MBP isight as a regular webcam

Ok so the built in isight works fine with iChat but how do i get it to work as regular old webcam to use on any webcam type site?

The 'settings' menu is available when you navigate to a site that has Flash content.
Go to a Flash site, 'control click' on the Flash window, click settings, then select the little webcam, and select 'USB Video Class Video' from the pulldown menu. That should do it.
An easy way to do it is to Google 'flash webcam test'.

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  • MBP iSight

    Hi, I've made the plunge to Mac and am awaiting my delivery. I have a question that seems to get divided answers, but I didn't find it specifically related to the MBP iSight.
    Has anyone used the MBP iSight on Yahoo Messenger with video? Does it work well or not at all? I have so many that use this messenger that I can't switch them all. Any input specific to MBP iSight and YM w/video will be appreciated.

    Hi, thank you but that seems to refer specifically to an Apple service.
    What I'm hoping is that someone here uses Yahoo Messenger w/video and can verify that their iSight in the Macbook Pro works for it.
    I think I'm prepared to swith all the family computers over to Mac (bought an old G4-800 iMac from a friend and love it), so I'll be able to get them on iChat when I'm away. But so many friends are on Yahoo Messenger and I know I can't convert everyone!
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    Thanks for the reply, I appreciate you taking the time.
    Waiting for MBP 2.0 2G 120G    

  • Mid 2009 13" MBP iSight camera bad picture quality in photo booth

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    Thanks for any info and advice anyone can give.

    As a personal note I find long posts like this hard to read if they are not broken up in to paragraphs.
    As I say it is  a personal thing.
    I can give you some information about the camera and laptops over the past few years.
    Basically in early Laptops of the MacBook Pro and MacBook range the cable did tend to fray at the point where it passed through the hinge.  It did take a well used laptop that had the lid open and closed frequently to cause this.  (your 2009 model might just be in that group - I have no firm dates or models I am afraid)
    Later models have this rerouted so that this does not happen.
    However the cable has then tended to get pulled from the camera end and become loose.
    This On Line Self fix site has pages about some models  (The one I have linked to may not be yours)
    I have linked in to later pictures in the sequence but there are navigation points to work back to the start.
    Note:- they use pretty specifc specialest tools as well in these pics.
    Doing this would certail Void any Warranty you have left.
    From Posts mainly in the iChat and the iSight areas I have gathered that it seems common for Apple to replace the Screen as a whole rather than fiddle with getting solely at the camera.
    Apple has this article on Trouble Shooting an iSight
    Basically it says try several apps then try logging in on another Mac User account to see if it is App based or User based or in fact System wide.
    If System wide then resetting the SMC/PMU is the only suggested fix.  (Which I did read you had done)
    In addition to that I would add that testing should be done in different lighting conditions.
    Lighting in the evening or dark that is good enough to read buy is not always good enough for the camera or is not illuminating the right areas.
    Some people have reported that Starting the computer in Safe Mode (then Rebooting afterwards) seems to help.  (it clears out some caches and starts up with reduced extensions)
    As to actual Repairs and any Warranty that may still be in place I cannot say.
    I can say that when people post about problems with repairs a certain stores someone else will tend to post that their experience was different.
    You seem to report two different experiences with the two computers yourself.
    10:24 PM      Thursday; July 14, 2011
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb( 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.7),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • MBP iSight Recording

    i was wondering if its possible to record video directly with my iSight and MBP.
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    thank you!

    Thank you both very much.
    With both applications can I save them as whatever filetypes i want?
    Avi, Quicktime .mov, mpeg?
    thanks again!

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    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    To Apple Discussions!
    No one can test the site out for you unless they sign up for membership. Therefore, assuming you are already a member of the site, suggest that you either post in their forums for help and/or check out the site's FAQ/Help section.
    Good luck!

  • How to disable my built-in iSight and use another webcam?

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    Can anyone pls help?


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    thanks in advance,

    Hi Eddie,
    As Defcom says Skype is easier.
    For the dedicated.
    Trillian or AIM 5.9 on the PC. iChat on the Mac.
    Setting up AIM.
    Tuning the camera Use Message 570 onwards.
    Opening the XP firewall Change the name of the app for Trillian.
    More set up instructions at MVLDesign.
    12:27 PM Saturday; November 18, 2006

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    Any ideas?

    Do this
    It sounds extreme but is the most successful fix.
    10:32 PM Thursday; October 25, 2007

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    Am on Leopard...
    no other device connected
    Message was edited by: Mathieu Marano

    Sorry, you may have answered this a few times (or a few hundred) but I've been piddling around on the interweb for a while, so I'm trying this now.
    I am not sure if Piddling means the same here as it does there.
    8:24 PM Thursday; March 11, 2010
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"

  • Need to use iSight as full-screen 'webcam' for play - Quickly!

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    Any ideas from you illustrious folk?
    I'll try the video forum too.
    Thanks, in panicked advance.

    Hi again,
    I have found this:
    Which is fantastic, and does what it says on the tin.

