Maxl - read file dynamically Batch

I'm on a client currently running Essbase 11.1.2 on Windows. I'm new to the scripting part. I am trying to write a maxl script and batch script to move data to several systems in the environment. I would like to have maxl load the files load dynamically since the files name may change from time to time. Need some guidance on how to do this.

Hi Matt,
Both Maxl and Batch files (.cmd .bat) accept input variables. In Maxl, if you launch the script myscript.msh:
essmsh myscript.msh myDataFile.txt myRulesFile.rul
then inside the Maxl script, you can capture those two file name passed in above (myDataFile.txt myRulesFile.rul) by using the $1 and $2 variables. in this case $1 would be assigned the value myDataFile.txt, and $2 would be myRulesFile.rul
This is known as "passing in command line arguments".
You can do the same thing with batch files use %1 %2 ...
Passing the changing name files from your batch file is a little trickier, you will need to read the files from the file system to get the new names and pass those to the MaxlScript:
CD C:\Folder\where\my\files\are
for /f %%G in ('dir /s /b /ad') do call :runMaxl %%G
goto :eof
essmsh myscript.msh %1
Robb Salzmann

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    Please suggest

    With open dataset you can open any file on the application server. So it should be working, but maybe you are looking for:
    CALL TRANSFORMATION my_transformation
           SOURCE  XML xml_string
           RESULT  ROOT1 = field1
                   ROOT2 = field2.
    Best regards,
    Guido Koopmann

  • Dynamically Reading Files From Application Server

    Hi Experts,
    Presently I have to write a program which reads files from the application server dynamically. This program will be scheduled in the background with the frequency of half an hour.
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    DIRNAME = '/usr/sap/xxx/xxx/'
    PATTERN = '.txt'
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    Thanks in Advance,
    Irfan Hussain

