MBP C2D owners: is there still warped lid problems?

Does any of you, already owners of a macbook pro core 2 duo, have any warped lids?
i wonder is apple fixed that, or if it is THAT common.
thanks !

It's no worse than my 15" powerbook the MBP is replacing. The left corner is pretty much flush when closed. The right is a millimeter higher than the left. If you get a marware keyboard rest, it makes the closure completely flush.

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    Generally you don't want to close the lid for the night. It won't necessarily harm the machine, but eventually it may create issues. Not everyone experiences them though. There are tasks which run in the middle of the night the machine needs to do, or you can force it to do with the freeware Macjanitor. Also if you have any peripherals connected to the machine when it goes to sleep, some may not understand the low power mode of the machine when it goes to sleep.
    Be sure to backup your data first as my FAQ says:
    And once you are backed up, you can examine other possible issues which it may be running into.

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    mbp 2.16 Ghz   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    Anyone else have this behavior? My MBP came to me
    with the warped lid wherein the right hand side of
    the lid does not sit flush with the bottom of the
    computer when closed. Once the computer is put to
    sleep (LED winking, fans off etc.), if I pick up the
    book on the right hand side to slide it into my bag,
    I hear the audible hard drive wake up noise and the
    book starts to wake. If I immediately stop and set
    it on the desk for a few moments, it goes back to
    I can't repeat this behavior if I grab the left hand
    side of the computer. It seems as though there are
    some slim tollerances for the latch switch to tell
    the computer to wake up and the warped lid
    exacerbates this behavior. I'm considering a call to
    Apple Care, but for now use deep sleep to ensure this
    thing isn't riding around awake.
    mbp 2.16 Ghz   Mac OS X (10.4.6)
    As stupid as it sounds, apple does not support the use of moving the computer while it is in "sleep" mode. There was another thread about this somewhere here a few months back. They only suggest you walk around with the computer off to avoid any hard drive damage. It's really annoying.
    I'd try to get that lid fixed if it really looks warped. Or you can get these little translucent bumpers to keep your lid level on both sides (sorry I don't have the website I thought I bookmarked it). Just google search for macbook screen bumpers and you should find!

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    Thanks in advance!

    Ho Lee MACkeral wrote:
    That CD2 OS will not boot into a new computer's OS.
    Hi, thanks for replying.
    I knew that the switch to Intel from ppc, meant a ppc drive, partitioned with APM could not boot an intel machine with a GUID partition table.
    Do you know:
    1. for certain that a C2D HD cannot boot an i7 machine?
    2. and why?
    Ho Lee MACkeral wrote:
    Why not use Migration Assistant in the Utilities folder?
    I am planning on doing this.
    My old drive was 10.6.5.
    The new machine has 10.6.6 pre-installed.
    I figured that if I was able to upgrade the old drive to the same OSX first, it would provide a more seamless migration.
    I was also concerned that my applications on 10.6.5 might become broken if they were migrated to 10.6.6. I really do not want to have to install everything.

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    Anybody else having this problem? I've got the 160GB upgrade and have BootCamp installed.
    -Andrew Hires

    It happened once to me - this morning. I was using my MBP C2D while travelling to work, shut the lid, packed it in my rucksack, and when I woke it up from sleep at work I noticed that it had gone asleep at the end of the boot process (just before the login window shows up). The log confirms that it actually rebooted some time after I closed the lid, and that it had not finished writing the "sleepimage" file (This is from /var/log/syslog, please check what your own machine was doing when it rebooted!):
    Nov 15 08:23:32 gazonk kernel[0]: Opened file /var/vm/sleepimage, size 214748364
    8, partition base 0xc805000, maxio 400000
    Nov 15 08:23:32 gazonk kernel[0]: hibernate image major 14, minor 2, blocksize 5
    12, pollers 3
    Nov 15 08:24:11 localhost kernel[0]: hi mem tramps at 0xffe00000
    Nov 15 08:24:11 localhost kernel[0]: PAE enabled
    Nov 15 08:24:11 localhost kernel[0]: 64 bit mode enabled
    I'm also pretty sure that this machine uses a little more time waking up from sleep than any of my previous mac laptops - anyone noticed this?
    Btw: I'm not sure I really want this hibernate thing. I think I'd prefer the machine going to sleep real fast. Anyone know how to turn off the hibernate functionality?
    MacBook Pro 15" C2D 2,33/2/160, MacBook (white) 2Ghz/2/120, PB G4 12" 1.33Ghz/1.25/60   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