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    (1) If you took it using the iChat > Video > Take Snapshot command, it is on your desktop, entitled "Video Snapshot." If you took more than one snapshot, the names will be "Video Snapshot-x" where x is a number.
    (2) If you took it with the iChat > Change My Picture... command, it is in your
    User/Library/Images/iChat Recent Pictures folder unless you have changed the folder location in the choices bar at the top of the "Buddy Picture" dialog window that for this command.
    If you changed the location, it will be wherever you saved it. If you do not remember, you can try looking for the file name "Recent " with Spotlight. If Spotlight can find images that start with "Recent ", you can manually view the ones you made on a particular date to see if you recognize the one you want.
    EZ Jim
    “I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link."
    G5 DP 1.8GHz w/Mac OS X (10.5.8) PowerBook 1.67GHz (10.4.11)   iBookSE 366MHz (10.3.9)  External iSight

  • 2010 MBP Isight Issue

    Hello -
    So I randomly opened my facetime, and the black window never opened. I then checked photobooth, and the window opened but the screen showed it was "loading", and my image never came up. I initially thought it was a bug from an upgrade, but when I brought my MBP into the Apple store, they said it was hardware related. Also, the camera is being detected by the computer... At the store, they did multiple tests and obviously nothing helped. To fix it, apple said it would cost $280 since I am out of warranty. Has anyone ever encountered an issue like this? Is there any way around paying the $280? I think it is silly to spend 25% of the entire computers cost on a camera, but it bothers the heck out of me.
    I am open to all suggestions. Thanks!

    If you want to replace the HD yourself, there are many sites on google with video instructions. I take no responibiity for any of this.  Even though Apple store is 4 hours away, there could be more wrong with the machine, there could also be a logicboard issue here.  I am not an Apple tech, just a user like everyone else on this site..  I had my kids MBP go down recently, which I knew was a HD failure, I took it in and after the diagnosis, they needed to replace the HD, LCD backlighting, logicboard, and the keyboard. I thought it was just the HD. Glad I brought it in, otherwise I would have gone nuts trying to figure out why the thing would not have worked properly. This was all done for a flat rate of $330.00 about 1/3rd of buying a new machine. Which he now has a virtually new machine. Had it back in 3 days.  Just some food for thought for you.  Hope all works out well for you.

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    i too have the quickcam chat but it wont work, i even installed the drivers from the install disk. i try and use it and both the quickcam program and ichat say "please choose a camera"

  • Setting iSight Default with Web Apps

    I just recently purchased the 24" LED Cinema display and love it. However I am having a weird issue that I cannot seem to find a fix for myself. When using regular native applications I am able to choose which iSight I want to use be it my MBP or my Cinema display. But when it comes to websites like Viddler, or 12seconds or any other site that allows me to do video direct, It defaults to the Cinema display and I can't use my MBP iSight. Is there any way around this? It gets quite frustrating when trying to do video casts or conferences using TokBox. Thanks for any help you can provide.

    Corey Harris wrote:
    I just recently purchased the 24" LED Cinema display and love it. However I am having a weird issue that I cannot seem to find a fix for myself. When using regular native applications I am able to choose which iSight I want to use be it my MBP or my Cinema display. But when it comes to websites like Viddler, or 12seconds or any other site that allows me to do video direct, It defaults to the Cinema display and I can't use my MBP iSight. Is there any way around this? It gets quite frustrating when trying to do video casts or conferences using TokBox. Thanks for any help you can provide.
    The first thing I would try is contacting support or the webmaster for the sites you are using. Ask them if their sites allow you to choose from multiple UVC webcams. It may be that the sites with which you are having problems do not, probably because most users do not have a webcam choice like you do.
    If the sites do not support camera choice, and if you can find NO other way, disconnecting the USB part of the Display connection from your MBP is guaranteed to keep the Display iSight from being connected. Of course, it will also prevent you from using the Display's speakers, but you could plug other USB speakers into your MBP's USB port (or you could connect powered speakers to your MBP's audio-out jack) if using the MBP's built-in Speakers is a problem.
    EZ Jim
    Mac Pro Quad Core (Early 2009) 2.93Ghz w/Mac OS X (10.6.2)  MacBook Pro (13 inch, Mid 2009) 2.26GHz (10.6.2)
    LED Cinema Display  G4 PowerBook 1.67GHz (10.4.11)  iBookSE 366MHz (10.3.9)  External iSight

  • ISight: MSN friendly or not?

    Hi there,
    I recently converted for mac. All my friends use MSN, not iChat. Most articles say iSight won't work with MSN, some say it does. Some people even say any regular webcam will work on my mac if I download something... I've been doing lots of reading and so far haven't found an answer. Can anybody help?
    Thank you!
    iBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

     MSN (now Microsoft) Messenger for Mac (MSMM) is text only, so no camera, iSight or other, will work with it. There are two apps in development that may let you video with PC MSN Messenger users. See MSMM section of Common PC Chat Applications and iChat for more info.
    There are also other alternatives for Mac Video Chat with PCs.

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