    Instead of the above FM, you can use the following code :
    PERFORM get_current_directory  USING 'PO_IFILE'   po_ifile
                                              rov-home_dir rov-curr_dir.
        PERFORM get_filename-of-server TABLES itab_filename
                                           USING  rov-curr_dir rov-gen_name.
        PERFORM help_values_get_with_table_ext TABLES itab_filename
                                           USING  rov-curr_dir
    *&      Form  get_current_directory
         -->P_0023   text
         -->P_PO_IFILE  text
         -->P_ROV_HOME_DIR  text
         -->P_ROV_CURR_DI  text
         -->P_CALL  text
         -->P_FUNCTION  text
         -->P_0029   text
         -->P_IMPORTING  text
         -->P_FILE_NAME  text
         -->P_=  text
         -->P_PO_IFILE  text
      FORM get_current_directory  USING _fieldname
        IF _fieldname <> space.
          PERFORM dunp_value_read USING _fieldname _filename.
        IF _filename = space.
          currdir = homedir.
          rov-work_dir = _filename.
          rov-fdpos = STRLEN( rov-work_dir ).
            IF rov-fdpos = 0.
            rov-fdpos = rov-fdpos - 1.
            ASSIGN rov-work_dir+rov-fdpos(1) TO <rov_p>.
            IF <rov_p> = rov-delchar.
              <rov_p> = space.
              <rov_p> = space.
          currdir = rov-work_dir.
      ENDFORM.                    " get_current_directory
    *&      Form  get_filename-of-server
         -->P_ITAB_FILENAME  text
         -->P_ROV_CURR_DIR  text
         -->P_ROV_GEN_NAME  text
      FORM get_filename-of-server TABLES nametab STRUCTURE itabfilename
                                  USING  _dirname _genname.
        CALL 'C_DIR_READ_FINISH'             " just to be sure
                               ID 'ERRNO'  FIELD rov-errno
                               ID 'ERRMSG' FIELD rov-errmsg.
        CALL 'C_DIR_READ_START' ID 'DIR'    FIELD _dirname
                                ID 'FILE'   FIELD _genname
                                ID 'ERRNO'  FIELD rov-errno
                                ID 'ERRMSG' FIELD rov-errmsg.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        REFRESH _nametab.
          CLEAR _nametab.
          CALL 'C_DIR_READ_NEXT'  ID 'TYPE'   FIELD _nametab-type
                                  ID 'NAME'   FIELD _nametab-name
                                  ID 'LEN'    FIELD _nametab-len
                                  ID 'OWNER'  FIELD _nametab-owner
                                  ID 'MTIME'  FIELD _nametab-mtime
                                  ID 'MODE'   FIELD _nametab-mode
                                  ID 'ERRNO'  FIELD _nametab-errno
                                  ID 'ERRMSG' FIELD _nametab-errmsg.
          _nametab-dirname = _dirname.
          MOVE sy-subrc TO _nametab-subrc.
          CASE sy-subrc.
            WHEN 0.
              IF _nametab-name+0(1) = '.'.
                APPEND _nametab.
            WHEN 1.
            WHEN OTHERS.                     " SY-SUBRC >= 2
        CALL 'C_DIR_READ_FINISH'             " just to be sure
                               ID 'ERRNO'  FIELD rov-errno
                               ID 'ERRMSG' FIELD rov-errmsg.
      ENDFORM.                    " get_filename-of-server
    *&      Form  help_values_get_with_table_ext
         -->P_ITAB_FILENAME  text
         -->P_ROV_CURR_DIR  text
         -->P_PO_IFILE  text
      FORM help_values_get_with_table_ext  TABLES _filename
                                                 STRUCTURE itab_filename
                                          USING  _currdir
        TYPES: BEGIN OF f4typ_head_struc,
                 tabname LIKE help_info-tabname,
                 fieldname LIKE help_info-fieldname,
                 head_text LIKE shstruc-keyword,
               END OF f4typ_head_struc.
       DATA itab_fields    LIKE TABLE OF help_value        WITH HEADER LINE.
       DATA itab_selvals   LIKE TABLE OF help_vtab         WITH HEADER LINE.
       DATA itab_values    LIKE TABLE OF rlgrap-filename   WITH HEADER LINE.
       DATA itab_header    TYPE TABLE OF f4typ_head_struc  WITH HEADER LINE.
        REFRESH itab_fields.
        REFRESH itab_selvals.
        REFRESH itab_values.
        REFRESH itab_header.
        itab_fields-tabname    = 'PS0192'.
        itab_fields-fieldname  = 'BAA01'.
        itab_fields-selectflag = ' '.
        APPEND itab_fields.
        itab_fields-tabname    = 'RLGRAP'.
        itab_fields-fieldname  = 'FILENAME'.
        itab_fields-selectflag = 'X'.
        APPEND itab_fields.
        LOOP AT _filename.
          itab_values = itab_filename-type.
          APPEND itab_values.
          itab_values = itab_filename-name.
          APPEND itab_values.
            CUCOL                         = 0
            CUROW                         = 0
            DISPLAY                       = ' '
            FIELDNAME                     = ' '
            TABNAME                       = ' '
            TITLE_IN_VALUES_LIST          = ' '
            USE_USER_SHRINKING            = ' '
                titel                         = _currdir
            NO_SCROLL                     = ' '
            NO_CONVERSION                 = ' '
            NO_MARKING_OF_CHECKVALUE      = ' '
                index                         = rov-index
                select_value                  = rov-selvalue
                  fields                        = itab_fields
                  select_values                 = itab_selvals
                  valuetab                      = itab_values
            HEADING_TABLE                 =
                  field_not_in_ddic             = 1
                  more_then_one_selectfield     = 2
                  no_selectfield                = 3
                  OTHERS                        = 4.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          CLEAR itab_filename.
          READ TABLE itab_filename INDEX rov-index.
          IF itab_filename-type+0(3) = 'dir'.
            CONCATENATE _currdir rov-delchar rov-selvalue  rov-delchar
                                                          INTO _selfile.
            CONCATENATE _currdir rov-delchar rov-selvalue INTO _selfile.
      ENDFORM.                    " help_values_get_with_table_ext
    Best regards,

  • Batching in sync read file adapter

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    Is there any way we can do batching in sync read file adapter ?
    I am at SOA Server MLR#5.
    Please share if any information.
    Best Regards

    An alternative is that , before u try to read it, u make a list directory, and search for ur file, if it is not in the list, then u don't read; otherwise, u do.
    The list operation is part of the file adapter.
    hope this helps