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    Let's try the following user tip with that one:
    "There is a problem with this Windows Installer package ..." error messages when installing iTunes for Windows

  • Problem: DVD-RAM can no longer be read on MBP C2D

    The "MATSHITA DVD-R UJ-857D" in my MacBook Pro C2D is said to have read (but not write) support for DVD-RAM media.
    During the first few weeks of its lifetime, reading DVD-RAMs definitely worked. But now, no more, no matter what brand of media I try.
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    AFAIK there has not been any recent firmware update for this model. So what can be the reason? Should I let Apple swap the drive? Has anyone else observed the same issue?
    MBP C2D   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   MATSHITA DVD-R UJ-857D

    Hey Grant,
    thought you'd like to know my "cleaning the lens with a cloth" worked fine - uh... but for about three days only, then back to the same old, same old.
    I'd originally slid a business card covered with a lens cleaning cloth (from my camera bag) to clean the lens, and although the cloth emerged mostly pristine, I figured it must've done the trick as the drive started working again.
    So this time, I decided to go in deeper. I actually took the whole drive apart - case off, drive out, drive dismantled - and I had a long look around to see if any parts looked dirty or damaged...
    I found just one thing - the small silver rod on which the read/write head travels (the servomechanism that moves up and down the disc radius as it reads/writes) had some 'oily gunk' at the point where the travelling-head's 'sleeve' met it -  when I tried to move the head manually up and down the rod, it sort of staggered along. So I cleaned off the gunk with a cotton bud and then slid the drive-head up and down a few times 'till it seemed to run freely.
    Put everything back - and fired up my Mac Pro. And the drive has been 100% fine since then - two whole weeks!
    Maybe this time I've cracked it? (for my drive at least)

  • Temperature-related startup failure in MBP C2D

    My MBP C2D fails at startup when rebooting after normal use (means web surfing and playing music with iTunes) and temperatures in my MBP's CPU cores have been ~50C or more by Temperature Monitor.
    At startup DVD-drive makes it's normal eject sound, but then nothing, screen stays black. There is no startup sound or gray screen. I need to shutdown computer, let it cool down and after that it will start again.
    Hardware test doesn't find anything and reseting PMU, PRAM or SMC doesn't help.
    Problem seems to be temperature-related. Solutions?
    Macbook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    Sorry for posting a not-so-helpful reply, but I think perhaps there is something wrong with the temperature sensor(s). The processor should shutdown only when the upper temperature threshold is exceeded. I suppose the hardware test cannot be run when the machine is still "hot"? I would call AppleCare...

  • Anybody gonna cancel order for 17"MBP C2D if shipping gets delayed again?

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    I feel your pain...I ordered the new MBP C2D then cancelled the order, because I wanted to wait for some more feedback. I had ordered a custom configuration and when I called Apple to hold the shipment until I was got back to them they said that normally they won't do that and with it being a custom config it was not returnable. If i cancelled before shipment I would be able to in essence get a refund but in that case I wasn't even being billed for it since they don't charge the credit card until it is shipped. this all happened last night (sunday). I was made aware that if it were shipped anyway because it had already been built I could still return it for a refund since I had made the decision and it is on file with Apple before fedex got their hands on it.
    fast forward to this morning.....Fedex got it before Apple pulled it from the loading dock......in the end, I don't really mind the situation. I will just drop it back at fedex. apple didn't pressure me into keeping it and even helped me expedite the return. I also don't need a replacement computer, so I am not in a bind.
    Also, I guess, it i needed a new 'puter I would be ****** off with the delay....on the other hand, I would anticipate any delays or problems if I needed a new one.
    good luck and hang in there....you won't be disappointed (i hope)

