found the year and month, and then called the MaxL with parameter lne variables to set the Substitution Variables. This is not fancy code -- the error checking is the majority of the work.
    Cameron Lackpour

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    Hope you understand the logic

    Here's the Tech Ref entry:
    Positional parameters are command line params, they are referenced by $1, $2, $3, etc., with $1 = the first command line parameter, $2 = the second, etc.
    I use them all the time; they are quite handy.
    In your example, you might have four lines (or in a scripting language, an array/collection of values that get looped) with the data files you want to pass into MaxL, e.g.:
    essmsh maxlscriptname.msh CSVLOAD_2005
    essmsh maxlscriptname.msh CSVLOAD_2006
    In your MaxL script, you can simply use:
    import database app.db data from local data_file $1 using rulename on error write to errorfilename ;
    If you wanted to get fancy and pipe any data errors to different files you could create a second positional parameter and use that in place of the error file name.
    Cameron Lackpour

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    Sorry for my english, i'm from Spain. Best regards.

    I have a thought on this, as the MAXL script can be automated using essmsh command in batch script. What I will do is run the script for the MAXL script to do following :- "display session on database app_name.db_name"; say now, spool the output to filename1 and schedule the next execution of this script as required say after 8 hours and spool the output to filename2.
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    Hope this solves your requirement..

  • Passing parameter to a DataObject

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    If you want to pass parameters to your ESSCMD script, you need to encapsulate it within a shell script with Unix or a DOS batch command file.
    For Unix, let's say you create shell script
    ESS_SERV = $1
    ESS_USER = $2
    ESS_PASS = $3
    APP_NAME = $4
    DB_NAME = $5
    ESSCMD_FILE = /tmp/example.scr
    ESSCMD_SPOOL = /tmp/example.out
    ESSCMD_ERR = /tmp/example.err
    # Esscmd script
    echo "
    LOGIN \"$ESS_SERV\" \"$ESS_USER\" \"$ESS_PASS\" \"$APP_NAME\" \"$DB_NAME\";
    ... the different command you want to run
    " > $ESSCMD_FILE
    # Execute esscmd script
    To run it, you would on a Unix prompt do this :
    #> ./ localhost test essbase demo basic
    However, with Maxl It will be a bit easier, as you would define your shell script this way
    ESSMSH_FILE = /tmp/example.scr
    # Essmsh script
    echo "
    login $1 $2 on $3 ;
    ... the different command you want to run
    " > $ESSMSH_FILE
    # Execute esscmd script
    essmsh $ESSMSH_FILE &> /dev/null
    To run it, you would on a Unix prompt do this :
    #> ./ test essbase localhost
    Hope it helps,

  • MaxL Commands with a .BAT

    Is there anyway to execute MaxL commands inside Essbase using a ".BAT" file?
    Like write "Create application Test;" on a TXT then use a ".BAT" to read this TXT as a parameter file in order to create an application inside Essbase.
    I think the ".BAT" must be like any other else but my doubt is if must have some kind of logging commands at the TXT or any other commands.

    here's a sample:
    in the MaxL file you write this:
    spool on to 'c:\Logs\login.out';
    login $1 $2 on $3;
    spool off;
    In the Batch file you write this:
    set uid=userid
    set pwd=password
    set svr=localhost
    essmsh "c:\scripts\login.msh" %uid% %pwd% %svr%
    Note: Make sure there is no space between the "=" sign and your variables.
    or you can skip the variables and just pass the parameters directly to the msh file, something like this:
    essmsh "c:\scripts\login.msh" userid password localhost
    Message was edited by:

  • "End of file breaks the statement" on "working" MaxL script

    Sorry, multipost accidentally. Look for post that is a question...
    Edited by: Kevin Cox on Dec 4, 2010 2:52 AM

    Different operating systems? Perhaps its not the maxl script but a parameter that gets passed in from the batch script? Certain things change such as the system time variable between operating systems. I remember that caught me out although I wasn't doing anything to do with essbase at the time.
    I'm 99% sure this error is generated from the maxl interpreter
    e.g. Just created test.mxl and all I put in there was the word login followed by a single unclosed quote and the followingf happen.
    D:\Qubix>essmsh test.mxl
    Essbase MaxL Shell - Release 11.1.1 (ESB11.
    Copyright (c) 2000, 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
    All rights reserved.
    MAXL> login '
    essmsh error: End of File breaks the statement
    MaxL Shell completed
    Edited by: Daniel Willis on Dec 6, 2010 2:57 PM

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    Support for Essbase 7.1 MDX has been added.

    A small update to the Essbase Python module has been posted to [] . As before, no compiler is required if you already have Python and the ctypes module (included in the standard library as of version 2.5). Installation is as easy as unzipping the download and executing from the command line:
    python install
    ver. 7.1.2009.0519
    1. Added support for Unicode (thanks to Edward Delgado for many cycles of unit and integration testing).
    ver. 7.1.2008.0818
    1. Changed method of locating MaxL library to (hopefully) make script Unix friendly.
    2. Added support for MaxL doubles.
    ver. 7.1.2008.0304
    1. New generator function rows() which allows for simpler, more pythonic data access.
    2. New optional parameter timefmt for the execute() function. Defaults to original time.asctime() format.
    ver. 7.1.2007.1106
    Original posting to

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