  • LOG FILE for batch scripting in MAXL

    I just wanted to know how to create a LOG FILE for batch scripting.
    essmsh E:\Batch\Apps\TOG_DET\Scripts\unload_App.msh
    copy e:\batch\apps\tog_det\loadfile\gldetail.otl e:\hyperion\analyticservices\app\tog_det\gldetail /Y
    essmsh E:\Batch\Apps\TOG_DET\Scripts\Build_Hier_Data.msh
    ECHO Loading GL actuals into WFS \ Combined......
    E:\HYPERION\common\Perl\5.8.3\bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\PERL.EXE E:\Batch\Apps\WFS.COMBINED\AMLOAD\WFSUATAMLOAD.PLX
    E:\HYPERION\common\Perl\5.8.3\bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\PERL.EXE E:\Batch\Apps\WFS.COMBINED\AMLOAD\WFSUATAMLOAD.PLX
    Drop object d:\NDM\Data\StampFiles\STAMPLOADBKUP.csv of type outline force;
    Alter object d:\NDM\Data\StampFiles\STAMPLOAD_cwoo.csv of type outline rename to d:\NDM\Data\StampFiles\STAMPLOADBKUP.CSV;
    SET LogFile=E:\Batch\Apps\TOG_DET\Logs.log
    This file does not generate log file can any help me what might be the problem? Even though some of the steps above are not correct it should generate me log file atleast. I need syntax or whatever it is to generate Log file.

    I wanted to have a logfile of the following batch script regardless of whether the script is running or not.
    essmsh E:\Batch\Apps\TOG_DET\Scripts\unload_App.msh
    copy e:\batch\apps\tog_det\loadfile\gldetail.otl e:\hyperion\analyticservices\app\tog_det\gldetail /Y
    essmsh E:\Batch\Apps\TOG_DET\Scripts\Build_Hier_Data.msh
    ECHO Loading GL actuals into WFS \ Combined......
    E:\HYPERION\common\Perl\5.8.3\bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\PERL.EXE E:\Batch\Apps\WFS.COMBINED\AMLOAD\WFSUATAMLOAD.PLX
    Drop object d:\NDM\Data\StampFiles\STAMPLOADBKUP.csv of type outline force;
    Alter object d:\NDM\Data\StampFiles\STAMPLOAD_cwoo.csv of type outline rename to d:\NDM\Data\StampFiles\STAMPLOADBKUP.CSV;
    What I really want is I need a log file of the above batch script, how the above scripts are running. I do not care whether they are giving me positive results but I need to know what is happening in logfile. HOw will the log file be generated.

  • Reading Files from an FTP location based on Timestamp

    I have a requirement of reading files from an FTP location. The files should be read in the order they were saved in the folder. Can someone tell me how to solve this?

    Hi Arik,
    Thanks for your reply. I tried doing what u said, but it isn't working. My requirement is to List the files in the folder using FTP adapter and get the file name with the least file stamp from the FTP adapter and pass the FileName dynamically to another FTP adapter which reads the file based on the FileName. When i tested after including the property (for listing the files) you mentioned, it is giving the following error (copied from flow trace):
    <part name="Empty" xmlns:xsi="">
    <empty xmlns=""/>
    <bindingFault xmlns="">
    <part name="summary">
    <summary>Exception occured when binding was invoked. Exception occured
    during invocation of JCA binding: "JCA Binding execute of
    Reference operation 'FileListing' failed due to: Exception
    occured when binding was invoked. Exception occured during
    invocation of JCA binding: "Could not instantiate
    oracle.tip.adapter.ftp.outbound.FTPListInteractionSpec due
    to: Cannot set JCA WSDL Property. Error while setting JCA
    WSDL Property. Property setListSorter is not defined for
    oracle.tip.adapter.ftp.outbound.FTPListInteractionSpec Please
    verify the spelling of the property. ". The invoked JCA
    adapter raised a resource exception. Please examine the above
    error message carefully to determine a resolution. ". The
    invoked JCA adapter raised a resource exception. Please
    examine the above error message carefully to determine a
    <part name="detail">
    <detail>Cannot set JCA WSDL Property. Error while setting JCA WSDL
    Property. Property setListSorter is not defined for
    oracle.tip.adapter.ftp.outbound.FTPListInteractionSpec Please
    verify the spelling of the property.</detail>
    <part name="code">
    Edited by: Ravi Santosh on Apr 24, 2012 11:02 PM