  • MBP C2D + Airport Express + WPA frequently loses connection. but WEP OK

    many people seem to have wireless connectivity problems with their MBP
    -- here is the problem I see with my 2wk old MBP and my wireless setup at home (Airport Express) and at work (Linksys, model# unknown):
    1) MBP C2D + Linksys + WEP = no problems
    2) MBP C2D + Airport Express + WEP = no problems
    3) MBP C2D + Airport Express + WPA = frequent dropped connection, and poor range
    for reference, my previous laptop:
    4) Pismo + Airport Express + WEP = no problems
    5) Pismo + Linksys + WEP = no problems
    with WPA (whether WPA or WPA2) and the MBP, I turn on Airport, signal looks strong, but then suddenly disappears. I have to toggle Airport off and on and then (sometimes) I'll successfully re-establish connection - only to possibly lose it again at some random point in time. Or it may work fine for an hour or more - it's hit or miss. no such problem or inconsistency with WEP enabled instead.
    both laptops are running OS X 10.4.8. Of course only 802.11b on the Pismo, but results don't change on the MBP whether b, mixed b/g or only g.
    The Airport Express is set up as a closed network, it's running firmware v6.3 (though I also reinstalled v6.1 but no change). I've tried many of the various other ideas for fixes - deleted Airport related keychains, etc played with various other Airport config settings - but all evidence points only to WPA as being the differentiating cause.
    does this match anyone else's experience?
    and more importantly, is there some fix?
    thanks in advance for your feedback or suggestions
    MacBook Pro 15.4" 2.33GHz C2D   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    Used to have same problems. But not anymore.
    Here's what I did. I have a DLINK 624 router. not the same model but this could help you, I guess
    1) Disable Super G mode into router.
    2) Choose a 62 character key with a $ in front of it. (go https://www.grc.com/passwords.htm) and use wpa2.
    3) Uncheck the Robutesse Interference (sorry, i am french) in the airport menu.
    4) Change the advanced performance settings from auto to 11 (Tx rate) into router.
    5) Whent into keychains and only kept the one for the active wi-fi. Since I tried almost verything, there where a lot!
    Since I did that, no more lost connection for a day now!
    Now I am not saying that this is the ultimate fix....but It worked for me.
    BTW, did not do the SMC and EFI upgrade, still a little scared after what I read in the forums...I bought my mac book pro last week...how come it did not came with all the upgrade done??!! bizarre.
    Good luck!

  • Mbp c2d help!

    hi there i have a mbp c2d and it states on the apple site the idle tempreture is 30 - 35 degrees but mine runs at about 43 - 47 is this normal and also iv noticed the ejects key and the escape keys are at a slight angle to the rest of the keys should i phone up apple and get a replacemtn as i dont live anywhere near an apple store. plz can anyone help

    The heat on the specs page mean the heat on the outside the machine is best suited for operating in as an external environment. The heat on the inside of the computer has no published limit. Temperature measuring tools online measure the heat sensor on the inside, whose temperatures have nothing to do with the spec page's heat indication and only have meaning for an authorized service technician since Apple does not publish to the general public what the internal heat sensor maximums are. Generally users here have guessed what the arbitrary heat maximum is based on experience of frequent crashes or random shutdowns just after the heat reaches a certain limit. However, this may be meaningless still because it could be caused by bad RAM, bad preferences, bad cache, or bad permissions. A more reliable indicator would be a hardware test that tells you the RAM is bad, your hard disk getting too full, or repairing permissions or repairing disk yielding something it can't fix. For more on directory and permissions repair, see my http://www.macmaps.com/directoryfaq.html
    Before doing any such repair, backup your data as my backup FAQ explains:
    Good luck!

  • Fan doesn't turn off after shut down on 15" MBP C2D

    The fan on my 2-day old MBP C2D stays on even after shut down. The speed of the fan even changes. 3 hours after I shut down the fan was still spinning. I pulled the battery and pressed the power button to reset the SMC. As soon as I put the battery back in the fan immediately started spinning again. I didn't even power it on. When I do power it on the fan stops.
    My Macbook Pro is actually noisier when it's off than when it's powered on. Has anyone else encountered this. Hopefully there's an easy fix, I don't want to have to leave it with the Apple Store.

    A stab in the dark but have you tried resetting PRAM and NVRAM…
    … and the System Management Controller…
    … ?

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