  • Uploading and reading file from application server

    My problem is when am uploading a file to application server it is getting stored in
    usr/sap/transyp1/prod/in   directory
    after that i want to read that file from application server to update database
    when  using below code it is showing some other directory in f4 help
    DATA: lv_hostname TYPE msxxlist-name.
    DATA: lv_server TYPE bank_dte_jc_servername.
    PARAMETERS: p_file TYPE rlgrap-filename.
    e_server = lv_server.
    lv_hostname = lv_server.
    dynpfield_filename = 'P_FILE'
    dyname = sy-cprog
    dynumb = '1000'
    filetype = 'P'
    location = 'A'
    server = lv_hostname.
    experts could you please help me out
    Thanks & Regards

    User Transaction file. You will get all logical file path names.
    used following fucntion module to read file name and use command open dataset to read the file.
                CLIENT           = SY-MANDT
                PARAMETER_1      = P_IN_FILENAME
                FILE_NAME        = P_OUT_FILENAME
                FILE_NOT_FOUND   = 1
                OTHERS           = 2.
      IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
        MESSAGE E000(38) WITH 'Error in Opening file: ' V_PHY_FILENAME.

  • Issue in lsmw ; error in read file step

    i 'm facing some really strange issue in lsmw..
    i have created one header structure and 3 sub structures.
    until now its working fine
    but when i created 4th sub structure and in the read file step, its giving the following error :
    "Generation aborted. Reason: No fields with equal names"
    again if i delete that extra structure, its working fine..
    i really don't understand whats the problem... is there any restriction on number of structures?
    i need ur help guys
    Thanks in advance

    In step 13 Create Batch Input Session Keep Batch input folder check box and goto step14 Run batch Input Session ....
    Slect your session name and click on will give one window and select Display Errors Only....then it will execute without press enter every screen...if any error is there it will stop and display error screen.

  • PSE 8 - How do I fix the error message: An error has occurred reading files or writing to disk...?

    I am using Photoshop Elements 8 on Windows 7 (64 bit). I have all my photos stored on an external hard drive connected by usb. The photos were transferred onto the HDD from a Windows XP machine. I bought a new computer  so I installed Photoshop 8 and imported all my photos to the organiser from the HDD. I have also taken some photos yesterday which I have uploaded to the HDD.
    Now, when I want to delete a photo I check the box to say I want it to be deleted on the hard disk and I get the error message: 'An error has occured while reading files or writing files to disc. The disc may be full or there may bea problem with the source media.' This does not happen with the photos I uploaded yesterday, only the ones which were put onto the HDD from the XP machine.
    Please could someone help? I have tried the File>Catalog> repair and optimise functions. I have reinstalled the software. It still does the same.
    Thank you in advance

    David GW wrote:
    The error message goes on to say, Please check your device settings or consult your device documentation regarding resolving writing errors. Which device do you think they are referring to?
    Sorry, but I would have thought that this was rather obvious! The only device capable of being written to under these circumstances is your CD drive; after all, it's a CD you are trying to create...
    You have two potential major causes of problems here. The most common cause of these difficulties is the disks themselves - you only need a batch with poor reflectivity to cause all sorts of read errors, so that's the first thing to try - using a different brand of disk to write to. The second thing you have to realise is that CD writers have a finite life - the lasers in them simply don't last for ever, and towards the end of their lives the power behaviour tends to be a bit erratic, and it tends to fall off somewhat - which causes the same sorts of errors, simply because the dye doesn't get evaporated efficiently. This causes mis-formed pits, hence the read errors. The only solution here is to install a new drive.
    When it comes to reading, commercial CDs have a much higher reflectivity than ones you write yourself, so often these will play whilst your own will fail - a common cause of confusion, this. But it's worth checking; if you get failures to reproduce all of the tracks from a commercial pressed CD, then almost certainly your drive is failing.

  • Include the file dynamicly by file name

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    <%@ include file="thefile.jsp" %>
    thefile.jsp should be dynamic like:
    <%=String filename=="thefile.jsp" %>
    <%@ include file=filename%>
    I know above is not working since file only take static name.
    is there any way to include the file dynamicly by file name?

    String path = "..."; // to the ressource to include
    javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher dispatcher
              = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher(path);

  • Photoshop crashes when selecting File / Automate / Batch

    Photoshop users still need a fix for Photoshop crashing whenever they select Batch.
    I understand that Adobe staff has chosen to blame scanner drivers for the problem. And, I've read the discussions thru last year (very long and boring when all you want is a fix). But, I'm not settled on several things which do not add-up.
    First, I'll review the symptoms for the sake of all interested readers. Photoshop users have reported Photoshop crashing whenever they select File / Automate / Batch from the menu for years. This problem got much worse (widespread) since the release of version 12.0.4. The problem apparently affects only those with Train compatible scanners and who installed Adobe's optional Twain plugin. I never read how anyone came to this conclusion, but scanner drivers are being blamed. The accepted work-around is to disable or remove Adobe's Twain plugin.
    Second, I want to point out that Photoshop works normally when using the Twain plugin. I can scan images and they are imported directly into Photoshop without any problems. This was the case before the 12.0.4 update and is still the case now.
    Third, I want to pose my most pressing question. What does selecting "Batch..." have to do with scanner drivers? In other words, what possibly could Photoshop be doing with scanner drivers when selecting "Batch..." that it does not do when actually does use the drivers?
    Lastly, I'll point out that I am a software developer of over 30 years. So, I understand how it might somehow work out in the details that the source of the problem really is buggy scanner drivers. However, as a programmer with a lot of experience dealing with problems common in device driver API's, I know that good practice is to expect anything. If Photoshop begins a process that calls out to someone else's software API, it should cushion that call with proper exception error handling. All processes should execute with an "if all else fails" contention.

    >> What does selecting "Batch..." have to do with scanner drivers?
    When running the actions for the Batch command, Photoshop updates it's menu/command state to check which commands are enabled or disabled based on the document state being changed by the actions.  Part of that update is calling the scanner interface to see what is available or not, and at that point some drivers crash.  Since the crash occurs in third party code executed within Photoshop's context - there was not much Photoshop could do to recover (there was exception handling, but it couldn't work across OS and DLL boundaries).
    In Photoshop CS6, we spent quite a bit of time figuring out why they were crashing (apparently there was some assumption about the application GUI state), and how we could avoid them crashing in those circumstances - and now CS6 avoids the crashes in the Batch command even with the TWAIN plugin and drivers are loaded.

  • Photoshop CS5 closes when selecting "File-Automate-Batch"

    I am using Adobe Photoshop CS5 (v12.0.4 x32) under Windows XP Pro SP3. When I select “File-Automate-Batch”, a window pops up saying:
    Adobe Photoshop CS5 has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
    The choices to continue are “Send Error Report” or “Don’t Send” but with either selection, Photoshop closes. This happens even with no images open.
    What do I need to do to fix this problem?
    Thanks to anyone who can help me out.

    From reading the different posts about this problem, the answer seems to be removing the Twain plugin resolves the issue
    or possibly updating your scanner drivers. Have you installed the optional Twain plugin into photoshop cs5?

  • Reading file in XI

    I have a scenario where I need to query the database and get the list of files to be read from local path. Then these files are to be uploaded to FTP server.
    How can I read these files from local path where the filename of the file to be read is in message payload.
    Please help.
    Thanks in advance,

    Thanks for Reply.
    Actually I need to schedule this in xi itself.
    Everyday I need to get the list of files and upload them.
    I also need to read one file which contains all files that are processed (Ids).
    I have to upload the files from the list only if it does not exist in Id file.
    I have to update the Id file once file is uploaded.
    I was planning to use file sender channel to read Id file everyday.
    Then I will use value mapping table to read types of files and no of days.
    I will read the database for list of files.
    I think I can not avoid BPM here as I need to update the Id file once all files are uploaded to ftp.
    So I need to retain the Id file status.
    However whether I use BPM or not, I dont find way to read the files from local file with dynamic file names in request/reply mode as XI is demanding data here and file adapter is asynchronous.
    Let me know if I can avoid BPM here or if there is other way to do this to avoid scripts. I want to upload the files using ftp channel only, but I think I will have to use script or module to read files from local path.

  • How to change the mode of a file dynamically?

    i want to delete a .class file which has been created dynamically...
    when i tried to delete it .. its prompt access denied message..

    guys i want to clear my question once again..
    i have created one java file dynamically..and after that i m compiling that new create java file..
    suppose i have created file and after compilation temp.class has been created ..
    after doing some operation i want to delete that temp.class file .. it has some access denied prob.
    again i m modifing file and once again i want to compile it.. but at second time no temp.class has created..
    ie. its not compiled.. as like earlier..
    here is my problem either i have to delete temp.class after some operation .. or once i will modified file it should compile..
    but second time its compiling..
    i have used Runtime.getruntime.exec("javac");

  • Synchronous read file and status update

    CSV file to be loaded into the database table. ASP used as front end and ESB should be used for backend processing!
    A csv file is placed in a fileshare by an asp page. After that a button is clicked on the asp page which inserts a record into a database table(A) with the file details. There is a flag field in the table which will be set to 'F' initially.
    Now there should be an esb service which will be polling for any new records inserted into the database table(A).
    Once it finds any new record, the esb service should update the flag status to 'RF' from 'F' and read the records in the csv file(I think synchronous read file should be used inthe file adapter) and insert them into a database table(B). The flag field is updated to 'RF' so that the asp page informs the user that the csv file is being inserted into the table(B).
    After all the records are inserted, the esb service should once again update the flag in table(A) to 'Y' from 'RF' so that the asp page will indicate the user that the csv file is loaded into the data base table.
    The challenges that I have here are:
    1) I need to have the ESB service with such a sequence of execution that updates the table(A) at each stage so that the asp page can display the status to the USER.
    2) The csv file size can be huge. It can contain as many as 100 thousand records with over 50 fields in each record. I will have to probably debatch the file. Once we debatch, seperate instance would be created for each batch. Now we should see to that flag in table(A) is updated to 'Y' only when the last batch of the records are processed.
    I am using jdev10134 and oracle SOA suite ESB10134
    Someone please advice on how to go ahead.

    CSV file to be loaded into the database table. ASP used as front end and ESB should be used for backend processing!
    A csv file is placed in a fileshare by an asp page. After that a button is clicked on the asp page which inserts a record into a database table(A) with the file details. There is a flag field in the table which will be set to 'F' initially.
    Now there should be an esb service which will be polling for any new records inserted into the database table(A).
    Once it finds any new record, the esb service should update the flag status to 'RF' from 'F' and read the records in the csv file(I think synchronous read file should be used inthe file adapter) and insert them into a database table(B). The flag field is updated to 'RF' so that the asp page informs the user that the csv file is being inserted into the table(B).
    After all the records are inserted, the esb service should once again update the flag in table(A) to 'Y' from 'RF' so that the asp page will indicate the user that the csv file is loaded into the data base table.
    The challenges that I have here are:
    1) I need to have the ESB service with such a sequence of execution that updates the table(A) at each stage so that the asp page can display the status to the USER.
    2) The csv file size can be huge. It can contain as many as 100 thousand records with over 50 fields in each record. I will have to probably debatch the file. Once we debatch, seperate instance would be created for each batch. Now we should see to that flag in table(A) is updated to 'Y' only when the last batch of the records are processed.
    I am using jdev10134 and oracle SOA suite ESB10134
    Someone please advice on how to go ahead.

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    I have a 3GS, have always used it with ONE iTunes library, on the same computer. My husband recently added a new hard drive to my computer (ThinkPad laptop running Windows Vista) and I moved my iTunes library to the new drive. Now when I plug in my i

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    No matter I choose "even numbered page" or "odd numbered page" in the printer setting, it just print out all pages without differences. I tried two different printer, hp Laserjet 1300 & Epson stylus C68, and got the same result. However, printing eve

  • Screen shot (Adobe Pro 9.0.0)

    1st issue: after using camera symbol to create screen shot, I cannot paste it into the same or other PDF document (e.g. for comparison due overlapping). In the previous Acrobat version Pro 8.1.2 it was possible to do this. 2nd issue: if I export this